Sixth entry for the RHASNI Christmas Bash 2013~!

Disclaimer: Idon't own DRRR! And Kanokon as well. Guardian and Crimson Demons belong to me! Some other references are used.

Warning: YAOI and some violence. Swearing and sexual themes are also employed. Not for children who are not familiar with Shounen-Ai. OOC!

Itazura no Inutachi

The day after the genesis of catastrophe has begun with Izaya suffering in the hands of memories of the past. It is the only time he could have despaired over his beloved half-sister's death— which unintentionally flowed through Vorona as she remembers those happy days with her friend, Celty.

Skipping to three months in the future, Ikebukuro has been submerged in a state of calamity— demons with the black goo invading the whole of the city. Izaya and his followers have been immobilized by the Guardian's order… but this alone cannot stop them from saving humanity, at least.

Within the bound shelter, the humans take refuge as the Order gives them security. Amidst the students kept inside are the people of Raira Academy who have been looking for their other schoolmates. Aoba meets with other class president… only to be found by some exorcist woman.

Starting to breach the limits set by both parties, what are the things waiting for Izumii's squad and then Raira Butai?

Itazura no Inutachi

"It has been raining so hard for quite some time now. Will you join us in forcing the sun to shine?"

The young man then laughs out and he contains his giggles, "You're expecting me to join the Order and kick some demon ass? Look at me, it must be already three months but have you seen every cast and fracture I have to bear!? I'm not stupid to risk my life for this crappy organization." The students exchange looks and then the woman whispers, "Izumii must be right. You are weak."

"What did you say!?" Aoba stands up despite the aching leg just to glare at the young female exorcist. Three months ago, he has witnessed the opening of the gates of Yomi. However, he was left half-dead by one of Nebula's top agents by the name of Shinra Kishitani. The trauma of such event still lingers inside him… and he never liked to be put through such meaningless struggle again.

However, this classmate of his… or the hanyo exorcist with the name of Haruna Niekawa uses the reverse psychology and proving his strength. Like what she speaks of, the Order is slowly weakening from all the unaided attacks. These demons used to be easy to finish and get rid of but the Nebula's formulated black goo has given them too much power. And like every exorcist there is, Haruna wants to find a way to suppress these demons. Somehow, they think they can get answers or at least get a hint from the missing Raira Butai.

Haruna looks away and she excuses herself, "I'm sorry for bothering you, Iinchoo. I'll just try to find a man somewhere." The young man grinds his teeth and then he grabs her wrist, "Wait." She turns to him and he speaks, "Do you belong to my brother's squad? I thought you were confined here and never to go out." Haruna smiles at him with her wicked one again, "The Order doesn't have a choice. No surveyors have gone back— if they do, it's either they're dead, half-dead or bears no important news."

Aoba hums and he looks back at everyone else… before walking her away, "I'm coming with you." Haruna hums and then she asks as they go, "You seem to have changed your mind." The boy then answers, "I just remembered three things. One, I should return Kishitani-sempai's favor; second, I have to prove to Izumii that I'm not useless… and third, Mairu and Kururi must be crying without me by their side."

The hanyo chuckles and then they come and meet with Ran and Mikage… the older brother greeting them, "Yo. Aoba, are you doing better now? Considering what happened months ago?" Aoba brushes him off and he stares at what Mikage is holding, "I'm good. Where's the girl with the awesome chest?" Mikage frowns a bit as she somehow shoves the uniform to the freshman, "If you're referring to Douglanikov, she's been dismissed from the Order. But she's still with the Raira Butai." Aoba nods and then they notice the same students earlier run towards them.

"Izumii! Sharaku!" Suichiro calls out to them and Ran looks away as Mikage greets them, "Hi, guys. Sorry, but we can't have a chit-chat while on duty." The older iinchoo then speaks, "So you're really exorcists!? What about Orihara, Heiwajima and Douglanikov!? And Kishitani and Sturluson, too?" The brunet then speaks as they take a glance at the incoming Chief, "Look, we don't know where they are… but trust me, they're the ones we will be looking for. So please stay back now."

The Chief gets nearer and the four exorcists makes a salute towards him— the man impressed by Aoba's action which resembles a full-pledged one. The students receive eyes from the Chief's assistants but then the people nearby the entrance gasp in horror. They all turn to that direction… seeing the three lucky exorcists. Suichiro then runs off, "Nii-san!" Ran bows down a bit towards the superiors and the four run off to meet them as well.

"Nii-san!" Suichiro takes his wounded brother from the other weakened exorcists and medics come to tend to them on the spot. The brother then chuckles as he sees his brother, "Suichiro, I almost thought I would never see you again." Ran then kneels down nearby them, "What's the situation outside?" The hysterical one speaks, "It was a complete abomination! There are demons everywhere! We were almost eaten on the way back here!"

"Izumii." Mikage calls him and then man takes the message in, "I know. Chief, we can't wait for another hour. There must be more dying people outside our parameters. We're heading out." The high-ranked man scoffs and then he looks down at Aoba, "Izumii, I'm still expecting great things from you. However, I am not yet fully convinced the Raira Butai will cooperate with you again this time. Put the rescue of survivors as your top priority."

The four make another salute and then the Chief speaks, "Squad Izumii! Head out and rescue more exorcists and civilians out there! Find ways to recapture Ikebukuro. Seek out the eight-tailed fox Izaya Orihara and the rest of the Raira Butai! Execute every demon on sight if you must!"

Itazura no Inutachi

Rei Haruno —Sakura no Imooto

Chapter 38: The Shapeshifter

"Seek out… the eight-tailed fox… Izaya Orihara?" Suichiro echoes in doubt and confusion… but then the Chief speaks, "Apologies, young man. You were the class president of Izaya Orihara's class, aren't you? Cross out the names of Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima, Vorona Douglanikov, Shinra Kishitani and Celty Sturluson from your missing list. As well as Mikado Ryuugamine, Masaomi Kida, Anri Sonohara, and Mairu and Kururi Orihara from the missing list of II-B of Raira Academy. Also forget about their existence."

"What's going on? What do you mean?" The younger Moto insists to know but then Ran speaks, "…Sorry, Iinchoo. Orihara and the others are not humans. They are all demons in human forms… aside for some of them that were converted into ones." The students gasp with their hands covering their mouths. The freshmen then stare at Aoba… since he seems to know that five of their classmates are indeed demons. The Chief then speaks, "At any rate, reap every information you could from them. It's impossible to not know more than us…"

The older Moto then speaks, "We… we saw them." The two other exorcists gasp and then one whispers in terror, "H-Hey, Moto!" The brother then looks at the Chief, "By the house well-hidden in the park. We saw those kids that are with Yuuhei Hanejima-san in the film. They are all there." Mikage then twitches, "The house in the park?" Ran then grinds his teeth, "Tch, if they are so close, then why don't they do anything like what that brat is always doing?" Moto then looks away, "But one of them said something about… hiding from the exorcists…"

"Bullshit." Ran pops a vein and he walks off, "Let's go. I'll beat that Orihara to a pulp until he tells me everything I need to know." Mikage, Haruna and Aoba nod at their superiors and go to accompany Ran— Aoba, putting on the coat, badge and weapons. Suichiro watches them leave as the Chief walks away with his assistants as well. The students are left there dumbfounded… not knowing what they should believe in anymore.

"MOTO!" One of his squad members grabs the older Moto's shoulders and shakes him anxiously, "What did you do!? Didn't he say he will make your brother suffer if you talk about our encounter with them!? What are you trying to do!?" Suichiro then turns to his brother, "Make me suffer?" The exorcist holds those hands on him and takes them off gently, "I know. But I believe… I want to believe that he will never do that. Even before this hell broke out, I have always known demons exist. The Kitsune incident… and the other widespread phenomena… they were all caused by demons. But… there were other demons who stopped them from destroying everything. I always see them… those golden foxes…"

He then chuckles, "I thought I was crazy… but then that film showed up and… and I saw them again. Those beautiful golden foxes. What are they called again? The Raira Butai?" The other exorcists only look at them and then the Chief manages to hear them talking about it. He can only sigh softly and ask the people to get back and settle down. He also directs the three to see the medical team. Suichiro then insists on coming with his brother with the Chief not stopping him. They are about to walk away from their spots… only to disturbed by a loud and hard sudden quake. "DEMONS!"

Itazura no Inutachi

Peeking from the tree line, the grand fox looks around for any demon on sight. He then smirks and jumps down to be followed by everyone else in the Butai. He then walks around the deserted park, "My, things have indeed change. Three months and almost everything has been wiped out by those black goo demons." Shizuo agrees with a grunt and then he stops, sensing another wave of demon presence. Vorona and Masaomi get in their stances, Anri unsheathing another sword from her palm, "These are getting out of control. Where is the Guardian? What is he doing?"

"To be honest, it is very suspicious of the Guardian. He's letting low-level demons ravage his territory." Mairu hums and then Kururi looks around, "Scent (I'm picking up a scent)." They glance at the busty twin and she looks around, "Location unidentified (But I don't know where it is coming from.)" Izaya looks at Shizuo and he speaks up, "How about we split and survey on everything. Masaomi, Anri-chan, Mikado-kun, Mairu, Kururi, you guys survey the left side from here. Vororin, Shizu-chan and I will do the right. Be careful, you might encounter powerful demons from Yomi."

"If the push comes to a shove, I'll send out an SOS… if that's what you are trying to say, Kit." Masaomi nods and then Izaya bitterly grins. The two groups go their way and then Shizuo asks the fox as they stealthily run around the vicinity, "You think… the Guardian has something to do with this, don't you?" The fox bitterly grins some more and then Vorona hums in agreement, "Normally, you should be sent to guard the place. But the opposite is happening. This is not just about the Order against demons."

Izaya then turns into his fox form all of a sudden and Shizuo picks up their clothes as he turns into his form as well. Vorona follows, gathering her own clothes. They swim up to the sky and decide to be invisible to most humans… as they are able to see exorcists walking along the next street. They are weak and hysterical, seeing so much of the world hidden beneath them. Izaya and his followers dive down nearer to hear them talking in such voices filled with fright, "We… we need to get back now… it's been two days and… I can't stand this place anymore…"

"But we bear nothing for the Order…"

"Come on! They leave us to die here!" The supposed squad leader screeches and then Izaya cancels his invisibility only to appear behind the leader, "Konnichiwa~" The exorcists ready their guns but their trembling fingers fail to fire at him. Vorona and Shizuo descend behind him and the raven in his fox form goes nearer to them, "My, you'll be killed fast if you can't even press the trigger." One then crashes to his ass as he tries to crawl away, "Kitsunes! We're dead!" The red-eyed fox smirks… only to be distracted by that other demon to descend nearby, "Izaya Orihara."

The foxes turn to the newcomer and it is the three-tailed Nekomata that serves the Guardian. However, her playful aura is not employed and she seems to be in the mood to fight a brutal one. The red-eyed fox hums as he walks nearer the cat now, "Oh, my. Erika-san… are you going to punish me?" She then gets into her stance, "You belong to the Court… but you defy the Guardian yourself." Izaya's eyes grow sharp as the two start walking in a elliptical path, "Oh. But you see, I'm not just gon'na sit and watch Ikebukuro to get ruined. Where is the Guardian? Why hasn't he done anything to salvage his territory?" Erika then starts to screech like a mad cat, "Just… stay low, you fox."

Izaya grins as he spread his eight tails before the exorcists and the Nekomata, "Erika-san, I don't want to fight you." He then notices her trembling knees and he speaks, "Where is the Guardian?" She then stands down with her ears folding, being suffocated by the eight-tailed fox's aura, "…We didn't know. He vanished right after he issued the order to everyone. To protect his glory… we have to observe the Raira demons' obedience…" Izaya turns to his two followers and then he speaks, "I'm going to find him. Regulate other demons, Erika-san. The demons from Yomi are stronger than most of us. They'll be killed. Let the Butai find the Guardian and–"

"Dota-chin and Walker are already looking for him… I haven't heard anything from them for half-a-day now…" She weakly confides and then she lays a glance at the humans watching them, "The Order is sending their troops in suicidal missions." Izaya then hops near her and speaks, "Guide them back to the exorcists' HQ. That way, we'll know where the humans are and there is a big chance that the head of these Yomi demons will try to get rid of them. Leave the search to me… I will find them." The cat eyes at him… and then she looks away, "I see."

The Nekomata turns to the exorcists and she speaks, "I'll escort you back to the Order's base. In return, tell the Order to stop sending humans. They are just wasting human lives." The exorcists cannot decline and they stare at the eight-tailed fox who united his tails again. Izaya nods at the Nekomata– only for them to feel the ground shake and loud explosions occur in different places. The cat demon grabs the exorcists with her tails and rush at a direction. Izaya then stares at another direction… seeing a rather familiar stone pillar that shot up from the sky. Shizuo goes to him and he whispers, "Izaya, that's him, isn't it?" The red-eyed fox nods and the three move towards the supposed location of the Guardian.

Itazura no Inutachi

They are just about to get out when tons of black goo Yomi demons sprout from the land at the HQ's entrance. The people scream as they see the huge demons and one in a form of a gorilla screams as he bangs at his chest, "We have found you! Time to die, humans! Let us feast on your meat!" The demons cheer as they start attacking. Ran and his squad prepare their weapons and begin to fight back, hoping the shield can hold the other demons from crushing the dome. Hysteria conquers the place and the exorcists on stand-by have to fight.

They shot down most but the most formidable are rendered unaffected by their guns. The strongest of the Order's Japan branch take down as much as they could but there were too many for them to even handle completely. Most of the exorcists have fallen back, the demons getting loud with their victorious battle cries. The shield is almost breaking and the people are out of control. The students hold tight, screaming for help and hope to live through. The exorcists receive a harsh slam from the gorilla demon and most have been rendered weakened enough. Though most are fighting more, for the defense of mankind.

SHATTER! The shield breaks and the humans watch in horror as the demons begin smashing at the dome. The high-level gorilla grab a handful of students and is about to swallow all of them, the students screaming in utter fear. The exorcists try to help them but the other demons keep them from even helping. The big one chuckles as he listens to them, "We are the demons of Yomi… no human can stop us. Not even the strongest of your forces can. You should be grateful than you'll die without much pain…" It opens its big stinky mouth, one girl even crying, "HELP! SOMEBODY!"

"Hands-off, motherfucker!" A yell envelops the place as the skies grow dark all of a sudden. The demons look up at the shifting skies… only to be hit by lightning striking down from the sky. Most of the flying demons crash down as the terrestrial ones evade the drawing lines of light. The gorilla gets hit but he only groans in pain. He throws a glare at whoever could have said such, only to see an Inugami dash past him. A human figure jumps from its back and unsheathes a long pinkish sword from her palm, slashing his eye, "Let them go!"

The gorilla drops the humans and screams in pain as he loses an eye. The students get caught by the Inugami and then they look as they hear someone smile at them, "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe." One girl then whispers, "Ryuugamine?" The dog demon drops them off near the ground and Anri lands on a place nearby, running to them after. Mikado gets down from the demon and then the exorcists look at them. Mikage and Aoba then run to them, "Ryuugamine-kun! Sonohara-kun!"

"Kuronuma-kun. Sharaku-sempai." Mikado smiles and then the two girls grab onto the other male, "Aoba!" Mairu then squeals, "Mou! I thought you were already dead!" Kururi holds him tighter, "Anxiety (We were worried.)" The boy blushes as he tries to take them off and then Mikage whispers, "You guys… you… you came. Where's Orihara!?" Masaomi then speaks even in his dog demon form, "Kit has other businesses to attend to." He then looks around as he finds the demons recovering… turning to Mikado, "Mikado, we have to secure this area." The brunet nods and then he asks Mikage, "Please lead them to a safer place. Let's go, Masaomi."

The students twitch and then Mikado starts an oration, having a line draw along and encircling the dome. Anri steps outside the line and she unsheathes another sword from her body, dicing the mid-level demons that dare to get near them. Mikage watches them and she whispers, "…For Orihara to hold down such demons like you under his wings. He must be very powerful, isn't he…?" Mikado nods and he claps to raise another barrier to protect the dome, "But his power lies on the strength of human faith. We're feeling a sudden surge of power as we get near here… a lot must have been reminded of that movie. They must have believed that someone like Izaya-sempai is secretly protecting the city."

Mikage murmurs before she leads the students away, "Well, he is protecting Ikebukuro… isn't he?"

Itazura no Inutachi

The three foxes descend at the broken stone wall that seems to be not constructed based on a plan. It feels like it is raised from the ground… suggesting the presence of the stone golem demon Guardian of Raira. The lilac-eyed one then whispers, "Izaya, this place…" The red-eyed one squints as he looks over the ruins that lied beyond the high stone wall, "Yeah. This is a battlefield. And it seems that it is the Guardian against one strong demon. I can't sense any black goo around… but only Yomi demons could have attacked him."

"Izaya… there are strong auras coming from underground… I think." Shizuo frowns at the distant crater from where they stand. The kitsunes then swim through mid-air to reach the deep crater, only for Izaya to stop as a surge of aura dashes from beneath. The foxes back off as a burning wheel demon shoots out, along with a stone golem and a creepy-looking human-size voodoo doll. They crash to the area far from the hole and they all seemed to be wounded– the stone golem in a much better condition than the other two who are critical.

The red-eyed fox then goes near the stone golem and he speaks, "Tom-san…" The stone golem turns to him and then to the other two foxes than came with him. The gold-eyed fox wraps three of his tails around the familiar demons, "It's the Guardian with his Court." The wheel demon looks away and then the voodoo doll, known as a Poltergeist, warns the three, "Orihara! You better be ware. There's a strong Yomi demon that came attacking the Guardian. It's our duty to protect him!"

The grand fox wears a bitter grin as he goes nearer to Tom, "Neh, Guardian, tell me. Why let these filths ravage the district? Is there something going on?" The other two Court members twitch and then the Guardian only stays silent as he tries to move a bit under the gold-eyed fox's hold. Izaya frowns at the silence and then Kyohei, the wheel demon, speaks, "Listen, Orihara. Don't you dare doubt the Guardian." The fox then chuckles, as he swirls around, "Sorry. I can't help it. It's too suspicious to even blindly follow the Guardian now. Letting a demon of Yomi inside Raira Academy… and now having these demons take over…"

"But you must keep in mind, you're still–" The other is cut off as the ground shakes vigorously, another demon breaking from the ground nearby the crater hole. The three foxes twitch as the other demon appears to be distorted, as if a flying entity with a drill as a head. The flying demon then circles around and then Izaya erases his surprise, "Well, as expected from Yomi…" But there is no black goo. It must be a high-level one to be left alone by Nebula. However, it gives off a different feel from the other demons they have encountered before.

The wheel demon breaks from the other's hold and then he envelops his form with fire again. Vorona's lilac eyes brighten as well as she tries harnessing her vanishing spirit ball. Shizuo frowns as he readies to fight while healing the other two demons. Izaya then smirks as his eyes grow brighter as well, "Oh. Would you mind if I ask what you need from the Guardian?" The flying demon then reactivates the drill head and charges as Vorona and Kyohei do. The drill demon endures the hits and goes to ram Kyohei head-on. The wheel demon knows more than to clash against the other, choosing to evade.

Vorona then spews her vanishing balls which the drill demon duly dodges. Izaya then fires a bright red ball which the drill demon endures again… only to be followed by his eight tails. Twitching as he fails to grab the demon, the grand fox has his eyes alert from any attack from the smoke shrouding where the demon should.

A figure shoots out from the smoke which Yumasaki, the other Court member, attacks after breaking from the gold-eyed fox's hold. Shizuo tries to stop the other… only to be distracted by that one aura he felt.

It is freaking familiar… the secret message that is spread through the other foxes.

The Poltergeist attacks the emerging figure only to be hit by a gigantic orange spirit ball. Izaya and Vorona evade the other spirit balls from the being and then Shizuo let goes of the Guardian to go and meddle with the fight. The three foxes start another exchange of spirit balls, Izaya using his tails to catch it even just a bit. The mysterious demon splits its tail to nine parts which caused terror and amazement to the other demons around.

The grand fox gets to counter the other eight but one gets through and wraps to strangle the other. Vorona tries to rescue the red-eyed one but the mysterious kitsune fires a spirit ball at her– which becomes a net to weigh her back to the ground.

Shizuo then attacks the mysterious kitsune directly but it moves around to evade, soon shooting out balls to hit him down as well. Izaya struggles more and then the other Court Members try to help them. The mysterious kitsune then shoots them down with the nets and it dashes towards the grand fox, charging a big-ass spirit ball to crush him with. The gold-eyed one then races with him, only to wrap his tails around the other. But it suddenly turns into a translucent blob, leaving the tails pass through.

But as soon as the tails pass through, Izaya fires a small spirit ball to make the one it's charging explode. The tails disappears and the mysterious kitsune crashes down but it regains consciousness to stir back into locomotion, circling around to face its enemies again. The two able foxes regroup as Shizuo tries to heal Izaya… watching the mysterious kitsune heal his own mouth.

The blond then yells, "Stop fighting. It's going to be useless now!" Izaya smirks as he recharges another spirit ball, "I don't want to crush you… but you're leaving me no choice." Soon, bright orange eyes shine from the other… the kitsune speaking for the first time.

"Move and let me do what I must, Nii-san." Shizuo's eyes widening… "K… Kasuka!?"

End of Chapter 38

Thanks for reading. Please review.