Naruto stares up at the thunderstorm that is releasing the torrent of water onto him. He lay broken and beaten on the out skirts of Konoha after being chased by yet another group of drunks. Naruto sighed as he began regain feeling in his arms and struggled to pull himself up to a sitting position. Naruto gasped in pain as he put a hand to a kunai wound on his shoulder and struggled to slow the bleeding. The water that fell in buckets washed over him like a cooling torrent that was offering some ease to the discomfort.

"These men have mistaken you for a demon of sorts, Uzumaki," Said a deep and regal voice. Naruto's eyes snapped up as a man step into the bit of light leaking through the storm. He was tall, powerfully built, distinguished in a wealthy robe with trimmed brown hair. He stared at the young child with a state of disbelief in his condition.

"Who are you?" Naruto croaked out as he started to edge away from the man.

"My name is simply Tadashi. But I speak for the Black Hand. Have you heard of them?" Tadashi asked as he crouched in front of the child. Naruto furrowed his brow in concentration as he studied the man in front of him.

"The Black Hand is a league of Master Ninja criminals that even the Kages fear," Naruto started as he remembered some of the rumors that he heard from the streets. "But they've been gone for hundreds of years!"

"The Black Hand uses deception and rumors as powerful allies," Tadashi said with a slight smile. "I am surprised that you did hear about us. Do you know who the leader of the Black Hand is?"

"N-no," Naruto struggled as he winced in pain again.

"Well he is known as The Shadow," Tadashi said as he extended a glowing hand towards the wound on Naruto's shoulder. The wound started to slowly heal up and Naruto stared at the older man with wide eyes. Tadashi stood and put his hands on his hips as Naruto slowly rotated his right arm in circles. "And let's just say that you have caught his eye. He is going to give you the chance to join the Black Hand and up hold our code."

"Code?" Naruto asked as he stood and stared at Tadashi. Tadashi smiled as his eyes showed a bit of mischievous glint.

"Yes," Tadashi said as he slowly looked up at the pouring rain. "Naruto, this world is controlled by Tyrants and Warloards who use power to achieve selfish desires. Our Code only respects the Natural order of life. We are not bound by their constant search for power and selfish desires. Tell me, are you one who seeks power, or something else?"

"I…" Naruto started but Tadashi turned and started to walk away.

" There are two things you will need to gather. The first is a rare flower, a blue double bloomed poppy that grows in the eastern slopes. The next is a rare ore, onyx black in color and glass like in texture, that can be found in the mountain numerous rocks. Bring both to the top of that mountain and you may find what you are looking for."

"What is that?" Naruto asked as he stared at the direction that the man had pointed. The mountain's top wasn't even visible due to the fact that it was taller than the clouds. Naruto turned and looked at the man with a new found look.

"Purpose," The man said just above a whisper. Naruto watched in awe as the man was engulfed by shadows and disappeared before his eyes. Naruto turned towards the mountain in the distance. It was almost a sublime feeling, almost as if he was being called towards it by a being of a higher power. Naruto turned back towards his village and sighed. His mind was made up and the eight year old Naruto limped back towards his village to pack… forever changing his life.

Naruto smirked as he left in the dark of night, no one would miss the orphan and it pained him to think of the few people he was leaving behind. His thoughts drifted to the Hokage. The older man was as close to a grand father figure that the young blond ever had. His thoughts drifted towards a younger scar faced man who was what Naruto considered a bigger brother. Iruka was at first strict and cold, but after his first year in the academy he became a more like the bigger brother that Naruto needed. Naruto chanced a one last glance as he continued up the Eastern Slopes of the Mountain.

The Mountain, dubbed Mt. Youkai, for it was believed that the tailed beasts were spawned at the top of the mountain. Mortal men who attempted to climb the mountain where never heard from again, or so the rumors were spread. Naruto found the flower rather quickly on the way to the base of the mountain and attached it to the outside of his orange jacket. Naruto was currently walking up the winding snowed path of the side of the mountain when he made it to a small shack with two elderly looking men. They stared at the boy who was shivering in the cold over their fire. They stood and closed the door without a second glance. Naruto, shivering from the extreme cold and lack of food, walked up to the door and knocked. No answer. Naruto feels anger bubble in side of him as he unwraps a makeshift scarf from around his face.

"Hey!" Naruto yelled as he rapped on the door repeatedly with his fist. "I need some help! I'm freezing and I need some food!"

"Then turn back and go home." Came a calm voice from behind him. Naruto turned slowly and stared at an elderly woman caring a small basket covered with a blanket. Naruto stared at her with wide eyes as the thought sunk in. He couldn't go back, at least not yet. He wasn't ready to face the terrors of his village. He covered his face with his makeshift orange scarf and turned away from the women and continued his way towards the top of the mountain rubbing his hands over the arms of his orange jacket.

Naruto felt a soft hand rest on his shoulder and he turned towards the hand. It was the elderly woman who smiled down at the child. She opened her basket and produced a small stone. It was black in color and almost completely transparent. It was the Ore that he was looking for. She handed it to him and without another word or glance she turned and retreated to the warmth of the small shack. Naruto held the black ore into the sun and smiled.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM?" The Hokage's voice thundered throughout the office. Three teams of ANBU shook under the intense KI leaking from their leader.

"His trail runs cold as soon as he crossed the village," Said one of the ANBU with a Bird face. "It's almost as if someone retraced his steps and erased his scent and covered his tracks."

"So you're saying that we might have a possible kidnapping?" The Hokage asked as he turned towards the others.

"Judging by the apartment," Said another ANBU with a Dragonfly mask. "I would say that he left on his own. He clearly packed and the Apartment, messy yes, was not trashed from a rushed escape. It would only be logical that he left on his own accord."

"I don't like this Hokage-sama," Said another voice. An ANBU with a viper mask stepped forward. Behind the mask one could see her purple hair that was tied back into a high pony tail. "I request a team to continue tracking him. Is there anyone who has been able to catch the prankster on multiple occasions?"

"Yes only one man seems to be able to find Naruto," The Hokage said rested his head in his hands. "He is his teacher, Iruka."

"Then I request him to be on the team as well," Viper said quickly looking away from the Hokage. Not escaping the ears of the rest of the team as chuckles erupted behind her. She turned and released a bit of KI, causing them to cease their laughing.

"We will send a team out tomorrow morning," The Hokage said as he turned his chair towards the setting sun. A thunderstorm was looming in again. "You can only return when you find him! Consider it an extended leave."
"Hai!" Viper said as she turned and walked out.

Naruto huddled under a large out clave on the side of the mountain as the thunderstorm released it's fury. Naruto stared out from his mini shelter and watched as the rain continued to pound on the mountain. Naruto was beyond freezing at this point and could only huddle his small body as close as possible to himself as he wore all of his clothes that were in his pack. Even with the added clothes the mountain tops snow was cutting though the layers like a hot knife. Naruto started to second guess himself as he slowly struggled to stay awake. He was closer to the top and it would only be a day's journey if he planned it correctly. Naruto jumped as another bolt of lightning lit the sky revealing the land below. Naruto watched with a genuine since of awe as the lightning jumped from cloud to cloud, spider webbing throughout the entire storm. The sound of clashing thunder shook the rock he was sitting on. Naruto felt a comfort in the storm as it slowly came to a sprinkle and passed by. Naruto emerged from his makeshift shelter and looked up towards the top of the mountain. With another determined sigh he walked towards the end of his path.

"What do you mean I've been reassigned?" Iruka asked as three ANBU appeared at his house. Iruka stood in his door way with his shirt off and his hair undone rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Umm…" Viper stared but couldn't gain a cohearient thought. With a quick bark from one of the three dogs under ANBU Dog, Viper snapped out of her daze. "Just follow the orders Chunnin! Meet us at the gates in fifteen minutes to be briefed and pack for extended trip!"

"Yeah yeah," Iruka said as he slowly closed the door and the two ANBU left.

"Viper," Dog began with mischief in her voice, as they made their way towards the gates. "Enjoy the view?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Viper said thanking every Kami in existence for the mask that was blocking the blush.

"Fine," Dog said with a content sigh. "I guess I will have a go at the teacher…."

"You will keep yourself in check," Viper snapped cutting her off and quickening her speed leaving her behind. Dog just chuckled to herself and followed.

Naruto slowly pulled himself up on to the ridge at the top of the mountain with a cry of pain. Naruto stared out from his wrapped face at the giant armored monastery sitting at the top of a jagged rock. He couldn't help but feel accomplished as he stood back to his feet and walked through the thick snow towards the monastery. Naruto pushed himself towards the giant doors using shear will power as he struggled with the foot of snow that seemed to not only slow him down, but pull at his very soul, trying to stop him from achieving any sort of victory. Naruto arrived at the door and unwrapped the clothing he used as make shift gloves. He stared at his heavily frost bitten hand for a moment before he turned and knocked on the door. He waited….he knocked again and still no answer. He began to feel tears sting his eyes as he started to slam his fist at the door in a desperate plea. There was a loud shudder and the door slowly opened. Naruto stared at the door for a moment before he stepped inside. He slowly pulled his scarf from around his face and continued towards the center of the room.

The inside the low ceilinged room was lit by only a few lanterns. The wooden floors squeaked a bit under his feet as he slowly walked forward. The door behind him slowly closed back causing Naruto to jump and stare at the door. He turned and continued down the hallway. He came to a large room with wooden pillars lining the main walk way. In the middle of the room was an elder man in elegant black robes sitting on a throne like chair. He had no hair, sides from a long white beard, and a large scar going over his right eyes. The same eye was a foggy blue, clearly blind, while his other eye that landed on Naruto was a dark brown. His eye narrowed as Naruto slowly walked towards him. Naruto glanced over and noticed numerous men appearing out of the shadows pulling out swords and kunai. Naruto gulped as he stopped and went to slowly back away.

"You've come too far for that," Came a familiar regal voice. Tadashi appeared in front of Naruto leaning casually against one of the pillars. Naruto felt his confidence slowly return as he reached into his multiple jackets and pulled out the flower first then the Ore. He walked towards Tadashi who wore an almost proud look. The other ninja in the room, all who were adorn in black robes made a quick move to intercept Naruto causing him to flinch slightly. "Stand down!"

Naruto handed him the items he was asked to retrieve and Tadashi took it. He pulled the flower up to the fire light and smiled slightly before doing the same to the ore. He looked over at the man in the middle, that Naruto figured was The Shadow, and gave a nod. The Shadow slowly stood and walked towards Naruto. He slowly circled him, as if inspecting a piece of meat or cattle. Naruto felt a bit uneasy as the man poked his frost covered shoulders and examined his hands. He made a clicking noise with his tongue and shook his head.

"Such a risk," The Shadow said with a shake of his head. "He is weak, malnourished and above all he is completely consumed by fear. Fear has been your guide. But now you must progress or fear will keep you weak like you are now. We will help you conquer your fear, in exchange you forgo all loyalties to man and pledge to the code of the Black Hand. You will be without fear."

"Are you ready to begin?" Tadashi asked as he walked towards Naruto as The Shadow walked back to his chair and sat down. Naruto looked up at Tadashi with a raised eyebrow.

"Now?" Naruto croaked out from his busted and frost burnt lips. "I can barely stand and…."

Naruto was interrupted by a swift kick to his chest. Naruto's breath left his body as his body bounced off one of the pillars. Naruto struggled to his feet as Tadashi punched Naruto, hard across the face. Naruto's body spun from the force of the blow. Naruto spat blood on the floor as Tadashi slowly circled him. Around him the ninja in black slowly started to chant, the same word over and over, 'fear'.

"Death does not wait for you to be ready," Tadashi said as he went to strike him again. Naruto's eyes flashed with fury was the chanting started to sink in. Naruto tried to block the punch only for Tadashi to kick him in his exposed chest. Naruto bounced off the ground with a groan. "Death is not considerate, or fair. And make no mistake- Today, death is your opponent!"

"I won't die here!" Naruto growled as a bit of fire lit behind his eyes. The chanting became a bit louder, thundering the word fear into his head. Naruto blocked Tadashi's first kick and returned with a sloppy punch into Tadashi's chest. Tadashi parried the blow and countered with a quick chop to Naruto's neck. Naruto fell to the floor but was pulled up by the neck of his shirt by Tadashi.

"You are weak!" He yelled as he punched him. Naruto's head snapped back from the force as he stared at the man with wide eyes. Naruto's entire thought process was screaming at him, asking why he wanted to come here, the village may have been tough but this was downright brutal.

"You are alone!" Tadashi yelled again as he backhanded the young blond. He let go and Naruto fell to the ground in crumbled heap. Tadashi leaned forward and whispered into his ear as he placed the flower onto his chest. "What do you fear?"

Naruto's eyes bugged for a second as scenes flooded his mind. He standing alone at the park. Him waiting for someone to help him while he slowly healed after a beating in an alley way. He felt it again. The feeling of never being wanted, of being alone…

"Naruto is missing?" Iruka asked with concern rushing into his once sleepy face. Viper stared at the tan chunnin and smiled beneath her mask. He truly cared for the young blond and wanted to save him. One of the many reasons she stalked….ahem…observed him from a far.

"Yes," Viper said as she placed her hands on her hips. "Now buck up and let's get tracking. I need you to be focused on the task at hand, can't let your emotions get the better of you."

"Hai," Iruka said as Dog and her canines took off ahead of them. Iruka was about to take off as well but a hand rested on his shoulder. He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow.

"We will find him," Viper said. And before Iruka could mutter thanks she took off. Iruka followed quickly not wanting to slow down the group.

Hello everyone,

Well i wanted to try something new, so let me know how you guys like it. If you can kind of guess the background of the black hand story line let me know, i will give you internet cookies! Well as always, Read, Review and Enjoy!

Thanks again,
