Okay, so ever since Lights Out I've kind of wanted to write a sequel because I didn't like how I ended things with Orochimaru so here it is…

This first chapter is just an introductory chapter as to what's going on in each of the characters lives – or at least most of them…it kind of sets the scene for everything else – a fluff chapter to start off before all the drama happens and there is quite a bit of drama…

The title came from a Theory of a Deadman song that I thought worked…

I'm giving shout outs to anyone that can name the band the song from each chapter is named after – I'll be really surprised if anyone can get every single one without looking it up…hint for this one: country

As always I own nothing regarding Naruto or it's characters…

Chapter one: Our Kind of Love

The alarm went off early in the morning, signaling it was time to wake up. The dark curtains in the room blocked out much of the sun, making it even harder for Naruto to wake up. The warmth of the body next to him also made it difficult to leave the bed, if it were his choice he'd stay in bed all day with his lover. Before he could even think to hit the snooze button and curl back up with Sasuke, the dark haired man turned off the alarm and sat up. "It's time to wake up moron," his lover said, giving him a little push.

"Such a nice way to wake me up babe," Naruto replied as he rolled onto his back and opened his eyes. It never ceased to amaze him that even after eight years he could still get that same feeling every time he looked at Sasuke. He loved the man unconditionally and he knew Sasuke felt the same; Sasuke had a look that he only directed toward Naruto and that spoke volumes. "Lay back down, just for ten minutes," he whined, trying to pull Sasuke back to him.

"You know that I can't," Sasuke responded as he got out of bed, "if I'm late Itachi will kill me." He had started working at the Uchiha Corporation soon after graduating; he and his brother had taken it over and were running it smoothly with the occasional help of Kakashi. "I have a meeting this morning," he reminded him, though secretly wished he could just go back to bed.

"We could at least shower together," Naruto suggestively smiled. "It'd be fun," he had a lecherous grin on his face to which Sasuke just shook his head. "Please," he said as he sat up in bed watching his half naked boyfriend walk toward the bathroom.

Sasuke looked back at him as he headed for the shower, "Well, are you coming?" He didn't need to say anything else; Naruto was quickly out of bed and pushing him toward the shower. The blond started kissing him, making Sasuke moan when he was pushed up against the shower wall, "You know most people take their clothes off before getting into the shower."

"Well, then I guess we must do so," Naruto smiled as he undressed himself and Sasuke before pulling them into the shower. He turned on the water and quickly pulled Sasuke back into their heated kiss. "You might be late for work," Naruto told him huskily; he knew that he should, but Sasuke couldn't complain.


Kisame walked into Itachi's office, "I thought you had a meeting this morning." He leaned against the desk as he looked at his lover, "Were you lying to me?"

"No, I do," he replied as he relaxed back into his chair. "I just told Sasuke it was a half hour earlier than it truly is," he shrugged. His brother was usually punctual, however Naruto sometimes got the best of him so he started to tell Sasuke every early morning meeting was set earlier than it truly was. "I still have to be here though in case he really does show up on time," Itachi said, knowing his brother too well.

"Well, then I guess you've got some time to kill," he said, a slightly perverted grin on his face. Itachi just rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Come on we've done it here before."

"And I thought that'd get it out of your system," he told him as he went back to his stack of papers. "Also my brother could walk in at any moment. As fun as it is to mess with him, I think we traumatized him enough last time," he told him as he heard Kisame say something along the lines of "stupid brother" under his breath. Itachi just chuckled before going back to his work.


Neji and Gaara had long forgotten about the television program they'd been watching. The world around them was tuned out as they sat on their couch passionately kissing. Hinata turned a dark shade of red as she walked into the apartment, highly embarrassed. She cleared her throat, causing them to pull away.

"Sorry for interrupting," she muttered, looking at the ground. Neji quickly tried to fix his disheveled appearance, which made Gaara smirk.

"Why are you here?" Neji asked, trying not to sound rude, but frustrated by the interruption. What was even more annoying was the fact that Gaara seemed to take pleasure in seeing his frustration build.

"You, um, called me a hour ago," she reminded him. "You said there was something we needed to talk about," Hinata added as she looked at the ground. She was still highly embarrassed for walking in on such a scene. "I should have knocked," she bit her lip before looking up at him again.

"It's fine," he told her, knowing that he should have remembered their conversation. "Honestly I can't even remember why I called you," he said, which was even more embarrassing.

"Oh," she said. She'd never felt so awkward in her life. "I guess," she paused trying to find the right words, "you can call me if you remember." Hinata wanted to run out of the apartment, knowing that she was probably as red as a tomato. He just nodded and she excused herself. The part of her that wasn't embarrassed was wishing that she had that kind of relationship rather than just being single.

It wasn't often that Gaara laughed but when Hinata left he couldn't help it. "It's not funny," Neji said, but the red head ignored his words. "Shut up," he mumbled, hating the situation that'd just occurred. Gaara didn't say anymore, instead decided to pick up where they left off and kissed him again and Hinata's interruption was quickly forgotten.


Kyuubi and Shukaku were making out on their bed. The battle for dominance was fierce, neither one of them willing to give into the other. Kyuubi was ready to throw his phone across the room as he heard Naruto's ringtone start to play. "Just ignore it," he told Shukaku as he pulled off his shirt.

They both tried but with no luck as it kept ringing. "What?" Kyuubi finally answered, annoyed by the interruption. "This better be good," he told him in a voice that threatened death if it weren't.

"You can make out with your boyfriend any time," Naruto told him, knowing exactly what would make him angry. "I called because Itachi is calling Sasuke for him to have me find out why Shukaku isn't at work and isn't answering his phone," he informed him. "But now I think I know why," he laughed, which only annoyed Kyuubi more.

"He'll be there in a little bit, tell Itachi to calm down," he replied, knowing that telling Itachi to calm down probably wouldn't result well for that person. "We just woke up late," he lied as he looked at the smirk on Shukaku's face. "Bye," he quickly hung up.

"I guess this is to be continued," Shukaku said as he sat up to get ready. Kyuubi, who just wanted to go back to kissing, pulled him back and he hoped it would lead to more. "I said to be continued," he said as he pulled his hand away, loving the annoyed reaction he'd gotten from his lover.

"Stupid Naruto," Kyuubi growled as he got up, knowing that he had to get to work as well. "This isn't over," he told the other man, but the only response he got was a chuckle.


Sakura and Ino were out shopping for dresses. They'd taken the morning off because they'd planned a double date for later that night and wanted to make sure everything was perfect. "This is going to be so much fun, we haven't done this in what feels like forever," Sakura said as she looked through a rack of pink dresses.

"I know," Ino smiled as she looked at a purple dress. "It's been too long," she said, holding the dress up to herself to get an idea of what it'd look like on her. "I just hope that this helps me and Sai," she frowned, thinking about their relationship.

"I didn't know something was wrong," the pink haired girl said, turning her attention to her best friend. "What's going on?" she was concerned.

"It's just," she tried to find the right words to describe it, "it seems like we've given up so much to be together and it feels like it's going nowhere." She saw that Sakura wanted more of an explanation, "He's practically given up painting and I think it's because of me. I've given up a lot too, but it feels like there is no end result." She wasn't really sure how to explain it fully until she looked at the diamond on Sakura's finger, "You're engaged and really happy, Lee has never made you feel like you need to change something. Sai's never forced me to give something up, but it feels like we are."

Sakura nodded, understanding her friend's concern. She had been engaged for a little over a year, while Ino had no indication that it'd be happening any time soon for her. "Tonight we'll make sure he remembers why he fell in love with you," she promised. "And maybe you could give him some inspiration," she said suggestively, which only made Ino laugh.

"I guess you're right," Ino smiled. "Who knows what life with throw at us, maybe tonight will make everything better," she said. She knew that life may not be perfect, but she was happy. She didn't know what was in store for her in her friends.


What do you think? Should I continue? Let me know :)

You'll notice a certain couple wasn't mentioned this chapter, you'll find out why in the next one…this is just a fluff introductory chapter, the next one is when everything will start…

I'm not sure how long it will take me to update this each chapter, but I do know I'll finish it and there will be about 26 chapters – even if it gets longer I know it won't be anywhere near the 57 chapters it's predecessor had…