HELLO ALL! Well here is the first of the 13, Prima, warrior of light. I think that is well overdue for any transformers fan, to not have a comprehensive list of the 13 in their entirety. Of course I am taking some liberties with this, but over all remaining true to the characters and mythology. When all 13 profiles are done I will launch into a series of fics in what I've titled 13-verse, each starring various members of the 13.
EDIT: I'm back, and I've started to revamp the profiles according to new information and plan on getting deep into work on my 13-verse project now that I've remembered where it was in my hard drive. So without further ado, the new Prima.
Name: Prima
Role: Leader of the 13
Important notes: Possesses the Star Saber and the Matrix of Leadership
Prima is the first born child of Primus, the first Cybertronian and the first Prime. As such he was granted the Matrix of Leadership and made leader of the Thirteen. Prima was wise, calm and intelligent, possessing many of Primus' best aspects, but at the same time developing several negative ones of his own. He became narrow-minded, unwilling to listen to the others, thought that his way was the only correct way of doing things; it would be several millions of years before this was ever corrected.
His attitude and treatment of the other Primes earned the respect of most and the trust of many, but others like Megatronus Prime and Liege Maximo, remained unconvinced, both for their own reasons. Prima and Megatronus have never gotten along but are willing to work together when the situation calls for it. Prima tries to be the best leader that he can, emulating the father and god of the thirteen, Primus, whenever he can. Regardless, Prima's actions have driven Cybertronian History for thousands of years and will continue to for thousands more.
To symbolize his position as the leader, he had his sister Solus Prime, craft for him a sword, a sword that could harness the power of stars for itself. So the Star Saber was born, it would never leave his side and as such, Prima became one of the most accomplished sword fighters of his time, rivaled only by Vector and Nexus Prime.