Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time or any of the characters.
"Graham!" she shouted as he crumpled to the floor, lifeless, unmoving. Graham. What's happening? He was fine… Graham. Come back, please come back, she thought, sobs wracking at her as she tried to resuscitate him. She tried and tried but after a while she knew that there was no saving him. He was gone. But she still tried, pumping her hands on his chest, trying to restart the heart he thought he didn't have. She finally stopped, accepting the fact that he was gone. Gone. She just sat there with his head in her lap, gently running her hands through his curly hair, tears constantly streaming down her face. She knew she should call someone. The hospital. Mary-Margaret. Just anyone who would come and help her. But she just wasn't ready to, because it meant that it was true.
It meant that she wasn't just dreaming. She couldn't just let him go, she had to say goodbye. Slowly, she moved his limp head towards her, bent down and kissed him for the final time. As soon as she did, she felt a ripple in the air, like a gush of wind going out in all directions, but was to tired and grieved to notice. Her eyes closed, she leaned her head back onto her desk, only to find it wasn't there. She opened her eyes in shock, sending her arm backwards in just enough time to save her from falling over. Looking down, she realised that Graham wasn't there anymore, and panic raced through her veins. She looked hurriedly at her surroundings and soon became very confused. Is this a dream? Did I pass out or something? This can't be real… She thought, for she was surrounded by trees, a whole forest, and completely alone.