WARNING: Dangerously short chapter!


January 28, 2013


Maya's pov

I step out of Katie's car and make my way up to the front door of Degrassi.

I am immediately escorted in by Zig, who seemed to pop up out of no where.

He opens the door for me and we both walk in together.

Yes, Tori has not said anything in months but she doesn't have to.

I can tell she still is not okay with us my the scowling look she is giving Zig and I.

Zig snakes his arm around me as we walk and I know he did it just to piss Tori off.

I see her release a huff and then stomp away.

We both chuckle at her obvious jealousy for the two of us.

As Zig and I walk to my locker he says, "So Maya, guess what?"

"What?" I guess, giving him a small grin.

We reach my locker and apply the combination.

"Well I-" Zig starts but I cut him off.

"Hold on."

I swing my locker open and pull out my thick literature book, biology book, a notebook, and a pen.

"Could you?" I say, gesturing him to shut my locker for me.

He closes my locker and I thank him. "Thanks. So what's the news?"

"I did what you asked. I talked to Campbell and forgave him. Now we are all cool."

"Really!" I shriek, throwing arms around Zig, hugging him without dropping my books.

This is great! Now we can go back to normal and there will be no anger towards another or silent treatments.

Zig and Cam will be friends again; Cam and I will be friends again.

I let go of Zig and smile, "Thank you so much for putting this behind all of us, Zig. I'm going to forgive Campbell right now."

I'm about to abandon Zig to search for Cam, but Zig grabs my arm.

I look down at my arm and his hand griping it.

"Theres no need to do that Maya," Zig tells me, letting go of his hold on me. "I already told him you forgive him. Lets...let's just go to class."

I try to soothe my arm as I say, "But I-"

"He already knows," Zig assures, interrupting me. "...And even though I said we can all be friends, I don't want you to be around him alone. I don't want him to try to steal you away from me again."

"He wont," I retort.

Zig sighs, "How do I know that? I don't know how he feels; I don't know how you feel. What if you two are alone again, and you two remember. Remember how much you liked each other before."

"That wouldn't happen," I wrap my arms around him yet again. "I am completely and utterly in love with you, Zig, and I don't think anything can change that."

Zig smiles at me and I say, "Let's go to class."




Campbell's pov


Everyone in biology rises from their seats and exit out of the room.

I grab my book and leave out the door, making my way to my locker.

I am stopped by two skater looking guys.

They give me high-fives and congratulate me on dating the new girl.

(Something I am not doing).

"She's totally hot, dude!" One yelps.

"Yeah, congrats Cam." The other cheers.

I say "thanks" and in following, roll my eyes.

Stephanie and I are not going out.

Having one date does not make a pair dating.

I go to my locker, open it, and am approached by the brown-haired girl currently known as Campbell Saunders' new girlfriend to the whole entire school.

Or Stephanie.

She leans her body on the lockers beside me.

"I thought our date went good...," she croaks. "Why haven't you texted me back?"

I shake my head. "I don't know."

I really don't have a good enough reason to tell Stephanie why hadn't texted her, or talked to her, or why I didn't like her.

I can't just say, 'I wasn't feeling our date, so I decided to never contact you again'.

That would just make me seem like some sort of douche.

Stephanie bites her lip. "There must've been something that I did wrong that had made you not like me anymore. Is it because of my status and how everyone thinks were dating now."

"No," I deny, "it's not that. It's just during our date. Something happened and I started thinking about my ex."



"Well she didn't exactly dump me for someone else, but we did break up and she did start dating someone else. And they had seemed to hate me, but I guess she and he dont...hate...me anymore. I dunno. It's complicated. Just know it's not you, its me."

"Oh." Stephanie repeats. "Are you not over her or something?"

"I thought about it a lot and I'm not sure. I may be; I may not be."

Stephanie smiles, "I can get your mind off of her."


She leans up and gives me a kiss on my lips, same as after our date on Saturday, but more passion was placed into it.




Maya's pov

When the bell rang, I gave Zig a goodbye kiss, then sauntered into the hallway to look for Campbell and give him a personal apology.

I walked into the 10th grade hallway and spotted Campbell sunk in a lip lock with Stephanie.

Suddenly, my heart sank.

It felt as if my unknown feelings of jealously had finally set in.

I found myself wanting Campbell away from that girl, and anger rose in my body.

For some reason my brain dreamt up a scene: I clenched my fists and dashed over to Stephanie and Campbell. I broke up their make out fest by giving Stephanie a hard shove, causing her to fall down. She shot curse words at me, but I blocked them out. I turned to Campbell - who looked shocked - , gripped his shirt, and pulled him closer to me."

I still love you, Cam." I whispered and stood on my tip-toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

I quickly shake my head, wondering why I was feeling these emotions, and also wondering why I had just conjured up this vision.

Was I jealous of seeing Campbell kiss another girl?

Did I still have feelings for Campbell?

If the answer was 'yes' to these questions, what would I do about these feelings?

I still love Zig...but I don't know.

A/N: Hey you guys! Just to let you all know, I kinda don't like Camaya anymore (honesty) and that is why I'm sort of stalling on updating this. But I will get through...:/

Maybe I'll learn to love them again (most likely not)