Phoenix's Soul: Alright here we go with the next chapter. In this chapter we'll get to meet some of the locals, and see if Mr. Six remembers anything. Enjoy.

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Chapter2: In the Sunshine

It was late Doc Mitchel knew that much as he sat up in bed. There was a noise coming from the other part of his house. Was Six up and about? No he had told him to get rest. And from what little he knew of the man he could tell that Six would listen to him out of respect for him being a man of medicine. But if it wasn't Six then what was making that noise?

Doc got up and slowly made his way to the front part of his house, the part that housed his medical room. He slowly inched his way down the hall trying not to make a sound, though he was sure that even if he did whoever was making all the noise in his medical room wouldn't have heard him in the least. Looking around the corner of the open door frame that lead into the medical room he could see Six lying there on the medical bed. Was he asleep or did he know better than to move. Looking over to the left Doc could see a tall figure thin figure rummaging through his large medicine cabinet.

"Stop that right now!" Doc Mitchel said stepping into the room to confront the man trying to steal from him. "You've got no business here. Get out now!"

Doc Mitchel froze when the man turned around. All his bravado lost when he realized what he was actually dealing with. The man now advancing on him drawing a large machete wasn't just some drug addict. This man was a Fiend. He knew that these kinds of drug addicts were unstable even at the best of times. He tried to reach for his revolver, but too late the Fiend grabbed him by the front of his shirt and slammed him against the wall and held the machete up high.

"Where is it old man?" he growled revealing several missing teeth. "I know you gots lots of stuff here. You're a fucking doc. Now where is the stuff?!"

Doc's eyes darted around the room. He knew even if he told this man the truth he was probably too doped up on drugs to even listen. It was an old habit of his as a traveling doctor to keep his real medical supplies stashed in boxes marked as something else. That way if he was ever raided he wouldn't lose his valuable medicines.

"Tell me fucking right now old man! Tell me now or I'll fucking kill you!"

The Fiend raised his arm higher into the air so that he could swing down his machete, but as he tried to swing his arm down it stopped. He stupidly tried to jerk his hand down a few more times before looking up at his arm. He was amazed to find a hand clamped around his wrist. He hadn't even noticed it was there. Had it always been there? Did he really have a hand on his wrist right now?

"Let go of the Doc now," came a calm voice from behind him as he continued to look dumbfounded at the hand on his wrist.

"What the fuck?!" he said as he looked down to now see a face floating behind his shoulder. "Man this is one weird trip."

"I told you to let him go," Six said as he tightened his grip on the Fiend's wrist.

Even though the drugs in the emaciated man's system were giving him strength his body was still frail. And with very little effort Six broke the man's wrist forcing him to drop the Machete.

"What the heck did you do to my arm?!" the Fiend shouted and letting go of Doc Mitchel swung his fist at Six.

Six let go of his wrist and stepped back the Fiend lost his balance and started to fall. Six swung his knee up and caught the man hard in the face feeling the nose shatter upon impact. The Fiend fragile though his body was, was still hopped up on chems and grabbed Six's leg and hefted him up and tossed him into a couple of wooden boxes against the wall.

"I'll kill you first strange naked trip man," the Fiend said as he lurched and then stopped.

Doped up on chems as he was he could still tell when there was a gun pointed at his face. And right then the naked man on the floor was holding up a small machine gun. He eyed it for a bit. Then took a few steps back.

"Man this is seriously one weird trip. I'm outta here!"

With that the Fiend took off running stumbling as he went leaving behind a stunned looking Doc Mitchel, a disoriented Six, and the big Machete all of which were now currently on the floor. After a few moments silence Doc Mitchel raised a hand and pointed it at the small machine gun in Six's hand.

"That thing's been busted for nearly 8 years now," he said.

Six looked down at and for a minute and shook his head and began laughing.

"Then I guess it's a good thing he didn't call my bluff. I was ready to pull the trigger.

Doc laughed too and after a bit got to his feet then helped Six do the same.

"Those were some pretty good moves you got there. Maybe you were some kinda fighter before you got that bullet in your head."

"Maybe," Six responded as he set the gun down on the counter beside some of Doc Mitchel's stuff then walked back over to the bed. "Guess I should get back into bed. Let's hope we don't get any other late night visitors.

"Well if we do you'll be my first line of defense," Doc said as he picked up the Machete and placed it down on the little table beside the bed Six was using. "Good night and I'll seeya in the morning."

The next morning Doc woke to find Six messing around with the old broken 9mm machine gun. He watched silently for a few minutes as Six sat there his face set and his hands moving rapidly over the metal. It seemed to him that Six's subconscious was doing just fine even though he could not consciously remember who he was. That was a good sign at least he thought it was.

"Whatcha doing there, Six?" he finally said moving into the room.

"Oh just seeing if I could figure out what was wrong with this," he said holding the gun out to Doc who took it in his hands to examine it. "It wouldn't hold the clip in place because the housing was cracked a it so I refitted it, and smoothed out the barrel a bit and tightened the grip. Should be ok now."

Doc let out a long whistle. "Well I'll be. You sure know your way around a gun."

"Yeah I guess I do," Six said with a frown and stood up.

Doc smacked himself on the forehead. He'd completely forgotten that Six had no clothes right now.

"Hold on just a moment," Doc trotted off to the back of the house, and then came back a few moments later. "Here you should put these on, unless you don't mind folks poking fun at your lack of modesty."

Six nodded and chuckled a bit, as he pulled on the blue jumpsuit that Doc Mitchel had handed him.

"It used to be mine, probably a bit small for you, but it'll do until you can get some regular clothes."

A bit small was right. The arms and legs were much too short, he could only zip up the front to the middle of his chest, and the crotch left nothing to the imagination on how much he was packing. Well it would do for the moment. Without even thinking he reached over to the little table by the bed and grabbed the Machete and placed it at his hip. And took the boots that Doc Mitchel was now holding out to him. These mercifully were not as tight as the jumpsuit.

"Well then now that you're all presentable let's go meet some people," Doc said with a laugh and headed for the door.

Six had to shield his eyes from the dazzling light that met him at the open door. He stepped out into the hot air of the desert. The wind blowing across the ground kicking up small dirt swirls as his eyes adjusted to the light. Just then a loud strange voice called out somewhere to his right.

"Well, howdy, partner. Glad to see you're up and about."

A robot on one big wheel was rolling along what was left of a street heading in their direction.

"That's Victor," Doc said to him as they walked down towards the street. "He's the one that dug you up out of the ground."

"Thanks for the help, Victor," Six said stepping towards the robot and extending his hand towards it.

"Aw shucks it weren't nothing that no decent cowboy wouldn't have done," Victor responded without accepting the gesture, perhaps his robotic sensors couldn't tell that's what it was for.

"Yeah," Six said looking up at the strange picture in the monitor/face of Victor. "Anyway, Victor, did you by any chance notice where the men who shot me were heading?"

"Don't reckon I do," Victor replied swaying his metallic arms back and forth a little. "Might try the local waterin' hole."

With that he rolled on off. Doc shook his head and lead Six off towards the Saloon pointing things out as they went. Like telling him to be careful of the school house, because of the Giant Mantis' that lived in it. And about how further past that was Victor's shack though why a robot needed a shack he wasn't sure. Never seen the thing go inside he said. After several minutes they arrived at their destination.

The Prospector SALOON, was definitely the most standout building in sight. The word Prospector was painted on, but the word SALOON was done up in an assortment of different types of lights. As they approached the entrance a man with a dark face and long grey beard waved to Doc Mitchel.

"Mornin', Doc. Who's your friend?"

"Morning, Pete," Doc said waving at him. "This here is Six. He's a patient of mine, probably one of my finest moments. Brought him back from the dead."

"Doesn't look much like a corpse to me," Pete said peering up at Six from underneath his hat as they stepped up onto the porch in front of the saloon.

"Well he wasn't dead that long, Pete," Doc said with a chuckle. "Anyway I thought I'd bring him by the Saloon to meet Sunny and Trudy. They might be able to help him out with any kinda news about who tried to put in the dirt."

"That is a good idea, Doc," Pete said rocking back and forth a little in his chair. "Seeya 'round, Doc."

"Seeya later, Pete."

With that said the two men walked into the Prospector. Barely walking through the door Six swung his arm up to block Doc's path. There in front of them was a large dog teeth bared in a growl hackles on the back of the neck standing up. Doc knew Cheyenne, and wasn't surprised to see her, but he had forgotten to inform Six about Sunny's deputy.

"Cheyenne stay," said a cool female voice a little to Six's right. "Morning, Doc. Who's your friend?"

Sunny Smiles asked as she looked at the man that her deputy had been growling at. She looked at his short light brown hair the scaring on the left side of his forehead that went up into his hairline. The light green eyes that the instant she saw them knew that they were scanning over her as well. She continued to let her gaze travel down he was wearing what looked like a pair of Doc's old Vault Coveralls, she'd seen Doc in them before on a washing day. The corners of her lips curled up a little as she noticed that since the suit was too small for him it showed the man's muscles off very well. Then her eyebrows shot up when she noticed that it showed off all his muscles especially the one between his legs. She could feel her cheeks heating up and quickly brought her gaze back up to his face to find those green eyes looking intensely at her.

"Sunny, this here is a patient of mine that Victor brought in night before last," Doc said motioning towards the man beside him with his hand. "He was shot in the head and left for dead in a shallow grave up at the cemetery. Doesn't remember much. Six this here is, Sunny Smiles, the town Sheriff."

"Six?" Sunny said out loud. Thankfully her thought of he looks bigger than six stayed in herhead.

"Yes," Six said extending his hand towards her. "I can't remember my actual name yet, and from a piece of paper that Doc found on me I was a courier for the Mojave Express. Courier number six to be exact. So it's better than nothing I guess."

"Yeah, I guess you'd be right," Sunny said with a smile and shook his hand at this gesture, Cheyenne finally sat down and relaxed around the new comer.

Sunny felt a chill run down her spine at his touch, he had a strong grip. His hand wasn't too rough, and she had a vision of that hand running along her body. She pulled her hand away and shook her head a little to try and clear the image from her mind. Jeez what was the matter with her?

"So where's Trudy at, Sunny?" Doc asked looking through to the bar and not seeing her.

"Oh she had to run back to her house for something. Said she'd be back after a bit."

"Alright, then I guess we can wait around a bit until she gets back."

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Phoenix's Soul: Well that's it for this chapter. Sadly Mr. Six has yet to remember anything, but who knows when you'd actually recover your memory from a head injury like that anyway? We'll get to meet Trudy in the next chapter don't you worry. Until then hope you all have enjoyed this chapter. Reviews and comments are always appreciated. "Until the Next Chapter"