Hayy guys, here is my new story. Twelve Days of Hell.

I got the idea for this story when I saw my dad play the latest Encharted. Long story how, you would of have to have played the game to understand. Anyways, this story is all about survival and I am going to be mean and toss Fabian into the deep end.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy and please review

I don't own HOA

Most people only show up outside deaths door when they actually die. Meaning. They don't have to experience the sorrow and fright of death more than once. Some are less fortunate. Some have to experience this horrible feeling before their actual death, for whatever reason. Normally, people who come close to death, it is because they caught a disease or were injured badly. Like soldiers who survived a war, for example, or people who caught mild cases of cancer and were treated in time. Both are good examples.

To the very unlucky, some will have to experience the feeling of death on multiple occasions, before their time. Like police officers or criminals. But it is rare that someone will get the horrid feeling at all before death. I am one of those few.

Yip, that's right. I came close to death and it was a pretty close call too. But just which member of Anubis am I? Jerome? Amber maybe? or even Alfie? Nope, I am not. I am Fabian Rutter.

Now you must be thinking, what happened Fabian? Well it's a little hard to explain, so, let me take you back to the 5th of August where my story beings...

Tiny, yes, but the other chapters will be longer.

Please review