Dawn's POV

I knew there was something weird going on at the same moment as I walked out of the bus. Why are everyone staring at me? Do I have something in my hair? I shook my head and ran my hand through my hair, just in case. I decided to ignore everyone's stares and continued walking.

"Hey Dawn!" Someone yelled.

I stopped walking and looked around me. It was Lyra, the loudest girl in the grade, running towards me while dragging her tired friend Khoury with her. I smiled at her, "Hi Lyra."

"I just wanted to say that I'm glad on your behalf!" Lyra said happily.

"What?" I asked, really confused. What have I missed?

"Oooh, so you wanted to keep it as a secret?" Lyra said and winked at me. "I promise not to tell anyone until you are ready for it. Cya!" Lyra said and dragged Khoury with her.

Now I was more confused than ever. Did someone start a rumor about me? I headed to my locker, once again trying to ignore the stares. It was getting a bit awkward. I spun the dial on my locker, trying to remember those stupid numbers.

"Dawn!" Someone yelled, causing me to jump a little. It was none other than May, followed by Iris.

"Why didn't you tell us anything?" Iris asked, sounding a bit disappointed.

"What? What should I tell you? Everyone have been staring at me all morning and I don't know why," I said.

"It's obvious why they stare," May continued.

"Okay, what is going on?" I asked, closing my eyes in annoyance.

May and Iris glanced at each other.

"So, you're not Conway's girlfriend?" Iris asked, looking confused.

"WHAT!?" I yelled, causing everyone in the hallway to stare at me. "Who told you that?"

"Conway himself," Iris said, "and by the way, here he comes."

"Good morning princess!" Conway greeted me. He held out chocolate box he was hiding behind his back and gave it to me. "I know they're your very favorite."

"Oh, I.. Thanks," I stammered and accepted the chocolate. "How did you know they were my favorite?"

Conway adjusted his glasses and smiled at me. "I want to be the perfect boyfriend to you." he answered and walked off while taking a pirouette. "See you Daaawn!" He sang as he danced his way out of our sight.

Suddenly it all made sense now. Conway thought we were a couple now, just because of our so called "study date" last Friday.

"So now everyone thinks we are a couple, or?" I asked, biting my lower lip.

May and Iris nodded at the same time.

I rubbed the back of my head. "How am I supposed to say that I don't like him without breaking his heart?"


I sat by myself on my usual spot in the library. We had study hall and could do whatever we wanted. I and Kenny had decided to finish our bio project, but I haven't seen him all day. I tapped my pencil on the table and stared out of the big window. Such a nice day, yet I couldn't enjoy it. Conway, Kenny's acting weird and school were haunting my thoughts. I noticed that many of the other students were staring at me, and I just stared back at them. I was getting really tired of being stared and laughed at. Conway was weird, but he could be a good friend too.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Kenny said and sat down at the table.

"No problem," I said and smiled at him.

As he smiled back, I got the same feeling as I got on Friday. It couldn't be that I was... No, that's impossible. He is my childhood friend after all, and I don't want to ruin anything.

"Where did you go on Friday? And where were you all weekend?" I asked.

"No, I was just... I felt a bit sick so I stayed at home." He said, acting strange.

"Oh, okay," I said. "I thought you were avoiding me."

"No, that's not it," he said and sighted. "So, did you and that guy come far on the project?"

I smiled and showed him my notebook. "We are almost ready!"

"Wow," he said, widening his eyes. "You guys did all the hard work?"

"Yep," I said proudly. "I bet were getting A+."

"If that's so, could you do my work for me? Since you already have done the hardest work, this would be easy for you," he smirked, pushing his work towards me.

"Forget it!" I laughed, pushing his work back to him. As we were playfully pushing his work, we came to spill the glass of water I had placed on the desk. Luckily I didn't get soaked, just got a little water on my sleeve.

"Sorry about that," Kenny grinned and grabbed a napkin. "Let me help you with that."

He sat down next to me and rubbed the napkin where it was wet. I couldn't help but feel a bit weird with him being so close. We have been sitting next to each other many times before, so why am I feeling so weird this time? His face was just inches from mine. I couldn't help but gaze at his dark eyes. He gazed back at mine, half smiling.

Just then the bell rang, causing us to collect our stuff to and getting ready to our next classes. We walked quietly out of the library, walking side by side down the hallway.

"Dawn?" Kenny asked, looking at me.


"You know, on friday? I was about to ask you... You know-"

"DAAAWN!" A annoying voice yelled. By the way, what's with everyone yelling my name today?

Ursula, alongside with her loyal friends Georgia and Brianna, came walking towards me in their expensive designer clothes. They had all that annoying smirk around their mouths.

"So, how's our new couple's doing?" Ursula asked.

Kenny looked confused at me. I raised my shoulders at him, pretending to not know anything. I didn't want Kenny to know about Conway's misunderstanding. Then he really would jump to the wrong conclusion, if he already didn't.

"Well, we gotta go," I said and tried to walk past them, but as usual they blocked the way.

"Tell your boyfriend CONWAY that we said hi, okay?" Georgia smirked before they all walked away, laughing.

Kenny looked at me with a hurt expression. "So, you already got a date to the school dance, huh?" He muttered, trying to smile a bit.

"No, it's actually all just a mis-"

Someone suddenly hugging me tightly behind my back prevented me from telling Kenny the truth.

"Hello princess!" Conway sang in an annoying tone.

"See you later then," Kenny said and nodded at me before he walked off.

I hurtfully watched him walk away without being able to run after him. "Hello Conway," I greeted him.

"Come to the lunch room, I have a surprise for you!" Conway said happily and dragged me after him. I could feel everyone staring at us again. Awkward. He dragged me to a table in the middle of the lunchroom filled with every dish from the cafeteria menu. I gasped at the sight, it was enough food to feed all the people in the room!

"I didn't know what you wanted to eat, so I just bought everything," Conway explained, sitting down at the table.

"Wow," I said and sat down as well. I grabbed a green apple and took a bite. I tried to prepare something to say to him to let him know that I just wanted us to be friends. Boy, these things are difficult.

"I think we should wear matching outfits to the dance on Friday," Conway suggested.

"Conway I..."

"Or maybe we should-"

"Conway listen!" I said. "We are not going out. Just because we studied together last Friday doesn't that mean were dating?"

"But I thought..." Conway said, looking down.

"Conway, I'm sorry. I think it's better if we are just friends." I said.

Conway adjusted his glasses and stood up. "Well I think your wrong," he said. "And I'm not giving up this easily! See you soon," he said and walked out of the lunch room. I looked after him, more confused than ever.

Well, that escalated quickly. Now I just had to find Kenny and explain everything to him.

Misty's POV

"What does "Ich" mean?" Ash whispered at our German class, the most boring class we had.

"It's the first thing we learned," I said.

"Maybe, but I don't remember it," Ash said confused.

"You don't remember anything we learn in this class anyway," Iris said. "What a child."

"I don't care. I'm not here to be good at German, I'm here to study to become a Pokémon master!" Ash said enthusiastically and pumped his fist in the air.

"Well, to become Pokémon master you have to speak more than just one language," I told him.

"Sure, whatever." He muttered.

"By the way, 'Ich' means 'I'." I said. Honestly I don't remember why I chose to take this class. I envied May and Dawn which had French, but they wanted to become Coordinators. They need to learn French. I sighed and opened my notebook to take notes.

Next to me, Ash had opened a bag of chips and therefore made a lot of loud crunching noises.

"Are you hungry already? We just had lunch," I said, getting a bit annoyed.

"I'm always hungry," Ash said.

"Child," Iris said without looking up.

"We are the same age," Ash muttered.

"That doesn't mean we are equally mature," Iris continued.

"Whatever," Ash said and opened his notebook as well.

I couldn't help but smile when Ash sulked for the thousand time in confusion.

"Want me to help you?" I asked sweetly.

Ash looked at me with eyes shining with hope. "I need all help I could get!"

"Okay, first let's look at those vocabularies," I said. I sweatdropped at the sight of his notebook. Instead of writing down vocabularies, he had doodled poorly drawed Pokémon starters all over the notebook page.

"Ash, at least you have to try to do something." I said and sighted.

"I sort of gave up," Ash explained and laughed nervously.

"Well, okay. Luckily for you I'm going to help you this time," I said and smiled at him.

He smiled back and gazed into my eyes. "You should smile more, you look cute like that."

"Huh, I do?" I asked, clearly surprised. It wasn't like Ash to say such things.

He nodded. "I think a smile suits you the best."

Doooone :D I'm sorry this took so long, but I was busy with school and finals ^^' Since I have summer vacation starting soon I hope to update more by then. Please review :)