Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, events or places is entirely coincidental. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N: Advance Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Spread the love! 3

Chapter 19

"What the hell is this, So Yi Jung?!" Grandfather So bellowed. He rose from his seat, his eyes raging as he looked into his grandson. At the table in the center of the room lays a white envelope, yet to be opened. Grandfather did not need to see what was inside the envelope to know what it contains. "Have you really gone mad, So Yi Jung?" Gtandfather So asked, his voice still loud.

"First, you cancelled your engagement to Cha Eun Jae and now this?" the old man continued.

"It was not me who cancelled the engagement, grandfather." Yi Jung answered.

Soon after his talk with Eun Jae and his grandfather a few days ago, Yi Jung decided that this is what he wanted; that this is what he needed. If six years ago, he was not brave to leave everything behind, now he knows that he is ready. Everyone may laugh at him for leaving everything for the girl he loves but Yi Jung does not care. He has lost her once. She has left his life before and he knows that a life without her is not the life he wants. It's not the life that will make him happy. After all, she is his everything.

"It may not be you who directly cancelled the wedding but it is your fault." Grandfather So said, emphasizing on the latter part of the sentence. "If you did not see that girl again…"

Grandfather So was cut off as Yi Jung raised his head and said, "If I did not see her again then what, grandfather?" Yi Jung knows that it is utterly rude to talk back to the elderly, especially to his own grandfather but somehow, he just can't take it anymore. He needed to let this out. He wanted to be honest, even if it means being rude. "Then the marriage could have proceeded? Then the merge could have happened?" Yi Jung asks. "Did it occur to you that maybe, I wasn't happy with this set- up? Did you know that sometimes, I wished I wasn't part of this family; that I was born into a normal family so that I don't need to face things like this?"

"Watch what you're saying, YI Jung." Grandfather So threatened.

"Is a family like this? Using your own blood to do business easily?" Yi Jung continued. "I guess father is lucky enough that he fell in love and married my mother who came from an affluent family. But I wasn't so lucky like my parents. I fell in love with a girl, a simple yet loving girl whose family isn't 'at par' with us, as you say."

"Yi Jung…" His grandfather said in a low voice as he took his seat, trying to calm himself. "We are doing business. Our whole life depends on this business, on this craft. And if the only way to continue this is to marry off you like that, I will do it." Grandfather So, paused. "Yes, your father was lucky enough. But I wasn't so lucky, too, Yi Jung."

Yi Jung's eyes opened in disbelief. Where is this conversation with his grandfather going? What is the old man trying to say?

"You know how they say that you cannot choose your parents, Yi Jung. I do also believe that you cannot choose your life. It is nobody's fault that you were born in this family. You could have wished a thousand times to belong to another family but you don't, Yi Jung. You belong to this family and as a member of this family, you need to carry on the tradition. You need to carry on the name to the next generation; the craft, most especially. And as part of that family, if it requires you to marry out of convenience, you do so. This is your destiny, Yi Jung. No matter how you try to defy it, it is the path you should take. The moment you were born, your whole destiny was laid out in front of you. We're not the only family with this problem, Yi Jung. You're not the only person who tried to defy their destiny and leave their family. There may be some lucky enough that they get to choose their own path but as you said, you're not as lucky, Yi Jung." Grandfather So paused and closed his eyes. Yi Jung could tell that his grandfather was trying to explain things to him, more calmly now than he used to before. "Those who tried to defy their family, do you know what happened to them? They became nothing, Yi Jung. They were disowned, never allowed to take a step in this country ever again."

"Don't you think I'm willing to take that path? I am risking everything now, grandfather." Yi Jung said. "Six years ago, you told me that if I go after her, I will lose everything. And honestly, I was very afraid. I did not know what awaits me if I choose her over this family. But now, after all these things, I regret my decision six years ago. If I was just a little braver than I was…"

"I, too…" Grandfather So cut Yi Jung off, his eyes full of emotions, full of longing and sadness. "I, too, tried to defy it before, Yi Jung." Grandfather So said, his eyes locked with Yi Jung's.

"What do you mean, grandfather?" Yi Jung asked, not knowing what to expect from the old man.

"My marriage to your grandmother… it was purely out of business." Grandfather So trailed. "I was young like you, Yi Jung. I was about your age when I married her. Like you, I tried to break away from this path laid out before me." Grandfather So paused, sadness evident in his voice. "I was worse than you, Yi Jung. One day, I disappeared and tried to run away from all those things. I did not want to marry your grandmother. I did not want to be the head of this household. I did not want to take over the museum. Pottery was not my passion." Yi Jung gaped. He was not expecting this. His plan was to give his grandfather that letter, his resignation. All he planned was to have a quick talk with his grandfather and then leave. Certainly, he did not expect such story coming from his grandfather.

"It's up to you, Yi Jung, if you'll believe my story or not." Grandfather So said. "But look at me now. If I did succeed in trying to get away from this life, then I should not be standing here before you. If I was able to escape, there would be no So Museum. Yes, I married your grandmother out of convenience, for business purposes. But it did not take me long to love your grandmother truly."

"She was a sweetheart." Yi Jung murmured. He can recall his grandmother when she was still alive. She is one of the most beautiful and sweetest people Yi Jung knew. Looking back, he would have never thought that his grandparents' marriage was out of convenience. In his memories, they were so in love.

"Yes, she is." Grandfather So said, a small smile on his face. He stood up from his seat, walked towards the window and gazed at the beautiful dance of the leaves outside. "I thought it would be just like that with you and Eun Jae. But here you are. Your engagement cancelled. You and your resignation letter waiting for my approval."

"I do not want to lose her again, grandfather." Yi Jung said as he stood up from his seat and walked closer to his grandfather.

"But she already left you six years ago, right? And now, she has left you again. How can you be so sure that she wants to have you again?" Grandfather So inquired.

"I know that she still loves me." Yi Jung answered. "Sure, she has her apprehensions and other concerns but looking at her, I just know it. We may have changed over the years but I know that her feelings for me have not changed. And so is mine. I told her that I would take my chances."

It has been a few days since Ga Eul has come back from Seoul. When she arrived, there were tons of things for her since she has been away for quite sometime. She also needed to move to a new and bigger apartment since her mother will now be staying with her. After her mother's attack, she simply cannot leave her alone. After so much persuading, her mother finally decided to come with Ga Eul to Paris. Ga Eul waited until her mother and her work were all in place before she starts her search again.

She grew up without a father. Her father left them even before she was born. Growing up, she has always been envious of girls who have their fathers picking them from school, accompanying them. She has always wondered why her father left them. Didn't he want her? Ga Eul has always been curious of her father. She wanted to know what he looks like, his name, his job, everything. She never harbored any anger towards her father. She wanted to understand him. She wanted to know why he did what he did. Ga Eul has always asked her mother questions about him but her mother never answered. Ga Eul tried to ask roundabout questions, thinking that her mother might have a slip of a tongue but she failed. Ga Eul tried to look for signs of her father in her mother's things but there was none. She has always wondered if she'll ever have a chance to meet him. So when Grandfather So told her that her father was in Paris, Ga Eul became selfish and grabbed the opportunity. She did not know how the old man got the information, but he's the head of the So household anyway. Powerful people always have means to information. And that information was used against her, and she gave in.

"Ga Eul…" her mother called out to her. She was lost in her thoughts. When her mother called her out of her reverie, Ga Eul realized that she has been sitting there for a long time and has accomplished nothing in her sketch. "You look occupied." Her mother noted. "Are you okay? Maybe it would be good if you take some rest. Or would you like some tea?" Her mother asked.

Ga Eul looked up and smiled at her mother. Her mother was just the sweetest thing. She would always look after Ga Eul. "I'm okay, Omma." Ga Eul answered. "I was just thinking about something."

"Care to share?" Her mother asked, flashing her daughter a heartwarming smile.

Ga Eul put down her pencil and stood up from her seat. She walked towards her mother who was sitting on the coffee table beside the large window. It was a late afternoon in Paris and it seems that her mother still can't get enough of the beauty outside the window. She took the seat across her mother. "Omma…"

"Yes dear?"

"Do you miss my dad?" Ga Eul asked.

Her mother's eyes widened, shocked by her daughter's sudden question. "What kind of question is that, Ga Eul?"

"You don't?" Ga Eul asked again, pain evident in her voice.

"Of course, I do, Ga Eul." Her mother answered. "But it has been so long ago." Her mother whispered, her eyes focused somewhere else.

"If…" Ga Eul started. "…by any chance, you see him again. What will you do?" Ga Eul looked at her mother and watched carefully for her reaction. All these years, her mother would not talk about her father for a long time. Somehow, she'll find a way to change the subject.

"I…" her mother felt Ga Eul's eyes on her and so, she turned her head and faced her daughter. "I will probably apologize to him." Her mother said.

"What do you mean by that?" Ga Eul asked, confused.

"I very well know why you're here in Paris, Ga Eul." Her mother said, their eyes still in contact. "Your father went here when he left us. For all I know, you could have found him already after years of looking for him. I know why you wanted to come here. It's not only because you wanted to study fashion and enter the industry but you also want to look for your father. Am I right?"

"How did you…"

"I'm your mother, Ga Eul. If there's anyone who knows you so well, it would be me." Her mother said, a small smile on her face. "So, have you found him?"

"I haven't met him yet but I know where he is." Ga Eul said.

"Before you meet him then, I want to tell you something, Ga Eul. And you might hate me for this but at least it came from me, not from anyone else." Her mother's face was serious and Ga Eul cannot help but wonder what her mother wanted to tell her. "You might be thinking all your life that your father left us because he wanted to. Well…" Ga Eul's mother paused. "It's not like he really wanted to leave us from the beginning. But then, I pushed him away." Ga Eul was shocked. She certainly did not expect this story. "Your father wanted to come here – to chase his dream. You two were very similar in that way." A small smile escaped her mother's lips as she said that. "He was very fond of the arts. That's what he really wanted to do and not become a salary man. You see, your father did not come from a well off family so he didn't have the luxury to do what he wanted. So coming here, studying and everything else was just a dream for him. He worked to be able to achieve that and when he was finally able to save enough for us – you, me and him – to fly here, he convinced me to move here and start a new life. But…" Her mother paused, tears about to fall down her face. "I wasn't really convinced of us moving here. We already had a convenient life in Busan, he and I were working and we were able to get by. I wanted to support his dream but I cannot risk our life, especially yours. You can say that I wasn't really confident that your father can make it through. And I'm the worst for that. There was no day I did not regret not supporting him and his dream."

Ga Eul stared at her mother, lost for words. She did not really expect to hear any of this. All these years, all her life, she never imagined that it was her mother who pushed her father away. Aren't couples supposed to be supportive of each other? To always believe in each other? Maybe she was just too idealistic about this. Yes, she is. Because as Ga Eul looked further into her mother's eyes, she can see the pain; she can see the love that has never left. Of course, she still loved him. Even after all these years, her mother loved her father. But sometimes, love is not enough.

"You know what omma…" Ga Eul said. "Hearing all of these confuses me. I do not really know what to feel or to think. I never thought that I'd be hearing this story but somehow, I'm thankful that you finally said it. Like what you said, it's better to have come from than from anyone else. Because if there's anyone that knows the truth, it's you. I know it took a lot of courage for you to tell me that but I'm still grateful. Because I know that you only did what you did for my sake. It was a hard decision for you. I can see how much you still love my father and I think that love never faded with time. It's still there when I look into your eyes but more than that, I can see pain." Ga Eul took a deep breath and scanned her phone. She held out her phone for her mother to see and there was a photo of Ga Eul and her father. "You were right. I already met him a few times." Ga Eul glanced at her mother and saw tears streaming down her face. "As soon as I got here in Paris, I looked for him but it was not easy. It was only early this year when I finally met him. Apparently, he's been travelling a lot around Europe that's why it was hard to find him. I was very happy when I finally saw him. I thought that it would take me forever to search for him and that I might never find him at all. But you what, Omma, fate really has a way of making things happen. I got an invitation for an exhibit. I never thought that it would be his. But as soon as I stepped into the gallery, I saw portraits… of you. And of me. That's when I knew. You know what's really surprising, I did not feel any anger or hatred even if I did not knew him and he was not there when I grew up. Because he never unloved you and me at all. And for me, that was enough. It was enough knowing that my father did not forget about you and me." Tears are also falling from Ga Eul's eyes. A small smile crept on her face as she wiped her tears and continued the story. "I wanted to tell you but did not really know how to do it. Because you always seemed to have avoided the topic. There must have been a perfect timing for everything, right? Maybe after all these years, it's still not too late to become a family?"