Title: Stupid Love Songs
Posted: 08/19/12
Main Pairing: Saiga Yahiro & Yamamoto Megumi
Side Pairings: Yamamoto Jun & Ushikubo Sakura, Tsuji Ryuu & Finn Coupe Schuzette, Karino Tadashi & Toudou Akira, Takishima Kei & Hanazono Hikari
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own what I own, nothing more, nothing less.
Summary: This is the story of Yamamoto Megumi, the girl who never gave up on love. Well, what if it was love that gave up on her? What if the guy she loved got engaged to another girl? What if the one proof she had of him returning her feelings was a child he never even knew about? What happens then?
AN: This is a future based fic that is based on both the anime and the manga! Some scenes may be related to things that happened in either of the two, and I hope that most of you know that this is FanFiction and not the original so do expect some differences. Send me suggestions if you would like or leave it as a review, just don't flame. After all, why waste time hating when you can read another story in this archive, yes? I hope you enjoy this!
"The world slows down, but my heart beats fast right now. I know this is the part where the end starts."
~Pussycat Dolls (I Hate This Part)
February 14 (Four Years Prior)
When the date Fourteenth of February was spoken of, what do you think about? To girls this was the day that was sometimes most important to them. The day of love, the day they could confess, the day they would go on dates with boyfriends, the day to make chocolate for that one special person that held their heart in the palm of their hands. To boys, it would be the day they find out who among the female population liked them, the day that they would be obliged to take their girlfriends out, and maybe even the day they would pick the girl who would be lucky enough to get a return gift on the special day on the Fourteenth of March (formally known as White Day).
Yes, indeed, the special day titled Valentine's Day was always one of the busiest days for chocolaiteers, women in love, and florists as well! In the Yamamoto Household, however, the fourteenth day of the second month was something more than just the day of love. It was much more than a normal holiday. To be honest, the holiday seemed to be forgotten due to all the preparations being made. What was the occasion you ask? Where's the fun in telling you all the answer so suddenly?
"Megumi-chan!" A hyperactive Yamamoto Rin shouted, barging into her precious daughter's room. Of all the days in the year, this was the one day that both the heads of the Yamamoto Family made an effort to be at home with their precious twins. "I have the prettiest dress for you to wear at the party tonight!" The woman continued on, twirling around the room with a wide smile spread across her beautiful face. Sadly, her daughter couldn't care less what Rin was currently blabbering about. Megumi had her own problems to worry about after all.
Rin was greeted by the sight of her daughter sprawled out atop her bed, magnetic writer (or magic board) beside her, did she need it. Scrunched up and balled pieces of paper were scattered at the foot of her bed, while a notebook was sitting in front of her (obviously having suffered abusive ripping from how thin it now was). A headset was resting on Megumi's ears, sending out a mix of classical music produced by her father and songs that were performed by her mother. Classical music has always been good for the brain, and boy did Megumi need her brain to work for her now.
"Megumi-chan?" The once excited mother's enthusiasm was gone when she seemed to notice the serious look her daughter had adorned on her face. It was amusing to see her be this way, but Rin was not quite used to her daughter being so distressed. What was with all the paper? What was Megumi upped to? Did Jun know the answer? Did this have something to do with Saiga-kun? Oh! My Megumi-chan is all grown up! Those were the questions running within the brain of the female head of the Yamamoto Family. How she managed to get from one thought to another and connect things still remain a mystery to this day.
"Looking deep into your eyes, I feel a pounding in my chest. Feeling your hands entwined with mine, I forget about all the rest. Have you thought of love to be something special? Considered it to be something good? If no then that's too bad. I'm sure my heart you always had…"
Rin could hear the lyrics from Megumi's headset and smiled slightly. It was one of her older songs, one she had written for the father of her two beloved children. She knew, very well, that Megumi wanted to follow on in her footsteps and perform on that stage with the spotlight finally directed at her. Now with all the producers who knew about her heavenly voice, that dream was becoming less of a dream and slowly turning into a real possibility. A reality. Rin couldn't be prouder of Megumi.
Then again, the fact Megumi was listening to her song and gradually growing popular as a rising star did not change anything. Rin was still curious as to what her daughter was upped to.
Walking up to her daughter's bed, Rin quietly tried to peek over her Megumi's shoulder. Nothing was written on the notebook at all, making the mother confused all the more. Picking up a piece of paper from the floor, she un-crumpled it and stared at the neat handwriting that Megumi possessed. "KYAA!" Rin suddenly shouted, Megumi taking out her headset with wide eyes as she was shocked by the sudden disturbing sound. "My Megumi-chan is writing her own songs!" The mother was overjoyed, but Megumi's face grew red with embarrassment. Obviously all was not as it seemed. Megumi was not happy about her mother's rather childish antics.
"Mother, what are you doing here?!" Megumi wrote on the magic board, trying to distract her mother from the paper she currently had in her hands. No one was supposed to see her compositions, especially not her mother! She wanted to actually finish one and perform it before getting discovered. Life is unfair, things don't always tend to end up the way we want them to. How annoying.
"Megumi-chan! Why haven't you been singing your compositions? Your father could easily produce your single and—" Of course, Megumi expected this reaction. Her question was pushed aside as her mother hugged her tightly and began ranting about how her songs should be recorded and be heard by all the people in Japan—no, the world!
"Mother!" Megumi wrote again, placing the board directly in front of her mother's face. "Please tell me why you were looking for me." Was also written, and immediately the older woman smiled widely and stood Megumi up from her bed. At least the topic of her compositions was pushed away for the mean time, though Megumi was not excited about what her mother had originally planned to say either. She just didn't want to explain her compositions, she also did not want to handle the questions her mother would throw at her about who her inspiration was to write such cute and lovely love songs.
"That reminds me!" Rin exclaimed, dragging Rin out of her room. "You have a fitting for the perfect dress!" Fitting? Megumi was slightly confused. She did not remember scheduling a fitting, and she also remembered already buying a dress! Her mother really, always wanting to dress her up like a pretty little doll. It could get annoying sometimes, but Megumi did not have much room to complain. She, after all, agreed with her mother's taste of clothing as well. "You'll look so cute for Saiga-kun!"
Saiga-kun, the named seemed to echo and reverberate within Megumi's brain as a rosy blush decided to make its way across her cheeks. The mere thought of her pale pink haired fake boyfriend was enough to send a reaction, what more when she finally saw him that coming night? Megumi just knew he would tease her endlessly, especially because she was his date for the evening. Even if it was fake, they both genuinely seemed to enjoy each other's company.
"Mom? Megumi-chan?" It was Jun, coming out of his room, that stopped the overly excited mother from her running and dragging Megumi. "What's going on?" Rin's eyes were sparkling as she caught sight of her cute son, taking his hand and suddenly dragging him along as well. "Megumi-chan?" Jun asked, turning to his sister with confused eyes. This was not what he was expecting when he decided to investigate the ruckus that seemed to be coming from the room next to his (Megumi's bedroom).
"Fitting" Megumi tried to write on her magic board, showing it to Jun. Her hand writing was messy (due to being dragged around and her other hand being held in a tight grip), but her twin brother was able to make out the one word. A sigh immediately escaped his lips. "Good luck to both of us." Megumi wrote again, and Jun agreed with her whole heartedly as they were pushed into the limousine by their bouncy and hyperactive mother.
"Why do I have to go?!" Jun protested, the door of the white Hummer (limousine) closing. "I'm not going to wear a dress!" Megumi pouted slightly, the brother who she expected to be there for her until the end of the world was leaving her out to dry just so that he would not be the victim of another one of his mother's shopping ventures. "I already have a suit!" He protested still.
"I have a dress too!" Megumi wrote on her magic board, but their mother just shook her head. The stubborn woman, really. The twins both knew their attempts of trying to convince their mother to not continue this crusade was futile, but they tried still. Hoping that, for once, Rin would listen to their requests.
"Well I didn't pick them!" Rin answered, her word sounding as if it was law. "I already picked out the suit I want Jun-kun to wear, and the dress I want for Megumi-chan too!" Megumi already began to write more protests, but her mother continued on with her rant. "After all! I want you both to look great for Saiga-kun and Ushikubo-chan!" That immediately brought blushes to both the twins' faces.
Erasing her previous statement, Megumi wrote another. "They like us for who we are! Not for what we wear!" Jun nodded in agreement, the limousine nearing the shopping center now. "Megumi-chan is right!" He answered. "Sakura-chan won't care if I go in rags!" That seemed to have just added to the annoyance their mother was already feeling. Jun and Megumi hugged each other close in fear as a rather negative aura came off of the woman.
"None of my children will ever be seen in rags! Never!" Rin's voice was low and dangerous, Jun and Megumi only hugging each other tighter. "Now you both stop complaining or I will both show your boyfriend and girlfriend pictures from your childhood!" Megumi was about to ask what was so embarrassing about that when she felt her brother stiffen in her arms. Oh, yes, there were those particular pictures.
"Yes," Rin continued, the dark aura still coming off of her and suffocating the teens. "I mean the ones where Jun-kun is dressed in pretty and frilly dresses." Evil laughter would have followed, but Rin only allowed a smirk to spread across her face when Jun shivered and Megumi sighed. Though Megumi didn't mind Yahiro seeing her pictures, she knew Jun wouldn't want Sakura to ever see those horrendous photos of the two of them in matching dresses.
Their mother truly needed to visit a facility. They loved her to pieces, but she was a little crazy.
"Fine (=_=)" Megumi wrote, adding the emoji to emphasize her dislike of the blackmailing situation. Jun thanked her silently (hugging her a bit closer), and Megumi sighed for what seemed to be the umpteenth time that hour. This was turning out to be such a long day…and it was only a quarter passed noon.
Normally, one would think that Saiga Yahiro would be doing things regarding his family business right about now. You would imagine him being hauled up in a room, in front of his laptop, and typing away as he talked to someone on the phone regarding a current problem. Being the heir to the Saiga Financial Group was no easy task, and Yahiro did not take his position lightly, no matter how care free he acted in real life. Shockingly, though, this was not at all what he was doing. He was worrying about something, yes, but wasn't an investment gone wrong or a bankruptcy scare. It was something less trivial, but equally as puzzling.
Saiga Yahiro was trying to find the perfect present for his fake girlfriend Yamamoto Megumi.
Yahiro normally never grew tense. He was always composed, always all knowing, always knowing exactly what to do and when to do it. That being said, it was obvious that he was new to a situation where he actually had no idea whatsoever on what to do. Why? Well, that might prove to be quite difficult to explain. Briefly, it would be that he had been trying to search for the perfect present, but is still unable to find it. Somehow, the Saiga heir was relieved that he only had Megumi as a responsibility (seeing as Sakura was taking Jun). He was not used to actually being the one to pick the present. Usually he would just order someone to buy something and he would just give it in his name or his family's name. Megumi was special though, Megumi was someone important to him. He may not return her feelings, but she was at least worth a gift that actually came from the pale pink haired teen.
"No…no…NO!" Saiga Chitose stood right outside his older brother's bedroom door, watching Yahiro panic slightly from the slit that was present. The younger fourteen year old did not know how to take his brother's actions. Should he be amused, due to the fact his brother was rarely flustered and out of control, or should he help him out? Chitose was rather conflicted. It was his own enjoyment versus his love for the eighteen year old that was growing impatient. An inner battle so difficult to resolve, Chitose decided to just observe.
"That's not it…" Yahiro whispered, currently tempted to throw his computer across the room. He hated being out of character, hated that he couldn't control himself. Why did he care so much anyway? It wasn't like Megumi was his actual girlfriend. Why was he trying so hard for a fake relationship? Oh, yeah, right, because everyone aside from the Special A actually did think that Megumi was girlfriend. Even his own family! "Stupid weirdo…" The Saiga Heir sighed, continuing on in his search.
Pictures of bags, dresses, shoes, jewelry, heck even gadgetry decorated Yahiro's screen, all of them being his choices for his present. Sometimes presents really were hard to pick, especially if they were for people special to us, but then again…why would Yahiro be having trouble picking a gift for a girl he supposedly found only as a good friend? Perhaps he was in denial with his feelings? Perhaps he just sucked at giving presents? These thoughts entered Chitose's mind as he sighed. His brother really was a useless case to deal with.
How could someone who never wanted to feel love ever again deal with going through that emotion again? Saiga Yahiro was the perfect example. A confused fool who couldn't decide on a freaking present.
"Nii-san is acting…so un-cool." Chitose whispered, the fourteen year old finding the situation rather comical. In all his years of being alive, his brother had been the pride and joy of their father. He had good grades, he had excellent focus, he was the perfect business man, yet with the slightest sight of Yamamoto Megumi, his exterior would change. Yes, ever since they had become a couple Yahiro was notable smiling more if not happier. His shoulders would relax, his true self would reveal itself. Though Chitose did not particularly approve of his grandmother dating his beloved Nii-san, he couldn't deny that he was rather happy with the slight changes that were present in his brother.
"Will you just come in already?" Chitose was confused, what was his big brother talking about now? "I mean you Chitose, get in here if you're going to. I hate people watching me." Expected of his brother, his senses seemed to belong to a genius as well.
"How long?" Chitose asked, closing the door as he stepped into his big brother's room. "You seemed pretty immersed in your work." The younger pale pinked boy added, taking a seat on Yahiro's bed. This earned him a small smirk from the eighteen year old, but Chitose was unnerved. His brother's smirks, sneers, glares, and evil chuckles did nothing for Chitose, but whenever his brother actually smiled (usually about things involving Megumi) he could never stop the uncomfortable shiver that would run across his spine. That was how odd it was, even his own family were not accustomed to him smile!
"Since you started, your breathing is rather loud." Chitose's brow twitched. An insult, yeah, that was more like his brother. "You wouldn't be a very successful ninja at this rate." Again, Chitose's brow twitched. Did his brother have to bring up his, once, childhood dream? Really, aside from his girlfriend he wasn't really nice to anyone else genuinely.
"At least I'm not the one worrying about my girlfriend's present." Chitose cheekily answered, now earning himself a glare directed towards his direction. Yes, even Chitose knew not the real extension of Yahiro and Megumi's romance. It was only Kei, Hikari, Akira, Tadashi, Sakura, Jun, Ryuu, and Finn who knew the truth about the rather fake relationship. After all, had it been true, Ryuu would surely have killed Yahiro by now…if he could at least.
"Don't you have better things to do?" Yahiro asked, turning his attention back to his computer. "Meeting with Sui or something else that doesn't involve you being here?" Irritation was clear in Yahiro's words, and it was obvious that he wanted his little brother out of there. Saiga Yahiro was one person who loved to tease people (especially Megumi) and enjoyed it all the more when they were so gullible and easily angered (like Megumi). Why would Saiga Chitose be any different? They were related by blood after all. There were bound to be similarities, physical features aside of course.
"Not that I know of." Chitose answered, his own smirk resting itself on his younger face. "Who knows, maybe I could help you find grandmother a gift." Yahiro did not respond as he scrolled down the page currently viewed on his computer. Chitose didn't take it as a yes or a no, so he just walked up behind his brother and looked at the items he was currently thinking over.
"You suck at finding presents, Nii-san." Yahiro felt a vain pop in his forehead due to the words oh so bluntly said by his little brother. "You shouldn't give her something so simple like those stuff." He continued on. "Give her something that shows you love her at least. Getting clothes from a boyfriend is just so cliché." And that was the word that set it off. Cliché. A Saiga was always original in his ways of doing anything. They knew the best because they were the best. Doing anything synonymous to that horrendous word was forbidden by law in their code of conduct.
"And what do you suggest…?" Yahiro was regretting this little by little. He was pretty sure he threw up in his mouth just by asking the question. Asking gift giving advicefrom his own little brother. This was the most embarrassing highlight of Yahiro's life! This was far worse than barging into Megumi's performance and shouting out that she was his girlfriend! At least that was something he was all too willing to do (the fact he was maybe a bit too willing disturbed him to this day).
"Wait, wait, wait, let me treasure this moment!" Chitose exclaimed, another vain popping within Yahiro's forehead. "My Onii-sama is actually asking for my advice! This is the best moment of my life." The younger Saiga wiped a fake tear away from his eye and smirked once again at his brother. Indeed, he would be treasuring this moment for many, many, many years to come. Chitose had no plan of letting Yahiro live this down at all.
"Chitose…" Yahiro's voice was dangerous, threatening even. Chitose was un-phased however. This type of brother was something he was used to. For all his life his Nii-san has been there after all.
"I'd say give her something handmade, but I don't think you're capable of that," Yahiro was pretty sure his brother, the vain popping menace that Chitose was, was trying to set a record for annoying the hell out of the him with just a matter of hours! "I think that you should just give her something you know she'll like. Grandma likes to sing right? Start from there!" As annoying as Chitose was, Yahiro had to admit that he did not think of that and also that it was a good idea. Dang! Now he had to thank his little demon brother.
"Thanks…" Yahiro whispered, closing the current tabs and searching for new things. Chitose was not content with it though, this was, after all, such a rare occasion.
"What? I didn't quite catch that…Nii-san ~" Yahiro glared as Chitose continued to push his luck. Yahiro sometimes hated how alike he and his brother could be sometimes, and this was one of those times. The cheeky bastard was testing his patience a little too much. The older Saiga would be sure to make him pay dearly for that in the future. He was not one to forget about swears and revenge.
"Get out of my room." Yahiro answered, Chitose chuckling at the very much expected reaction.
"Yes sir!" He joked, saluting even, as he dashed out of his older brother's room and decided to head for his. He had to get ready too after all! The Yamamoto Twins' birthday party was an event that usually came with a lot of fun. Chitose was all the more excited because this was the first time they would be introduced with their actual boyfriend (and girlfriend in Jun's case). Everyone was in for a rather interesting evening.
Do you know that feeling you get when you enter a house and it's so beautiful that you can't help but stare? All the beautiful ornaments, the high ceilings, the chandelier, the grand staircase, maybe even the beautiful garden! On a normal bases, these things tend to draw out a simple "Oh wow!" from the people who entered due to the admiration for interior décor. Following me so far? Can you relate to that type of feeling? Well, now imagine the that feeling multiplied by a hundred and maybe you would understand just bit the feeling of entering the Yamamoto Mansion Grand Ballroom gave. Yes, it was that amazing.
The floor was made entirely of polished white marble with pillars of the same material standing tall and proud in between the huge windows that had the same height as the wall. Ivory colored curtains trimmed with real gold were pulled aside, giving a slight view of the night sky. Around six chandeliers surrounded the grand center piece as they dangled from the golden colored roof. Had the paint been truly melted gold? Perhaps? Maybe not. They were rich, but would they really flaunt their wealth that much? No, they would not.
A grand staircase was in the back center of the room, splitting into two as it continued upwards. The staircase was made of white marble as well, gold sashes of cloth hanging on the hand rail, twirling around it as it shimmered under the bright yellow light of chandelier. The room was perfection, it was magnificent!
People from wealthy families were presents, all in beautiful gowns and expensive suits. They were sharing idle chit chat with others, some in hope of striking business, some just wanting to socialize. One group of teens in particular, however, were in the center of all the people and waiting eagerly for their friends to appear. They were excited to greet the twins with a "Happy Birthday" and of course they wanted to present their gifts as well. Why would they leave it along with all the others? They were friends after all! Giving a gift personally would just seem…well…more…personal.
"I can't wait to see my precious Megumi-chan!" Toudou Akira exclaimed, smiling sweetly as she swayed from side to side in excitement. "I'm sure she'll just look cute in her dress!" Hanazono Hikari agreed with her whole heartedly as she just imagined the cute brunette in a frilly ball gown designed only for the likes of princesses. Indeed, she was surely to be the 'bell of the ball' tonight.
"Akira, stop saying such weird things." Karino Tadashi commented suddenly, his eyes following a tray filled with finger food that they were free to eat. How he wished it would make its way towards his direction. He needed food, he was hungry, and Akira had cooked nothing for him to take along to this party. Due to his distraction, however, he failed to notice his fuming girlfriend getting ready to pummel him to ground. How lucky he was this was a formal event, for had they been in school, Tadashi would be half way across Japan by now.
"Idiot!" Akira exclaimed, deciding to just step on her date's foot harshly. Of course Tadashi held back a cry of pain, but he has said so many times before…he didn't mind all the pain. If that was how Akira expressed her feelings, emotions, and affections, then he would take it. It was better than forcibly bungee jumping out of his bedroom window, that was for sure. He'd take Akira over his mother any day.
"Hikari, do you want some of this?" Takishima Kei asked, offering some of what appeared to be a small crab cake. "It's good." Hikari blushed slightly, still unable to get the idea that Kei was now both her boyfriend and rival into her thick head. "Hikari?" Kei continued, the Hanazono finally nodding her head and holding out her hand to take the appetizer from her beau. He had other plans though.
Kei wrapped his arms around Hikari's waist as he pulled her forward and placed his hand in front of her. "Oi! Takishima!" Hikari exclaimed, embarrassed as she tried to pull away from his grasp. "I can feed myself! I can challenge you now that I could eat more of this stuff than you." Sighing, Kei shook his head as his smirk played on his face. Of course, he was expecting this to come. "Still you believe you can beat me, Ms. Number Two?" Kei asked, only to be answered with a positive from the black haired pauper.
"Oh! Food!" Tadashi suddenly exclaimed, approaching Kei and taking the crab cake from his hand. "Thanks Kei!" The brunette wanderer continued, placing the crab cake in his mouth. Kei, of course, did not react at all though was slightly pissed by the fact Tadashi had taken the piece of food that he had been planning to feed to Hikari.
"Hikari!" Akira exclaimed. "Stay away from that monster!" She continued, pulling Hikari to her side. "And don't try anything on my cute Hikari you idiot monster! It's bad enough Megumi is pretending to be with—" Suddenly, a hand covered Akira's mouth. Obviously the girl had been tactless and started saying things she shouldn't. If the relationship was found out to be fake, both Yahiro and Megumi were to suffer for sure!
"Akira, who's pretending?" It was Tsuji Ryuu that had managed to shut the Toudou heir up, saving her from blurting out the big secret that everyone was keeping. He took his hand away, Ryuu was a bit afraid Akira would bit it if he kept it there, and smiled at everybody warmly. They all seemed rather shocked to see him there, seeing as they thought that he would most probably be with Jun and Megumi till they made their grand entrance into the party.
"Where's Jun and Megumi?" Tadashi asked, his face stuffed with crab cakes as he managed to steal an entire tray from a waitress. How he managed to do that, they did not know. "Aren't you supposed to be with them." At Tadashi's question, Ryuu's mood seemed to have dropped. Bad vibes suddenly began to emerge from the green haired teen as he sighed and faced the grand staircase.
"Aunt Rin told me that I should entertain my date rather than take care of them." The Tsuji's voice seemed sullen and lonely, obviously not liking the idea of living the Yamamoto Twins alone. Obviously his older brother need to be around them was understandable. He had been their protector for so long, Ryuu was not too willing for that to change quite yet. Suddenly though, Hikari took note of something that Ryuu had said.
"Date?" The black haired wrestler asked. Of all the things she caught, yes, it was the word date.
As if on cue, a short haired blonde emerged from the crowd. She had stunning green eyes, she had an alluring smile, and she also managed to make Ryuu's sullen mood vanish. Jaws dropped, eyes widened, and food fell out of mouths (well that was only in Tadashi's case) as the foreign girl walked up beside Ryuu and smiled at everyone. "Why the heck aren't you in a suit?" Tadashi oh so bluntly asked, Akira snapping out of her surprise and punching him the gut for his rudeness. The girl in question just laughed however.
Finn Coupe Schuzette was amused as she shook her head and wrapped her arm around Ryuu's open one. "I wanted to, but I think Rin-san would have taken me hostage and dressed me up in a gown anyway. Why go through that ruckus?" Ryuu laughed at the thought of that occurring, it was highly unlikely, especially now that Finn was getting rather close to (if not protective of) Megumi and Jun as well.
"How's your brother doing?" Akira asked, Tadashi still recovering from his punch, as she hugged Finn loosely. They were not informed when she had arrived from her country, but the princess only ever seemed to tell Ryuu anyways. It was the green haired teen's job to tell them all if she didn't just decide to drop by. Hikari hugged her as well, laughing slightly at the red dress that Finn was wearing. It was one thing that she must have gotten from her mother.
"He's talking and walking and being a pain to the servants." Finn answered, laughing as the memory of her brother (now just entering his terrible twos) running around and causing trouble for the maids flashed in her mind. "Other than that, he's cute." She continued on.
"Megumi and Jun sure are taking a long time." Kei suddenly commented, making Ryuu turn to him and nod. It was around an hour into the party, and still the birthday celebrants were yet to make an appearance. "Yahiro and Sakura aren't here either, so we didn't miss them enter the ball either." He continued on, looking around and finding no sight of the pink haired teens that were the twins' dates.
"I don't think anyone will miss their entrance." Ryuu suddenly commented, sighing again as Finn looked at him in confusion. Everyone else followed suit. What did he mean by that? "Well, Aunt Rin is a bit—"
The chandelier lights suddenly all turned off as the curtains were closed, the whole room being swallowed by darkness. People gasped as two spotlights were suddenly directed at both the entrances of the grand staircase. No people were there yet, but everyone knew who would be occupying those spots.
"—extravagant." Ryuu finished, everyone watching the scene unfold before them.
From the right side stepped Megumi and Yahiro, both putting on a bright smile as if they were lovesick. Megumi probably was, but everyone was doubting Yahiro's sincerity. On the left side, Jun stepped into the spotlight with Sakura on his arm, both of them looking equally as in love with each other. Somehow, Ryuu was more worried about the fact that it was inner Jun standing there rather than the actual Jun.
Both Yahiro and Jun lead the ladies in their arms down the split staircase, meeting in the center as they turned towards the crowd and smiled at them. "Presenting," An announcer suddenly spoke out, making everyone wonder where the heck the voice was coming from. "Miss Megumi Yamamoto and Mister Jun Yamamoto," The voice continued on. "With their respective dates: Mister Yahiro Saiga and Miss Sakura Ushikubo." The announcement was spoken in English, most probably for the foreigners attending the social event.
"Megumi is so cute ~" Akira said, swaying from side to side once again as all the eyes were on the female Yamamoto Twin. Her long wave hair was pulled into a ponytail with free strands waving down and framing face. A strapless yellow dress adorned her body, a white ribbon making an empire waste under her chest, and a pair of white flats were on her feet. She looked stunning beside the pale pink haired teen that was the heir to the Saiga Financial Group who was wearing a white suit with a bowtie that was nearly the same color as his hair. Those two looked like a match made in heaven, and though Jun and Sakura were equally as stunning, most eyes truly did just drift to Megumi and Yahiro. Probably because never would anyone have thought that they of all people would together.
The lights were turned on once again as the twins, along with their dates, descended the staircase and began greeting their guests and slowly making their way towards their friends. "No! Megumi can't be with that monster, I have to save her!" Akira continued to exclaim, Tadashi taking hold of her arm and stopping her from moving forward. This, of course, caused another punch to hit him. At least it distracted his girlfriend from stealing Megumi from Yahiro.
"Hikari!" Akira cried, suddenly hugging the black haired girl, annoying Kei to extremes. "Our poor sweet Megumi-chan is being taken away by that awful demon! We have to save her!" Kei, cautiously, peeled Akira off of Hikari and suddenly placed an arm around his girlfriend's waist. This just managed to aggravate Akira further. "Stay away from my cute Hikari you—"
"I don't like her with Yahiro either." Ryuu whispered, Finn turning towards him and taking her attention away from Akira who was shouting at a none responsive Kei. "I'm a bit relieved this is all fake." The green haired Tsuji continued, making Finn frown slightly. True enough, this relationship set up was fake, but Megumi's feelings were real weren't they? In fact, wouldn't this set up remind her more of the rejection he gave her? Wouldn't this hurt her more.
"She loves Yahiro so much she's happy just being near him." Finn suddenly spoke out, making Ryuu turn to her. Akira's noise was practically dying out in their ears. It would be the same old, same old anyways. Tadashi would get beaten up, Kei would get reprimanded, Hikari would just watch, and Akira would continue to shout. "She's a lot more mature than people give her credit for." Finn continued.
"What do you mean?" Ryuu asked, Finn smiling slightly as she turned her gaze towards the smiling Megumi and the smiling Yahiro. "Finn?"
"Look at them," The blonde answered. "You wouldn't think that they were a fake couple if we didn't know." Finn continued still. "Megumi really loves him, right? You know that, but maybe Yahiro's beginning to love her back. Are you going to tell me that smile is fake? He looks like he's having the time of his life over there." Ryuu hated to admit it, but his girlfriend was right. Yahiro did look like he enjoyed having Megumi by his side.
"Just because it's true," Ryuu retorted. "Doesn't mean I have to like it." Finn merely smiled as she suddenly took notice of Jun and Sakura headed their way. Akira was still beating the living daylights out of Tadashi and Hikari was trying to get her friend to stop. Kei merely watched in mild amusement.
"Ryuu!" Jun exclaimed, waving as he saw his older brother figure with Finn. Akira stopped her shouting as the sound of Jun's voice was heard within the group, and almost immediately the younger Yamamoto Twin dragged Sakura towards Ryuu and Finn to greet them. Of course Sakura was getting close to Ryuu now as well, though he sometimes still worried about Jun's other personality. "You're here!" Jun concluded, the Tsuji patting the brunette's head as he smiled warmly at him. His younger siblings were growing up and he didn't have a say about it.
"Finn!" Sakura exclaimed, letting go of Jun's arm and tackling the princess with one of her hugs. "I haven't seen you in months!" She added, Finn awkwardly laughing as she hugged Sakura back. The princess was still getting close to such contact with people, but she wasn't complaining. "You look so pretty in your dress Finn!" Sakura then observed, pulling away from the princess and taking her place beside Jun once again.
"Happy Birthday!" Ryuu greeted, all of the Special A members gathering around the male twin and greeting him as well. Choruses of "Happy Birthday Jun!" and "You look so cute Jun!" and "Sakura must be enjoying herself" were made by the group, and the couple couldn't help but blush at the last comment. Jun may not admit it, but he was having a hard time controlling his inner self from coming out. Embarrassing him and pointing out Sakura was enjoying his company was not helping with his current situation at all!
"Jun-kun," Sakura suddenly whispered into the brunette's ear, making the Yamamoto turn towards her. She gave him a supportive smile as she suddenly poked his cheeks. "Don't worry, just relax." Somehow, that statement did make him relax, allowing him to kiss Sakura's cheek in thanks. Cat calls came from Akira, Tadashi, and Hikari.
Jun looked cute in his black tuxedo matched with a yellow bow tie. Indeed, Yamamoto Rin was a force to be reckoned with when it came to fashion, but Jun merely sighed as the compliments on his outfit were given. The road to actually obtaining the suit was one that would probably make him and Megumi tired just to think about, but when Sakura saw him and blushed at his handsome yet debonair princely appearance, Jun couldn't help but be satisfied with himself and a little thankful for his mother.
"Where's Megumi?" Finn decided to ask, Akira suddenly stiffening as she remembered her need to keep her precious friend away from the devil's spawn known as Saiga Yahiro. "Aren't she and Yahiro going to come over here?" The princess asked, and Ryuu as well began looking around the ballroom for the two.
"They will be," Sakura answered, smirking slightly. "But Yahiro is a Saiga, and though its Megumi and Jun's celebration, people can't help but be drawn to him." Jun confirmed and explained that Megumi and Yahiro were currently the center of a lot of attention due to both their relationship and their future. Ryuu was not even aware that some people were already pressuring Yahiro to pick a pride and to make an honest woman out of Megumi. The made Ryuu's blood boil with anger, and Jun had to comfort him with the help of Finn to stop him from tackling the pink haired heir. Also, that would probably have made Megumi upset. Something that Ryuu didn't want to happen.
"Why would he make an honest out of Megumi?" Hikari suddenly asked. "Is she pregnant or something?" All eyes turned towards Kei as he stared at Hikari with confusion. Really, the dense and slow girl needed to learn to read the atmosphere better. Also, she needed to learn business people jokes, seeing as she might just have to be part of that world some day. As a Takishima of course.
"You're still as slow as ever, Hanazono Hikari." That voice was familiar to everyone, and as they turned around, they were greeted by the smirking Yahiro and the smiling Megumi. "I'm sure that all the denseness of yours will vanish when Kei finally decides to make an honest woman out of you." Hikari blushed as Kei glared slightly at Yahiro for the comment. Akira, however, had different plans.
"Megumi-chan~!" The purple haired woman exclaimed, pouncing on Megumi and hugging her tightly. "Come with me! I'll help you escape the demon's clutches! I don't want you anywhere near that monster!" Akira's hug was tight, and Megumi was having trouble breathing, causing her to tug on Yahiro's jacket and make him help her. He obliged of course, taking hold of her waist and pulling her away from his once former love.
"No, I think that I'll be the one helping Megumi-chan escape the demon's hands." Said the Saiga heir, suddenly turning his eyes to Akira's hands. Getting the meaning, Akira suddenly began trying to attack Yahiro as Megumi made her way towards Jun and Sakura. She smiled and hugged Ryuu and Finn as well, being greeted much like Jun with a happy birthday. Truly, her friends, how she loved them so.
"Akira will you stop it!" Yahiro protested, avoiding another punch as she tried to get a good punch in. "I would actually want to spend time with my girlfriend." Somehow, Yahiro liked how that sound leaving his lips. Also, people around them who heard smiled at what they thought was the love sick teen. "Besides, shouldn't you be worrying about your own boyfriend?" Akira didn't answer and continued calling him names from monster to the son of Satan. Yahiro merely sighed. Akira really was nothing like Megumi.
"Akira-chan," Megumi began, suddenly taking hold of Yahiro's arm once again and holding her magic board for Akira to be seen. "Yahiro-kun isn't a monster, I will call you if he ever decides to attack me." Megumi's innocent and wide eyes made the purple haired girl back down and glare at the pink haired guy. "You don't deserve her, monster." She said, before walking away towards Tadashi.
"Yahiro-kun?" Megumi suddenly spoke softly. "Are you okay?"
"You love your voice right? Yet you're using it right now." Megumi just stared as she waited for Yahiro to answer her question. "I'm fine, okay?" He began, smiling as he poked Megumi's forehead lightly. "Don't worry about me you weirdo, I'm over her and you're my girlfriend right now." A blush crept up Megumi's cheeks as she nodded her head. Yahiro could not help but find her all the more cute, and take notice once again that he liked the way that sounded rolling off of his mouth. Girlfriend.
"Do you want anything to drink?" Megumi raised the board, allowing Yahiro to read it as they made their way back to the Special A members with Finn and Sakura. "I can call a waiter." She added, but Yahiro only chuckled as he shook his head.
"Save your voice." He said, referring to the second line. "I'll call for one myself if I want, you just keep quiet until your performance later." The smile that Megumi gave him suddenly made his heart beat faster for some unexplainable reason. He liked that smile, it seemed like a smile that she only ever saved for him. It was his smile.
"Yes, I should save my voice." Megumi wrote. "Thank you for always caring Yahiro-kun!" Now that was what made the pale pink haired Saiga blush.
Takishima Sui was bored out of his mind as he sat on a chair and watched as everyone else mingled. He was fourteen now, yet why was he still being treated as if he was a kid? When Kei was fourteen he was already helping out the company! Why was Sui then being treated as if he was still some immature brat? Then again, Sui didn't mind it much if it was his brother doing it. In fact, any type of conversation with his brother was find with him. Brother complex seemed to be popular across rich people.
"Oi! Sui!" The voice snapped the mini Takishima out of his own thoughts and made him turn towards its source. As it comes, he wasn't the only fourteen year old in the party. In fact, it seemed like he was in luck to find his best friend there. Maybe that would lessen his boredom at least. "I didn't know you were coming to this party." Chitose continued, taking a seat beside his friend.
"That's because I wasn't supposed to." Sui answered, crossing his arms as he caught sight of his older brother talking with his friends, arm around Hikari's waist. Really, was it too hard to include him in those conversations? At least it would give him something else to do except stare into a crowd blankly. "My dad thought that I should get out there too, get my face known as a Takishima." Sui explained. "But I think that it's Nii-chan's idea. My dad doesn't really come up with things like this on his own." Chitose laughed, what Sui said was true after all. At a young age it was already Kei handling the company, his father's name was just a formality till Kei was married.
"I'm here for pretty much the same reason, except I was also pretty willing to come." Much like Sui, Chitose also kept an eye on his older brother. His arm was linked with Megumi's and they were both greeting other people as they congratulated them on their relationship and of course to say "Happy Birthday" to the birthday girl who was now eighteen as well, the same age as Yahiro. "I find it fun to watch my brother and his girlfriend." Chitose continued, Sui turning his head away from his Nii-chan and looking towards Yahiro and Megumi.
"They make a pretty good couple, don't you think?" Sui questioned, wondering what Chitose's opinion was of the star couple. "Do you like her for your brother? Or is she bad for business?" Those were two very different things after all. No matter how much you like a person, if they were bad for business, it was most likely that the parents would not give the okay for a wedding. Welcome to the land of rich and famous.
"Well…she makes my brother happy." Chitose answered, seeing that though his brother was smiling, it wasn't the fake ones he would give to his clients to appear charming. No, this was something real. This was an actual smile that signified that he was enjoying himself. "But, she won't really do anything for the business. Music isn't something the Saiga Financial Corporation is in to." So there lay the problem.
"But your parents aren't splitting them apart," Sui contradicted. "That must mean they don't mind him going out with Megumi-san right?" Chitose bit his lip, that was the part he was least sure about. Did that indicate that they accepted the relationship, or that they were allowing Yahiro to have some fun before finally giving him a fiancé and telling him to get married. "Chitose-kun?"
"I don't—"
"Everyone, your attention please." A loud voice called out, a woman to be specific. "We have a little presentation for everyone who graciously attended my son and daughter's birthday ball." Chitose and Sui both watched as Rin smiled at the now very silent crowd. She stood beside her husband, Shiro, who much like his wife was smiling in gratitude as well. Both younger brothers thought they already knew what was coming.
"Most of you have heard that our daughter has finally been getting offers from producers." Shiro began, Chitose observing that Yahiro was whispering into Megumi's ear as they both stood beside the stage. "Well, tonight, my daughter has decided to give us all a show." Both Sui and Chitose saw the slight glance Megumi threw at her mother, but Yahiro had placed an arm on her shoulder and whispered into her ear again. Probably words of comfort.
"I am very eager to present to you, the daughter who decided to follow in my footsteps. I also believe that this daughter of mine will exceed all that I have done." Rin took over. "Yamamoto Megumi!"
The crowd of people clapped (The S.A. probably louder than most) as Megumi got up the stage. She was tense as she stood there, probably afraid that everyone within the hall would pass out when she actually began performing. Chitose was quite curious too, seeing as the last time it had happened with him, Hikari had covered his ears from her sonic like voice that causes explosions. Just at what decibel did the girl sing?
Music began to play, a soft tune from the piano echoing around the room. It had amazing acoustics, the place, as to be expected from a family of music lovers. Violins began to accompany the piano, and everyone watched as Megumi placed the microphone to her mouth and took a deep breath. From the side of his eye, Sui actually saw some of the Special A members cross their fingers. All have heard of the angelic voice possessed by Megumi, but now was the time to show the world that she could shine like a star.
"The thousands of twinkling stars swallowed by the night sky.
I hope one I'll be able to give this to you"
Chitose and Sui were both shocked. The voice that was able to make buildings explode, the voice that caused mass destruction, it was the voice so soft it could be mistaken for that of an angel's. Couples were already dancing slowly to her song (the Special A couples included), and Chitose saw that Yahiro had a soft smile on his face. A small one that was barely there, emphasized by the happiness shining in his eyes. His brother really was in love with this girl wasn't he? She was able to actually warm up that ice heart of his.
"Do you think that if she chose to, she could still use her voice as a secret weapon?" Sui asked, and Chitose shrugged his shoulders as both of them continued to watch and listen to Yamamoto Megumi perform. For some reason, an image of his older brother and this girl together popped into the younger Saiga's head. An image where his brother would be resting his head on Megumi's lap and she would sing to him. It was a beautiful scene in his head, but would it ever come true? Would his parents even allow that to come true?
Taking another look at Yahiro, how Chitose wished they would. All his brother ever did was please them and do as they asked, maybe now they would allow him to pick his own bride without interfering. Chitose loved the company just as much as Yahiro, but he loved his Nii-san more than that. Also, he thought that if anyone deserved to be happy in life, it should be Yahiro. His big brother that sacrificed a lot to make everyone but him joyful.
"This song that would bring a smile to that certain someone"
Upon closer inspection, Chitose noticed that Megumi was not looking at the crowd of people before her. No, the brunette was only looking at one person, and that person was no other than his big brother. He saw the love present in her eyes as she obviously dedicated this song to him, obviously wanted him to hear her words through the voice that he had claimed to love.
"I don't know if my mom and dad will approve of her," Chitose suddenly spoke up, making Sui turn his attention back to the Saiga and away from Megumi's singing. "But if she makes my brother happy then I approve of her." A smile suddenly spread across Sui's face as he looked to where Kei and Hikari were dancing, the Hanazono blushing as Kei seemed to whispering something into her ear. Yeah, he could agree with Chitose on that matter.
"Why are we such good brothers, Chitose-kun?" Sui voiced out, Chitose merely shrugging his shoulders as a smirk tugged across his lips. They were good brothers weren't they? Thinking about their happiness and all that. "And to think that they bully us all the time." That one actually made the pale pink haired boy chuckle, the mystery of sibling-hood. You may fight all the time, but you'll always be there for each other. Always have each other's backs.
"I hope one day you can make the flowers bloom"
Megumi's eyes and Yahiro's eyes never lost contact, the same way Chitose never noticed that his brother was actually beginning to make one of the biggest decisions of life. Chitose had been blind to the truth, that all this relationship crap was all a set up. Now, however, was he really the one blind? Or was it Yahiro? It didn't matter anymore though, the answer. Because this song that managed to soften the hearts of these people, managed to also make Yahiro realize that this whole set up maybe wasn't as big as a lie as thought. Perhaps…the only people he were lying to now was Megumi and worst of all, himself.
Descending the stage, Megumi's knees began to shake. Her nerves finally took full control of her, and if it wasn't for Yahiro's sudden hold on her waist, she probably would have fallen to the ground. She had done it, performed in front of an audience. She had allowed everyone to truly hear her voice, they finally actually heard her. "You were great." Yahiro whispered into her ear, Megumi turning towards him to find he had a light blush on his cheek. This also caused the young singer to turn a light shade of pink as well.
"Megumi-chan!" The sudden shout snapped Megumi's thoughts away from the pink haired teen beside her, and no sooner had she gained proper consciousness, her mother had wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a bear crushing hug. "Megumi-chan that was so beautiful!" Her mother continued, the tears in her eyes spilling as Megumi tried to push her away, in need of air. "I knew my Megumi-chan would be a great singer! Just like her mother." Noticing the struggle that Megumi was going through, Yahiro decided to intervene.
"Being great is expected of a Saiga woman, right?" Yahiro said, teasing, as he pulled Megumi away from her mother. "If Megumi was able to make me fall for her with her voice, then most likely everyone else would love her as well. Saigas are extremely hard to please." Megumi turned red (far past pink) at the words that escaped Yahiro's mouth, while Rin offered her daughter's boyfriend a smile.
"You're absolutely right, Saiga-kun!" Rin exclaimed, taking hold of both teenagers' shoulders. "If Megumi was able to impress you, then impressing anybody would be a piece of cake." The Yamamoto mother winked. "Also, did you say expected of a Saiga woman? Hmm…is that wedding bells I hear, Saiga-kun?" The temperature in the room grew tremendously, and Yahiro was overjoyed no one had heard Rin speak. After all, this was something that would be a potential mess had big rumors suddenly decided to pop up.
"MOTHER!" Megumi wrote down, showing the magic board to her mother (a butler had handed it to her after she finished her song just in case people are wondering). "Please don't be so tactless!" Megumi added, Rin only laughing as she shook her head and stepped away from the two. Really, they've been dating for two years now, the fact that Megumi could still feel embarrassment was just absolutely adorable for her. The blush on Yahiro's cheek was also quite a rare thing to witness. Yamamoto Rin had managed to hit two birds with one stone. Lovebirds that is.
"But Megumi!" Rin answered. "I'm already in my forties! I need cute little grandchildren to take care of!" Before Megumi could even write a reply, Yahiro had already decided to take them out of this rather awkward and odd conversation. Goodness, this woman really.
"Rin-san," Yahiro began, interrupting her thoughts of grandchildren. "I think that Megumi should freshen up, would you mind excusing your daughter and I?" Megumi was confused at first, she felt perfectly fine, but she considered the idea that perhaps Yahiro just wanted to be away from her mother and surreal request of the both of them procreating at the early age of eighteen. Megumi sometimes felt like she and Jun had gotten their father's personality (inner Jun not being included) rather than their lovely mother.
"Oh! Yes, Saiga-kun, you're exactly right!" Rin exclaimed. "I'm sure Megumi would like something to drink, perhaps to sit down. She must have been nervous I'm sure." She continued on. "Why not take her up to her room for a bit, Shiro and I will explain to the guests that she'll be back." Yahiro noticed that the S.A. members were already on their way towards them, and so he took his chance and dragged Megumi away with the use of her wrists. He needed to do something before they got back to socializing with people.
Clutching onto her magic board, Megumi followed Yahiro's movements (well she didn't have much of a choice seeing as he was stronger than her and currently had a rather strong grip on one of her limbs) swerving through people and going up the staircase. She didn't miss the curious gazes thrown at them by the guests, and she especially did not miss the murderous glare that Akira was sending the two of them (probably Yahiro). It only dawned on her then what this must have looked like, causing a pink blush the spread across her cheeks. Before she met Yahiro, such things would not have been so trivial. Maybe he really was beginning to influence her movements and thoughts.
Megumi's room was located on the East Wing of the mansion, not as far as you would expect, and when Yahiro had managed to shut of the door of said room behind him, he let go of Megumi and released a sigh of relief. "You're mother's just as much a weirdo as you are." The Saiga commented, smirking as Megumi's eyes narrowed slightly. Yes, with no crowds he goes back to being the teasing and annoying Yahiro. The despicable good guy that Megumi had managed to have fallen in love with.
"Don't insult my mother." Megumi wrote, flipping the magic board and showing Yahiro her statement. Her boyfriend merely shrugged as he took a seat on her bed. "Yahiro…?" The Saiga Heir noticed that something was off about Megumi's expression, and the smirk on his face widened. Things were going according to his plan, unraveling as he had expected things to unravel. "Why are we here?" She continued, erasing her words when she was sure that Yahiro had read them. "We could have just stayed away from my mother, we didn't have to leave the party if you didn't want you."
"Well what if I wanted to leave the party?" Megumi was standing pretty close, allowing Yahiro to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her down onto his lap. "What if I wanted you all to myself?" He continued, whispering directly into Megumi's ear. This caused an immediate reaction for the girl, the room growing hotter and her face getting redder. "No one would hear us here you know, no one could disturb."
The Yamamoto Girl noticed that Yahiro's voice was low, and though she couldn't see his face, she was afraid that his pupils were dilated as well. "Ya—Yahiro…?" Megumi spoke out, the pale pink haired demon suddenly pulling away from her with his face un-phased, smirk till playing on his features. She had been tricked once again, and this just made her blush all the more redder. Why did she always have to take Yahiro's words so seriously? He had rejected her before, yet why was she still hoping?
"My, my…" Yahiro began, cupping Megumi's cheek as his arm tightened around her waist. "Aren't you the little pervert, Megumi-chan ~" The blush seemed to grow hotter, and Megumi thought that it getting redder than it already was, was impossible. Yet she was proven wrong. Yahiro had so strong a hold on her. He affected her like no other person can. The brunette both hated and loved him for that.
"I'm not a perve—" Megumi was unable to finish her statement as Yahiro covered her mouth.
"I thought your voice was your treasure?" Yahiro spoke out, Megumi cursing him within the safety of her own personal mind palace. "Why are you using it now then? Don't you want to be a singer?" Gripping her magic board closer to her chest, Megumi glared slightly at the boy in front of her. He really was a charming and great actor if he could pull off being the perfect boyfriend in front of everybody and go back to teasing her now as if it was something so natural. It scared her sometimes, his talents.
"Why are we really here, Yahiro-kun?" Yahiro read the message and suddenly placed his hand in his pocket. He had a playful look in his eye, a glint that obviously held a surprise is store for her. What was inside his pocket? Megumi dare dreamed it was a ring, but she knew she was being delusional. They were official in the outside, but when they were alone with their friends, they were nothing but important people to one another. There was just absolutely no way that her mother's words of marriage and grandchildren would come true.
"I haven't given you your present yet." Yahiro said, taking out a blue velvet box. Megumi's eyes. Could it be a ring? No? The box looked too big for it to be a ring. Somehow, her mood deflated slightly. "It's not a ring," Yahiro said, smirking as it was obvious he had meant for Megumi to think it was. "But it's still jewelry." The Yamamoto Twin took the box from Yahiro's slightly outstretched hand (She was still on his lap after all).
Raising the lid of the box slowly, Megumi's eyes widened at the beautiful necklace that was displayed in front of her. The chain of the necklace was golden, real gold too as Megumi observed. The gold was glittering under the moonlight coming from her bedroom window, but the chain itself was nothing compared to the pendant. A treble cleft was hanging in the center of it all, the whole cleft covered with amethyst stones…her birthstone. "It's nothing special—"
"I love it…" Megumi whispered, her eyes watering. No matter what others have gotten her, out of the pile of presents downstairs, opening them could not make her happier than she was now. They could have given her, her own private island and still should would have loved Yahiro's gift more. "It's…beautiful." She didn't even care if she was using her voice anymore. With Yahiro she could do anything, nothing ever felt wrong with Yahiro.
Yahiro watched as Megumi stared at the piece of jewelry, eyes spilling with tears of joy and smile so serene that even the stubborn Saiga Heir couldn't look away from her beauty. He felt his cheeks heat up, realizing that Megumi probably would have treasured and accepted anything from him with the same reaction. It was just like the magic board he had given her on their fake date. To this day it was the one she continued to use.
"Do – do you want me to—ugh—put it on—erm—you?" Yahiro wanted to slap himself. He was acting like a love struck puppy, and when Megumi nodded and twisted on his lap to allow him the task, Yahiro's blushed grew slightly redder. Megumi pushed her hair to the side and handed Yahiro the chain to clasp together. The feel of her skin under his fingers was hypnotizing, and before Yahiro knew it, he had leaned into the crook of her neck and kissed her collar bone. Megumi visibly froze due to the contact.
"Ya—Yahiro-kun?" She spoke out, but Yahiro's arms gripped her waist tightly as he obviously motioned for her not to get off and not to panic. Megumi didn't deny that she liked it either.
"I have another thing to tell you." The pink haired bay began, sitting up once again, turning Megumi and making her face him. Eye to eye, no one looked away, both gazes to intense, challenging even. "I told you before that if you won the game, I would finally date you for real?" Yahiro continued, and Megumi nodded her head, not trusting her voice to talk or her hands to write. "Well…I enjoyed today, Megumi-chan."
Lips met as Yahiro finally lowered his head, meeting Megumi half-way. This was better than he ever imagined it would be, in fact, he was suddenly thankful for Tadashi for disturbing their almost kiss in London back then. Why? Cause this, this was what he wanted to tell the world was his first kiss. This beautiful feeling of butterflies spreading across your stomach, the feeling of the heat radiating from Megumi's body, and the pressure that they shared as their lips stayed locked with each other.
Slowly, Yahiro licked Megumi's bottom lit, asking for entrance that she was all too willing to give. Megumi's arms found themselves around Yahiro's neck as the Saiga heir began to lay down on the bed he was sitting in. Were they going too fast? Would they regret this in the morning? Shouldn't they be heading back down to the party? All of those thoughts were pushed aside as Megumi and Yahiro just enjoyed being with each other.
So when Yahiro's hands moved to the zipper of Megumi's dress in the back, both of them knew it. There was no stopping now, and there would be no regrets if they shared this moment together.
So that's the Prologue that will start this story! What do you think? I find this chapter pretty long compared to the short stories I usually write. This is also my first Special A FanFic, and I'm wondering how you all think I'm going to do. I apologize for Yahiro's OOC-ness, but personally I think that would be how he acted in real life when he finally got over Akira. Do you have any comments? Suggestions? Questions even? Just leave it in a review, even a one phrase review would make me happy and inspire me to write. So, to close this PROLOGUE off finally, I have one question for all of you that are reading this.
From the Summary, you've probably already guessed that Megumi had twins, yes? So my question is what gender would you want the twins to be? Both girls? Both boys? One girl and one boy? I'll give you the majority chance to vote! Then again, if I don't get much responses then I'll just decide on my own. Just leave you opinion in the review. That's all from me!
Also, I apologise for any grammatical errors that you may find. I don't have a BETA and only proofread my own work. Feel free to point them out to me and I will edit it when I have the time. Thank You!
~*..*~*..*~Reignstein ~*..*~*..*~