...I know. I know. Finals week hit, then the holidays and I just got into a slump and was kinda depressed and was stressed out and had writer's block.
Also I made Sam and ask tumblr, the link to which can be found on my profile. JuneLuxray2 also made one for Danny, and if you look on Sam's blog you can probably find the link to that one pretty easily.
I'm sorry again that it's so late and bad.
"Heeeey," it was a long, drawn out, awkward word that Riley uttered, nervously backing into a tree as her vampire friends approached her hungrily, "wow your guys' teeth look…really really sharp."
She received only a hiss in response, and she tried to cover her cut as the tree she had backed into blocked any possible exit for her.
"Guys…come on, I'm your friend, remember? Riley? Best person ever? Please don't eat me."
Danny was the first to speak, his voice sounding strained.
"Run. Now." He groaned, his eyes practically glowing now. Riley didn't have to be told twice, as she turned and avoided the tree blocking her path. Soon after she began to run, however, she ran into something solid once more.
She fell backwards, landing in the dirt. When she looked up, she realized her original plan had worked. She had definitely attracted some strangers.
"Well hello there, miss," one of them said in a deep voice. That voice seemed to snap her friends out of their hunger induced trance. They all hissed angrily in unison, and Sam spoke.
"You!" She shouted, looking angrier than Riley had ever seen her.
The first vampire looked over at her, looking her up and down, "oh, hello there. Enjoying our gift, friends?"
"We're not friends," Tucker said angrily, "we're here for your venom."
"So you have five seconds to hand it over," Danny continued.
"Yeah!" Riley said, wanting to be noticed. She closed her mouth quickly when Sam glared at her.
Another vampire, an ugly one at that, sniffed the air loudly and smiled a fanged smile, "still fledglings, Klaus."
The first vampire, now known as Klaus, smiled as well," I see. Then you are in no position to be demanding."
"I think we can take a few thousand year old oversized deer-ticks," Danny growled. Klaus let out a barking laugh.
"You are week, boy, you are-" Kalus was cut off when Danny lunged at him with inhuman speed, and the two collapsed in a writhing, growling heap. Sam and Tucker followed, attacking the other two vampires with the same malice.
Riley looked at the tussling vampires, but was then distracted by the sting of her cut. She tilted her head quizzically as she looked at it.
"Is this going to kill me?"
It wasn't long before Danny realized that Klaus did indeed have an advantage. The approximate time of this realization was when the older vampire had him pinned to a tree by his shoulders.
"As soon as I…" Danny panted, "…catch my breath…you're dead. Or…deader."
Klaus just laughed, taking Danny from the tree effortlessly and instead throwing him on his knees in front of Riley, who was still bleeding. The smell of human blood entered his nose again, and he struggled to get away.
"Come now, boy," Klaus growled in his ear, "your body knows what it wants. And it's right there. She's weak, she's yours. You could be strong for eternity, and all it would take is one tiny human life."
"No," Danny growled, "you're a monster, I'm not. I won't touch her."
Klaus shrugged, "very well. I'm rather hungry." He lunged at Riley, pinning her down and preparing to sink his teeth in her neck. When he was inches away from biting, Riley suddenly shrugged the heavy jacks she wore so it covered her neck. All Klaus hit was fabric before Danny pushed him off of her. Riley looked him in the eye and took off her waterproof jacket, and Danny saw that a yellowish liquid had pooled on the shoulder of it, and that the girl began to try and get what she could into the vial he had given her before.
One down, two to go.