Sorry it took so long, but here it is, for those of you who liked this :D

Please review :D

At first her brothers were shocked into silence at seeing Peter again but soon they were cheering and being sprinkled with fairy dust from a very unwilling fairy. They rose into the air with a shout and Michael let out a yelp as his head hit the ceiling. John laughed at him and that caused Michael's face to redden.

"Arrgh" Michael yelled as he talked his older brother in mid-air. Wendy stole a glance at Peter; he looked very amused at the fight going on in front of them. Peter hadn't changed at all; he was still just a boy. Not like James, but …

"OH GOD!" Wendy yelled out loud remembering James.

"What?" Michael, john and peter asked all at once. Wendy noticed peters hand had gone to his knife in case of danger.

"James" was all she said.

"James?" Michael asked

"Oooh" John said smiling cheekily "did you meet him at the party"

"Yes and I just left without explanation, I didn't think…" she trailed off. "I must go back, this is wrong"

"But you're coming with me to Neverland, how is it wrong?" Peter asked.

"Peter, it's wrong, we can't just disappear like last time. It's wrong, mother and father almost died with worry last time. And I left James in mid conversation. I didn't think…" she trailed of again.

"Didn't think about what?" Peter seemed confused.

"EVERYTHING" Wendy pretty much yelled. But instantly she felt guilty. "Sorry Peter, but we can't come with you again. "Michael and John tried to protest but she stopped them "We are older now peter, I was so caught up from excitement of seeing you again I just left the party. I left James and I must go explain. We can't all go missing again; we have to think about the consequences."

"Consequences" Peter said quietly "You really have grown up, haven't you?" he seemed very miserable.

"I have" she whispered. "We all have" she said a little more loudly. "I must go back and explain to James that I was nervous, I will make up some excuse."

"Will you come to Neverland after?" Peter asked quietly.

"Peter..." she started to say.

"YES" John said interrupting. "We need an adventure"

"John we can't"

"Oh Wendy stop being so stupid, how often can we fly around and have adventures in a place with fairies." John did have a point Wendy thought.

"I will only take you back to your party, if you promise you will come to Neverland after" Peter said.

"Fine" Wendy agreed. She was pretending to be annoyed by this situation but in reality she wanted to go. She grabbed some ink and a pen and wrote a quick letter.

The flight was short and silent. She dropped down on the balcony outside. It had only been 15 minutes since she had left, but it felt like longer.

She ran in and found James sat in the corner. As he saw her he stood up.

"James, I am so sorry, I was so nervous you see, I let my nerves get the better of me, this is my first party and…"

"It's ok" James said cutting her off. He was smiling. "I understand the nerves" he leaned close to her and whispered in her ear "I have a confession; it is my first party as well"

"Really?" Wendy giggled. "You seem so professional at this"

"Thank you" he said. "That is what I was aiming for" Wendy smiled at him. She glanced at the window and saw John making hurry up motions. She turned away.

"I hate to have to leave in hurry again, but I must find my mother, I am very sorry" Wendy said. And James looked taken back.

"Of course, if you must" he looked at his shoes then back up again. "I would like to see you again, may I pay a visit to the Darling house hold this weekend, I have something to ask your father"

"Yes of course you may" Wendy knew what he would ask. He was going to ask if he may court her. And surprisingly she didn't mind. She gave him one more smile then headed of in the direction she had last seen her mother. She spotted her talking to one of dad's business partners. She gave a small wave and her mother smiled and excused herself. Wendy thrust the folded letter into her mother's hand.

"We will be back I promise" she said quickly before she lifted a dress enough so she could make a quick exit so her mother could not stop her. Her parents sort of knew about Peter and their adventure, they refused to believe it and denied it to her and her brother's faces but Wendy knew they believed the story. They had seen Peter out the window on the night of their return.

Wendy didn't look back as she rushed out the balcony doors and a hand took hers almost instantly and she was in the air in a heartbeat. All four of them were flying through the air. Wendy could feel the air hitting her hair and she used her free hand to pull the pins from it.

Peter turned to her. "Hold on tight" he whispered as they hurtled towards the second start to the right. There was a loud noise and a sudden gush of wind and suddenly they were all flying towards the sunrise. She noticed down in the bay that there was a ship, Captain Hook she presumed.

"This place hasn't changed" she said, she was very stunned. She had forgotten the beauty. Peter was about to respond when a cannon came hurtling toward them.

Ok even worse than the last chapter sorry.

See I thought that Wendy would think about the consequences because she is older. And of course I haven't included the lost boys in this one. They stayed in Neverland in this fic ahaha.

And I thought Wendy may flirt with James a bit because he is her age, unlike peter. Don't worry it will get better and there will be Wendy and Peter feeling ahaha :D

Please review.