AN: Welcome. I've decided to revise the Kidnapping of Mikaela. I decided to put a hold on Drabbles and my other stories to write this. I took it off to rewrite. I can't find it on my laptop anywhere so I'm going to rewrite from scratch. Hope you'll enjoy. Takes place after ROTF timeline and before DOTM.


Mikaela Banes. Sam's ex-girlfriend, but friend despite all their disagreements. Mikaela couldn't keep living with these decisions of staying with the Autobots. Sam moved in with them at their base. They were afraid that Sam would become endangered. She kept in touch with him though. They allowed him that 'freedom', but he barely visited her except through web-cam. Mikaela didn't want to be come their 'ward'. Hearing how Optimus Prime and the others were treating Sam was embarrassing. They treated him like an errant teenager with no mind.

After saving the human race twice from the Decepticons, they invited them both to their base while the Decepticons have been very silent and 'they' knew it was only a matter of time before they struck again. They had always had plans.

Mikaela didn't want Optimus Prime and the others to treat her like an errant teenager, even though they were nice and understanding. Mikaela enjoyed time spent with Sam when he didn't have to become their 'ward'. His parents, Ron and Judy, had been real upset when the Autobots had to take him under their wing to protect him. He had been threatened by people who didn't like aliens or conspiracies. The people were misunderstanding that the Autobots didn't mean any harm to them. People were people after all. What they fear the most is the unknown.

Mikaela had that same fear before meeting the Autobots and had never thought aliens existed. Before they ever came into her life, she had known Sam had a crush on her, but Trent had always made sure she remained his girlfriend and no one else should look at her. Trent bullied all the underclassmen and mostly Sam. Well, not only Sam, but his friend as well, Miles.

Trent picked on Sam all the time because he had been considered a nerd and very weird in Trent's eyes. Mikaela kind of liked Sam because he didn't treat Mikaela like a weak woman. Sam treated Mikaela like a lady who deserved better than Trent.

Mikaela remembered that day when she broke up with Trent because of his attitude of 'I'm better than you so take a hike'. Many teens were scared of Trent and his cronies. They kept away from Trent and his cronies. Mikaela had seen them look at her and then run away before Trent could see it. Mikaela had been embarrassed to see what Trent did every school day or day off from school.

Mikaela's friends also warned her to dump him for the longest time. Mikaela finally did after seeing Sam and how he offered to give her a lift home. Then their relationship began to spurt all because of Bumblebee.

Bumblebee had been the greatest to them. He got them together and helped protect Sam and Mikaela. Sam and Mikaela enjoyed Bumblebee's company a lot, but Mikaela couldn't keep seeing Sam after the second time after defeating the Fallen. The Autobots let her keep Wheelie, the ex-minicon, now a mini-bot. They ordered him to keep his scanners peeled for Decepticons and report his findings to them on a nightly basis. Mikaela didn't intrude on his nightly reporting. He'd spend about five to ten seconds on his reports.

Mikaela walked into the bathroom to get ready for work at the shop. She brushed her long brown hair and put it up in a messy bun. She usually let her hair down if she didn't have to do detailing on one of the motorcycles. She put on her foundation and the rest of her makeup. "Wheelie? Are you ready?"

"Yes, Warrior Goddess."

"Good. Let's roll." She suddenly blushed because she remembered hearing that coming from Optimus for so long. Wheelie looked at her with both blue optics. Ratchet had managed to changed them to match his broken optic. Mikaela waited until Wheelie transformed into his toy truck form. Then she picked him up and slipped him into her huge purse. Grabbing a banana on the way out of her apartment, she locked the door and left.


Unbeknownst to Wheelie and Mikaela, a man with piercing red eyes stepped out of the shadows. He smirked and followed Mikaela to the elevator.


Mikaela pressed a button on the side of the elevator as the hairs on the back of her neck rose like someone stepped behind her. She slowly turned around to see and found a man standing there, his eyes now hidden by sunglasses. The sunglasses had reflective lenses and Mikaela thought she heard a warning alarm in her mind. Her instincts were telling her to flee, while another instinct told her to fight. Mikaela stared at the man taking him in,


Mikaela slowly backed into the elevator, not waiting for the man to run toward her. Mikaela then lost sight of the man as the heavy door closed shut. Mikaela thought about Wheelie, but decided maybe she needed to be examined by Ratchet to make sure she wasn't crazy. Mikaela decided not to tell the Autobots. They didn't have to know about the man with the reflective glasses. Mikaela also noticed his clothes were black. Everything looked ominous about the man.

Mikaela suddenly felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise up and her instincts telling her someone was behind her. Mikaela knew she had been alone, but the feeling someone was behind her wouldn't go away.

"Going somewhere, Mikaela?" Someone whispered into her ear. Mikaela didn't have time to react or make the elevator stop. The same man reached out and grabbed her, pinning her arms against her sides, and reaching over with one hand to stop the elevator.


The man dragged her out of the elevator and to the stairwell. Mikaela began to scream, but the man clapped his hand over her mouth, stifling her screams. She fought with her arms, legs, anything to get him to let go of her. The bag now weighed heavy and Mikaela tried to use the bag against the man, but the man grabbed the bag and whacked her across the head with it. Mikaela's head swam with pain before she collapsed on the ground, blood running down where the man had hit her. She fell into unconsciousness.


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