



It was a bright beautiful morning when Duette sat up in her bed. The birds were chripping, the sun was shinning, and no sound by any human was made. It was too perfect. But what was wrong? She just couldn't figure it out. So with a small shrug she went to her closet and got her clothes ready for the day. After a quick shower, she gt ressed, brushed her teeth, and put her hair up in an elaberate braid. She walked out of her privite room and walked towards the exit of the ship where she saw a few guys kneeingby an unconcious Jesse. "JESSE!" Duette cried out.

But before she could rush to her friends side the boys turned and their eyes were red. They had blood covering their mouths and hands. The front of their shirts were soaked with blood and guts. Duette screamed.

Duette sat up in her bed sweating heavily. What the hell? she thought. She looked around her room and noticed it was still dark out. So it was with a sigh that she completed her morning rituals and left the ship. She couldn't help but wonder what the second task would be.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And recover what we took,
But past an hour - the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

Duette hummed as she walked to the Great Hall. Once their she pulled out a Japnese Wizarding Law book.

"Japan has a far different Wizarding Community compared to other area's, along with different inherritances. One in fact was a case of a 13 year old girl having a horrible skreeching voice, but after completeing Law 13(All magical children must take the "Hereditatem Ostenditur" potion by age 13) they discovered she had mermaid herritage thus causing her voice do become horrible on land but beautiful under water.

The Japnse Wizarding Community also has different views about pregnancy and childbith..."

Duette stopped. Wait. Mermaids. Black Lake. Cannot sing aove the round. Sea not ground level. Hour long. Sorely miss. Dear God they're all insane in Britian.And Duo bang her head against the table with a groan. "Is something wrong Duette?" Jesse asked as he came up next to her.

Duette ony groaned.


"Wait wait wait wait wait. You have an hour to find somethig important at the bottom of a lake?" asked Viktor in shock.

Duette just hummed. "Yep. Apparently everyone in Britain is completly insane." she drawled as the other two boys snorted.

"So Viktor. Are you gonna tell her?" asked Jesse.

Duo looked up as Viktor glared at Jesse who smirked back at him. "Tell me what?"

Viktor winced,"I uh...can't go to the Yule Bal with you."

"What!? Why!?"

"My sister is due to have her child that day or the day before and i need to be there. But since it's required you go to the ball Jesse agreed to take you."

Duette sighed but nodded,"Alright. You'll be back soon though right?"she asked pleadngly.

Viktor smiled and nodded.


Trowa looked around for Cathy at the crowded Diner. Ah. there she was in the back. "Cathy." he said accross from her.

She jumped in shock and looked up than smiled. "Trowa. Thanks for coming. It's just really important."

Trowa nodded and waited for her to start. First she bit her lip than spoke,"Mom wasn't who we thought she was. Her name wasn't Mackenzie. It was Alejandra. Our mom had come down here to visit family with your older brother and my younger, Solomon. She found a abandoned baby while here. So she adopted the litte girl. Then they were on their way home, as we were on L4 at the time, but something went wrong and their shuttle went down. For months people looked for the shuttle but nothing was ever found until almost five years blater. By that time dad and Mackenzie were dead and you were missing. It was the Ring Maste who told me the truth and gave me the journels. And Trowa? Mom name the little girl Duo."

Trowa would never admit it under pain of death but, he fained.


Duette nervously fixed her dress as she stood outside the Great Hall with Jesse. She hated dancing. She may have been ood at it but that didn' mean she had to like it. McGonagell had them line up than they went in. Her and Jsse danced perfectly for the first song, Potter though danced like he had no feet at all. How charming.


It was finally time for the second task and Jesse was no where to be found. Duette didn't worry though. Instead she took breaths in and out feeling the guys scanning her.(Her friends you perverted minds!) Obviously knowing what she was doing. Duette could hold her breth for up to ten minutes which would give her enough time to reach the air tank she planted down there. The cannon was blown and she jumped. SHhe passed over kelp beds that she knew held dangerous things. se watched closely around he and finally reached the air tank and put on the mask taking a breath of air. Than she continued with her task. A half hour later she found herself staring at Jesse. She pulled out the pocket kife she always kept on her and pulled Jesse up with he after she cut the kelp and banished the air tank. Her and Jesse hit the surface and he gasped for breath. She won.


The elder man began to pace anger clear on his features. Those damn Gindylows got the wrong person! They were suppose to go after Maxwell! Not that stupid Veela! He growled. "Tisk tisk tisk. No growling mister."

The man turned and saw a younger man, holding a sword. The elder man snarled and pulled out his own sword. Than he rushed at the youger man. The two swords clanged as they hit. Th younge man flipped over the elder and pull his sword down at the elder. But the elder turned and blocked it. CLANG! The sowrd hit. CLANG! CLANG! CLLLANG! The elder pushed hard against the younger. But though the elder was more experianced, the younger had more strength. And the elder knew that. He suddenly pulled back and ducked, befor rushed off to the unknown. The younger man growled angerly. DAMN!


Branon groaned as he fell back onto his bed. He was so tired. But why? He did nothing today. Literally, he did nothing. Just sit around and watch TV. But Brandon shrugged. Oh well. He had no idea a obliviate was using his magic to stay strong.


Lily Potter sat in her room at Hogwarts and thought. She thought about her daughter and how she gave her away. Why did they do that? She just couldn't remeber what caused them to give away precious little Dani. She was alway such a sweet baby with curly black hair and bright green eyes. ut now she had brown hair and violet eyes. Lily frowned as she wondered what had happened. She knew that Dani wasn't onEarth. Or she would have been invited to Hogwarts and they would have been a amily again. But noooo! Dani had to be curious for once and wander off! How dare she wader off! Petunia would have treated her wonderfully! And for some strange reason, Lily Marie Potter nee Evas felt angry at her youngest child.


There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you

You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time
To criticize me

It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right

It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today


In the attic of Potter Manor sat two boxes, one had been opened and the other remainded closed. Untouched. Waiting to be dscovered. Waiting to be opened. Waiting for someone to dicover the secrets inside about a little boy who lost his family, yet no one remebered him No one remembered when he disappeared, no one remembered when he was solen away, or born, or his first birthday, when he broke his arm, or any other importan event up to his fourth birthday. That child didn't even remember his own family. The box was there, where no one would look for it. While deep in the archives of the Ministry of Magic a forgotten birth certificate lay waiting. And in a alarge offie a young woman discoveredsomething shocking. And rushed to call her siblings.


A young man paced the small clearing in the forest. "Dammit dammit dammit! What am I going to do!" he growled angerly.

He continued to pace angerly. He glanced at a notebook before sighing and opening it.

"It has been three months full of sleep deprivation. But I could care less. My son is a precious soul full of love and care. He has developed the same "curse" as me. The one that countless people would love to destroy. But I won't let them hurt my son. I refuse to allow. He may be a subbmissive but I will teach him how to fiht and survive. No matter how hard it will surely be. He looks so innocent. But all cubs do at his age. I can tell my son will have many after him once he gets older. But I will protect him with everything I have. I just hope it will be enough."