Hi! Since I discontinued my first fanfiction, It's All Coming Back To Me Now, I decided to write something new. So I decided to do a Multichapter fanfiction about Samtina, my newest obsession. I've played around with the thought of these two, and now I have this whole story figured out. IACBTMN was actually discontinued because the plot was messy and I didn't know where it was going, so now I planned the plot carefully. If you like Quick, don't worry, I have been planning another fiction about them. It's not going to be out anytime soon, but I've already written one chapter. We'll see where it heads.

So something about this fiction. I don't know how many chapters there will be, I just know what will happen. There will be smut in later chapters, so read A/N before you read the story itself for warnings just in case.

I love these two. I like Tike also, but I feel Samtina would be more exciting and they would have even more chemistry. The characters may be a little OOC since I've never written anything else with them. Also I'm Finnish, so don't kill me for some mistakes.

Also review, I know the Samtina fandom is little, but this takes a lot of time to write and I appreciate if you just but one word, expressing what you think about this.

WORDCOUNT (the chapter itself): 1653

PAIRINGS: Major Samtina, supporting Tike and later on Quick, minor Finchel, Brittana and Klaine.

RATING: T because it feels right. Will go up to M in the first ten chapters.


"She makes you laugh."

"I laugh at everyone and everything."

"You said she's beautiful."

"She is."

"We can actually see you staring at her."

"I think her new highlights are cool, I'm trying to figure out what she's using! I mean, I can't use lemon juice forever."

"She likes your impressions."

"Everyone likes my impressions."

"No, but she likes them for real."


"Eh… of course we like them!"

"What?" Sam exclaimed, his big mouth forming an o. Joe and Blaine simultaneously punched Artie who had slipped out the truth to one of their best friends.

The four were waiting for their dinner at BreadstiX. They were celebrating the beginning of their senior year, and even when Joe was only a junior, he had tagged along with Sam's invitation. Now he was beginning to regret inviting him. Somehow a nice talk about New Directions had turned into the other guys claiming that he, Sam Evans, liked Tina Cohen-Chang.

As their pizza with breadsticks at side came, Joe, Blaine and Artie kept smiling smugly at him, making his cheeks blush. He took a huge bite of the pizza and chewed it while drifting to his own thoughts. Yes, he did find Tina more attractive than before. Well, it was like he had seen her for the first time when he had spotted her in library during their summer holiday. They had only greeted each other before passing each other. To his delight she had carried some Sci-Fi books and a country CD. Yes, he had looked after her after she had continued her way through the library, but only because… well… He didn't know. It was like reflect.

So as the summer went on and on, Sam noticed he was pulled towards her Facebook profile and in some horrible way he hoped he'd see her relationship status would turn to single, but it made him feel bad and he dive back into his Avatar fanfiction. And he also had seen dreams of her, dirty ones. And when the best part was coming up, her pretty face turned into Mike's. And then Sam usually woke up.

And then his senior year had began and when she had smiled at him in the hallway as she pushed Artie to choir room with him, he felt like his legs would give up under him, and he totally missed the question she asked from him. He had blinked and she had rolled her eyes playfully and repeated her question. He answered something, he wasn't sure what he had said, he didn't remember.

So okay, maybe Sam liked Tina, but it was nothing, just a crush. And he didn't feel like he wanted to share his feelings, so he started teasing Artie about Sugar, and after that, he offered to make impressions, but somehow all three, Blaine, Artie and Joe had to go to bathroom.


"Sam, you need to understand that you need tutoring to, um, to get through your senior year," Ms. Pillsbury said for the hundredth time, even when Sam had agreed to be tutored. His dyslexia was not secret and it after Pillsbury had went on and on about how it was not his fault, he was feeling like he might have ADHD too. So when the guidance counselor rambled again, Sam cleared his throat and cut her. "Great, who's my tutor?"

"Well, um, it must be someone who is doing well in all subjects, history, um, math, biology, so we, er, have to turn to our Asian community, they're so wise."

"That's kind of stereotypical…" Sam muttered as Pillsbury leafed through the folder, until her face brightened and she tripped to him and showed a page that Sam was surprisingly surprised to see. It was Tina. He had always acknowledged that she was smart and doing well in school, but as he thought about it, he had never gotten lower than B+ in tests, and she never had complained about homework.

"You know her, right? And, and she has done really well, um, with her former cases, so, what do you think?" She looked at him with her huge deer eyes, and seemed to freak out as he was silent, his thoughts racing in his head. It would be nice to spend time with her. And he wouldn't be betraying Mike, since he really needed help to graduate.

"Oh, um, yeah, there are plenty of other options though so –"

"She's fine."


"Good job today guys, we'll win sectionals easily with this material!" Mr. Schue clapped and let the glee club to leave the choir room after a hard rehearsal. They had gone chosen their set list already, and now they should only figure out an kick ass choreography, which was harder now that Mike was gone and Brittany was in "dance celibacy" since Santana had left ("I really enjoy dancing with you, but it's not the same").

Artie was pushed out of the class by Sugar. Joe and Brittany followed with Joe trying to convince the blonde that he, in fact, was a he. Blaine said bye to Mr. Schuester and congratulated Tina for her solo at sectionals before he head out of the choir room. Tina left almost instantly after him and Sam followed her to the hallway, and called her. "Hey, Tina, wait up!"

The Asian turned, her hair shining magically in the cheap high school lightning, and she stopped, looking all pretty in her green dress and white shoes. She grinned as he got to her and muttered. "Would you tutor me? Ms. Pillsbury said you could d- help me."

The girl nodded. "Yeah, sure. I almost forgot you had dyslexia."

"I have your number, and you have mine, so call me, when you have time." Sam nodded.

"Okay, it's not like I'm booked or anything…" Tina sighed, obviously talking about Mike. She probably used to spend her free time with him, doing homework… and each other. He instantly slapped himself in his mind as they walked together outside to their lockers which were in the same row. Tina opened hers as he did the same to his and they picked their books. "Why didn't you and Mercedes try long distance relationship?"

Sam shrugged, not knowing the answer himself. "She needs to concentrate on her career, not on me." It was a lucky guess, but it sounded about right. He closed his locker as she continued to scan hers for some book, and she muttered something to acknowledge his answer.

Finally she shut her locker and they continued their way towards the exit door. Sam tried to come up with something smart, but it all went back to Mike, so he decided to go to straight to Mike as he opened the door for her. "So, how are you and Mike?"

"Fine." She shrugged. "We Skype every Friday, but it's not the same as actually getting to be close to him. And apparently the school is full of hot dancer girls. And it's a ballet school, so there's not that much guys. Just Mike and hot girls. And Mike is so gorgeous; I bet they all want him."

"He's loyal, he won't cheat on you." Sam said. It was true.

"Thanks." Tina smiled apolitically. "I'm sorry. I'm such a mess with Mike and the solo and school. I used to think Rachel was lucky when she got to sing like twenty solos a week, but now I understand her much better. "

"You'll do fine." Sam assured, wishing she would still tutor him, but didn't say anything to put thoughts into her head. "And you have the glee club."

"Mhhm." Tina mumbled and then said. "That's my car. Do you need a ride to Artie's?"

Sam hesitated. It wasn't very macho, but he had already worked as a stripper, so this wouldn't be her low point. And it was the 21st century, he shouldn't be so stereotypical. But as he nodded, he still felt strange about it.

"How's your family?" She asked as Sam buckled his seat belt and she started the car, throwing her bag to the backseat of her blue car and Sam did the same. This wasn't his favorite subject, but she wasn't going to judge her, so he answered.

"Well, Stacy is starting school, which means extra bills, but I'm considering starting working in a coffee shop. But everyone is fine. Fine." He hesitated. "Even if I graduate, I'm not sure if I have money for college. And I know mom and dad want the best for me, so they'll try to manage it, which I don't want."

"Oh." Tina seemed to be uneasy, as she drove to the familiar direction, and Sam took a quick glance around the car. It was pretty new, and clean. Excluding their bags there was nothing extra in the car, and the car went on smoothly. Tina's parents must be rich.

"Nice highlights." Sam flattered her. Tina ran her hand through her brownish and black hair, smiling happily. "Thanks. Not bad yourself. Lemon juice, huh?" She laughed a little and Sam pretended to be hurt, and said with a British accent. "Don't you dare to mock me, young lady."

She laughed more and her eyes sparkled. "I don't get where you get all of that."

"All of what?" Sam asked curiously, but Tina was back on driving intently, only glancing at him when he switched his posture to a better one. The streets went on, and Tina and Sam chatted about sectionals, making Sam's head almost explode by her awesomeness, until Artie's house finally appeared from the row of houses. Tina pulled over, and Sam stepped out, but leaned in once more, smiling softly. "Thanks for ride."

Tina smiled too. "It was nothing. Well, call me about the tutoring."

And then the girl Sam was falling for drove away, not even looking back. She had no clue.


So what do you think? I'm sorry, I don't know how to write romance if the male isn't the one to be obsessed about the girl… It's just my thing.