A/N: Ok, I'm giving this a go, whether it will continue or not depends on you.
It's pretty much based on a dream I had, with tweaks to make it make more sense. It will eventually turn into rewrites of the 2005 series onwards with new adventures inbetween but for the moment it's the beginning. Before the time war, when the Doctor was only a child.
I would love to get some feedback on what you think of it :)

The Winged Creature

Once Omega created the time-travel technology he went mad from the power. Rassilon took over as Lord President of the High Council. Rassilon was a power hungry man who thought a lot of himself and the Time Lord race. So, once he became President, his first law across the planet was bizarre.
"I believe us Timelords have too much to live for to be wandering around unprotected. With our knowledge and strength we should be protected and kept safe. That is why I make this law, when a child is ready to enter the academy they will be given a guardian. Not just any old guardian, a guardian angel. This angel will be sworn to protect their timelord no matter what and, if their timelord dies, they die with them. This is for our own protection. Against the daleks and the Sonatarans and the cybermen and all the speices who hold a vendetta against us. The knowledge we hold needs to be kept safe."
There was many agruements over this but in the end Rassilon won out. He was the Lord President after all. Over thousands of years experiments were taken out on the angels born on Gallifrey to see if they're capable of protecting a timelord with their lives. Many weren't ready, many refused to do it and everyone was ready to give up hope. But then, in the North of Gallifrey, an eight year old boy and an eight year old angel were taken from their families to enter the academy and nothing would ever be the same again. . .

Chapter One-Beginnings

The room was so white it was giving Erina a headache. She knew she'd be coming here ever since she was a little girl. It's what kids like her where taught. They were taught from a young age what they would be taken from their families for and really, Erina wasn't bothered about even trying to help their petty experiments. Timelords should look after themselves for once and not waste precious time and money on an experiment that hasn't and never will work.

Her wings were aching to burst out of her shoulder blades but she managed to keep them in. The room was too small to have her wings take up half the space. She spent an hour in the room doing nothing, just waiting. Honestly, she felt more sorry for the poor kid who was going to get dragged into this with her. If it came to it, Erina supposed she would have a go at saving the kid but the measure's she'll take will have a line. According to the book of the Citadel, the angels were supposed to 'guard their timelord with their life.' Pff it would have to be one special kid to make Erina risk her life for him.

Of course, Gallifrey was a sexest race. Only timelords were being tested on for the guardian angels as apparently Timeladies are a different matter and can look after themselves. Erina didn't see a difference but, then again, angels were not supposed to be as smart as timelords and not as 'in step' with them. That's a laugh. Also, the angels had to be female as the compassion and love held within a female angel would be of much more use than that within a male.

A door across from Erina slid open and the two scientists who had brought her to this room stepped through. Erina frowned for a moment. They had told her that the next time they came they'd have their test subject with them. Calling them test subjects made Erina's blood boil as these were real children they were using. She was suprised they hadn't made Timelords extinct yet by the amount of years children died during these experiments without proper, solid results. Her mind eased slightly as the two scientists took a step to the side and a boy came in after them.

He had brown, short hair that was ruffled and messy, brown eyes and was about the height of Erina herself. Lesser speices would think that eight years of age is quite young but in actual truth, it's quite mature. Gallifreyans are forced to mature quicker through their lifestyles and laws. Entering the academy used to be an exciting occasion and many would be honoured but since the Guardian Angel law was passed no-one is really as pumped about going as they used to be. The boy looked up at the scientists for a moment before they gently ushered him towards Erina. They both stared at each other for about ten minutes, not really sure what to say. Finally, Erina spoke up.

"My name's Erina. What's yours?"

The boy looks relieved that one of them had spoken and answered, "My name's Theta. Pleased to meet you Erina."

"Pleased to meet you too Theta."

After that the scientists started a couple of tests. Heart rate, blood pressure, etc. The normal stuff you'd get done in a checkup. But then, each scientist took a syringe and took blood from each child's arm.

"What do you need that for?" Erina asked as the scientists switch syringes.

"It's all routine. Really, this is the part where the children die," the scientist closer to Erina replies.

"Why?" Theta asked. Neither of them answer as they stick the syringe back into their arms and inject each of them with each other's blood. Erina felt a twinge run up her arm as the blood flowed through her veins but she didn't see why the children would die from this. Both of the scientists look shocked as both Erina and Theta stare back at them, waiting for what they're going to do next.

"It worked," one of them says in astonishment.

"It actually worked," the other said.

"What worked?" Erina asked.

"Now you both have each other's blood in your viens. You are one now. Erina, I bet you've been thinking about how your going to protect this boy yes?" the scientist, who Erina has decided to call Scientist One, asked.

"Sorta, I guess," Erina replied. She had to admit, she had been wondering how she was going to manage it. Whether she'd have the guts to throw herself in front of a boy she just met to protect him or not.

"Well, I'll help you with that," Scientist one answered.

"What?" Erina frowned. She suddenly notices him clench a fist and raise it to hit the boy oppisote her. Something deep inside her flares and suddenly her wings release in rage and before she knows it she's standing over Scientist one, twisting his wrist behind his back. Something deep in her sub-concious didn't want anyone touching Theta in a abusive way.

"I think this is the most progress we've made in all of history!" Scientist two cheers. He goes to try and punch Theta too so Erina knees him in the stomach pushes him to the floor while still holding Scientist one's wrist.

"Ok, please stop trying to hit me. It's very annoying," Theta says.

"Erina dear," Scientist one says. "Can you please let me go? I need to write a report on this."

"Oh sorry!" Erina gasps, letting go of his wrist and sitting back down.

"Oh and Theta," Scientist two says just before he leaves. "The head of the academy informed me to tell you that you have to chose a name for your fresh start. You'll be officaly given it as your cover name once you look into the shcism tomorrow."

Once he leaves Theta frowns. "What the hell sort of name should I chose?" He asks Erina.

"Try and think outside the box," Erina suggests, only just realizing her wings are out. She folds them back in and rests her chin in her hand as she thinks. "Pick something unique."

"How though?"

"Use your imagination," Erina replies.

"How about . . .Doctor?" Theta suggests.

"The Doctor," Erina says as if tasting the words on her tongue. "Yeah I like that."

"Doctor then?" Theta smiles.

"Yeah. Pleased to meet you Doctor."

A/N: Worth continueing? Yes, no, maybe, not really? Please let me know.
This chapter had to be a bit boring as everything had to get sorted with Erina becoming his guardian through science and how they're the first test subjects for it to work on etc.
Also, I don't believe the Doctor's real name is Theta but I had to use something before he chose Doctor and everyone else uses Theta so I thought I'd just use it too.
Please review! I'd LOVE to hear what you think :)