Disclaimer: I do not make money off this and own nothing NCIS, I am a huge fan of the show and I write this for enjoyment nothing more. Now enjoy.

Chapter 8: Enemies and Tony's Secret
NCIS agent Ziva David had seen many things in her life as a Mossad officer and then as a NCIS agent, but none of them compared to this. She never thought she would be terrified of facing a 13 year old girl, but she had been warned by Tony that Sera was a force to be weary of, but she didn't expect the girl to stare her down or make her fidget. The girl was just like Gibbs, the glare, the calm don't mess with me demeanor, she never in her entire life thought a child could be like this, but then she smiled and Ziva was relieved.
"So Sera, Tony told me you want to be a teacher, what do you want to teach?" asked Ziva.
"I want to be a history teacher, because to know the past ensures that the same mistakes will not repeat themselves," said Sera with a smile.
"I always liked history, but I was always more of a physical education type of kid."
"It's fun, I love playing basketball, softball, and soccer, so I'm a good athelete. When I was 8 dad put in Tai Kwon Do classes, and have been going three afternoons a week for 3 hours ever since," she said with a sad smile.
"From what I have been told by Tony and Gibbs your parents were amazing people."
"Yeah... I'm going to go upstairs to lay down for a bit, it's been trying day."
Ziva watched as the teen left the living room and headed upstairs. She couldn't help but wish she could help her more, but the girl was stubborn and clearly not wishing to show weakness, it was another thing that reminded her of Gibbs.

Three men sat in a bar just three miles from where their target was currently located, they had yet to figure a way to get to her. The first time they tried they drove passed the house only to catch a glimpse of a red haired woman standing in the front window. The second time and most recent was also a dud because their informant told them she had former mossad officer as her babysitter, and none of them were crazy enough to try and take a trained killer on. But, if they didn't act soon the lady would not be happy with them.
"So how do we get her away from her minder?" asked the man with black receeding hair and yellow teeth.
"We could gas the house, and then when they are all unconciouse go in a grab her," sugested the youngest man, with blonde hair and beady blue eyes.
The third man, who had red haired brown eyeds sat silent listening to them whisper out suggestions, he himself knew they had to get the girl, she was part of the plan they needed her for the plan to work. The lady was already upset and her patience with them was growing thin, he was afraid she would soon give them a deadline one that would make them act recklessly.
"We wait and watch. No need to rush head-long into a situation or into an enemy camp with no understanding of said enemy. The old saying goes to beat thy enemy, one must know thy enemy."
"I see so your saying we should observe them for a couple of days and learn their routine before we attack," said the first man.
"Then we come up with a plan based of their daily activites," smiled the second finally catching on to the plan.
The third nodded and sighed as the other two talked about how they should do thing and where they should take up positions at. All he knew was that he was not about to spend days with these idiots without painkiller and coffee.

Tony looked around the bullpen and seeing noone around he grabbed his gear and made for the elevator. He pushed the button and was glad that he was still alone when the doors opened. He got in and just as the doors were closing a hand shot out and the doors opened to reveal Gibbs and McGee.
"DiNozzo where are you going?" asked Gibbs.
"Following a lead," seeing Gibbs was wanting more he continued, "now it might be nothing but a friend in Baltimore thinks he might have found some information on Commander Graham after the mission ended."
"Do you need McGee to go with you?"
"No, I'm going their and coming right back, I might no get back till late though, so I may just wait to come in..."
Gibbs cut him and said, "It takes a few hours to get their , and assuming you will be talking with your friend for awhile it's safe to say I will see you tomorrow."
"Right thanks."
He got off and they contined down to Abby's lab, he was just glad that he had not forced him to take McGee. He rushed to his car and got in, he didn't want Gibbs to change his mind and send McGee out to join him. He was exiting the security gat when saw McGee walking out of the parking garage and look around. He said goodbye to the gaurd and sighed in relief that he got away, before he could be forced into a situation he would not be able to get out of. He made his way through the streets and was almost to his destination when he looked down at his phone and saw he had 4 text and 3 missed calls.
'Tony Gibbs decided to send me with you, you need to come back and we'll take a company car."
He didn't bother with the rest they would be same, McGee was great but sometimes he whined about things by just talking and it sounded like whining. What he was doing was not something he was willing to share in fact it was something he would prefer to hide from everyone. He pulled into his usual spot and walked into the building, it was only about 20 minutes later when the familiar voice of Nurse Anderson said, "Mr. DiNozzo, Dr. Pitt will see you now."

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