Just then, helicopters appeared, splaying vegetation and dust into the air. Mulder attempted to shield Scully from the debris. He saw a figure emerge through the helicopter door through his squinted eyes and pulled out his gun. Mulder turned toward the woods as he saw a flash of white and realized that Grant was flanking them with two other men. Before he could point his gun however, gunshots sprayed from above at Grant who took cover behind a tree. There was no time to think so Mulder pulled Scully to her feet and they both sprinted toward the road.

When Scully realized that the helicopter was actually covering them, she followed Mulder to the road and toward the airport. The helicopter continued to follow them, safeguarding them until they saw the blessed small transport plane that would take them out of Canada.

"Apparently Skinner is still conscious this late into Thanksgiving." Scully commented, having guessed who it was that Mulder called. He smiled down at her as four military officials approached them. They didn't have to be asked twice to get on the plane.


It was late the next day before the agents were in a taxi in Washington. Scully had been seen by a doctor and was in fair health. Mulder could see her eyes drooping as she drifted into sleep beside him. The taxi stopped jerkily in front of her apartment and she invited him inside. He assumed that she would simply want to go to sleep, but came inside anyway, "I suppose your family will have more reason to dislike me now. You missed dinner." He smirked.

"My mother made sure that I got some, though." Scully pulled a large plate and some Tupperware out of her fridge. "Care to join me in a Thanksgiving feast?" She asked, "Freshly microwaved." She said as if to tempt him.

He couldn't help but smile back as he took a place beside her at the counter and helped dish out mashed potatoes onto another plate. Both plates were warmed up and Mulder and Scully sat across from one another at her dining room table and enjoyed what was left of the Scully family Thanksgiving dinner.

Author's note: Thanks for reading and reveiwing everyone! Hope you enjoyed it. :D