A/N: Hi ya sweets!

Sorry for the super long delay, I have hacked at this for days and finally finished.

Disclaimer: Even Glob knows that I do not own Adventure time. But I do own this fanfic :D I have something to my name, yay!

Beep, beep, beep.

I looked down at Bonni, she was alive. Her hand was cold, and I could feel myself flinch as I brushed her cheek with my lips. Even in her comatose state she held a small smile, as if she shared a small secret with a friend.

But thankfully, she was alive.

'I'm the predator.'

If I blurred my vision enough I could imagine that she was just sleeping. I could ignore the heavy shadows under her eyes and the pale lips. But her heart was beating painfully slow. I could hear the struggle, the frantic third beat that was never there before the incident.

It was all my fucking fault.

The venom, my venom, was coursing through her veins. That moment of passion unhinged me, I just lost it. I could nearly see her eyes, dark and trusting, widen as I sunk my fangs deep into her flesh. Pain is just a memory and Bonni is incredibly strong; The thing that would destroy her was from her left ear all the way to her collarbone. That area was a deep gray. I could feel small shivers run down my spine, how could gray and pink clash so horribly?

She'll always be beautiful to me, I had told myself that years ago. I knew she could never be a vampire, it was impossible. I could nearly see my venom swimming through her veins, sucking out the color of her blood. Turning her paler and paler with each moment.

"I'm so sorry," I cried in her chest "I am so damn sorry. I didn't mean for this

Many machines were connected to Bonni were keeping her alive. I was an idiot. No, I was worse than that, I was like the muck that forms along the walls of caves. The only thing that was keeping me tethered to this Earth at all was the small chance that she will make it out alive. She was my life line even as her own life was draining away.

"I'm sorry, Bonnibell." I whispered

Knock, knock.

"Come in." I mumbled, wiping my eyes to make sure they were dry.

Dr. Princess walked in, observing my red eyes with an understanding look. Her face smiled at me, but it was the ghost of a smile.

"Doctor." I nearly shouted as I ran towards her "Please, please in the name of Glob tell me, is she is going to be fine?"

"I think you should sit, Queen Marceline."

I sat down, my legs shaking wildly as I thought of everything that could happen. Would Bonnibell lie here forever, or would a loyal royal subject have pity and mercy kill her? What if she wasn't the same? I slammed my hands over my knees, need to be strong for her. Dr. Princess looked into her files, and bit her lip, her brown eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"Doc, tell me, please." I begged, my voice heavy with sadness.

"Princess Bubblegum is not going to die, she received the anti-venom in enough time to stop most of the reaction, but" She started, her eyes still glued to the lab report.

Buts were never good.

"But what?"

"There is a high chance that she will never wake up."

My heart dropped into my stomach. Bonni was so young, it seemed like only yesterday when she was a little girl standing at her fathers' side with solemn eyes. The time she first told me she loved me, the time she broke up with me, when we got back together, when she told me she wanted to get married and I was too flaky to actually say 'yes.' All the times that I could have said something to make her smile, and I didn't.

And even worse are the times that I made her cry.

"What, what is the percentage." I managed to squeak.

Dr. Princess placed her soft hand on my shoulder, and I could practically smell the comfort coming off it. It couldn't be good.

"19%" She whispered, looking at Bonni's struggled breathing.

"Oh, God." I mumbled, my voice shaking with sobs. "I'm a monster, I..I've killed her."

"We all make mistakes, Queen Marceline. All hope isn't lost because there is always a margin for hope."

"Why do you keep calling me Queen?" I yelled, annoyed "Why would you call me queen in a time like this?"

"Well, until Princess Bonnibell wakes up, you are Queen consort of Candy Kingdom."

Oh no. I could not do this job. What I wanted to do was to lay down to Bonni, and stay still until she wakes up. And if she never wakes up, I would still lie next to her until my damned thirst kills me as well. I did not want anything to do with this damn kingdom if it didn't involve her.

"I refuse." I stated, wiping tears off my face.

I wanted to lay with Bonni, to pretend that I was just watching her sleep, that all this was just a mistake.

"I am sorry," The doctor said "It is stated in her will."

The idea struck me as odd, why would she have a will in the first place? Many rulers did not write wills until they were gray in the hair because they had nothing to fear. No one was going to come charging in to murder them, and sickness never killed anyone (at least not since after the mushroom wars). What was she thinking of if she actually wrote this will?

And why would she give me all her kingdom if she wasn't able to rule.

"She knew didn't she? She knew that I would do this to her."

Doctor Princess ignored my statement and told me to tell her if any vital signs changed, and she left. My heart, for the first time in centuries, pounded against my chest. Did Bubblegum know the monster that I would become? Or was it just a necessary precaution when you are living with a predator?

A/N: If Marceline was out of character (Not floating everywhere, actually saying "God") it was because of Bubblegum dying. This is the love of her immortal life, and the burden of knowing that she did this really gets to her. I hoped you enjoyed it! Tell me if you catch any mistakes, because I use open office, and boy the spell check here would even make Lemongrab laugh. And if you really enjoyed it, review it:D Because I do like hearing from your ideas!