Chapter 5

Oh my gosh! I can't believe over a year has been since I've updated this, but it has been a hectic year so I hope you can forgive me.

Author's note: There might be some torture in this chapter, probably nothing too gory but I'll see where it goes. Oh and the past is in italic, meaning any scenes with Sam at the moment, and the present is in normal writing, so scenes with Bobby, Dean, Cas etc..

7 days earlier...

Sam was afraid to open his eyes, sure he had been kidnapped or caught by a countless amount of creatures and even a few humans, but then he always knew Dean would save him, but now... Sure Dean might turn up at some time when he was finished doing whatever he was doing with Cas, but there was a chance that he might run out of time before Dean got there, and he didn't want to open his eyes because he knew he knew he had to go through whatever the ghouls had planned for him alone.

"Dean will probably forget about me, probably already has, I'm just the guy who started the Apocalypse to him now! He's not coming... No one is. I'm going to die before I can even try to make things up to Dean and Bobby." He thought sadly, tears leaking through his closed eye lids.

"Maybe it's better if he doesn't come, I know Dean, he'll feel guilty and then he'll be stuck with me. Maybe he's better off without me. Cas will look out for him, he'll do a better job than I ever have." He then made himself think, trying the make the pain of not having Dean there to save him better.

"I should just get this over with, the quicker I do, the quicker I can rid Dean of me, he'll be free." He muttered and finally pried his eyes open and assessed his situation. The pain in his leg had struck him as soon as he woke up but he didn't know the severity of the wound until he saw it. The whole lower right leg of his jeans was stained dark and he couldn't help but wince at the sight of pieces of rotten wood through the cuts in his jeans, obviously still buried in his leg.

"If I ever get out of here I'll probably have to lose part of the limb." His torturous thoughts sounded again, even they seemed like an enemy to him.

He decided to take his thoughts of his injury by seeing if there was a way of an easy escape, but that was shot down when he realized he was bound, hands bound to a pole behind him with rope, even if he could get free he doubted he would make it far on his leg.

He looked around his surrounding, it seemed he was in a basement but it was well lit, and the only way in and out was a door at the top of a flight of stairs on the other side of the room. He could hear laughter, music and footsteps coming from upstairs, the ghouls were probably celebrating having caught a Winchester. A moment later the door opened and a young boy walked down the first few steps and stared at him for a second before turning and shouting "he's awake." And then a group of people filed down the stairs one by one and gathered on the other side of the fairly large basement, muttering until a woman strode down the stairs, it took a moment for Sam to recognize her as the over-confident ghoul he'd met outside. She kind of looked like Ruby, long dark hair and brown eyes but she was tall, very tall, a type of girl who'd be a shoe-in for modelling, and Sam would've found her extremely attractive... If she wasn't a flesh-eating monster.

"Nice of you to finally join us Sam." She smiled as she walked over to her, her steps agile and quiet. When she was at Sam's right side she knelt down, staring at him, studying him like some trapped animal. Her eyes swept down the length of his body and landed on his injured leg.

"Hmmm, this looks painful." She muttered, her long, skinny fingers snaking towards the wound. Sam tried to move his leg away but a shot of agony flared up his leg and spread through his whole body, he barely managed to choke down a scream. He could only watch as she grabbed one of the pieces of wood and tweaked it one way and then the other, this time the scream tore out of Sam's mouth before Sam could stop it and tears well up in his eyes.

"Aw Sammy, you're so cute when you scream, oh, and look, you're going to cry. We're going to have so much fun with you Sam." She cooed while she smirked evilly, she when straddled his hips and Sam immediately, but ineffectively, tried to buck her off with his uninjured leg and only ended up in jarring his other leg again. He felt her fingers carded, almost gently, through his hair and then one hand tightening at the back of his hair, clutching his locks while the other hand grabbed his chin.

"You're so beautiful, Sam, everything I'd look for in a man, strong, cute, and with a hint of darkness in him." Sam gulped at the word 'darkness', he knew he had evil in him, but it still hurt whenever anyone reminded him of it, especially now after what he had done, all he wants to be and has ever wanted to be is normal, but it has never been the right time to leave, well apart from Stanford.

"Everyone knows about what you did, what you've done." She whispered in his ear, going far past evading personal space.

"Come on Sam, don't you like the way I look, or do I remind you too much of the demonic bitch that you used to do the dirty with." She snickered before planting her lips on his, fingers and nails digging into his cheeks, forcing his jaw open, when she slipped her tongue in Sam tried to clamp his mouth shut but that only caused her nails to dig in further, breaking his skin, blood pooled round her fingers and then running down his cheeks. After a few agonizing seconds she finally pulled away.

"I was hoping you'd be more willing Sam, because maybe then I won't have to kill you, but now seeing that you don't want me I'll just have to let one of them chomp on you until nothing's left and then they'll be you and then I'll get want I want." She nodded her head towards the crowd that were patiently waiting, and Sam had almost forgotten they were even there. It now made sense Sam why the ghouls had left bodies behind and not eaten the whole corpse, because they were just snacks, the ghouls hadn't wanted or needed new bodies so they had took what they need and then left the remains behind, maybe also to leave a mark behind so show the vampires that they were serious about their play for power and dominance.

The sad thing was Sam was willing to accept his fate, he couldn't rely on Dean anymore, it wasn't fair on Dean to be expected to save him, not anymore, not after everything.



Bobby watched worriedly as Dean paced up and down the floor of their motel room, they both knew Sam might be dead, but that was what they feared the most, but then again if Sam had been caught by vampires or the other creatures, that they had yet to figure out what they were yet, Sam wouldn't not be hurting right now, and both thoughts made Bobby's heart ache. He had to admit that he was disappointed in Sam, but deep down Sam was and would always be the sensitive, good-hearted boy that he's known for the most of Sam's life.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the bin flying across the room and crashing against the wall near the door to the bathroom, and then he heard Dean roaring out, the tone containing nothing but fear and a hint of anger, the anger only there because Dean hated being scared.

"Damn it, Damn it, DAMN IT!" Dean yelled out, his eyes searching out for something else to throw or kick or punch.

"Dean, calm down." Bobby said, feeling like he's been saying that a lot lately, and he had, but honestly he was glad there was still some love between the brother's, that Dean's anger against his brother hadn't completely taken over the love he still had for his little brother. He hoped after this that both boys will realize that it's best if they stick together, more for safety reasons than anything else, sure it seems Dean had really got used to working with Cas, which was fine because at least he was safe, but it also seemed that Sam had just been running around getting himself in all kinds of trouble and without anyone there to watch out for him, he's practically buried himself in trouble.

"I can't Bobby, Sam's been missing for at least a week and no one even knew about it. I should've known this was going to happen, it always does, he's always been a target for anything and everything supernatural and even crazy people, I shouldn't have let him leave me, obviously I wouldn't be happy with him but at least he'd be safe, well safer." Tears welled up in Dean's eyes as his energy finally depleted and he flopped down on his bed.

"Dean, Sam decided to leave before you had a say in it, and he would've left even if you could've had a say, from what I've learn about Sam over the years is that he hates his family being mad at him, especially you, sure he always used to fight with your father, but he used to get upset after, hell I remember I even found him sobbing his heart out once when he was a kid, after a really bad argument with your dad." Bobby's heart clenched at the memory of finding a young Sam curled up in one of the shells of a car in his yard trying to hide his tears by burying his head in his knees.

Dean was speechless; whatever memory he had of Sam when he was in his teens was a rebellious, mouthy teenager with a heap-load of mood swings. "I...I never knew that." He muttered after a second.

"Yeah well he didn't want you to know, honestly I think he felt embarrassed and that maybe he didn't want to seem weak in front of you, I only found out because I followed him out into the yard." Bobby explained, not wanting Dean to feel like he had failed to look after Sam when he was younger.

"God, Sammy." Dean sighed after a moment of silence "we have to find him Bobby, I can't let things end the way they did between us, despite everything he's still my little brother and he needs to know that."

Bobby only nodded at Dean's emotional confession, because yeah, they needed to find their boy and bring him home.

To be continued...

I'll try to update it sometime soon, but no promises because school and all that. Please let me know what you think, so reviews please!