Disclaimer: I do not own or make money from the anime death note

Suggested listening: Burning out the sun - Go Periscope

Part 1

Blood...blood and the waves crashing over him was all he could remember. He could not recall the pain of the bite, or the crunch of bone and tearing of flesh as the appendage was taken by rows and rows of jagged pointed teeth.

He had swallowed water; the salty taste burning his throat and leaving him gasping for air every chance he felt the wind on his face as he surfaced, only to be pulled under again.It had him and was dragging him away from shore, away from help.

The last thing he knew before everything went dark, was a horrifying tearing, burning sensation and the sound of screams...


The soft beeping finally broke through the fog that surrounded his thoughts and propelled him into consciousness. He was confused. Why was it so hard to open his eyes? To move his fingers...his legs?

He barely felt anything. Was he being drugged?


With great effort he forced one eyelid open, then the other. The room blinded him and his eyes fell shut once more. Who ever thought it was a brilliant idea to have lights right above him should be shot.

"Heart rate is increased, I believe he will be waking soon." A soft voice from his right said demurely. Someone, whoever it was, was not happy to be there. He wanted to tell them, smugly, that he was already awake but could not get his lips moving properly. He coughed loudly yet no other sounds came out. The feeling of air against his throat hurt and he moaned.

"Raise the bed a little and get him some water." A deeper yet still feminine voice ordered.

Mello blinked rapidly, head turned to the side as let his surroundings come into focus. White. White and more white. Hospital, his mind supplied. A cup was held to his lips and he drank sparingly, knowing full well he would only be sent into more coughing or possibly even throw it back up if he drank too much. The nurse, upon finally being able to see her, was fidgety until he was capable of lifting his hand to push the glass away. Fuck they had him on some strong stuff. He could barely think...

"The doctor will be in shortly to go over a few things. Please try and rest more until then." The nurse rushed out after speaking to him, as if no longer wanting to be there. Or not wanting to be there if the doctor arrived early. What hospital was he in?

Yet he listened to her advice, not having any way not to.

The longer he was awake however, the better his motions and clearer his mind became. He still was having trouble processing much of anything. He knew his name, and where he grew up, but could not quite recall why he was there. Something about red and cold and screams—and water.


It was not long until he heard the tap tap tap of dress shoes on the floor signaling the arrival of the doctor, and it broke him from his thoughts. Mello looked up at the man in the lab coat—who carried a clipboard close to his side—and forced his mouth to work properly, no matter how much it strained him.

"W-hat happened?"

The clipboard in hand was put down on the end of the bed almost immediately; checking vitals was either not that important or something serious not being told to him. "What do you remember about the accident?"

He stared blankly. What kind of a question was that? He would not be asking if he knew. "I was in the water."

Hearing his own voice say that sparked something. Mello could suddenly remember what he had that morning for breakfast; sneaking out at the crack of dawn with his surfboard and towel. He been surfing with friends and then—he stiffened abruptly. No.

The doctor nodded approvingly, yet with a hint of sympathy as his memory caught up with him.

No No NO! He grabbed frantically at the blankets covering his legs, anxiety growing all the more when the doctor moved to stop him.

"Fuck off!" Mello snarled, pushing the man away and tossing back the covers. He couldn't breathe. This wasn't happening right? It was all...a joke? With trembling fingers he touched the thick white bandages that wrapped around his left thigh.

"No," he didn't care that his voice shook just as much as his hands. He was dreaming. Wake up. Wake the fuck up! Yet no matter how long he stared, prodded the edges of the bandages...from mid thigh down, his leg was still gone.

"This isn't a good time is it?" Someone called from the doorway. Mello turned from the startling truth of his accident, to look at the newcomer. He assumed it was another doctor, perhaps something for his, for his leg, yet there stood a strange redhead with an awkward smile that was obviously forced.

"No, Matt. Come back in a few, ah, days perhaps?" The doctor glanced at him but Mello was having none of it.

"Who is he?" he asked. A distraction, Mello needed a distraction. He would not loose it in front of anyone, especially none of the hospital staff. When the doctor said nothing he turned back to the guy who appeared to be around his age. "Who are you?"

"Uh, I'm the one that pulled you from the water and wrapped your leg." The redhead dropped his arms to the side and ambled into the room as if it was his invitation. He wore a long sleeved black and white striped shirt that was pushed up to his elbows, dark denim jeans with rips in the knees and calf high boots. The most startling additive—in Mello's opinion—to the strange outfit were the goggles that covered his eyes.

"The names Matt, in case you were wondering." A hand was outstretched and for a second Mello thought of screaming, ranting, asking why the Hell couldn't he have come sooner, swam in faster? Saved his fucking leg! Yet he calmly took the outstretched hand and mumbled a small thank you. Matt seemed to understand a little of what was going on in his head, and kept the grip on his hand until their eyes met directly.

"Those thoughts of yours will fade in time. It will get easier to accept what has happened. You just need to adjust." Matt let go of his hand and Mello shivered at the loss.

"I just wanted to come by and make sure you were doing alright, it was pretty bad. Sorry to interrupt," Matt excused himself quickly before Mello could even give his own name out, or ask so many other questions rolling around making his head hurt. Like why the Hell would Matt jump into the water to help someone bleeding all over the place? And that expression he wore, it was of understanding. What could he possibly understand?

"Why does he seem to know what I'm feeling?" he had only meant to whisper it, yet the doctor heard anyway.

"Matt is a volunteer at the beach come summer time. He is always watching the water but not just for drownings, shark attacks also. His father and younger sister died from one a few years ago." The doctor appeared so much older as he said admitted this, as if the incident had left his soul weary. "I got to know Matt quite well as his father had been in here for a week before he succumbed to infection."

"Oh," was all Mello could think to say. When put like that, his lost leg seemed so insignificant. It was a sobering thought. Staring at the stump swathed in the thick white bandages, Mello could imagine that he was lucky despite the severity of the incident. He was alive, and as far as he knew so was his family.

"Now that you are awake I wanted to assess if any possible neurological damage had incurred from the extreme amount of blood loss you sustained with the bite." It was a clear removal from the subject of Matt, and Mello had no problem going with it. There would be other time to think of, and perhaps seek out the one who had apparently saved his life.

"I do believe however that you have sustained little to no damage in that area. I would like to revisit the issue in a few days after you have had proper time to wake and adjust. It will be easier to have a definitive answer at that time." The doctor gave a strained smile. It was procedure and Mello understood that.

"This may sound like a stupid question, but how are you feeling? Any pain in your abdomen or itchiness around the stump?"

Mello shook his head. He was a little queasy now that he was looking for it, yet he believed it was due to not eating and the pain killers in his system. If he moved too fast his vision became a little blurry and his head hurt. The dosage might be too high. It made it hard to think sometimes.

"Whatever pain medication I am being given needs to be reduced." Mello stated in a way that left no argument and the doctor nodded.

"I will have that nurse do so. You are on a pretty high dose I believe." A note was made on the recovered clipboard before it was set back down on the bed.

"How long have I been asleep?" Mello paused before adding "And have I had any visitors?" The last question was loaded. He knew his parents would be particularly pissed that he had sneaked out that morning, and gotten so seriously injured. However, he did not think it would keep them from his bedside.

"You have been here for five days now," there was a real smile now, "You have had quite a few friends come and check on you as well as your parents. They were sent home yesterday to get some rest."

Mello relaxed against the pillows more fully, the tenseness that had built up in his short time of waking finally receding. He had been—perhaps unnecessarily—worried that no one had come; whether from guilt, anger or disappointment.


"Call me Mello. No one uses that name." Mello cut the doctor off.

"Yes of course. Mello, you need to get some rest. You have a long recovery ahead of you and a few specialists you will need to decide on with your parents, if you so choose to go for prosthetics." Doctor Prag—name tag finally in view enough for Mello to read after their introduction being a little off—excused himself, most likely to do rounds with his other patients.

Alone again, Mello turned his head to the side and let his eyes water; stubbornly, he refused to let the tears fall. He would have his moments but there was no option other than to move on.


Mello had just fallen into a light doze when the door banged open, startling him awake.

"You were only supposed to open the door! Not break it off the hinges." Light hissed from just behind Misa, his girlfriend, and an amused Beyond Birthday. His friends.

"I'm up now so no need to be quiet." He scoffed and braced himself as Misa ran full force over to his bed, eyes glossy and lips pushed into a pout.

"Oh Mello, look at your leg! Misa is so sorry she asked you to sneak out that morning," the blond aspiring model had one hand to her mouth and the other helping her lean on the bed to peer at him. Mello sighed. He really did not want to deal with Misa at the moment.

"Misa, let him have some personal space." Light pulled his girlfriend back and ignored the hurt look shot at him. Really those two were so mismatched it was disgusting. It was not something he was getting into however, as Light was the only one to be able to even remotely control Misa.

Beyond however had no such restraint, and sat on the edge of his bed. Though he was oddly mindful of the stump. "I have to tell you Mell-o," Beyond pulled the special jam flavored lollipop from his mouth, "The ocean was pretty damn red when they pulled you out."

"Thanks," Mello frowned. He still could not remember much of the incident. Just water rushing over his head, gasping, sunlight and pain. He wondered if those memories would ever return, yet would not mind if they did not.

"You're welcome. Though I do believe the incident has turned me off of meat for a while." Beyond nodded sadly, yet the corners of his lips curled to show he was enjoying it. If nothing else, Mello would never be able to fall into depression because he would be too busy plotting Beyond's death to do it.

"We can always trade places?" Mello growled out. Really, he could live with a mismatched limb. Watch that fucker hobble around-

"Mihael." The oddly familiar voice drew his attention from Beyond, and to the doorway. He blinked a few times to make sure he was really seeing what he thought he was.

"This is our cue to go," Light muttered and dragged Misa out of the room despite her loud protests. Mello was grateful for that.

"We came to see if you were alive," Beyond leaned in, "And to give you a care package. Don't eat it all at once." Beyond placed a few bars of chocolate on the bedside table, along with what appeared to be Mello's iphone.

As Beyond stood he added "Or the cell phone at all. I think that will give you indigestion." The raven haired teen grinned wide mouthed and slouched out of the room.

"Halle." Mello breathed out slowly. It was almost enough to make him think the meds had fucked with his head too much.

"Mother and Father are here too. They are speaking with your doctor first." His older sister Halle Bullook—she kept her ex husbands name—entered the room with the heals of her work shoes smacking against the floor. He was shocked honestly, to see her. When she had left the household he was certain there would be nothing to get her close to their parents again. Guess loosing a leg in a shark attack changed the rules.

"I flew in last night." She sat in the chair by his bedside and folded her hands on her lap. She was behaving as if this was another case, an interview with the victim. Old habits died hard. Once FBI always FBI; even when around family. Still, Mello appreciated her coming. Probably a lot more than she realized.

"Thanks," He gave her a small smile and shifted to that he no longer had to crane his neck to see her properly. They were not the closest siblings, she being far older than him and off doing more adult things as he was growing up, but she had always been nice to him.

"How are you doing, Mihael?"

"I only woke up yesterday." He muttered quietly. So much had gone on already in that short amount of time, yet he never truly had been alone. He needed a moment that he was not getting. There was just no adjusting.

"I understand." Her lips pressed into a thin line as she said it, head nodding the slightest bit. She had seen many things in her career, so perhaps she understood on some level and that was enough. She would not pry, yet Mello understood he could go to her if he needed to. It was the unspoken connection with Halle that Mello had always enjoyed, despite the age gap.

"Mello, I heard you were awake..." His mother trailed off as she burst into the room, and noticed her eldest child seated inside. Halle sat just a tad bit straighter than before; she was the only one that called him Mihael anymore. Or that he allowed.

"Hello Mother. Dad." The usage of the titles would be enough for anyone to see how strained things were between Halle and their mother. In his mothers defense, Halle had always been strong willed and known what she wanted; and that just did not include dresses, a husband or staying home with kids. Her career was what she really wanted in life and mother simply could not fathom that she did not want children.

His father nodded to him before moving to stand between the two women. That was how it always was, and Mello doubted it would ever change.

"I had myself transferred to the L.A division temporarily so that I could be here. I am staying at a hotel for the moment but you have my number if you need to reach me." Halle stood abruptly, smoothing out her suit-pants and jacket as she did so. Her picture ID was still clipped to the top of the jacket, meaning she had just come from the office. Probably having set things up for her stay. It was a major change in lifestyle, and she had done it for him.

"I will visit again soon, ok Mihael?" She allowed him a tiny smile before it turned strained as she passed by their mother. The two of them were really not equipped to be in the same room anymore.

"Now that that's over with," his mother huffed and took the vacated seat, reaching out to put her hand on his arm, "How are you feeling?" Her entire demeanor turned worried and it was amazing to see the change happen so quick. He shared a glance with his father, who shook his head.

"Better now that they lowered whatever pain medication I was on." He said truthfully. Sure he was still a little fuzzy—could have been from dozing and waking so abruptly—but the pain he felt was only a minor ache. The dose would be decreased again soon he was certain, to slowly wean him off of it. The hell if he would become addicted.

His mothers eyes misted up and she patted his arm in what he supposed was soothing. Really, the entire thing was just awkward. It was bad enough that everyone had to visit on the same day, right after he had woken up to find his life flipped upside down. He just wanted to be left alone.

"I know it's so soon after," His mother trailed off, brushing back her graying platinum hair with a hesitance that he dd not see in her often. "But have you thought of what you will do now? I mean prosthetic wise?"

Mello felt as though he had been punched in the gut. Hearing that word again was sickening. He wanted to deny that it was directed towards him, that he was in fact actually dreaming and would wake at any moment. Yet the fact that even through the medication, he could feel all of his body except for his left leg prevented it.

"I haven't really had time to think of anything. I was asleep before Light and the others came in." Mello replied softly. It was only partially a lie.

"That's OK. Well we have been doing some research and found a few really good ones. And with how young you are you can be learning to walk with one in a few months." His mother sounded so excited that he had to force a smile. He didn't want a damn fake leg, he wanted his!

"That's great." He said weakly.

"You are athletic, so maybe the hooked one? Or the-"

"I want it as realistic appearing as possible while still being able to function." He said sharply and his mother stopped mid-sentence.

"Oh." She appeared taken aback, though Mello had no idea why. This was not some damn crafts project that she was in charge of. This was his fucking prosthetic, his leg and he would be the one that had to live with it.

"They have a few different material coverings that go over them. I believe there is one with a spring in the ankle too for better movement?" She turned for confirmation yet his father simply shrugged. "I think it is," she nodded to herself.

"Why don't we wait and see what Dr. Prag suggests. There is plenty of time to consider all options." Mello shot his father a grateful look when the elder man spoke up.

"Alright..." his mother sighed, patting his arm again. "We will get this sorted out."

Mello nodded, bringing his free hand up to conceal a yawn. Or attempted to.

"Why didn't you say something if you were still tired!" He was scolded and his mother stood, leaning over the edge of the bed to kiss his temple, as if he were still a small child. He sighed heavily and awkwardly patted his mother on the back as she hugged him.

"Get some rest baby." She smiled softly at him, eyes lingering too long on his leg under the covers. The way she looked was almost pitying. He hated that. There was enough to deal with his own emotions and thoughts without adding his family into the mix. Her gaze drifted finally as she turned away to follow his father from the room, the door clicking shut behind them.

Was he ever going to be able to deal with his family, his friends, without having to deal with those looks? Gritting his teeth, Mello resisted the urge to throw the pitcher of water on the table across the room. That would only cause a commotion and was counter productive to being left alone. Mello knew what he was doing, what he was feeling. He did not care.

Being unable to roll to his side, he once again turned his head to the side facing the wall and shut his eyes. It would be a long time before he saw sleep.

-End part 1-

AN: Written for Shark Week 2012

So this was supposed to be a oneshot, and it was supposed to be completed by today (as dictated by my Mello) as today is the official close of shark week, but the stupid idea grew and grew so there is a lot more coming...

tell me how it is?
