Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi

Author's note: This is a one shot. Got that? Good.

No one would have predicted that future NHS, star hockey player, Campbell Saunders, would have fallen for the cello playing girl of the band Whisperhug. Out of all the girls in the school, a band geek was from the list of girls one would expect a guy like Campbell to go for. Then again, Campbell was not the typical hockey player. He had a gentle personality and he actually cared about people.

He smiled as he noticed Maya coming up to him, and leaned against his locker, and said "hey,"

Maya smiled back as she begun to open her locker, "Hey yourself."

Campbell chuckled slightly and said, "I was wondering…"

She glanced at him, "Yes?"

"Would you like to go to Romeo and Jules with me?" He asked.

"As in on a date?" Maya asked, a smile spreading on her face.

He nodded, grinning. "Sure."

"I'd love to!"

Campbell beamed happily at that, and took her by surprise by kissing her. It took her a moment but she soon returned the kiss, sighing softly against his mouth. They'd been going out for a while now, and everyday the relationship in Maya's eyes only seemed to get better. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and her lips parted. Just as his tongue darted into her mouth, kids started to move around them, meaning the bell had rung.

Reluctantly, the teenagers pulled apart. Maya bent down and picked up her bag.

Just as she turned to leave, Campbell spoke. "See you in French?"

"Definitely!" she said over her shoulder as she walked to her first period, a smile on her face.