The parting

a kingdom hearts story

One gloomy morning as the wind howled like a wolf far off in the distance. One boy named Riku remained un sleepy.

He did not fear the storm as he knows what it felt like he had felt the howl heard the sounds of deep roaring thunder and felt lightning rush through him but never would he fear the storm again.

As this sleepless child of on key he bring forth his keyblade he looked it round and as he usually did pondered why it chose him, why his best friends, why all of them together.

The thunder roared once again and Riku thought to himself maybe I should do some training. So with that Riku headed down stairs and out the door in to the storm he griped the keyblade tight and held it out front made it vanish pulled his black blindfold from his back pocket and put it on. He then held his hands out re summoned the keyblade and started his attack stile training.

He often trained blind folded he believed that you should let your mind and soul guide not your sight and mind it would also strengthen ones chances of success in a battle.

But this night his attacks got stronger and stronger, his heart fell deeper and deeper, darker and darker AND stop.

Riku had stopped Kiari was at the end of his keyblade he felt him or his heart felt him. He made his keyblade vanish took off his blindfold and Kiari stepped forth to hug him hold him in her arms she said,

"You're not alone me and Sora will face it with you no matter what."

"Thank you. I know but maybe you shouldn't always help me and look after yourself."

"Riku what are you saying"

"Kiari I'm leaving so you don't have to worry about me anymore"

"Riku I won't, WON'T let you I'm... going to stop you. To leave you will have to go through me."

Kiari called her keyblade and prepared for battle.

"Kiari don't."



With that Riku brung forth his keyblade and ran it in to Kiari. Kiari defended it and Riku didn't give up kept fighting and fighting, striking and striking.

Finally Riku knocked Kiari over and she tried to speak to him but was knocked out. Riku walked away and then jumped in to the sky and soared high in to the sky escaping his world and his old life forever.