Eyes on Fire
Chapter 1: First Encounter
Ava Summers was six years old the first time she saw a monster- outside of her nightmares that is.
Her first sighting of the monster came on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Columbia, South Carolina. Ava's mother, Aurelia Summers, had taken her to the park as a special treat for being on her best behavior when visiting her horrid Aunt Connie that morning.
One Sunday morning every month, Ava and her mom had to visit her Aunt Connie's ('that's Ms. Constance to you young lady!') house and listen to the woman complain about everything. Aunt Connie was her mother's sister, though the two women didn't seem to have anything in common- from looks to personalities. And once every month Ava was forced to listen to her Aunt rant about her favorite subject to complain about: her father, or lack thereof one. She would nag until her face was blotchy red about Ava's deadbeat dad, child support money and how the man was probably an 'alcoholic'- whatever that was.
The only good thing that came from these long suffering visits were the afternoon adventures her mother would take her on. Aurelia Summers seemed to think that the best way to get Ava's mind (and her own) off the nasty words her sister had spewed out all morning was to have an adventure. So the two would visit parks, aquariums, museums and local fairs after.
This day in particular, Ava was at her favorite place in the city, Garden Park. She sat on a park bench, swinging her legs back and forth as the wind played with her long caramel curls that were tied into pigtails. Ava watched as her mom walked down the path to the ice cream stand. Every ten seconds or so, her mother would look back to make sure that Ava hadn't moved an inch off that bench.
Ava wiggled on the bench as restlessness made her uncomfortable. She watched as her mother chatted with Jose, the owner of the ice cream stand. Jose was a very intimidating looking man, but much nicer than his outward appearance would suggest. Ava sighed with impatience as she saw Jose's wife Maria join the conversation and knew that they would talk her mom's ear off before she got her ice cream cone. All of the little girl's patience had been used that morning at Aunt Connie's house, so now she found herself fidgeting with restraint.
Ava's eyes darted around the scenery. She could hear the bids chirping at each other and squirrels darting up trees and out of bushes. What drew the little girl's attention the most though, was the clump of trees and shrubs that separated her bench from the pond she knew was on the other side. She loved that pond- it was usually full of fish, frogs and the occasional turtle.
Ava's emerald green eyes darted back to her mother's figure. She saw her mother's head thrown back in laughter, her caramel hair that was the exact same shade as her daughter's shaking with humor. Jose was bellowing his laughter like Santa Clause, as Maria kept prattling on, like she was telling the two about the some important news, and not the gossip that Ava knew it was.
Ava slowly slid off the bench. Her mother's head had not turned. She took a few cautious steps to her left, towards the bushes. Her mother had still not noticed. A bright smile spread across the girl's cherub lips, as she slipped between the bushes, hoping that the twigs did not scratch one of her 'Aunt Connie approved dresses'.
She emerged from the brush with a triumphant smile and the warm sun kissing her chubby cheeks. The happy feeling did not last very long though.
The pond, though still glistening blue, with fish and frogs and even ducks, also had another creature visiting it. Ava watched horrified as a gigantic dog the size of a bull lifted its two heads that had been lapping water and stared at her. Four pairs of burning red eyes locked on emerald green ones, and Ava whimpered as she noticed that instead of a tail, the dog had a large snake coming out of it's back.
The dog/snake monster let out a simultaneous growl and hiss as Ava took a clumsy step back wards and fell. She looked up to see the monster getting ready to lunge and scrunched up her eyes ready to scream for her mom. For moms could rescue their children from anything.
Just as the dog had pounced at her, multiple sets of fangs bared, a man appeared from the sky. Ava did not really notice his strange and sudden appearance at the time, she only noticed that he had a large metal bow and shot a flaming arrow straight at the monster. The dog/snake creature let out a terrifying howl and hiss before it exploded into a cloud of golden dust.
Ava's eyes were the size of dinner plates as she stared at the lump of dust and then turned her awe filled face to the man. But he wasn't quite a man. Ava felt even more astonished, looking at him than she did when she first saw the monster. For the man was…. flying! He flashed her a quick secretive smile and winked before flying away.
Still seated on the ground, horrid, pink, frilly Connie dress most definitely ripped, Ava blinked a few more times before hearing her mother's frantic callings for her. Ava stood up blankly and crawled back through the bushes and up to her mother.
Aurelia Summer's panicked brown eyes focused on her daughter and she let out a big sigh of relief before pulling her into a tight hug.
"Don't ever take off like that again Ava Clarity Summers! You know the rules, you must always be in eye sight," Aurelia said frantically.
Ava buried herself into her mother's warm and safe arms and whispered, "Mama, I just saw an angel."
Ava felt her mother stiffen and draw back.
Aurelia Summer looked into her daughter's face that was so unlike her own. Her dark brown eyes looked into her daughter's bright green ones- ones that she had inherited from her father. Ava's hair colour, brow and cheekbones were the only thing inherited from her- the rest was all her father, from her aristocratic features, to her full lips.
She took her daughter by her tiny hand and led her back to the bench. Aurelia tried not to let her emotions get the best of her, but her voice sounded thick as it rang out, "Where did you see the angel, my little spark?"
Ava frowned, "By the pond. He saved me from the dog/snake monster."
Aurelia sucked in a sharp breathe of air and her brown eyes frantically roamed around the park looking for threats. She knew that this would happen, but she didn't think it would happen so soon. Grabbing her daughter's hand in a gentle but firm grip, she lead her towards the path and out towards the parking lot.
"Mama where are we going? You said we could play in the park today," Ava whined, her lips puckering into a pout.
"How about we go to a new park?" Aurelia said distractedly.
Ava sighed but got in the car.
"Did the monster try to attack you?" Aurelia questioned her daughter as the two drove downtown.
"Yes, but that's when the angel came. The monster was just about to get me when the angel swooped in and shot him with a fire arrow. Then the monster went 'POOF'," Ava said making excited hand gestures, "and disappeared into golden dust."
Aurelia smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She was worried.
"You said the angel was a man?"
Ava nodded excitedly, quite happy with her little adventure now that she was out of harms way. "Yes. He had blonde hair and big white and gold wings. And mama he wasn't wearing a shirt! Do you think he'll catch a cold?" Ava inquired anxiously.
Aurelia chuckled, "No little Spark, angels don't get sick. Now lets get you some ice cream! And I have another treat or you."
And after that day, Ava forgot about the incident mostly. Except now the dreams started coming more frequently. Dreams of monsters and angels. Dreams of people sword fighting and of half men half horses.
Aurelia Summers however did not forget about that day. For she knew that her time with her daughter was limited and just prayed that she would have a little longer with her before she had to give her precious little spark up.
A/N: Hi everyone, this is my first Percy Jackson story, so please let me know what you think. The first couple of chapters will be short background info on Ava. The chapters will get longer as the story shapes up and Nico gets involved.
Please let me know what you think!