
Katniss looked down below to where the smaller girl was sitting, leaning against a rock. She seemed to be focused on something directly in front of her, staring deeply. But at what?

Something about the way her eyes lingered in one place with such a deep intensity, made Katniss slightly on edge, but needing to know more.

She wondered why it was that Clove hadn't killed her when she had the chance. She was on top of her, pinning her down with intense force for such a small girl, holding her knife at Katniss' throat.

All she had to do was slice, or stab, and in a second it would all be over; Clove one step closer to winning this brutal game. But she hadn't.

Katniss had stared back into Cloves bright green eyes, feeling a sudden… sadness behind them, and wanting nothing more than for the games to just be over, and they could each continue on with their lives, maybe even learning to be happy.

But Clove's eyes changed, clouding over to a deep green and she jumped off of Katniss and ran, sparing her life. Katniss had waited only a moment before taking off again, intent on finding Clove so as not to be found first.

She was lucky she had climbed this particular tree, after only sitting for a few moments she had seen Clove make her way here and collapse with exhaustion from running.

Katniss hadn't taken her eyes off of the knife girl since, even when Clove suddenly threw one of her knives towards where she was staring, and Katniss heard it plunge into the bottom of a tree perhaps.

She was so skilled; the way her arm shot out so suddenly and forceful along with the strong spring of her wrist. It was mesmerising, and Katniss never wanted to stop watching.

A small breeze brushed past that ruffled Katniss' hair slightly, and suddenly Clove shot her face upwards locking eyes with Katniss.

Katniss froze; a feeling of fear mixed with relief overwhelmed her. She was completely entranced by Clove's glistening eyes, trying to see past them again to what was hidden underneath.

She raised her eyebrow slightly against her will, and Clove's piercing gaze forced her into lowering her own.

How could someone so...small, evil and downright deadly; have such an effect on Katniss? It seemed to burn her more than fire ever could.

She couldn't pinpoint just why or how Clove could make her heart race and blood boil and head pound with even the smallest of glances, but she needed to know. She had to.

Leaning against the tree branch she was perched on, she sighed deeply, trying to shake these thoughts out of her mind so she could figure out what her next move was.

That was when she heard the scuffle of someone climbing up the tree.


Clove stared at the small tree in front of her, barely taking anything in. She breathed deeply, with her eyes remaining glued in place while her mind went crazy.

She could kill that damn fire girl in a second, and she knew it; it wouldn't be hard at all. A quick slice of her throat, or a sharp stab with her knife into the girls heart and she would be able to see the life drain out of her.

So why didn't she when she had the chance? She was straddling her for christ sake; a quick plunge of her wrist and the job would've been done…but those soft grey eyes seemed to stare into the depths of Clove's soul, igniting something in her bones she didn't even know she was capable of feeling.

So she jumped and ran as fast as her legs could go, deep into the forest as far away from Katniss as she could get, and now here she was, unable to even shake the thought of that stupid girl.

Clove wanted; no, needed - to know more about her, and how she could make her feel as though all of the breath had been knocked out of her, how the slightest touch of the girls skin against her own could make her feel like the one on fire.

Clove had always been in control of her own life, always been able to adjust her emotions to fit the situation she was in, regardless of how she truly felt.

Emotions were a weakness, and she had no time to feel weak. Yet the effect that even just a mere thought of Katniss had on her made Clove feel as though her body would crumble into a million pieces.

Without thinking, she threw the knife that was always in her grasp directly into the tree in front of her, wandering why that couldn'tve been Katniss.

She could be watching the blood spill out of her body, draining away the pathetic life she had no doubt been leading.

If only she had killed her before; when she had had the damn chance, right then and there… these thoughts wouldn't even be in her mind.

Clove felt the wind change and suddenly smelt a small hint of honey, and darted her head upwards towards the familiar scent.

She locked eyes with Katniss, and froze. The fire girl had been watching her this whole time. She watched as Katniss' eyebrow raised slightly, clearly against her will, and Clove knew now she couldn't lower her gaze.

Katniss' eyes lingered with what looked to be confusion, until eventually she looked away in defeat, and Clove smirked.

It was then that she sprinted silently to the bottom of the tree that Katniss was perched upon, and began to climb swiftly as she heard Kantniss gasp.

Here I come, lover girl.