Mikaela was pleasantly surprised to find Optimus reviewing provisions with the Autobots. Talking to the Autobot Leader was going to be easy. She wasn't afraid of the Autobots as much as the Decepticons. Sometimes, she began to question her sanity. After all that happened. Barry was always there during the times that she needed him.

Now to ask for housing away from the base seemed like one of those touchy subjects. The Autobots were clearly out for the safety of all their humans. Same as Lennox. As she waited for Optimus to finish his review, she couldn't help but think about Soundwave. Her feelings towards the Mech were always locked away in the back of her mind. The soldiers waved to her and she waved a little.

When Optimus finally turned his attention to her, he gave a small smile, pleased that Mikaela was doing well. "Greetings, Mikaela. What brings you to me today?" He asked, pleasantly enough.

"I have a question. I don't know if you would approve of it or not."

"Go on." Optimus said.

"Is it possible, in the foreseeable future, to, ah..." She felt like a stammering young teen. "Is it possible to have private lodgings away from the base? The barracks are 'comfortable' but I'd rather have a personal abode with Barry." She finally explained. "It's good for soldiers- and the beds are adequate for them. But-" Mikaela found herself trailing off her explanation.

It was also apparent that asking for separate lodgings was weighing in heavily. The Prime considered it already. "I have actually considered a small separate house near the base, within patrols, for yourself. Lennox called it 'military housing' and it's being blueprinted as we speak."

Mikaela was surprised that plans were already being made to accomodate them. "I didn't know. I thought you wouldn't approve of the lodging." She had been worried for nothing. Autobots seemed to understand humans a little more than Decepticons. "Oh-thank you." She gave a small smile. "Thank you so much." She felt a ton of weight off her shoulders. She could break the news to Barry.


Soundwave sent a transmission to Megatron. He had a new plan to bring in three humans and revealed that it was the answer they were seeking. The humans would be brought in once the opportunity presented itself. Megatron was not known to have the greatest patience complex with missions. Waiting wasn't an option and cowardice was a failure. Failures were frowned up on on in the Decepticon Ranks. Many Decepticons knew about failure and what it entailed shortly after. The humans that they employed also got the same treatment. Failure led to a quick death. He didn't want to put an end to Mikaela or Annabelle. Samuel? Maybe Megatron's new pet. Samuel would make Megatron proud unless he had other plans. He really did want that shard.

Then Megatron responded. He was on board with the plan. Collect the three, bring them there, and then proceed to get the shard. It sounded simple, but there were always obstacles in the way. Humans never did what they were told unless it involved something valuable and needed. Mikaela still cared for Samuel despite being with Barry. Which meant something.

Soundwave decided to wait for an opportunity to open.


Mikaela broke the news to Barry and he was surprised. "The Prime said he was already considering? There's something 'wonderful' and enlightenging about the Prime." He hadn't ever thought of Optimus being so kind. He was always compassionate about life in general.

Barricade had only ever known the cruelty that occurred with Decepticons. The Autobots were less cruel and treated humans as equal partners. He wasn't used to the compassion. He hoped that nothing would happen.

"Barry? Are you alright? You seem distant." Mikaela asked, worry lining her voice.
"I'm alright, Mik. Everything will be fine." He gave her a smile and kissed her cheek.


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