Title: Out of my mind, back in five minutes

Summary: Giotto's got a knack for being the school's top delinquent and has always been overprotective of his little brother. Especially since his brother's a naïve, easy to deceive, klutz. Like the big brother he was, he wasn't going to hand him over to anybody, especially to a certain skylark who now has the hots for his adorable little brother. Mainly 1827 slight G27, 0027

(A/N :) Some of you must've clicked on this story before and it was kind of broken or somethin' and it said: 'story not found' and stuff. I dunno what was wrong with it. I posted it over and over again and still, the same result. I apologize for that. I've tried searching on the web and several other users also experience the same problem. None of them knew what to do so they just leave it alone for a few days and it comes back. :/

Warning: Profanity, Giotto being a hot badass, teenagers' smoking, bad records of certain Namimori students. Possible OOCness and rated for the sake of Hibari Kyoya.

Disclaimer: If I owned Katekyo Hitman Reborn, The possibility of male fans hating me is up at 99.9%

If you have spotted any mistakes, please inform me.

1st chapter:

Enter, the sizzling hot rebel of Namimori High

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
-Marc Brown

"Hey its dame-Tsuna!"


"Get lost, girly!"


"Get him! And make sure to get his lunch box too—"

Punch. Crack. Punch.

"Hey, you're pretty cute—"

BAM. Punch. Crack.

The speaker cracked to life and intent ears in the hallway listened at the same time as the lazy and tired and somewhat defeated tone of their old principal's voice boomed through the hallway's speakers. There was a worn-out sigh that resounded through the speakers before: "Sawada Giotto, proceed to the principal's office. I repeat, Sawada Giotto. Proceed to the principal—"

A door burst open revealing a beige-haired teen slamming his way through the hallway doors, each step he took pattered madly against the tiled floor. He halted in front of a door in the end of hallway and began kicking the door with full force enough to break the hinges on the door. "Open the door within five seconds." He ordered, his voice literally dropping low enough to break through ice with its venom.


There was some shuffling within the room and then silence.


His grip on the knob screeched with every turn his knuckle could muster to hold back the strong urge to pound on the door before him as what greeted him was the same silence.

"Two. Zero—"No longer able to hang on to that delicate string of short patience, the teen burst through the door, cutting the tense silence from within like a kick to the shin.

"Sawada Giotto, proceed to the principal's office. Now." The teen ordered glaring icicles at each of the comfort room's cubicles. He heard some shuffling in between two cubicles and he grinned manically as he strode towards it with his aura emanating around the room like a dark coat draping over the beaming daylight which was actually just the bulb of the dimly lit comfort room.

He kicked the cubicle door open with a straight face and was greeted with the sight of a shock of golden hair that stood out in awkward places and the cornflower blue eyes that turned steel, electric blue that blazed up at the sight of the silver-haired teen.

Sawada Giotto sat on the closed toilet. Body perched and bent on it on a 'v' shape with his legs crossed and leaning against the wall opposite of him and his head leaning against the other wall. Chains and stylish straps of multi-colored belts were weaved and hung around his dark belt, Uniform askew with the top buttons open revealing a lean yet muscular chest that oozed with sizzling supremacy and a small silver Dog tag necklace with its end in between the teeth of said blond. He had a book—possibly porn, within one hand and the other proceeding in fiddling with the hem of his dark sports wristband. His mouth was twisted into a small scowl and his eyes turned into slits at the sight of the head prefect.

Sawada Giotto was the complete definition of saucy eye candy. He was feisty and hotheaded; he burned the eyes of almost everyone when he walked in the hallways with his sizzling and head-turning appearance that nearly everyone around the school appreciated. With his stunning, flirtatious facade and gravity defying gold locks with heavy bangs that pooled down the set of stunning electric blue eyes that oozed dominance and primacy, Girls around him would squirm and moan under his presence and guys would send jealous glances or occasionally do the same thing as women did depending on what realm they were tapping their interest on—possibly pitching for the other team, it would seem.

Back to said blond, He was now scowling under blazing blue eyes that turned into menacing slits. "What?" He said, voice a deep baritone.

"Principal's office. Third time this week. In for suspension." The teen before Giotto replied through gritted teeth and the blond grinned mischievously back in reply, and his white teeth flashed momentarily like blaring lights. "My reputation's gone hotshot, tell the old geezer to bitch about it later." He said, proceeding in reading the book that he held in his hand as if the person before him was not worth sharing the same air with.

The beige-haired teen's temper rose up a notch and he forced it to remain knotted in his gut for precaution's sake to which he spent his string of patience limit in the last few minutes that he bitterly spat out. "Step out of the cubicle before I haul your ass out."

"Ooh, Vulgarities in front of a student, Alaude? That's bad school policy, yessiree." (1)Giotto replied smartly, flicking his wrist in a shooing sort of motion.

The knotted temper that was stuck in Alaude's gut cut through his veins and he took a step towards the blond delinquent, whose smart-ass punk of an attitude constantly annoyed him to no end. He rubbed his eyebrows and began sighing loudly. It was at that time that Alaude failed to notice the blond who had immediately clambered around the cubicle at the other's unguarded moment before dashing for a quick escape after shoving the beige-haired teen by the shoulder and snickering at the face he made.

He picked up the skateboard that he had left by the door and kicked it in place beneath his bright colored sneakers, which were covered in hues of eye-harming colors courtesy of his best bud, G. and rolled away into the hallways after flicking the finger at an innocent passerby that had witnessed the whole and was glaring at him disapprovingly.

After Giotto had escaped the wrath of head-prefect/sort-of-his-friend Alaude, He walked up to his locker and kicked the door open after much fumbling and cursing at the forgotten locker-code. He strode towards the classrooms with his homework in hand.

Yes. Homework.

Because despite being the most troublemaking student in the whole student body, the prankster and the beat-the-shit-out-of-you-if-you-mess-with-me sort of delinquent, He was the motherfucking smartest-assed person in the whole school—well, not literally the whole school, that was just him talking. Back to the main point, he didn't want to be a dumbass. Yep, that was his smart-ass reason.

-Out of my mind, back in five minutes-

He held back a moan as the brunet beneath him writhed in pleasure. He stared at those glassy honey orbs that were hazy in ecstasy. He felt himself melt within the other as sweat covered both their bodies as the fire of passion overtook them, He felt himself give in to the need and the tight warmth from beneath. His thoughts used to be a blur of dreams that he thought was never attainable, yet here his subject was, underneath him. The expressions that the other made pasted itself permanently within his mind.

The sounds that came out from the other's mouth was music to his hears as he increased in pace, which made the brunet underneath him gasp and sent him over the edge as they increased in volume. He couldn't handle it much longer as the tight heat from underneath consumed him as pleasure overtook his veins. The other opened his mouth and spoke lovingly close into his ear.

"Ah! H-Hibari—"The brunet moaned.


Hibari Kyoya woke up with a light gasp, and things around began to get his attention and he groaned mentally at he sight of his underling, Kusakabe. "Hibari-dono, I'm sorry for disturbing your nap, but it seems a one of the delinquents is causing trouble again."

Hibari massaged the knot between his eyebrows and sighed. "Alaude's already on it, didn't I tell you earlier before?"

Kusakabe apologized. "Oh, your brother? I- I'm really sorry about that, Hibari-dono, but it also seemed that you were having a bad dream." Kusakabe said slowly, as if the one that was seated would snap at any given moment. Hibari inwardly groaned 'bad dream' he says.

Hibari froze for a moment and coughed awkwardly as the dream from earlier rushed back into his mind. Kusakabe continued to look at him confusedly, preoccupied by the prefect's peculiar attitude. After a few moments of silence, Kusakabe dropped the subject of his boss's peculiar attitude and headed towards the door with several files in hand. He bowed before he left to fulfill his duties.

Hibari sighed once he heard the door close gently and leant back in his chair. This was getting pretty bad. The-*cough*- dreams he's been having lately have been involving a certain brunet as the main course. Not only that but counting the number of times he's had it, He'd say it did one hell of a great leap. Furthermore, he found himself enjoying it quite lately. At first he had thought that it was one of those 'short-lived desires' that were just twisted in his mind in a way he understood not why. But now—

Now he just wanted the other as badly as he did in his dreams.

He had known the brunet for almost a year now. They had occasionally met in different circumstances due to their older siblings' rather err—confusing relationship with each other. The first time he had laid eyes on the boy the first thing that came into his mind was: weak herbivore since the brunet had a small stature and rather delicate features and fragile looking arms. He had these big doe-like eyes that practically begged corruption in the raven's perspective since they radiated innocence and vulnerability.

Ever since then, he could never take his eyes off the boy.

This was not the usual day for the young prefect of Namimori High, Hibari Kyoya.

-Out of my mind, back in five minutes-


A small brunet wiped his nose with his arm and began fumbling around his pockets for a tissue. Kyoko, the cute girl beside him, patted his shoulder and smiled up at him. He blushed when he realized his nose was still red. After being able to fish out his tissue among the random garbage inside his pocket, he pulled out a tissue and wiped his nose.

It was funny how the girl beside him continued to smile up at him while he averted his eyes elsewhere, his cheeks pink like cherry and he started fiddling with the hem of his uniform.

Kyoko cooed at him. This was one of the things people found very endearing about the brunet: He was incredibly shy.

The brunet looked back up at the board, forcing his attention there once more. His eyes were filled with hesitant determination as he proceeded instead in burying his face in the book he was reading. He was never the type to find it comfortable to have people staring at him. Like what Kyoko was doing to him right now. But the brunet knew she was only teasing by the way the corner of her mouth slightly turned upwards into a cold, sinister smirk. He shuddered and glared lightly at her and she chuckled in return and reached over her table to pinch his cheeks.

Tsuna cupped his abused his cheeks that felt swollen due to his friend's pinching. He looked over at her once more. She had the same light make up on her face and her were in the shade of light brown that danced with mirth. She giggled lightly and began scribbling unto a ripped piece of paper. She flicked her bright green nails and fumbled with her hemp bracelets that were crafted by the brunet himself. He smiled fondly at the memory. She continued scribbling and after a few silent moments, she passed the piece of paper to him.

Tsuna gazed dropped unto the crumpled paper and he adjusted the straps of his own hemp bracelet that was crafted by none other than Kyoko .But the size was slightly too big for his wrist and he often had to pull them up his arm to prevent it from falling 'cause Kyoko was too lazy to even adjust the thing's size. But Tsuna liked it that way and he didn't mind.

He unfolded the crumpled piece of paper and he snickered silently at what was written:

'Look at Enma, He's drooling in his chair'

Tsuna looked over to the spot he knew where the redhead was and he chuckled slightly at he caught sight of him slumbering on his chair with drool dribbling down the corner of his lips. He sighed when he saw the teacher walk over to the slumbering redhead and the teacher startled him awake with an odd screech in her throat.

Tsuna held back the urge to laugh out loud at the sight of the confused and dumbfounded redhead, who still had drool all over his desk and was looking up at the teacher as if the teacher had grown another head. His cheeks puffed as he held back the urge once again and Kyoko beside him was clutching her stomach and gently slamming her first on her table as she tried her best not to release a full blown power of her mad giggles. He wiped the tears of joy that had leaked in the corner of his eye and he let out a small chuckle.

Oh, how he loved these sorts of moments.

The bell rang, signaling the students around campus that the period was finally over and he stretched his arms, sighing happily. He quickly walked out of the classroom after exchanging goodbyes with Kyoko and headed for his locker with Enma in tow.

He quickly opened his locker, fumbling around for his shoes. He heard Enma chuckle from behind and he smiled sweetly up at the chucking redhead.

"You know, you could've woken me up before the teacher walked up to me, you traitor." Enma grumbled while glaring playfully. The brunet's smile broke into a full grin that seemed to glow in the redhead's eyes. Tsuna turned back to his locker and missed the look of admiration and soft hitch of breath from the redhead before him.

Enma sighed slowly, eyes remaining glued at the oblivious brunet before proceeding towards his own locker. Tsuna wasn't able to notice, even though he felt it, the redhead deliberately brushed the small of his back. Enma sighed once more and shook his head, running a hand through his unruly ruby locks.

Sweet, naïve, Tsuna.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Both heads turned towards the deep baritone voice. Enma's eyes widened at the sight of none other than the assistant prefect, Hibari Kyoya. And as always, the raven would draw the attention of the other people around, with his stunning good looks and head-turning appearance. He never understood what the girls found in a person like Hibari. The good looks, he could understand, but the touch-me-and-die attitude? What do women even see in that?

Enma's eyebrows sewed together in confusion when the raven just stood there while staring at his best friend. Tsuna, meanwhile, was staring back confusedly with those big brown eyes of his, albeit hesitantly. "H-Hibari-san, w-w-what—"

Ah! H-Hibari—

Hibari covered his face with one hand and leaned 'casually' against the locker, cheeks invisibly pink under the pale skin. Tsuna's confusion only leaped at the odd display of character the prefect was showing him.

"—Hibari-san, W-what is it? What's w-wrong?" The brunet continued, seeing the dreamy expression on the raven's face. Meanwhile, in Enma's mind, the gears were clicking in place at the unusual display of character. He scowled and pulled Tsuna's hand. "Let's go, Tsuna" He muttered, eyes shadowed under his crimson locks.

"E-eh? But Hibari's—"

"J-just leave him, let's go." Enma muttered, sending wary glances at the prefect's direction. Tsuna hesitantly complied, looking sheepishly back and forth between the two before he stepped aside to leave. "W-well then, see you later, H-Hibari-san."

Once they walked away, Hibari stared at their retreating backs in silence and his eyes turned into deadly slits when the redhead turned back and smirked at him as he pulled Tsuna closer by the hand. Unknown to them, blue eyes were watching everything that had happened.

-Out of my mind, back in five minutes-

Giotto scowled at what he saw.

He scowled.

Which meant he was NOT happy.

NOT happy at all.

He glared at the redhead that he used to trust and the raven who he knew as the prick's younger brother. He shook his head.

They did not just do that.

They did NOT just do that.

His brother was not a piece of meat they would play their girly tug-of-war on. He had seen the ogling looks the redhead and raven shared at the small of his brother's back.



Nearly everyday he spotted several strangers, along with a couple of unnamed pedos, ogling at his little brother. But this, this was UNACCEPTABLE.

His brother.

HIS younger brother.

With those two scumbag gigolos'?

No way in HELL.

Giotto's scowl turned menacing as he saw the redhead give the raven a devilish smirk before tugging Tsuna's hand. He scowled even more (if possible) when the raven glared back at the redhead.

Now that was just downright infuriating. There was NO WAY IN HELL he was gonna hand his younger brother over to the either of them. If that'll ever happened then…

It's on like Donkey Kong.

-Out of my mind, back in five minutes-

(A/N :) Whew. Reviewing is loving.

(1)Can anybody guess where that line comes from? I'll give you a hint. It's an authentic Manga with three main characters with supernatural abilities and the title starts with the letter 'H'. What the character really said in the Manga was: "…ooh, vulgarities in front of a customer. That's bad store policy, yessiree." Go on, take a wild guess, whoever is the winner…..Err—will be the winner.

And just a random question for all of you here: "You a fan of the slender game? I love it!"