Again just don't listen to me if i say it will be updated soon. I'm lying. Even when i dont think i am at the time, i am. I just wanna kinda clear a few things up just in case. Emma is in a new room because she didn't want to be near Snow and Charming too much (her emotional walls and everything) and i've made it so she kinda got used to calling them Snow and James because i think you would all get annoyed if i kept almost writing Mary Margaret or David and then having Emma correct herself. Mary Margaret in storybrooke isnt really mad at David right now because of the whole Emma thing, but maybe later a few things might spring up... eh we shall see. And for this chapter, the italics are memories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time or any of the characters.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here?" The high voice said with another blood chilling laugh. It removed its hand from her mouth, prompting her to speak. In the moments it took Emma to remember how to speak, she decided there was no reason to tell this thing her name. She didn't know this world that well, but she knew there was supposed to be magic. Who knows what could happen.

"Who are you?" She asked steely, hiding her fear, though she was overly conscious of the scaly hand gripping her wrist. She heard it mutter in amused disappointment.

"Why must you ask? Don't you recognise your dear old pawnbroker of Storybrooke Emma?"

Emma gasped unintentionally, shock causing her to sway in the dim light. Slowly she turned around, the scaly hand still holding her close to the bars. She peered into the dark cell and saw the face of one of the first people she had seen in Storybrooke.


"Why yes! Though here I'm known by a different name, but we don't want to confuse the precious Saviour now, do we?" He said, his other hand up near his face as his fingers curled. Emma could barely comprehend what was happening.

"How do you remember Gold? Why am I here?"

"Dearie, I don't remember. I see it. It is written in the future just as your future is written here. This is your future dearie. This… is your home. As for why you're here… why do you think you're called the Saviour?" His laugh echoed through the cave again.

"This isn't my home Gold! The real world is my home! I've been there all my life, I like my life there."

"Oh I think your lying there, dearie… from what I have seen your life has been quite… tricky. But sadly it was the only way your parents could save you. Wouldn't you like to live in a world of happy endings and true love? You could have your happy ever after…"

Emma stared at the scaly green man. So he knows who my parents are… Memories filled her mind of the breakfast she had with Snow and James the morning before she moved to her dusty servants room.

"I don't want a happy ever after, I want my son." Emma whispered deadly. Gold or whatever his name is was getting on her nerves, and it really didn't help that he was still holding her to the bars. She really wanted to punch him, but the memories of those she loved forced into her mind by Gold talking about Happy Ever Afters prevented her.

"So Gold, what is your name here? What's your fairy tale?"

"Well, I'd be the one and only Rumplestiltskin! I don't see everything in the future dearie, but I cant say I'm not amused that your boy hasn't guessed who I am yet, with all the deals and such." He giggled hysterically, releasing some pressure on the grip he had on Emma and completely ignoring her second question. She didn't really know the story of Rumplestiltskin, but she didn't need to, the guy was still a creep. She was about to rip her self away from him, finding she had wasted enough time.

"Oh I wouldn't do that dearie." The suddenly deeper voice said, the words shaped by the mouth of the beast in front of her as his eyes bore into hers, the coldness filling her whole mind.

"Oh-ho, who has come to join us? It wouldn't be the precious Queen now would it?" He said, still staring directly at Emma but directing his words to somebody behind her. She heard a shuffling and knew Gold was right, as much as she wished he wasn't.

"Emma… back away from the cell." Snow said, stepping cautiously closer. Emma glanced down, about to tell her that she couldn't because of the grip Gold had on her arm, but his hand was gone. He had retreated back inside the cell, his laugh stinging Emma's ears. She stumbled backwards; avoiding Snow's eyes as they glittered with confusion, and after a second, worry. Before Emma could protest, Snow ran gracefully towards her, grabbing her shoulders tightly to hold her up.

"Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?"

She just shook her head tiredly, the memory of the recent breakfast filling her mind…


The sun shone brightly through the castle's windows, lighting up the great room and bringing warmth to the shivering Emma who was seated at a giant table. Snow had insisted she join her and her husband for breakfast, saying with a laugh "What kind of person would I be if I didn't?" She had accepted awkwardly, not wanting to offend the person who had basically saved her life… not to mention she was her best friend in another life.

She hated that when she gazed upon the face so familiar to her she saw a completely different person. It was the same face, but not the same person. Maybe it was the look in her eyes, so bold and outgoing, that threw Emma off. Mary Margaret had seemed so shy and quite often scared, and this person facing her eating toast and strawberry jam was Mary Margaret, but also everything she wasn't. Emma visibly drooped at the thought of her best friend being so close yet so far away, and Snow's keen eyes didn't miss it.

"So Emma, where's your family? Where are you from?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Emma's neck cracked from the speed she raised her head and the look on her face made Snow wish she hadn't asked such a personal question. But she had to know, this person just looked so familiar to her that she could barely stop herself from bursting out with questions. As Emma rubbed her neck she glanced at the man who was her father on the right hand side of Snow.

He had stoped chewing his breakfast, not wanting to miss a word on the answer. She realised that she had left the question hanging longer then she thought and stared down at her breakfast, which was a suddenly unappetizing piece of buttered toast and hot chocolate with cinnamon sprinkled on top. That was one thing that hadn't changed. She mentally prepared herself to give the answer as truthfully as she could, without telling them who she really wa-

(Flashback End)

"Emma! Are you okay?" Snow shouted, dragging Emma out of her memories and forcing to her come back to reality. Well as far as reality can go here…

"Y-yeah I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

Snow paused, a glint of suspicion lighting her eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Emma stepped back slightly, suddenly realising how bad the situation looked. She was about to try and explain to her before she was cut off. I've been cut off a lot lately… she scowled.

"Oh dearie don't worry about her, she just got lost. And as you know, people who are lost tend to find their way to me."

Snow glared at him, the boldness in which Emma barely saw in Mary Margaret standing out like fire. Unlike Emma, Snow knew that Rumplestiltskin always had an ulterior motive; he always had a reason for everything he did.

"Why are you interested in Emma?" She asked, getting right to the point.

"Well, I'm not necessarily interested in her… more her future." He said with a mocking sneer, making Emma wish she could run off, but Snow didn't even flinch. Emma stared at the woman, completely loosing herself in her memories yet again…


"Well… uh I never really knew who my parents were until… recently. They um don't even know I'm their daughter yet…"

Snow almost choked on her food, and yet still somehow made it graceful, as graceful as choking can be at least. She quickly regained her composure and readied herself to ask another question.

"So whom did you grow up with? Did you live in an orphanage?"

"Uh I kind of lived in an orphanage… for a while. I wanted to find out who my parents were so I left as soon as I could. I found them, even though I didn't realise it at first. My kid Henry actually helped me a lot, and when we," Actually just me, she said mentally, "found out they were my parents were we kind of just… stayed near them." She answered, her eyes constantly flicking between the two people and her breakfast.

"You have a child? Where is he?" Snow asked, strangely happy that this woman she just met had a child.

"He's… with a friend." She answered, knowing full well that Regina was no friend. Snow nodded slowly, letting the knowledge sink in. James just stared at his giant breakfast, doing the exact same thing that his wife was doing.

"Why haven't you told them?" James asked after a long silence.

Emma stayed quiet, and so did the room, so much that the cries of distant sword practise could be heard.

"I-I don't know." Emma finally stuttered.

(flashback end)

Thundering footsteps echoed through the cave walls disrupting Emma's thoughts again. A distant shout called out Snow's name and a torch could be seen in the distance. The shouts came closer and closer until finally King James stood in the entrance of the cave, completely alone.

"What are you doing here? Doc said you just took off dow-" Charming froze when he saw Emma, startled. The shock quickly melted away into anger and he ran at her sword drawn and ready to kill. He backed Emma up against the wall, much to both Emma's and Snow's protests.

"Why are you here? Who are you really?" He shouted, knowing his wife would never come down to see him unless somebody had dragged her here, or even tricked her.

A cackle broke the air.

"Oh look who it is! Prince Charming! I wouldn't kill her if I was you." He let out with another laugh.

"Quiet Rumplestiltskin, you're a prisoner, this doesn't concern yo-"

"Oh but it does dearie, it concerns all of us. It concerns the whole kingdom."

James hesitated.

"What do you mean the whole kingdom? What is her importance to you?" He asked, the whole time still glaring at Emma.

"Well compared to her importance to you, I suppose she has none to myself."

This time Charming did look at the dim-lit cell containing the most feared man in the forest, the confusion written on his face copied on his wife, with only shock and apprehension on Emma's. She knew what was coming. The words that exited the Dark One's mouth were ones that Emma had refused to say at all, the ones that she couldn't bare to look them in the face and tell them, the ones telling them who she really was.

"Dearie, put down your sword, you don't want to be killing your own daughter now do you?"

Well... Rumple didnt really have a plan but he saw it coming and played it to his advantage i suppose. And sorry for anyone who thought that Rumple had no idea who Emma was, i just thought of it this way and i kinda wanted it to happen. So yes. IT WAS THE BIG REVEALY THING i dunno you choose if it was big or not. Ewwhhh i dont know how im going to start the next chapter in FTL... any ideas? Like who's POV or reactions i dunno. Thanks for all your support I LOVE YOU ALL aaaaand please review :3 (OH MY GOD THIS HAS LIKE A 900 MORE WORDS THEN USUAL) AND CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU GET THOSE LINE THINGY'S TO SEPARATE TEXT!
