Summary: Vongola Decimo has a little argument with his outsider advisor. Drabble. Light Iemitsu-bashing. No pairings.

SkyGem: Well, I really, really dislike Iemitsu right now. So I decided to write this short little drabble. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR.

The Vongola Decimo didn't look up from his paperwork when he heard the door to his office open. He already knew who his visitor was.

The visitor walked purposefully up to his desk and waited to be acknowledged.

The Decimo gave a little wave of his hand, signaling his visitor to tell him why he was here.

"I was finally able to schedule a meeting with the Neve, Decimo. They have agreed on next Saturday."

Without even a second's consideration, the Decimo replied in a monotone voice, "Cancel it."

There was a moment of stunned silence before the visitor asked in an incredulous voice, "Excuse me, Decimo? We've been trying for months to settle on a date for the meeting!"

Looking up from his paperwork, the Decimo fixed a glare on his outside advisor for questioning his orders, and said, "I don't care how long it took you to get the meeting. I have much more important plans next Saturday than a meeting with the Neve boss!"

"What kind of important plans?" asked the outside advisor, his voice skeptical.

Without even a moment's hesitation, the Decimo answered in a matter-of-fact voice, "It's Ienari's fourth birthday next Saturday."

The expression on the outside advisor's face was beyond disbelief. "Tsunayoshi," said the man in a stern voice, "You've been Decimo for more than ten years now; surely you've learned how to keep your priorities straight? This is the boss of a Family almost as old as ours. You can always postpone your son's birthday celebrations for a few days; the meeting with the Don of the-"

Before he could finish, though, the Decimo stood up, slamming a fist onto his desk, his expression absolutely furious.

"Learn your place," hissed the man, his eyes angrier than the outside advisor had seen in a long time. "Seeing as you saw fit to put your Family above your family, I will do the same. I am the Vongola Decimo, your superior. You will not talk to me that way. Is that understood?"

The outside advisor struggled for a moment to control his expression before saying a strained, "Yes, Decimo."

"Good," said the Decimo in a satisfied voice. "Now go and cancel the meeting with the Neve. Just because some people believed it was okay to miss out on their child's entire childhood does not mean I feel the same way."

There was just a moment of silence before the outside advisor bowed his head in defeat, saying, "As you wish…Decimo."

SkyGem: So, what did ya think? Like it? Hate it? Please do leave a review and let me know what you thought! Ciao!