My first central Scabior/Hermione story- rated M for violence and language.

Hermione sighed, glancing at her watch.

It only read 7:15.

It was early in the evening, at Harry and Ginny's latest birth shower for their third child. They were currently stuck in the Burrow, Molly slaving around the kitchen baking, whilst the ten or so guests sat daintily in the sitting room. Most of the Weasley clan had stopped bothering to appear at these trivial events once Albus was on his way.

Ginny was still quite popular in the Wizarding community, and all of her friends were surrounding the vicinity.

Hermione had obediently bought a magical mobile for the child, but privately she wished she was back at home; actually, anywhere, apart from here. Ginny had slowly, over the years, let her coldness shine through for Hermione. Harry noticed, but was too wrapped up in his worship for his wife, and mother of his children.

As they spoke, James Sirius Potter ransacked Hermione' handbag before smearing her lipstick all over Albus, giggling in his highchair. The younger child dribbled, pale pink sludge creeping down his fat chin.

"Harry!" Hermione sighed, lifting James up.

Harry shrugged, lifting his son out of harm's way, before plonking his way down beside his wife. Many of the guests giggled and ahh'd at James' cheekiness upon Hermione's belongings.

Really, Hermione thought. The child is old enough to know better.

Ginny noticed Hermione's downcast smile.

"Cheer up, Hermione!" Ginny smiled. "The sprog's just a kid, after all. Don't worry- I'm sure you and my misery of a brother will be enjoying this- "She pointed at Albus, his hands rubbing the dirt around his face on his clean bib, "-Pretty soon!"

The guests around the group immediately began chattering.

"Ginny," Hermione said, her voice steely, "You KNOW that me and Ron spilt two days ago."

Ginny giggled happily, the only hint of her comment in the glint in her green eyes. "Sorry, Herms! Pregnancy hormones and that."

Harry immediately smiled his dopey grin at her and stroked her large baby bump.

Hermione could already feel the pointed glances of Lavender Brown, the Daily Prophet's new leading Journalist, digging into her back as she rummaged in her large bag for a quill and paper.

Ginny's eyes probed into Hermione, not quite done tossing her around like a piece of prey.

"Have you got a new leading man in your life by now Hermione? I mean, when you were dating Harry on your hunt for the Horcruxes you moved on from him pretty quickly with Ron- maybe you can find another to latch on to?" Her voice was sugary sweet as she spoke into Harry's side.

For the umpteenth time that night, Hermione sighed loudly.

"Ginny, I did not date Harry. There was no one who catched my eye as I had the word "mud blood" carved into my wrist- as I had to help bury my greatest friends- As I had to help pick up the Wizarding World."

A flash of red and ice blue eyes flashed into Hermione's mind. The words "You're going to be my favourite," were whispered into her ears.

A flicker of leather and a warm accent.

Shaking her head violently, Hermione continued her tirade- her temper lost, she decided to deliver some hometruths.

"What happened to you, Ginny? You were young, talented, the world at your feet. You could have done anything you wanted, yet you decided to have three brats before you turn thirty. Well, you won't catch that happening to me. I'm going to go find some adventure."

Ignoring the shocked gasps and glaring eyes, Hermione grabbed her coat on the chair at the Burrow, before striding out of the tiny house. Harry could be heard making excuses for her behaviour as she found a clear spot.

Apparating, in the midst of a quiet street in central London, Hermione looked around her. There was something, not quite right about the small street so eerily empty.

The street was dull, and foggy. A lone cafe stood in the street, a buzzing noise flickering from the dull light.

She trembled, before pulling herself together and striding forward in her scarlet coat, wand outstretched.

Loud, careless footsteps sounded behind her- she whipped around, coming face to face to the one person she thought was dead.

"'Ello, beautiful. Long time no see."