Hey y'all. Its Snowfluff, the author of the Feather and Snow series.

Most of you (or all of you) have noticed that this chapter is entitled 'Chapter 0'.

Well, this chapter isn't really a chapter, and since I know that I'm not allowed to put one simple Author's Note in one chapter, I'm gonna include a short little epilogue at the end.

Anyways, I'm thinking of doing both a sequel to the sequel and a prequel. So...it won't be a trilogy. It'll be a...hmm, cuatrology? (I'm taking Spanish.)

Whatever. Here's my question to YOU, the readers.

Should I do:

A. The sequel to the sequel first.


B. The prequel first.

To state your answer, please post a review! All reviews do by September 12th.

Now - to the epilogue! (I'm not telling you who's POV it is. You should be able to guess.)


I'm surrounded by pure darkness. What the, I think. Where am I?

I open my mouth to yell out for help. Big mistake. Darkness enters my body and floods my mind with terrible, terrible thoughts.

I fight back desperately - I was born a warrior, right? I can win this battle.

But the darkness already reminds me that my essence is slowly seeping out of my body, into the darkness itself. Soon I realize that I will become darkness.

Screaming for help, I suddenly feel a furry paw on my foreleg.