Gamer and Katie were at home, watching TV. They didn't have anything better to do. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in the living room. It was Jasmine and Alex.

Jasmine smiled as she said, "Hi Gamer."

Alex said, "Hi Katie."

Gamer and Katie said at the same time, "Hi guys."

Alex turned to Katie and asked, "Want to go to Twinkle Park?"

Katie shrugged as she replied, "Sure. See you later, bro." she added, turning to Gamer.

He said, "See ya, sis." Katie and Alex left.

When they were gone, Jasmine said, "Gamer, I wanted to find out something."

Gamer replied, "What is it?"

Jasmine said, "Well, since we recently found out what happens when you have coffee, now I want to know what happens when you have beans."

Gamer asked, "Why?"

Jasmine shrugged as she said, "I don't know. But I just want to know. That's why I brought some with me." She held out a can of beans. "Don't worry, I already cooked them. They're still warm."

Gamer said, "All right. Let me get a spoon." He went into the kitchen and came out with a spoon.

Jasmine opened the can of beans, and Gamer stuck the spoon in, and scooped some beans out. He put them in his mouth and ate the beans. When he swallowed them, he shrugged.

He said, "I don't feel anything. Wait..." He started to feel a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. Suddenly, he knew what was going to happen. He tried holding it in, but it was too powerful.

There was a loud "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" and the room suddenly felt slightly warmer.

Jasmine was so startled by how loud and how stinky the fart was, she didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then she took one look at his face, and had to laugh.

Gamer was so embarrassed by his fart, that his cheeks looked like he had a bad sunburn, and his expression was halfway between a grimace and an embarrased smile.

He asked nervously, "W-why are you l-laughing?"

Jasmine replied, "That fart was funny. Plus, you're expression was hilarious. I didn't know your farts were that powerful. Especially from one spoonful of beans. I wonder what would happen if you had an entire can."

Gamer was still blushing hard as he said, "Wait a second. You actually liked it?"

Jasmine shrugged as she replied, "Yeah. Plus, that little talent of yours could come in handy against our enemies."

Gamer stopped blushing and he smirked. "Yes it could. Especially Quizla." He chuckled evilly.

Jasmine smiled as she said, "I love you, Gamer."

Gamer smiled back as he said, "I love you too, Jasmine."