The Family Reunion

Peter Parker stared out the window of the rental car, watching a corn field after corn field passed by. It felt like hours since he'd seen the last small group of houses that could be considered a town.

He wondered how much further it was to Smallville. Aunt May insisted that it was close, but Peter wasn't so sure now.

Earlier that morning, he and Aunt May had boarded a plane in New York and flown to Wichita, Kansas. There they'd gotten a rental car to drive to the Kent Farm, where Aunt May would be able to see her cousin and childhood friend Martha Kent at a family reunion.

The Parker's had gotten the invitation a month ago, and somehow Peter had been able to earn enough money for a plane ticket for him and his aunt.

This is all for Aunt May, he reminded himself as another hour passed by. It'll help her.

He'd made it a priority to get May to the reunion after she'd expressed her sincere wishes to see Martha again, but at the time household problem was where the money needed to be put. So Peter had sought to surprise her with the trip.

Now though, as he waited impatiently to arrive at the farm, Peter began to doubt that it had been such a good idea. His mind fluttered through a number of scenarios that could possibly be happening in New York.

Sandman could be robbing a bank. Rhino could be rampaging downtown. The Shocker could be holding someone captive. Doc Ock could be attempting to perform some weird experiment.

He sighed and miserably looked at his Spidey costume that he'd somehow managed to get through security.

What was the point of bringing that anyway? he pondered.

"Here we are, Peter, welcome to Smallville," Aunt May announced as the car slowed down for the city speed limit.

"Finally," Peter blurted out, but regretted it a moment later. He didn't want May to know that he was bored.

"Don't get too excited, we're almost there, but not yet. The Kent Farm is another hour away," replied his aunt.


Connor was starting to get bored. The family reunion turned out to be less exciting than he'd been told. Most of the people there were adults, any kids there were mostly small children.

The only teen there actually turned out to be Megan, who had come along with him, though it had taken him a while to talk Clark into it.

"Hmm, I wonder where they are," Martha – his "grandmother" – said absent mindedly as she approached him from behind.

"Where who are?" Connor asked. Having nothing better to do, he decided that he might as well learn more about his family, which was still a mostly foreign concept to him.

"My cousin May," Martha replied. "She should have been here by now; I hope she hasn't gotten lost."

"Is that her?" Connor asked. For a few minutes, Connor had been hearing the putter of a car as it came down the dirt road.

"I hope so, and she has a nephew about your age."

Connor wondered what she meant by that. Did Martha mean that this "May" had a nephew who was an infant or a nephew who was a sixteen year old?

Peter let out a sigh of relief as they pulled up to a homely house. In a field not too far from said house was a pavilion where many people were mingling amongst themselves.

This is for Aunt May, Peter reminded himself. From what he could see the reunion mostly consisted of adults, and his break from hero-ing was going to be very boring.

"Look, there's Martha," May cried when they parked the car. Quickly his aunt exited the car to greet her cousin.

Peter followed May's lead slowly, stiff from the long ride. Martha Kent was an elderly lady, very much like his aunt. They were about the same height and they both had grey hair.

Standing beside Martha Kent was a boy who looked to be about sixteen years of age. He had black hair and wore a black shirt with blue jean cargo pants.

"Peter, get over here," Aunt May joyfully ordered him.

Peter obediently marched over.

"Peter, this is Martha Kent and her grandson Connor," his aunt introduced.

"Hi." Peter offered his hand to both the Kent's. Martha gladly accepted his hand, but Connor was more reluctant to shake.

As anyone can see, I'v gotten slightly bored and have it a road block with both my stories, plus this idea crept up on my while I was making cupcakes, so I decided to write it down out of boredom.

Please review. If you like it give me suggestions for the plot and anything else you think would be good for this story. If even a few of you like it enough, I'll happily continue. Just so you know I have no idea where this will go, you can help me decided that.

Also I only know main stream stuff about Spidey and Supey, so please tell me about them, I'd like to make fans of both happy.

I don't own Spider-Man or Young Justice, and I don't think I really want to, too much paper work. I'm content with being a fan.

~Rayner out