Chapter 7


A week had passed and slowly, the hive webbing had been burned away and repairs had begun, already roads were being cleared, water treatment plants were being reopened to make clean water, food was being made and people were starting to come out of their hiding bunkers after years of hiding in fear.

The Yautja were slowly leaving Earth, aiding their friends in rebuilding before leaving with their own people, even taking their Human apprentices and friends with them if that was the wish of the humans.

As promised, the High Priestess made the offer to all of Shara's friends and all but the General accepted her offer.

"Why won't you come with us?" Ben asked in slight confusion.

"I barely have a decade left to live and I have lived and seen enough in this life." The General said. "I wish to live what little time I have out here and see to it that we don't allow the fools like Weyland and Yutani the chance to make the same mistakes again," he added.

"Stubborn old goat." Mark chuckled.

"Stubborn is just another word for Veterans." The General chuckled looking at Shara. "You're father would have said the same."

"Before or after he downed a bottle of whisky?" Shara asked as everyone laughed.

And so, as the sun set over the white cliffs, Shara stood watching the waves and smiling as she watched Martha Mary and Ben say their goodbyes to the General before they left.

"You wish he were here," Rha-n said as he stood beside her. "My son Cuh'tor."

Shara nodded, "He said one day if he ever had the chance, he'd tell me how he got the name Cuh'tor."

Rha-n chuckled. "A rather amusing tale," he said, "truth be told it was because of his attitude and skill with a blade that earned him the name, but the story is something his mother is better suited to tell you." He added.

Shara smiled and for a moment they both fell back into silence.

"Come, my dear." Rha-n said as the sun finally set and the stars began to shimmer and twinkle. "It is time to go home," he added as he lead her up the ramp into the ship. "You must tell me though, how did you react when you first meet Jha'kle and his crew?"

Shara's smile couldn't have been any bigger.

Deep under the rubble and ash, hidden under the death and bloody mess that was her family, a small form moved... She looked around and hissed.

Her family was gone, but they had left her with all their memories...

And the one responsible would suffer...

That, the little one knew, was her duty.














Bloopers and Deleted Scenes!

Scenes and funny moments that didn't fit into the story but were fun to write, enjoy!


Bull Dog's boo-boo.

Seeing a slight shimmer in the space in front of her, Shara stopped and ducked under an unseen swing that dented the wall-

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Bull Dog winced clutching his hand as his cloak faded and everyone in the hallway trying not to laugh. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"Are you ok?" Shara asked chuckling.

"I think I broke a finger." Bull Dog said and everyone laughed, unable to hold it in.

Blinded by the lights.

Jackal roared in agony again and Shara turned in time to see him fall, clutching his now gushing right arm, Striker stood over him with his Plasma Casters aimed at-

Bright lights flooded the area and everyone ducked their heads and turned away. "Cut the lights!" Jackal and Striker yelled trying to adjust their visors to darken out the light.

"Cut the lights!" Shara said covering her face.

Pull or Push?

Two elders stood in the bridge of the ship, watching as the planets slipped past their ship, watching everything that happened from their chairs. Reports, broken and distorted images and footage from their sons and fallen hunters, flowed into the screens they were watching.

"So much loss... and so much trouble these Oomans have caused themselves." The elder sighed. "Jha'kle and his crew have not yet been reported dead... I pray to our High Priestess that they are alive and well." He sighed.

"I'm sure they are. If Jha'kle is leading them they are all perfectly safe." The other said.


A loud roar made both elders turn and the doors to their right jerked as someone ran into them.

"Wrong doors!" Rha-n called.

Pan ate the Power.

The lights flickered and went out. "What the hell?" Ben asked.

"Meer! Meer!" A flash light fell on Pan as she nibbled and chewed her way through several power cables. "Meer!"

Deleted Scenes;

Striker sighed as he sat on his bed, watching his new baby sister and pet sleeping curled up on his blanket.

Bull Dog and Big Guns groaned and sighed as I'ka sat on top of them with her Father and Mother. "Next time we have a tag team mate, we do it when I'ka isn't in the room." Bull Dog said.

"Agreed." Big Guns said.

I'ka growled and clicked.

Martha Mary danced to Long Tall Sally while cooking Dinner, unaware that Dart and Tracker were watching with Jessica.

Bull Dog and Bull Dog snored loudly as they slept, gagging as Tracker stamped on their hands to wake them up and put them on patrol duty so everyone else could sleep.

"A little help would be much appreciated," Ghost said as he lay stiffly on the mats, I'ka sat proudly on his chest while Striker tried very hard not to fall on his sister and mentor.

Rha-n sighed. "I have a daughter who seems destined to be in danger of killing us all with laugher." He said as everyone attempted and failed to hide their amusement.

The Old Tanker rammed into the base backwards, "Wrong gear!" Mark called out.

Jessica chuckled as she stood by the door, inside the main hall, Shara, Jackal, Bull Dog, Big Guns, Dart, Tracker, Mark, Ben and Martha Mary were all napping in a pile near the heater.

"Nap time."





And so my friends, I give you the funny scenes and moments that didn't find their way into the story.

Will do the more in depth deleted scenes later and maybe I will do a scene how Jackal and his crew met Shara.
