"Blaine, you and your hideous bowtie need to go upstairs, now."

Blaine looked up from the sheet music he was currently making notes on.


"Because," Santana snapped, "Puckerman told me he'd be here at six, which means he'll be here at six-fifteen, and I needs the extra time to get the room ready for our mack session."

"I have plans-"

Santana rolled her eyes. "No, you don't, loneliest gay kid in the county. Your hair isn't even shellacked down right now, and it's not like I'd believe you're actually hooking up with someone anyway."

"There's a Gleetown marathon on at six. It starts in five minutes. I'm not going anywhere. Can't you and Puck just use your room?"

"No," Santana said, sneering at him, "we like to put some girl-on-girl on the TV while we go at it, so get a move on." She leaned down and grabbed the remote, pressing a button. The image changed from a commercial to two bleached blonde women moaning and kissing each other.

Blaine sighed and stood up. He'd been looking forward to this Gleetown marathon all week. He was sick of watching kids get picked on at school, with only the outlet of his boxing to deal with his anger and memories of his own terrifying past, and not doing anything about it. He was tired of the apathetic teachers, seeing girls' names scribbled in crude poetry in the bathroom stalls, watching jocks like Puck tape helpless freshmen to the flag pole. His only escape until he graduated and left Lima, Ohio was Gleetown. The show might be in black and white and set in an idealistic version of the fifties, but everyone was pleasant and considerate. Characters were happy and comfortable. It was just nice to imagine himself in such a world: where being polite and courteous was appreciated, not laughed at, and people tried to do right by each other rather than hurt each other.

After he was attacked at a Sadie Hawkins dance for attending with another boy, Blaine had turned to three things to recover, aside from the hospital: therapy, boxing, and Gleetown. Since Santana was one of the biggest bullies at their school, he wasn't about to let her ruin the marathon for him, not when she could drag Puck upstairs to have sex instead.

"Santana," he said evenly, "I'm not going anywhere." He grabbed the remote and tried to pull it from her grasp, but she tightened her hold on it, and her other hand came down around his wrist, her nails sinking into his skin.

"I will ends you," Santana hissed, "I don't care if our parents are married; I will claw your face off right now."

Blaine pulled harder. "You may push people around at school, but I've dealt with lots worse than you," he said, "You hook up with Puck all the time; why are you being so stubborn about this?!"

"It's none of your goddamn business, Blaine!" Santana shrieked. "If you're pathetic enough to stay home and watch a TV show because you're too scared to go be a normal person-"

"I'm not scared!" Blaine shouted, jerking the remote from her grasp just as he hit the power button and the TV turned off. It flew across the room and hit the wall, breaking into several pieces.

"You are such a spaz," Santana snarled, stomping in her heels over to the TV to switch it on.

Blaine fisted his hands into his curls in frustration. "You can't turn it on like that; you need the remote."

Santana crossed her arms and glared at him. "Well, you'd better fix it quick, because I'm about to go all Lima Heights."

"Your dad is a doctor," Blaine grumbled as he walked over to the broken remote, "and I'll figure something out so I can watch Gleetown."

Santana opened her mouth to reply, but just then the doorbell rang.

"Shit, he's actually on time," Santana said, brushing past Blaine to answer the door, "when I get back, you better be gone, freak."

"The TV doesn't work anyway; just go upstairs," Blaine said stubbornly.

When he heard Santana's "Who the hell are you?", he went to investigate.

Puck wasn't at the door. A tall blond woman with sharp features stood there, wearing a red and white track suit. She smiled. It made Blaine feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"TV repair?"

Santana looked surprised, but then pleased. "Uh, yeah, actually. The remote's busted."

"Lead the way," the woman said, "my name is Sue."

Blaine gestured for her to come inside and let her and Santana walk in front of him into the TV room.

"What were you kids planning on watching, anyway?"

Blaine smirked at the color on Santana's cheeks but decided to save her from coming up with a lie. "There's a Gleetown marathon on tonight."

Sue's eyes narrowed. "Gleetown! That's an old show. I'm a big fan. You like it?"

"He breathes it," Santana said with a roll of her eyes.

"It's my favorite," Blaine said, smiling.

Sue took the broken remote from Blaine when he offered it. She pursed her lips, as if in thought. "What's your favorite thing about Gleetown?"

Santana sighed impatiently, examining her nails. "Are we really doing this?"

Blaine thought for a moment. "Just…how happy it is. There needs to be more happiness like that in the world. And I just like how people treat each other, with kindness and courtesy."

"Interesting…" Sue said, and Blaine couldn't help but be a little unnerved. "What's your favorite episode?"

"I don't think I could really pick," Blaine confessed, "I love them all. They're showing the one where Skip wins the basketball game and Rachel gives him a plate of cookies afterward. I like that one."

"D'you remember what kind of cookies she gives him?"

"Peanut butter chocolate chip."

"That's right." Sue's eyes seemed to narrow even more as she stopped examining the remote and looked at Blaine fully. "Where does Skip take Finn to study for the big geometry test he's afraid he's going to fail?"

"The basketball court."

"And where does Bobby-Jean go to buy her dress for junior prom?"


"Ah!" Sue smirked. "Wrong. It's Herman's."

Blaine laughed. "No, Hatman's! Remember?" He sang the jingle: "Hatman's: Making every girl a princess!"

Sue stared at him. "That's right," she said slowly, "you're right."

Santana snapped her gum loudly. "Look, are you going to do your job and fix the remote or what? Unlike the two of you, I have a life."

Sue glanced at her, and then reached into her bag. "We just got a new product in. A universal remote. Maybe you'd like to give it a try? Free of charge." She pulled out a shiny black remote, covered with dozens of buttons.

"Free of charge?" Blaine asked. "That's very nice of you, but we couldn't-"

"We'll take it," Santana said, and she grabbed the remote from Sue, giving her a saccharine smile. "Thanks. You can go now. Like, right now. I have a meathead coming over any minute to get naked with."

"You kids have a nice night," Sue said, her voice light and her smile a little mysterious.

"What a strange lady," Blaine mused as Sue let herself out.

"Yeah, a weirdo just like you." Santana clicked the remote and the two women came back on the screen, naked and rubbing against each other on a table top. Blaine grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Skip and Bobby-Jean were playing tug-o-war with the radio.

"Get lost," Santana said, grabbing the remote and trying to yank it away.

"Are we really doing this again?" Blaine said, exasperated. He tightened his grip.

"He's going to be here any second!"

"She gave us this remote because I like Gleetown; now-"

But as Santana pulled, Blaine's finger slipped and hit a button, and suddenly everything went…black and white.