Author's Notes: Erica's turn. How she used to see Stiles and how she sees him, and her alpha, now. I think her crush on Stiles was cute and gave them a nice back story.

Summary: Stiles was Erica's first crush and those always break your heart. Thing is, she thinks the way it turned out is actually a hundred times better. Batman still saves her and they're both happier for it. Sterek.

Becoming Pack- Part 2 (Erica)

"Stiles! What are-"


Erica found herself crouched down before she'd even thought to move, a sharp piece of shrapnel slicing through the air just over her head.

He'd saved her. Stiles had saved her. And the way he'd looked…the fragile-boned human had seemed more vicious in that moment, in that commanding tone, than she had ever heard; even from her pack mates.

Shaking off the near-death experience that had become ever more common place in her life lately, Erica stood, shaking for an entirely different reason. Glancing around, she saw her savior, the boy she'd had a crush on for so long when she was younger. His back was to her and, like before when she'd heard his command, she was moving towards him without even thinking.

But she stopped. Because Stiles was moving too; away from her. She could hear his heartbeat as he pulled a sheet of metal away from the wall, hands already bleeding. She saw Stiles go to bend down just as Derek pulled himself up, both holding onto each other, hands skimming for injuries. They didn't say anything. Didn't need to. She could sense the relief from the human and she heard the puff of breath from her alpha that meant everything.

It hurt a little, in the distant, aching way a first crush always did, but she smiled despite herself. It seemed somehow tragic and perfect at the same time.

She had lost her first crush to the first person she'd really kissed.

It wasn't as if she was actually losing either of them anyway. Pack was pack. They were both still there. Still right where they belonged, connected more solidly than they had been before; to pack, to each other, and only getting stronger. Maybe she'd had some small part in pushing them toward each other, through jealousy or overenthusiastic stalling techniques that involved dumpsters and jeep parts, whatever.

Erica watched as Stiles called Derek names in a strange softly frustrated voice she couldn't really hear. She saw Derek growl and tell Stiles how stupid he was for bringing his easily-injured humanity out into the fray; all the while pressing closer to the teenager, nudging his jaw line and smirking so subtly. Backs of fingers brushed quickly, then pulled away, the two of them turning back to the recovering pack, back to her. Separate again physically, but Erica could see the pull between them now and it stunned her a little.

She thought that if she did have a part in this, in bringing them together, then she was part of something beautiful. And that made the minor heartbreak of first love more than okay.