(You guys probably won't read this, but if you are: ANNOUNCMENT!)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, all of my lovely readers! Sorry so put this up as like a teaser or whatever (because I hate it when than happens to me) but I have really bad writer's block. :( BOOOOO! I know... So I just wanted to ask you guys if you had any suggestions on what could happen..? AND DON'T WORRY! If I happen to really like your idea and use it, I will give you all the credit. ;)

So leave me a review telling me what you want to possibly happen in this story. It will reealllyyy help me out with this writer's block situation. :) It sucks because you really wanna continue this story, but you have no ideas floating around in your noggin. :/ Haha... hopefully you guys have some good ideas.

~Take You To Another World .xx