The Critic
By Yorkie

Michiru scowled as she read the review in the local paper.
"Pretty, pleasant and predictable..."
more than a slight bit of sarcasm entered her voice as she went
on, "one could have the same experience if they stayed home and
listened to a CD! Kaioh Michiru's performance was 'average'
at best..."

Haruka snatched the paper from her hand. "That's only one man's

Michiru grabbed it back. "He's a music critic Haruka, and a very
well known one at that." Her eyes scanned the article again. "This
man could be the death of me."

"Aren't you overreacting?" Haruka knew she was treading thin ice,
Michiru wasn't taking the criticism with her usual grace. "You've
never had a bad review before."

"I wouldn't call that a bad review." Setsuna offered. "He did
have a few nice words to say."

Michiru glowered at her friend. "Is that what you call them?" She
tossed the paper on the kitchen table and sat sulking over her tea.
"I'm finished as a violinist." She stared into the dark hot brew.
"I can be replaced with a CD."

Setsuna and Haruka exchanged glances. Cheering their fellow
senshi up was not going to be an easy task.

"Let me see that." Haruka picked up the paper and read the
review. It wasn't the worst review she'd ever read, but it was a
bit harsh. Most critics adored Michiru's renditions, but this
particular critic was looking for something new and different.
He was in favor of musicians with a more 'artistic' edge. That
description didn't apply to Michiru with her proper and traditional

"Maybe you should show him how you can bounce a lemon off your
violin while you're playing."

Michiru looked up at her partner with blazing hot eyes. "Why
don't I simply transform into Sailor Neptune while I'm at it?"
The senshi rose from the table and strode angrily from the room.
Haruka winced, she didn't mean to antagonize Michiru further.

Setsuna shook her head. "She's very upset."

"She's not used to having her talent questioned." Haruka rose.
"And I wasn't much help."

"Let's hope she gets over this before tomorrow night." Setsuna
added. "Remember, you two have a concert."

Haruka sighed. "How can I forget."

Michiru sat in her studio staring at her latest painting. Maybe
her art work wasn't as good as she thought either. Where were these
doubts coming from? She'd never questioned her talent before.
The girl opened the lid of her violin case and tenderly lifted
the Stradivarius from it's velvet lining. Gingerly she placed it
under her chin. She closed her eyes and drew the bow across the
strings. The beautiful sounds of Bach issued forth.
Her temper was soothed by the soft music and the girl started to
feel more relaxed and calm.
She finished the piece and turned to place the violin back in its
case. That's when she saw Haruka standing in the doorway.

"You play beautifully." The blonde said as she took her partners
hand. "That critic is interested in electric violins and
synthesizers, not the classics. What you give people is a feast
for their souls, while he prefers junk food."

Michiru giggled at her lover's kind words. She looked up into
Haruka's face with open adoration in her dark blue eyes. "I love you."

The next night Michiru stood behind the heavy red curtain at the
concert hall. She was dressed in a very formal strapless black gown.
Haruka wore her black tuxedo with a white ruffled shirt and bow tie.
Both young ladies were the epitome of grace and elegance.

The blonde peeked through the curtains. "It's packed."

"Is it?" Michiru asked as she joined her partner. The two girls
smiled at the each other. All those people had come to hear them
play. Michiru could feel her self-confidence returning. What was the
opinion of one man compared to the crowd taking their seats?

"Michiru, look." Haruka nodded towards the front row. "Look who's
come to see us." It was the horrid critic who had written the scathing
review! The taller girl nudged her lover. "We have a few
minutes, why don't you transform and 'Deep Submerge' his car?"

The water senshi smiled at the thought. "Later, when he's in it."
The two watched as the man took his seat in the front row.

The curtains opened and the two senshi bowed to their audience.
Haruka took her seat at the piano while Michiru placed her violin
under her chin. Haruka nodded to her partner and the concert started.

The critic sat with his hands folded in his lap, he tried not to
yawn. It was more of the same boring rehash of classical music that
he had heard a few nights before. Where was the creativity? Where was
the style? Obviously not in this concert hall.

A few of his fellow critics had harassed him for his article on
Kaioh-san. "She is refreshing." They had said. "A true artist in
her own right." Had been another comment. Never wanting to be called
unfair, he had decided to give Kaioh-san the benefit of the
doubt. Perhaps she was having an off night when he'd last heard

Michiru closed her eyes as she played. The girl was determined to
make a good impression this time, not one note was going to be off.
Her concentration was broken by the sound of buzzing in her ear.
She opened her eyes and saw a tiny black fly perched on the bridge
of her violin. It simply sat there cleaning its legs. Michiru's eyes
narrowed. The nerve of the dirty insect! Didn't it realize how
important this concert was to her?
The aqua haired girl jerked the violin slightly attempting to get
the unwanted pest off her instrument.
The blasted bug had the audacity to sit there and continue
cleaning itself. This was too much for the violinist.
She did the only demure thing she could do, she blew at it.
The diminutive demon seemed to like it; the fly spread its wings
and stared at the musician with all its beady little eyes.

"You!" Michiru hissed under her breath. She jerked the violin
harder this time and sent the annoying creature tumbling into one
of the soundholes.

The tiny insect didn't like this one bit. It tried desperately to
escape its prison. The winged creature banged against the wood
again and again to no avail. It buzzed madly each time it slammed
into the sides of the violin.

Haruka looked up from the piano and noticed her partner wasn't
acting quite normal. She seemed to be taking tiny little jumps
into the air. Well that was odd, Michiru normally stayed firmly
on the ground during concerts. Suddenly and for no reason apparent
to Haruka, Michiru spun around in a circle.
What had gotten into her?

Michiru was more than upset with the fiendish little monster that
haunted her precious Stradivarius.
She was no longer worried about freeing it, she was going to kill
it! This was no ordinary pest, it was evil incarnate and it was
trying to destroy her performance.
She spun around again this time tripping over the hem of her
billowing gown. The graceful senshi managed to regain her balance
before she fell.

Haruka eyes had become full circles while she watched in total
disbelief. What was she doing?

Suddenly Michiru stopped playing. She held the violin upside down
and shook it violently. People in the audience gasped at the sight
on stage. Haruka's fingers were poised above the keys of the piano.
She had stopped the moment Michiru had. Now she sat wondering
what her lover was going to do next.

The always pleasant and correct senshi of the water held the
violin over her head and stared inside.
"Get out of there!" She seemed to be growling at the wood. "I'll
rip you to shreds when I get..."

"Michiru." Haruka called to her almost silently.

The epitome of grace and elegance stared at her partner, a wild
look in her eyes. Slowly it dawned on her that she was still on
stage. Her mouth dropped for a moment.
Recovering what was left of her demeanor, she placed the violin
under her chin and nodded to Haruka to continue.

The two continued the piece they had been playing. Michiru closed
her eyes again and listened for the slightest sound of buzzing.
After a few moments she was satisfied that the winged horror was
Haruka watched as a look of calm came over her girlfriend's face.
Whatever had transpired was obviously over now. She was definitely
going to question Michiru about her odd behavior when they got home.

Michiru relaxed and allowed the music to flow through her. She
was loosing herself in the piece when she felt the slightest tickle
on her bare shoulder.
Her eyes opened slightly but she could see nothing. Then she heard it,
the hellish ghastly sound, buzzing. It was back!

Her eyes followed the dark bug as it crawled across her bow.
Faster and faster she played as she desperately tried to get the bug
off her bow. She didn't notice that Haruka was trying very hard to keep
up with her playing.
The poor blonde watched as her fellow musician crossed her eyes
and swatted herself in the nose.

Michiru swished her bow around her trying to swat the fly. Beads
of sweat had broken out on her forehead. After a few seconds she
stood panting, her violin dangling at her side.
She smiled stupidly at her shocked mate. "I got it." She
announced proudly to Haruka.

The audience sat riveted to the spectacle unfolding on the stage.
It wasn't often that a well known musician had a nervous breakdown
during a performance.

Smiling merrily Michiru placed the violin under chin and winked
at Haruka. "I got it." She repeated.

Haruka smiled nervously back. "I…I'm glad for you."

Joyfully, triumphantly, Michiru pulled the bow across the violin.
She dove into the music playing with glee she hadn't felt in a long
time. The victory was hers and she was elated. The young woman's eyes
were sparkling, her face was flushed. She was almost giddy with
excitement…then she heard it.

"No!" She pulled the bow hard across the strings making a
horrendous sound. People in the audience winced at the sour note.
They were at the edge of their seats waiting to see what Michiru would
do next.

"It's alive!" She shouted into the air. "It's alive!" The
deranged woman swung her violin wildly in the air trying to kill the
nasty pest. She had chased it to the end of the stage when Haruka caught
her around the waist. One more step and she would have fallen into the
orchestra pit. "No!" She struggled against the strong arms.
"You don't understand…" The green haired maniac argued. "its alive!"

"Michiru…" Haruka started as she whirled the girl around to face

"Aha!" Michiru exclaimed, the fly had landed on Haruka's tuxedo.
She slapped her lover hard on the shoulder. Tentatively she looked at
the stain on her long glove.
"YES!" Haruka glared at the young woman. Michiru had the same
satisfied look on her face that she did after a long night of love making.
Her chest was heaving, her voice had dropped to a low purr. She stared
evenly at the tall blonde. "Sit down Haruka."

The blonde did as she was told. She took her seat at the piano
and looked cautiously at the other girl. Michiru had lost her mind,
she was sure of it. The pianist sat ready.

"No." Michiru told her waving her bow at Haruka. Her partner
lowered her hands to her lap and watched as the violinist once again
tucked her instrument under her chin.
Michiru pulled her bow across the strings, she played a tune of
her own. It was wild and unrehearsed, matching the delirium that
had taken place during the concert. When she finished, the senshi
spread her arms apart. Bow in one hand, violin in the other and bowed.

The audience sat dumbfounded for a moment. Then the critic in the
front row jumped to his feet. "BRAVO!" He shouted at the top of his
lungs. The rest of the people took their cue from him and applauded

The next morning the three women sat at the breakfast table.
Michiru was glowing over the review in the paper.

"Wonderfully brilliant and innovative!" The print read. "You are
right Kaioh-san, classical music 'is alive' when it is played by
truly artistic musicians such as yourself. This is
one critic who is very happy he gave the talented musician a
second chance." Michiru finished the sentence and sat the paper on
the table. She was clearly very pleased with herself.

"All that because you were trying to swat a fly?" Setsuna asked.

Michiru smiled smugly at the two other women. "I suppose my
natural talent shows no matter what the circumstances." She took her
tea and left the room.

Haruka rolled her eyes. "Oh dear, she's going to be hard to live
with for a while."

Setsuna giggled. "I wish I had been there to see it."

"I thought she'd gone insane." Haruka remarked. "She was
aggressive and passionate…"

Setsuna watched as the senshi got lost in her thoughts. "And?"

Haruka took a sip of her tea and grinned evilly. "I think I'll
leave our bedroom window open today."

"Why?" Setsuna asked.

Haruka shrugged. "A few flies might get in."