A/N I'm gonna try to do weekly updates now that it's the summer, so from now on, weekly updates will be on Wednesday, unless I'm busy ovo
Also, my tumlbr is niitoriin and I'm going to have a blog specifically for writing, and I'll have a link on my profile when it's up.
Miku skipped into the room and giggled at the two boys that were currently laying on the couch. "So, ya finally decided to make a move, huh Len?" She said in a sing-song voice. She sat down on the couch, near the boys' feet and smoothed out her skirt before looking at Len and grinning a bit. "Oh Len, don't you know that this isn't the best place for you and him to be doing that sort of stuff? Anyone could walk in," she said with a worried look on her face, "And also, your hair is looking much better now! It's such a pity that that happened to you."
Len grimaced and started to pull Oliver's shirt back down to cover his bare chest. Ignoring what Miku had just said to him, he started to shake Oliver awake so they could move up to their room. Oliver mumbled incoherently, and Len lifted him into his arms to carry him upstairs. Miku whined a bit and said, "Lennnnn! Why are you ignoring me?"
Len threw a pointed glare in her direction and started carrying Oliver out of the room, bridal style. He walked into the hallway, to find it once again, completely empty, which confused him. He had expected to see the other vocaloids waiting in the hallway to "congratulate" them on their relationship or something of the sort. He shrugged and started walking towards the stairs, only to realize that Miku had been following him the entire time he was walking through the halls with Oliver in his arms. Every few seconds she would ask him to stop ignoring her, and when he finally reached his and Oliver's room, he turned around and looked at Miku.
"Look, Miku, in case you can't see, I currently have Oliver in my arms, asleep, and he certainly isn't as light as he looks. And, you know perfectly well why I'm ignoring you, cause I'd rather not wake up bald or some crap the next time I upset you somehow."
With that said, Len turned around, and somehow managed to balance Oliver enough in one of his arms, so that he could open the door without dropping him, or falling over. After stepping into the room, and setting Oliver on his bed, he went back to the door and shut it, making sure that he locked it as well. He heard Miku whining faintly outside the door about her being sorry and just wanting to make up with Len, but he ignored that and went to change Oliver out of those uncomfortable looking clothes. After changing the younger boy's clothes, he sat down on the bed next to him and started running his hands through his hair gently. Len leaned down and kissed Oliver on the forehead softly, before he realized that Oliver was awake and looking up at him.
"You were mumbling something about Miku." Oliver said to him.
"Was I?" Len asked, still running his hands through Oliver's hair, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Miku is back and she was bugging me a bit. Up until a minute ago, she was outside the door asking for me to forgive her."
"Miku's back? Already?"
"Yeah, she came into the living room about half an hour after you fell asleep and started bugging me, so I brought you in here."
Oliver seemed to think this over and smiled at Len, and grabbed Len's hands and started playing with them, planting kisses on each of Len's fingers. This caused the older boy to laugh a bit, and he leaned over and kissed Oliver's forehead again.
They sat in their bedroom playing around a bit, mostly cuddling on Oliver's bed, until Rin came and knocked on the door, announcing that lunch was ready to eat. The two boys separated, but walked down to the dining room hand in hand, making jokes with each other the entire way there. When the walked into the dining room, the other vocaloids all cheered when they saw them holding hands. Each of them said congratulations, or something along the lines of that, as they made their way to their seats.
When they were both seated, Len looked at Oliver and found that the younger boy's face had become really pink from embarrassment, and he laughed at him. The group of friends sat there and ate for a while, talking happily the entire time, and and eating the food that Mikuo and Rin made.
"No, like, you guys don't understand!" Teto said, giggling, " Mikuo was just sitting there completely ignoring the fact that Piko had been there the entire time, just watching him look at his account!" Mikuo flushed a bright red, and Len and Oliver looked at one another, confused. They had both been talking to each other and basically ignoring the rest of the conversation. The two laughed a bit at Mikuo's red face and flinched a bit when they heard a voice in their direction.
"Soooooo~ Has it been fun ignoring the rest of us while the two of you whisper sweet nothings to each other?" Luka asked, and Oliver giggled and looked at Len while Len tried to find a good comeback.
"Well, at least we aren't talking about other people's embarrassing stories!" He said.
The other vocaloids all laughed at his poor comeback and Rin said, "You're both already attached at the hip! How on earth are we going to separate you when we leave for our concerts in America?"
Oliver gasped a bit and looked at Len uncertainly. Len had forgotten to mention going abroad to Oliver, with everything that had been going on between the two of them recently. Len shrugged and tried to explain and Rin laughed at the two of them.
"You haven't told him about going to America yet?" She asked, surprised, "We're leaving in a week, ya know. And we have rehearsals and stuff before we leave as well. That's not much time for you love birds to hang out together before we go."
Len slouched forward a bit, resting his forehead on the table. He had been, more or less, trying to avoid the subject, which had led to him forgetting about it. Oliver put his hand on top of Len's head, trying to reassure him that it was alright. Len sighed loudly before sitting back up and glaring at Rin, who only shrugged at him.
"I completely forgot about the trip to Americaaaaa" He groaned, "I don't wanna goooooooooo."
Rin giggled at Len's whining and threw a carrot his way. "Quit complaining boy, and remember we have rehearsal at 3 today, we have to go over the songs for our concert."
Len sighed loudly when Rin said this, and Oliver laughed at the twins' interactions and patted the older boy on the back. "It's okay Len, don't be so upset." He said, smiling a bit, "This way while you're gone I can miss you tons, and have an excuse to hug you nonstop when you get back!"
The rest of the group looked at the cheery boy, and the blushing older boy and they were all taken by surprise Oliver's forwardness, which they hadn't expected at all. Oliver heard a few people say 'aw' as if it was the cutest thing they had seen, but Rin just sighed, exasperated and said, "You guys just started dating, and honestly this cutesy stuff is already too much, make it stoppppp."
After hearing that, Len and Oliver exchanged a glance, and started throwing themselves all over each other, making up a bunch of cutesy nicknames and making kissing noises, simply to gross out Rin a bit. The two ended up with Oliver in Len's lap, and their arms wrapped around each other. Rin made a gagging noise while the other vocaloids laughed at the ordeal, and the more they laughed, the bigger of a deal the couple made about it.
After a few minutes Len began kissing the back of Oliver's neck, which caused the younger boy to blush, and he quickly moved back into his own chair, swatting Len away, which caused the rest of the group to laugh at the two's antics.
The group of teenagers spent the rest of their lunch making jokes with each other and just enjoying the free time that they had, and once lunch was over, Len and Oliver made their way up to their bedroom to spend the time they had before Len's practice together.
At about two thirty, Rin walked to the boys' shared room, to remind Len of the practice, only to find the two boys asleep and tangled together in Len's bed. She sighed and decided to let them sleep a bit longer before waking him up for the practice.
A/N this chapter makes me happy. I dunno why, but I'm just really proud of it. But like I said in the note up there, Wednesday is update day (for this fanfic, I dunno when or how often I'll update my other fanfics) so look forward to the weekly updates!
((also Wednesday is the day a new Free! episode comes out each week c: ))
As always, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and reviews are always welcome! 0w0