Hey guys. I'm really sorry but i have to put a few of my stories up for adoption. A lot of crap has been going on. My bird died, my dog that's been with us for ten years since I was 6 is dying, my sister is going back to Japan in a week, my baby sister has been acting completely bratty lately, school is starting up in about three weeks, my stupid report card hasn't come in so I don't know my grades, and two of my cousins may have gotten their girlfriends pregnant. One is 16 the other is 15. And it's just a bunch of shit. I'm going to try and finish my Criminal Minds & NCIS Crossover, my Gundam Wing/AC & Harry Potter Crossover, an my normal HP story and be done with this for a bit while everything passes. Sorry. But if you would like to adopt any other story with this note on it then just PM me and I'll give you a reply.

With Much Regret,