*angrily realizes that her research and the information from the original Yu-Gi-Oh do not match up*

Somewhere, someone along the line screwed up! I've found in three different places where it says that the shadow games were played 5000 years ago. Then the story goes and mentions the pyramids and the Book of the Dead, neither of which appeared until more around 3000 years ago. grrrr. This is seriously messing up the consistency of my story. Sooo. the easiest way to repair this is to say that the story takes place 3000 years ago. I know I never really mentioned the time of the story, but let's stick with this, shall we?


I had participated in the games for six seasons now. Chaos was everywhere, and I could walk freely through the streets for no one but other item holders (whom I always knew the location of thanks to my ring) dared to challenge me. Stealing had become more of a pastime than a way of life. And I appreciated the challenge of a tomb. I paid a little visit to the priest's father's tomb as payback for the priest's nasty habit of doing his best to piss me off. I didn't keep it a secret from him either. The rivalry between us had grown so, that I had almost forgotten about Yamasis. This was my mistake.

Yamasis had been strangely quiet. He stopped badgering us about abusing the dark energies. He remained in his private chambers. Word had it that he a hold of the Book of the Dead, though what he planned to do with it was anyone's guess. I should have been suspicious then, but I was blinded by my own power, thinking what anyone with too much power thinks.that I was invincible.

Yamasis's intentions became clear at the next meeting where all item holders were present.

"The shadow games must be stopped," he said. "This is the last chance for all of you to give up the power willingly."

Everyone remained silent. I didn't like the look on Yamasis's face. This was something more than a simple attempt to restore order. Something was up.

"Then I have no choice."

"My Lord, what are you going on about?" the priest said. "We have grown connected to the power. We cannot simply give it up. This is true for all of us. From you to the lowliest among our ranks." He looked at me when he said this. I got the gist.

But Yamasis was not listening to him. He walked to a corner of the room where a large book was set up. This must have been the Book of the Dead. He began chanting from it.

I scoffed at him. What did he expect to come from this? But the atmosphere of the room was changing, growing darker as the torches were snuffed out one by one. A purplish light shown from the ceiling as what appeared to be a mass of swirling clouds gathered there.

"Yamasis! What are you doing?!" I screamed, but I, too, was ignored.

"He's casting a spell, you fool!" the priest answered, as he tried to get close enough to stop Yamasis. Several others attempted to use their power to stop the young pharaoh from completing his chant, but found that they were unable to, myself included. The items were not working. The power was cut off!

My ring glowed as Yamasis's spell sealed up its power. I felt drained, cold, alone. I watched in horror as everyone else seemed to be feeling the same thing. Even the priest, who had fallen to his knees mere feet away from his king. He was Yamasis's favorite sparing partner. If he was affected, what hope was there for the rest of us?

My mind was clouded; my thoughts, hazy. I, too, fell. Coldness swept over me, and the memories that I had hidden from for so long enveloped me. The pain in my heart and head was agony. There was no satisfaction in this.

Yamasis left his position and walked the person closest to him, the priest. They spoke, but I was unable to hear them. Tears were rolling down the sides of my face now. I was flat on my back. I just wanted it to end.

Yamasis reached an arm out to the priest, palm flat and facing the shaking figure before him. There was a flash of light. The dark clouds that still hung about the ceiling rumbled and the priest fell limp.

Yamasis walked up to each of the other figures in the room and repeated these actions. Words were spoken, too low for me to hear. Light flashed. And that was it. I was the last person left with Yamasis he walked up to me as he had the others.

"Just kill me and get it over with," I muttered. My power gone, no will to live. I did not feel like putting up any kind of fight. Yamasis looked down at me, pity in those cold eyes. I vaguely wondered why I had hated him so. Was it really his fault any more than mine?

"I'm sorry, Yamasis." I said. "I lost control." I saw a flash of the Yamasis I once knew in that face, the coldness temporarily lost.

"I'm sorry, too, old friend. For everything."

"Just make it fast. End it quickly."

The sorrow and pity in his face told me that it was not going to be that easy. "How I wish I could just give you a proper death, Bakhu. End the pain for you. But I can't spare you from the fate that awaits you any more than I can spare myself. I am not leaving this any better off than you are." He sighed before continuing. "Your soul has become too attached to the power, and for the dark energy to be sealed up, your soul must go with it. And as a sacrifice for this spell, my own soul will be sealed up with my power, and all my self lost. A spirit with no memory. So even if one day I am released, I will not know who I am."

"R-released?" I stammered, trying to sit up, but finding myself unable to. Was it possible that my soul would not be lost? Death is bad, yes, but losing your soul is far worse.

"If a re-born form of yourself should happen to come across your item in the future, it is possible that you will be released. But." He looked doubtful. "Because of the spell, we are locked up for at least a thousand years. Maybe more. And, after that, the dark power will be accessible. I fear that Egypt will be threatened again. Maybe even the whole world. And." He seemed to be not sure he should continue, but then he pushed away his doubts. "And because your soul will be sealed with the dark power, I fear that your mind may be lost again. These may be your last thoughts that are wholly YOUR thoughts. But for the sake of Egypt."

"Do what you feel you have to, Yamasis," I said. "I trust your judgment."

Yamasis lifted his arm. The pyramid around his neck glowed, piercing the darkness. I closed my eyes against it, awaiting my fate.

"See you in the future, Bakhu."


Yami Bakura (present)

Well, that's how it happened. Yamasis's item cracked and broke into pieces, becoming the puzzle. And thousands of years later, both of us were released when our reincarnated forms came across our items of power, now referred to as the millennium items. But what Yamasis said was true. He was without memory, and I was once more filled with hate. I still hate him as much as I ever did, though it becomes harder and harder to find reasons for it. My thieving followed me. Now, my search for power has sent me after the other millennium items. And I will do anything for them.

Ryou has suffered greatly because of my uncontrollable rage. I was not happy to share a body with him. The fact that he was soft, helpless, and weak-willed, much like I had once been, angered me further. Perhaps if he would stand up for himself, I would lighten up. Maybe I was doing this in order to toughen him up, to make him stronger. Or maybe I do because I cannot help it at all. The anger gets to me, and I cannot control it. Though maybe I have underestimated my lighter half. He has ruined my plans before, not for himself, but for his friends. Perhaps that is where his strength lies. I do not, however, tolerate his interrupting my quest for power, no matter how much strength it shows. Perhaps, in my right mind, it would be different.

But every once in a while, like now, I have a moment of clarity. Though the pain in my heart is present at this time, it allows me to reflect on my past without being blinded by my anger and hatred. Perhaps, when one of these moods happens to catch me at the right time, I will explain to Ryou why I am the way I am. It's not his fault, after all. He deserves to know. I'd seen what hidden information can do, and I did not want to see it repeated. But then, if I told him, he might worry that the same fate awaits him. And telling the story is as bad as reliving it. Going over it in my thoughts just now was bad enough. When my mind is clear, I do not want to. And when the darkness takes control, I won't. Ryou will just have to deal with the dreams for a while longer. They weren't really his dreams anyway. They were my own. No matter how much power the ring has over me, it cannot stop my subconscious from recalling my past. It just so happens that Ryou was getting a piece of it, though I did not know why. Maybe destiny was trying to push me to reveal the secrets of my past.

I am not sure how Yami Yugi would feel if he knew his past as Yamasis. Fate might have been kinder to him by leaving him without his memories. My mind has never been clear in his presence, so I don't know how he would react to me in that state, nor me to him. But I really do not resent him. The ring makes me hate him. The ring makes me hate everything.

My soul will not be at peace until the dark energy is destroyed. If this is even possible, I do not know. I can feel it encroaching on my mind even now. My sadness is leaving me, and my sanity with it. And what will really become of me even if it is destroyed? Maybe I will continue on. Maybe I will die and return to my family in the after-life. I have already been on this earth too long. I should have died years ago. I guess in a way, I did. Except for these precious moments when the real me surfaces like a ghost. I long for a time when my true thoughts can be heard. What will become of me, and Yamasis, and any other poor soul trapped away, only time will tell.

..................... All done! I was listening to R.E.M. "Losing My Religion" (great song) during much of this last chapter, and I think it shows. Music is funny that way. At least with me.

So was this a weird enough ending, or what? Least I gave Yami Bakura an excuse to be so mean. He's MENTAL! Not that that will save him my next fic.

Anyway, I'll be doing the Millennium item switch next, followed by *dramatic pause* MUTILATION SEQUEL!!!!

Ryou: Aw, dangit.

Yami Bakura: Yea! Comeback time!

Seto: That first story isn't gonna be a Kiaba torture fic, is it?

White Angel: *slyly* Maybe a little.but not enough to get me in with the SKITS. Anyway, the first story will likely be a bit on the weird side. I'm not as good with humor as I am with angst. But that story is just for a break between serious stories.

Malik: I've read the first chapter for the humor fic, and I am not happy with it at all. You make me look like a fool.

White Angel: Just tryin' to catch your true nature.

Malik: -_-

R&R please!