Chap I

Locking the doors to his chambers located in the tallest tower of the castle, prince Steve Rogers was preparing himself for the night. The prince was a fragile little thing: He had health problems and a small and very thin body to boot. Every other kingdom had handsome, strong and chiseled princes. They were always the talk of Kings with princesses, who will marry who. The princesses, always the damsels in distress, with their long hair, perfect skin, beautiful eyes and lustrous lips. Alas, young Steve only had the personality of a prince: he was brave, loyal, courageous, fierce in his convictions, fearless and had strong morals. Princesses nowadays only like princes with big biceps and perfectly build abs that also had strong jaws. Every time his parents brought in a girl, they always thought he was boring, but weren't they boring also: when you ask what they wanted in a man, they always answer the same way "a knight in a shiny armor", they would say, "on a white horse." Our young prince will only sit there and listen to them talk about somebody that isn't him. He only cared about his appearance for health issues; he didn't need abs nor biceps or a chiseled jaw. He was a nice guy and he was a prince, for god sake's!

So, Prince Rogers was sitting by his window, staring at the beautiful cloudless night sky when he saw it. Some sort of black shadow crept through the kingdom's defences and flew right towards the castle. The thing blew blue flames onto the homes of the villagers, transforming it into a blue inferno. The silhouette of the thing was more distinguishable by the glow of the flames; it was a dragon a huge one by that, with wings that can create strong winds destroying the houses untouched by fire. Its scales would gleam a different shade of blue every time its body would twist and turn. The monstrosity stopped in the central plaza. It glanced at the statue of the king in the middle of the fountain. With a mighty roar, it turned on its four limbs and smashed it to pieces with its long spiky tail.

Steve was on the edge of his window seat, he couldn't believe his eyes. A dragon decided to demolish his kingdom! He looked at the entrance of the castle and saw a multitude of knights, some on horses, going towards the creature. Pointing their swords and yelling battle cries, Steve needed to be part of the action. He ran towards the exit, but when he opened the doors, Bucky, his personal knight guard stopped him.

"Sorry, prince Rogers, but you can't go out there. Way to dangerous for you", he said, "We can't afford to have you hurt or dead." he finished by locking the doors to Steve's room.

"Dammit!" the young man exclaimed. He could hear Bucky's metallic foot steps toward the stairs. Great, now he was stuck and he couldn't do a thing.

He returned to the window and watched as the knights struggled against the giant black beast. They were struggling alright, not even one could hurt it. They all got crushed or smashed with one of its limbs or barbecued by blue fire. Their horses were eaten like nuts tossed into the air. It was invincible.

Then, it raised its impressive head into air extending its long scaly neck. It closed its mouth hiding away the rows of razor sharp teeth. Everything was silent for a moment; every knight was standing still, waiting for the dragon's next move. The sound of burning wood was the only thing you could hear. The winged lizard turned its head left and right slowly. It was sniffing the air searching for something. Steve wondered what it was when he locked eyes with the dragon. Its eyes were dark with a kind of strange glint in them.

Suddenly, it reared on its back legs and extended its huge dark bat-like wings. It jumped into the air and took to the direction of the tallest tower. With a few flaps it was half way there. By the time he blinked, the dragon was at the bottom of the tower, it climbed with lightning speed, with fire escaping its gaping jaws. The thing and Steve's eyes didn't part the whole way. The prince was in deep trouble. He froze when the dragon reached his window. He gazed into its dark eyes. He could hear the dragon rumble and see its white teeth glinting. The moonlight was shining behind it and it made it look like it was only a dream. Steve was mesmerized, the dark horns on its head were smooth and it was almost scale less. Its muzzle had some small prickly whiskers and it had two tentacles-like ones beside each large oval nostrils and one long on its chin. By everything he saw, Steve always came back to the eyes. They were a very deep amber, almost brown if it wasn't for the fire in them. They hid great mysteries between them and he found himself curious and wanting to uncover them.


Steve jumped to the sounds of shouting. He realized he got closer to the dragon and the dragon had entered its head into the tower. Not only that, his hand was almost touching the beast. The prince backed away and drew away his hand. Its eyes turned mischievous somehow and it moved its head out and moved up a few pace. By the time the doors to his room opened, Prince Rogers was in the clutch of the dragon's large right hand. He was dragged out like a doll and he was into the night sky in a few heartbeats. The young man struggles for a bit before he finally passed out to the sound of whooshing winds.

I wanted the chapter to end with the dragon literally saying "ROAR", but refrained from doing so.

Reviews are love :)