Hey, this isn't too long after the last time, right?

I highly doubt this chapter is gonna be any good, partially because of the fact that I'm actually really busy and shouldn't be writing, but also because I have to start writing a part I really wasn't looking forward to. You'll see.

Eh, whatever. Just read it (that is an order) and let me know what you think. (Please.)

Disclaimer: Oh god I have not done one of these in a while, have I (the last time I did, I was still 15 oh wow this is embarrassing)

Happy reading!

"Last time on Total Drama Tournament: The contestants had to tackle a quiz about the show, proving that none of them gave a crap about the quality TV I've been producing! Heather won the challenge, so she's off the hook for now, but the others are gonna get it today! Cody was voted off, which was pure karma on his part. And maaaybe my questions had something to do with it. Whatever. Katie and Trent hooked up, and Heather and Bridgette ganged up. And finally, Courtney is after Noah and Eva after finding out about their alliance! Things are getting tense, and I love it!"

"Anyway, I sure have a surprise for these suckers now!"

Courtney woke up, blinking a few times as she fully regained conscience. She sat up in her bed and groaned. Her sleeping pattern was so utterly ruined that it would be a surprise if she hadn't woken up in the middle of the night.

She got up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. All because of Cody and his stupid restraining order, of course. If he hadn't needed her help with that contract way back when, she wouldn't be so tired all the time. And then it turned out the little dork had been working against her all along! Courtney got angry just thinking about it. She hoped she'd be able to sleep better after she had won the finale. Of course, having two million in your bank account is a great sleeping medicine.

In any case, she had to make sure Noah and Eva were utterly destroyed within the next few challenges or so. She fantasized about the various ways she could get them eliminated. Eva would be easy. Her hair-trigger temper could literally be set off by anything, so it wouldn't be difficult to make her snap so bad, she'd scare everyone into voting her off just to get her away from them. Noah would be slightly more difficult to crack. He had always been the more level-headed one, and Courtney honestly had no idea what would really sufficiently alienate him from the rest of the campers. Cody would be a sensitive subject, but touching that nerve would only make him angrier at her, and that wasn't really what she needed. Everyone else had to hate him too. Thinking back, she tried to remember the reasons why Noah had been booted off before. In Season 1, he didn't participate in the challenge because he was too lazy, and that wasn't a problem for him anymore. Season 3 wasn't much better, seeing as Alejandro convinced everyone to vote Noah off, and Courtney didn't really have anyone who'd be able to support her in that.

Courtney looked over to Bridgette's bunk. Except for her, of course. Bridgette was the only person she could really count on. Everyone else was either a manipulative schemer, a whiny wannabe, or her evil ex-boyfriend; either that, or they stole her boyfriend or made an alliance against her. Every single one of them, except for Bridgette. But how would that help her eliminate Noah? Even if she convinced Bridgette to help her, the others would still rather get rid of her than Noah. Unreasonable, of course.

Courtney decided she needed to get out. She always thought better at the lodge. She opened the door and gasped. "What the hell?"

"What the hell?" Duncan opened his eyes, irritated at his rude awakening. He drowsily rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming up. "Whaaat?" Hearing his voice, Gwen stirred, slowly opening her eyes as well, looking up at Duncan with a dopey smile on her face. When she noticed Duncan wasn't looking at her, she turned around. "Gah!" She pulled the sheets higher. "Why is she sleeping here?" Trent, who was standing over them, asked.

Duncan groaned and fell back onto his pillow. "Because she's my girlfriend! Why the hell is that a problem?" Gwen tried to reach for her top, failing by just a few inches. "Because girls aren't supposed to sleep with guys! We've got separated rooms, remember?" Trent answered, throwing Gwen's clothes at her in the same way one would throw the ball in a baseball game. The top she'd been trying to reach hit her square in the face.

Duncan attempted to chuckle and coughed violently for a few seconds. "Wow, man, you've officially become gayer than Noah.", he said, clearing his throat.

Trent spluttered indignantly. "Are you kidding me? I've got a girlfriend!" Duncan and Gwen's eyes widened, and the two shot up, suddenly wide awake.

"What? You've got a what?" "How the hell did a dweeb like you get a girlfriend?" "Wait! Who is it?" "Ha! I bet it's Eva, isn't it?" "Please don't tell me you're actually dating Courtney-" Duncan and Gwen interrupted each other in their frantic outbursts.

"No! I'm not dating Eva, and I'm not dating Courtney." Trent yelled. After a few seconds, Duncan shrugged and turned around, while Gwen tried to discreetly put her clothes on under the sheets. "…Aren't you guys gonna ask me who it is?"

"Katie." Duncan exclaimed, his eyes closed and facing the wall. As Gwen slid out of the bed, fully dressed, she smirked and put her shoes on. "It's sort of obvious. She's been hanging around you constantly, she's always sitting next to you at breakfast… and dinner too, now that I think about it… Anyway, it's fairly obvious she liked you, and it's fairly obvious you liked her back." As she grabbed her choker from the night stand, Gwen patted Trent on the shoulder. "You two make a great couple. You really fit each other well." Duncan sniggered from the bed. "Duncan! Be nice."

Putting her choker on, Gwen walked over to the door and opened it. "What in the world?"

"What in the world?" Eva was awoken by Katie's voice. Swiftly getting out of bed (she was used to waking up at 6 AM every day anyway, so that wasn't much of an issue), she looked over to where Katie was standing, which so happened to be Gwen's bed. Katie turned around, her hands on her hips. She swung her left hand around to the empty bunk in an agitated motion. "Where did she go?"

"Where do you think she went, pea brain? She went to Duncan's for the night." Katie gasped. "How could she?" Eva rolled her eyes, sitting back down on her bed. Katie could be so melodramatic sometimes. Eva contemplated for a second whether she hated Katie more when there were two of them, or now that she's alone. She decided this version was definitely worse.

"…I mean, like, you can't just shack up with your boyfriend here! That's so against the rules, and Trent is in there with her too! I bet that was her plan all along! I can't believe her! She is totally cheating on Duncan with MY BOYFRIEND!"

…Way worse.

Eva then realized Katie used the word "boyfriend" to describe Trent. She almost perked up to question Katie about it, but ultimately decided she didn't care enough to ask. She'd mention it to Noah later, and then he could figure out whether it was important or not. Knowing Katie, it probably wasn't. Eva changed her clothes and put her hair up into a ponytail.

Katie finished ranting (Eva had tuned out long ago), and stormed out of the door. "Huh?"

"Huh?" Noah blinked a few times, staring at the content of the drawer he just opened. Oh. Right. He had completely forgotten about that.

Noah woke up like usual that morning, by groaning for half an hour while desperately trying to get back to sleep. He got up and grabbed his clothes, taking about five minutes to put them on while trying not to fall asleep again. As he did so, he stared at Cody's bunk absently, his mind entirely somewhere else. It had only been a few days since Cody was eliminated, but things were already different. Breakfast was way more boring, for instance. Noah never realized it, but Cody was always happy during breakfast, which was surprising, considering how little sleep he got. For some reason, that made Noah a little bit happier too. In a way, Cody was his distraction from the ennui of Total Drama; now, there's nothing left to distract him.

Other than Courtney, of course. That's another way in which things had changed. Courtney made it a point to be unreasonable and irritated whenever possible around Noah and Eva after Cody was eliminated. She was hell-bent on revenge, to everyone's amusement. It didn't even make sense, really. The alliance never did anything against Courtney to begin with, but in her opinion, the alliance should have made their presence clear from the moment they started it. Because that story wouldn't end with their immediate elimination.

Speaking of stories, Noah still needed a book for when he went down to the lodge. Without Cody, Noah really had nothing else to do there but read. Eva would sit with him and they'd talk sometimes, but they'd mostly just sit there and eat their food.

Noah opened the drawer of his night stand and grabbed a book he hadn't started yet. He was suddenly faced with the necklace he had stuffed in there a while ago. Oh. Right. He had completely forgotten about that.

Alejandro's necklace was glaring at him from its spot in the drawer. When Alejandro was kicked off the show, Noah found it lying in there, as if it was his. Noah had initially assumed Alejandro had forgotten it, but the longer he thought about it, the more he realized that Alejandro wouldn't be so stupid as to leave his jewelry behind so carelessly. He was certain the eel left it where Noah could see it. He just couldn't figure out why, until he realized that was exactly the point; Alejandro had left the necklace behind so that Noah would keep thinking about why he would have done that, and as such he would keep thinking about Alejandro. After he had figured that out, Noah decided Alejandro wasn't worth his time. He just forgot to do anything about the necklace.

Well, now's as good a time as ever. Noah grabbed his book and the necklace and walked over to the door, intending to go over to the toilets and flush that thing down the drain, but not before pissing all over it. His plans were foiled when he opened the door. "Oh, for God's sake."

"Oh, for God's sake! Could you shut up for one second? It's morning, you B.I.T.C-" "Shut up, Heather! Come over here! Look!" Courtney yelled from where she was standing at the door. Grumbling and cursing the world, Heather got up, walked over to Courtney, and looked out the door.

The campgrounds were gone. Instead, Heather and Courtney were greeted with the sight of a dark hallway that branched out into several paths. The only light illuminating the hallway was a flickering light bulb swinging onto the ceiling halfway through the corridor. The black walls and complete silence gave the corridor an eerie quality, strengthened by the swinging light. There was no sign of the campgrounds anywhere.

"What is this place?" Courtney asked herself more than anyone else. "Did they build this place around us while we were sleeping?" Heather didn't answer, frozen in the doorway. "Maybe they moved us somewhere else!" Bridgette offered from behind them. "That's impossible, I'm sure I would've felt that. And besides-" Courtney and Bridgette were startled when Heather unfroze, letting out a piercing shriek. "CHRIS!"

"I see you're all awake. Welcome to our new facility! Feels real lofty. Long hallways and all that." Chris's voice sounded through the hallways. "You must be wondering why you're here. Well, naturally, it's challenge time! Your goal today is to find your way out of this place. While this may be an individual challenge, you're gonna need help at certain point in the maze, because there are some puzzles you can't fix alone! Which kinda sucks for you, Noah, seeing as you're all alone and stuff. You should also be careful while navigating these halls, as there might be some obstacles, such as slime cannons and… oh, no, actually, it's just slime cannons. Still, I'd stay on your toes if you don't wanna get… heh… slimed." The campers patiently waited until Chris was done cackling, as they had gotten accustomed to the habit. "And when I say careful, I mean it, because you can only obtain invincibility if you make it out clean. Well, enough talking! GO!"

"Why do I still let myself get thrown around by someone less famous than me…" Heather mused, leaning against the doorframe. "Right!" Courtney walked a few steps ahead, into the hallway. "So we need to stay together for this one. Listen, Heather, I know you don't like us very much, and believe me, the feeling's mutual, but we still need your help. I'm assuming. Anyway, there's three of us. Gwen, Katie and Eva are also paired up, but Trent and Duncan are a team of two, and they hate each other, so…" As Courtney rambled on about her strategy, Bridgette pulled Heather aside.

"Heather?" Heather turned her head with a scorching glare, slapping Bridgette's hand off of her arm. "What?"

"About Bruno…" Heather rolled her eyes and walked back into the cabin. "You and your stupid bear. I swear, sometimes it's like your entire life revolves around that bear. He's not exactly dying to find you again, you know. He's doing just fine on his own, so you're really just being selfish-"

Heather was interrupted by Bridgette grabbing her arm again, more forcibly this time. She turned to complain, but thought better of it when she saw the look on Bridgette's face. "As I was saying, you haven't exactly helped me find Bruno yet. Like, not even a clue. Not intentionally, at least." Heather took a step back as Bridgette leaned in closer. "I mean, you've just told me he's doing fine, which means he's somewhere in the forest, where he can comfortably survive. The fact that you know where he is tells me he's probably still on the island, seeing as you don't exactly have any external sources. It really won't take me that long to search the entire forest, seeing as I've already cleared a considerable part of the island. So I guess I don't really need your help that much."

Heather blinked incredulously. "But… no, wait, uh… I- I do know exactly…"

"Just admit it. You've got nothing to bait me with anymore. So here's the deal…" Bridgette felt a hand on her shoulder and spun around to face Courtney. "What were you guys talking about?"

Bridgette smiled at Courtney as innocently as she could. "Nothing! I was just telling Heather to get some flashlights!", she said cheerily, gesturing at the night stand next to her bunk. "Good idea!"

"Good idea." Gwen drawled as she sat down in the middle of a hallway. Duncan's idea was that they should take the middle path, because that would eventually lead to the middle of the island. Or something like that. The only reason Gwen and Trent went along with it was because neither had a better idea. And Duncan might have been twirling his knife around as he spoke.

"Hey, if any of you have a better plan, you're more than welcome to speak up!" Duncan stomped through the corridor. As Gwen rushed after him, she wondered how many of these hallways they had passed. And how long it had been already. She was starting to get hungry.

"You don't have to be such a jerk to your own girlfriend, you know." Trent spoke up, standing in front of Duncan, blocking his way. He was greeted with the glare of a madman. Duncan was obviously getting frustrated, which was bad news for Trent. "How about you mind your own damn business and get the hell out of my way?" Duncan shoved Trent out of the way in a brisk movement. "And don't walk so close to her!" He grabbed Gwen's arm and moved her away from Trent.

Gwen wriggled her arm out of Duncan's grasp and hit him on the shoulder. "Could you please stop acting like you own me?" She pointedly walked in between Duncan and Trent again, glowering at Duncan as if she were daring him to do something about it. The mohawk opted to keep walking. "Nice move, dumbass." Trent bit at him, walking faster to keep up with the nearly sprinting punk. "Is that really how you treat your girlfriend? Pathetic."

"Shut up, will ya? I see a light at the end." Duncan pointed at the end of the corridor while Trent daydreamed about how cool it would be if Duncan had meant the metaphorical light at the end. The three reached the room at the end of the hallway. It was a large enclosure, lit up by several cold lights on the walls. Moss grew on the stone walls, and some of the tiles on the floor were chipped. It gave the impression of a ruin, left alone for hundreds of years. The door on the opposite end of the room was shut.

Gwen walked over to the door. It was a large and heavy stone door, the kind that wouldn't move easily. There was no keyhole.

As Trent sat down on a stone block in the corner of the room, Duncan strolled over to where Gwen was standing and inspected the door. "Right. Now what?"

"Right. Now what?" Katie said, her hands on her hips. She and Eva had just entered a big empty room, apart from the stone cube in the middle of the room. The door blocking their way out was most definitely locked. It would not open, no matter how much Eva pushed and pulled and slammed and kicked, egged on by Katie. Well, not so much egged on as ordered. Loudly.

Eva shrugged and picked up the cube. Walking over to the door, she threw it at the stone slab at hard as possible. Nothing. The door didn't even budge. "I guess they put some time into making these things…" Eva mused, tapping the door with her knuckle.

Katie sighed and started pacing around the room. "Well, can't you, like, try harder or something? I mean, we have a challenge to win and I'm gonna be stuck here the entire day if that door doesn't open! And I haven't even eaten yet! Come on! Do you want us to lose?" Katie turned around to continue pacing, spinning onto her heel and right in front of Eva's face. "I haven't exactly seen you do anything useful, skinny brain."

Katie let out a loud whine. "Well, you're the strong and freaky one here! That's what you're supposed to do!" In her frustration, she kicked over a rather large pebble. "Oh, look! I found a button!"

She got onto her hands and knees to look at the small button, which was planted on the floor, next to the wall on the left. It was cleverly hidden, not only by the pebble, but also by the sprouts of grass growing in the earth at this wall. Katie pressed the button and looked around the room. "Hey! Why did nothing happen?" She got up again and pointed over to the door. "Go check if it's open!"

Eva begrudgingly stomped over to the door. "Sure, princess…", she muttered under her breath as she pushed the door. "Nope." Katie huffed and crossed her arms, pouting. "Well, why would they just put a button there if it doesn't even do anything?" Eva shrugged again, finding it easier than talking to the stick chick. "Try pressing it again." Katie rolled her eyes, but crouched down and pressed the button again. This time, Eva noticed something moving from the corner of her eye. She looked up at the ceiling. "Ha!" Katie spun around so fast that she lost her balance and fell. "What happened?", she asked. "Press it again!" Eva said, and as Katie obliged, she too noticed what the button did.

Every time Katie pressed the button, the ceiling opened up, revealing a ledge higher up. Although the ledge was too high to get to, there was a mirror on the higher ceiling, showing that there was a large button on the ledge. One that would require a large heavy block to properly push down. "Jackpot."

Eva walked over to the cube and picked it up in one swift move. Right as she aimed the rock at the ledge and hurled it, the ceiling closed. "Hey! What the-" Eva turned around to see Katie on the ground. "I'm sorry, I tripped!" Katie murmured, getting up to crouch next to the button again. Eva huffed, grabbing the cube again and resisting the temptation to lob it at Katie's head. "Just hold the damn button down! I'd like to not lose because of your incompetence." The ceiling closed again; Eva groaned loudly and spun around on her heel. Katie was standing next to the button, her arms stacked. "Why'd you stop now?"

Katie frowned, visibly shaking in her attempt to keep her composure. "I am not incompetent!" Eva looked at the button, as if to confirm the opposite. "Incompetent enough to not be able to press a button for longer than five seconds."

"I lost my balance for a second! Oh, like you've never tripped at all in your life! That doesn't mean-"

"QUIET!" Eva roared. Katie shut up and took a few steps back, eyes wide. "While we're over here talking about how incompetent you clearly aren't, like, hello," Eva spoke the last part in a valley girl accent, "we still haven't finished the puzzle. Hold the damn button." Katie pouted, but did as she asked. Eva launched the cube at the button on the ledge, and the door opened.

"Took ya long enough."

"Took ya long enough." Noah glared at the general direction of Chris's voice. He got slightly lost. It's not like it wasn't bound to happen, without directions or anything! "Oh, that was specifically meant for Noah, guys. The rest of you are doing great." Noah rolled his eyes and focused on the room he was in. Pretty old, from the looks of it, although that was probably just the way Chris made it look. Moss, broken tiles, temple-y designs on the walls, that sort of thing. Noah took a piece of moss from the ground. Fake. "Didn't even bother to make it look convincing once again, huh?", he muttered.

He assessed the situation he was in. The room was mostly empty, apart from a large red button in the middle of the room. It looked weirdly futuristic, clashing with the rest of the room, which even had natural light flooding in from the ceiling instead of another perpetually swinging light bulb. Good. It was still light out. He hadn't been running around like a total idiot all day. He stepped onto the button, which caused the door in front of him to open. Now if only there was something in the room heavy enough to keep the button down.

It was then that he saw the small button on the wall of the hallway behind the door. Great. That meant that one person would probably have to stand on the button, the other would then have to go through the door and press the smaller button, and that would keep the door open for the first person. Which meant that he was now stuck. Already.

He looked around and picked up a pebble from in between the cracks. Getting back on the button and steadying himself, he aimed the pebble at the switch and threw it. "And this is why sports are not my forte." He sighed and stepped off the button in resignation. The door slid shut with a mocking screech. Chris's grating laughter sounded through the hidden speakers. "Man, you have some sucky aim! Not so clever now, are ya?" Noah stayed silent. He wasn't gonna give Chris the satisfaction of making him snap.

"I knew this teamwork thing was a good idea! Man, I just wanted to see you absolutely suck at something. And I freaking found it! Ah, the fresh sting of humiliation. Feels so good." Noah stood on the button again, trying to look like he had a plan. "Well, it feels good from this side of the intercom. Not so much from where you're standing. On a button, with no idea what to do." Guess he didn't look very convincing.

As he feverishly looked around the room, burning up from the embarrassment, his eye landed on a rather large patch of moss. After contemplating whether he had found a relevant clue, or whether he was just trying too hard to find a solution and would just be embarrassed again, he walked over to the moss. He ripped the moss off the wall and nearly clapped excitedly. Button!

His excitement diminished when he pressed the button. Instead of just opening the door, it opened up the wall opposite the button, revealing a short corridor with a lever… and several slime cannons in between, firing at high speed. "Crap."

"Crap." Courtney, Bridgette and Heather had been in several rooms already. They had found a rope in the first puzzle, and took it with them to help with the next chambers. Courtney fervently ordered the other two around. In that aspect, and in many others, Bridgette and Heather were polar opposites: Bridgette obeyed every order Courtney gave, while Heather scoffed and sat in the corner of the room, only helping when forced. She actually came in useful once by sitting on a button she didn't even see.

Unfortunately, that button didn't only open the door, but it also made the slime cannon above her vomit green goo all over her. "Well, this is absolutely disgusting." Heather tried to remove some of the slime from her face, to no avail. Courtney and Bridgette quietly sniggered as Heather cursed Chris to hell and back. "Now come on, we gotta hurry. Because the two of us can actually still win this." Courtney grabbed the rope and walked towards the door. She was then passed by Bridgette, who ran through the door at a volatile speed. She turned around to see Heather coming at her, drenched hands held out in front of her like a zombie. Courtney screeched and sprinted off. "No! Don't touch me! AAAH!"

After quite a while, long after Heather had decided it wasn't worth the trouble to chase the slightly faster girls just for the pleasure of getting them disqualified (After all, she could still find a way to manipulate Bridgette, and ruining her chances at the challenge would also ruin Heather's chance of gaining a lackey), the girls reached the next room. Aside from the very closed door, there was a large staircase leading up to a small aperture. The cavity had a few bars in front of it, but they were wide enough apart that any of them could squeeze through. The opening presumably led to a drop, although you couldn't see what was down there from where the girls were standing.

"Right. Up the stairs it is. You first, Drippy. Wouldn't want you stabbing us in the back on our way up." Heather huffed, but walked over to the stairs in front, as Courtney had asked. Courtney and Bridgette followed, cautious of Heather. It still wasn't really a good plan; Heather could turn around at any moment and slap the both of them in the face with her gooey hands. Luckily for them, she didn't.

Not so luckily for them, the stairs gave in as soon as Heather had reached the top, integrating with the floor and taking Courtney and Bridgette down with them. The two got up and rubbed wherever it was they landed on before looking up at Heather, who was laughing at the both of them.

"Shut up, Heather! What do you see up there?" Courtney said. Heather turned around and peered through the bars. "Uhh… There's a button down there, but it's a pretty long drop. Like, possible injury. And there'd be no way up." Courtney shared a look with Bridgette for a second. "Not the worst idea." Heather turned back, glaring at Courtney. "I heard that!"

"So, what do you want us to do?" Bridgette asked to break the uncomfortable tension that followed, where Courtney and Heather just glared at each other. Heather gestured at the rope in Courtney's hand. "Gimme that." Courtney defensively held the hope back, which backfired when Bridgette grabbed it from her hands and threw it up at Heather. "Come on, Courtney. Can we try to get out of here without killing each other, please?", she said to Courtney, who stood next to her with the ultimate "what the fuck" expression on her face.

Heather tied the rope to one of the bars and slipped through them, holding on to the rope and sliding down. As she landed, she suddenly got an idea. After standing completely still for a short while, deep in thought about whether her plan would work out, she got her knife (which could have helped them out in several puzzles had Heather not opted to sit on her ass and do nothing instead) out of her pocket and cut part of the rope. After a few seconds, Courtney's voice echoed through the burrow. "Well? What's taking you so long?"

"The rope broke!" Heather answered, dropping the piece of rope on the floor. She could hear Courtney's loud groan and smirked. "And I'm not pressing the button until you find a solution!"

"What? What the hell are we supposed to do about that? We had nothing but that rope!" Courtney threw her hands in the air. "Why do you have to ruin everything?" She started pacing around the room as Bridgette nervously looked on.

Heather was silent for quite some time afterwards, but true to her word, she refused to press the button. Courtney resorted to sitting down against the wall, staring intently at some random spot. At least, Bridgette had observed her for quite some time, and she couldn't find any specific reason why she could be staring at that spot on the wall. It wasn't even particularly mossy or anything. Bridgette could nearly see the sanity leaving her eyes. "Are you okay?", she asked. "She just…" Courtney was quiet for a few seconds, and Bridgette thought she had just continued staring. "She just ruins everything. Everything." "You know I can still hear you, right?" Heather yelled from the cavity.

Courtney abruptly stood up and stomped over to the aperture, startling Bridgette. "YEAH, YOU HEARD ME! YOU'RE A SPOILED, ROTTEN BRAT WHO HAS NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN RUIN EVERYBODY ELSE'S DAY, BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR NONSENSE AT ALL, SO IF YOU DO NOT PRESS THAT BUTTON RIGHT NOW-" As if on cue, the door opened behind them. "…Thank you."

Suddenly, Heather appeared behind the bars, holding on to the rope and climbing out of the opening. After getting the rope from the bar, she carefully dropped to the ground. "You're welcome, bitch."

"Wait! Did you seriously lie about the rope breaking?" Courtney uttered. "Nope." Heather held up the shorter rope as proof. "But as you can see, I managed to use my belt as a handy tool once again. Yay me!" Heather detached her belt from the rope and gave the latter back to Courtney. "Alright! Let's go!", she said cheerily, just to bother Courtney more. "Oh, and the rope might have gotten a little slimy, but I had to sacrifice my clothes, so I'm sure you'll be able to deal." The three walked through the door, into… another room.

"Oh. Well, that was fast." Bridgette said. The room was once again rather large. It was also rather filled with hurdles, dangerous jumps and the like. At the very top of the room, a red glowing button taunted them. But you'd have to be a parkour expert to reach it, not to mention all the slime cannons in the way. "This should be doable. You guys just wait here, I'll be up there in no time." Courtney said, climbing onto the first pillar in a row of them, more than a little far apart.

While Courtney was busy jumping her way up to the button, Heather pulled Bridgette aside. "Hey, surfer girl? We should talk."

Bridgette frowned. "Really? Because I thought we were done talking. I don't need your help anymore, Heather. And you're not getting mine."

Heather shifted her weight onto her other leg and crossed her arms. "Oh, I think you do need my help. There's something you don't know." Bridgette rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I'm that dumb?"

"No, but I do think you won't have any choice. Bruno's being moved." Bridgette gasped softly, but regained her composure. "You're lying."

"Nope. Chris told me while I was down there. Why do you think I stayed so long?" Bridgette shook her head. "That can't be true! They can't do that!" Heather scoffed. "Do you really think Chris cares whether or not he can? He's done worse. I mean, Courtney's probably about to die by a sad but predictable misstep, and I don't exactly see anything to catch her-" Right then, the door opened. Bridgette and Heather looked up to see Courtney next to the button. Courtney gave them a thumbs-up and started her descent, using the rope to get down faster.

Heather turned to Bridgette. "You still need me. Remember that." Courtney landed on the ground very much alive and walked over to the door. "Come on! We can still win!" Bridgette ran over to the door, while Heather loudly complained about the fact that no, she could not win anymore. But as Bridgette left the room, the door slammed shut and the floor opened, dropping Heather into a dark room. As she got up, she was grabbed by her arm and pulled along. "What the- Chef?"

"Just come along, Chris will explain later." Chef grumbled, as if Heather had a choice. He walked into another room, where Chris was sitting in front of a bunch of screens. Chef planted Heather down on a chair and leaned against the wall.

"Sorry about that. The thing is, there was water in the next room, and you could've cleaned yourself off. And we really didn't want that." Chris said. Heather crossed her arms. "Why not?"

"Well, see, you already won the last challenge, and to compensate, we decided we wanted someone else to win this one. Also, you talked about us relocating Bruno, which ain't true. We don't want anyone to get the wrong idea and think we're actually doing that when we're not allowed. So how about you go clean yourself off? You reek! Shower's thataway." Heather stormed off, trying to ignore Chris's cackling.


"You suck!" "Oh, really? Wow, even I'm better at insults, and I usually just threaten people."

Eva and Katie were beyond sick of each other. Throughout the rooms, the two bickered with each other non-stop. "Where did you leave that cube?" "Just press the button, damn it!" "You don't have to yell at me all the time, you know!" "Just press the button! Come on!" "Why did you almost cause that slime cannon to shoot at me? You're so mean!" "JUST PRESS THE BUTTON!"

Right now, they were each standing in opposite corners of a room, trying not to get slimed. Upon entering the room, Eva noticed there was a button stand in one corner of the chamber. She bounded right over to it and pressed the button, knowing that Katie would somehow take forever to press it. It didn't cause the door to open; instead, it caused four slime cannons to appear from the middle of each wall and start spewing goo. This caused Eva to be trapped in that same corner, while Katie was stuck in the corner with the entrance door.

"Now what are we going to do?" Katie whined. Eva barely resisted the temptation to walk through the slime and beat her up. "Well, I don't know, why don't you try looking around?" Her voice sounded not entirely unlike a lion's roar, except she sounded way more agitated.

Katie obviously didn't feel like doing that, so she decided just to go sit on the floor. "I don't even wanna win anymore." Eva groaned. Why did she have to be paired up with the mentally 12 year old brat? "Well, too bad. I still do, and you can't sit here forever. So how about you do something for a change?"

Katie scoffed. "Why should I do what you say just because you want to win? I don't want you to win either, so I'm not gonna do anything! Ha!" She looked very smug. Eva resorted to throwing a pebble at her face, which Katie narrowly dodged.

"Hey! Did you seriously just throw a pebble at me? Okay, that's it! I'm out of here!" Katie got up and walked out of the entrance door. "What? Where are you going? Oh, for God's sake! KATIE!" Eva punched the wall in frustration. Katie peered into the room from the door. "Did you just punch the wall? I felt the earth move." Eva scowled at her. "See, this is why you've never had a boyfriend." Katie continued as she walked out again.

"Alright, that's it!" Eva yelled as she walked through the slime cannons. Ignoring the fact that she just lost, she stomped over to Katie, who had started running in fear. Eva caught up to her and threw the smaller girl over her shoulder. "Hey! Let go of me! Let me go, you ugly brute!" Katie yelled as Eva carried her back into the room. Eva walked over to the exit door, but not before putting Katie's head right in front of a slime cannon. "That's what you get for being a spoiled little brat!", she growled, kicking the exit door open by sheer force.

As Eva continued, Katie screamed incessantly at her captor. "Let me go! Let me go or I swear to God I will skin you alive!"

"I swear to God, I will skin you alive!" "Yeah, good luck not getting arrested again after that!" "Prison would be worth it!" "Oh, please! You're not even worth prison!"

Gwen considered jumping into the slime cannon on the other side of the room, just for variety. Maybe the sound of slime spewing out of the cannons would drown out the noise of the two children fighting. "Yeah, well, good luck with your brain dead girlfriend, numbnut!" It probably wouldn't.

They had been going at it non-stop for chamber after chamber. Trent and Duncan couldn't take a single step without insulting each other, it seemed. And neither of them seemed to care about how insane she was getting, stuck in the middle of their petty arguments. This was probably the worst torture she ever had to go through, and Chris made her listen to New Age music. "Chances are, you'll be someone's girlfriend in jail!"

Gwen leaned her head on the wall she was sitting against. She was sure the room had an actual puzzle, judging from the slime cannons, and she knew there was still a challenge to compete in, but right now she couldn't focus on anything other than the constant pounding in her head. The two boys had seemingly forgotten about the task at hand as well, and were instead circling each other around the room, hurling insults at each other with no actual goal. "Oh please! If anyone here would be a prison bitch, it'd be you, guitar boy!"

As Duncan ragged on Trent's guitar more, Gwen tried to ignore the fight going on in the middle of the room (she'd try to intervene as soon as punches started getting thrown, but she did not have the time or patience to break them up now) and scanned the room, trying to figure out what they actually had to do. There were two large buttons in plain sight on one side of the cannon, and another one on the other side. Earlier on, the team had figured out what the first two buttons did. The first opened up part of the floor, leading to an underground corridor. The second… Well, they hadn't quite figured out what exactly happened once they stood on that button. All they heard was a weird noise from under the floor. "Oh really? You want to talk about objects we're too attached to? Well, how about we talk about your knife?"

At that point, it really seemed like Duncan was going to hurt someone, and Gwen could feel the veins in her head popping, so she decided to step in. "Hey! Both of you! Shut up!", she yelled, standing between the two of them. The boys stopped arguing, blinking at the sudden interruption. "Could you two just be quiet for two seconds? Your constant screeching is giving me the biggest headache, so you're gonna cut it out for the rest of the day. You," she pointed at Duncan, "owe that to me as my boyfriend, and you," switching to Trent, "owe it to the world to remain a decent human being, and you're sliding down the slope pretty fast right now. Now, I have a challenge to win, so step on those buttons. I'm going in." Duncan and Trent sheepishly walked over to the buttons. Gwen jumped down the opened floor, entering the corridor.

It wasn't a long walk. The entire hallway probably still fit under the room. Gwen turned a corner and simultaneously found out what the second button did. There was a gate there, which Duncan probably opened with his clunky feet. Gwen walked ahead, reaching a small burrow, completely empty aside from a button and a cube. With a lot of effort and time, Gwen managed to push the stone cube onto the button. "Well, at least the hellish challenges Chris threw at us helped for something." She walked back, only to find a closed gate. "Hey! Guys!"

A few seconds later, the gate opened just long enough for Gwen to slip through it, before closing right behind her. "What the hell are you guys doing up there?" Gwen ran over to the main chamber, only to find that the floor was also closed. "GUYS!" While the floor didn't open up again, Gwen heard a lot of shuffling, as well as vague shouting. That last one was definitely a swear word. Finally, the floor opened. Gwen groaned in exasperation, glaring at the scene playing out before her.

Trent and Duncan were fighting each other, yelling while wildly trying to land a punch. They had rolled onto the right button by accident, allowing Gwen to witness the full glory of their stupidity. "STOP!" Gwen screamed at the highest volume she could produce. The two did stop, staring at her from where they were trying to beat her up. "Are you two insane? You trapped me down here twice because you were too busy fighting each other! Get me down here, and stop being such idiots, for God's sake!" The two scurried around, with Trent standing on the button helplessly while Duncan pulled a seething Gwen out of the pit.

Gwen wordlessly stormed through the open door, followed by Duncan and Trent, who wisely stayed a bit behind to avoid her wrath.

After a few minutes of walking, the three reached a stairway. At the top was a large white arch, signifying their victory. As they silently walked up the stairs, Trent held his arm out in front of Duncan, who raised his eyebrow. "What the hell do you think you're doing?", he uttered, breaking the long silence. "Just making sure you wouldn't steal the victory from your girlfriend." Trent kept his arm out until Duncan pushed him away. Gwen turned around, a familiarly tired expression on her face. "Just cut it out guys, it's been a long day…" Duncan entirely ignored her, pushing Trent again for good measure. "Why do you think I'd do that, huh?"

"Guys…" Both boys didn't pay Gwen any heed as they started arguing again. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because you clearly don't have any morals to speak of?" Trent retorted. "Whereas you do and you went bonkers on national TV. Morals aren't everything, pansy."

"Gwen, just go ahead." Trent said, turning around to face Duncan again. Gwen quickly ran over to the arch to ensure her victory, and then ran back. "Just calm down a bit, Duncan.", she tried to interject. "Better than not having any morals and constantly being insane through all three seasons!" Trent blurted out, completely ruining any chance of Duncan calming down.

"That's it!" Duncan roared, simultaneously pushing Gwen aside and ramming Trent up against the wall. "You are nothing but obsessiveness and holier-than-thou attitude, and you need to be taught a LESSON!" He then pulled his knife out of his pocket.

"Duncan! No!" Gwen shrieked, standing in front of Trent. Chris and Chef stormed in with a couple of interns and held Duncan back. Chef forced his hand open and pulled the knife out. "Woah dude, you seriously need to take a chill pill!" Chris uttered, genuine shock on his face.

Gwen walked over to him and slapped him in the face.

"What is wrong with you?", she yelled, startling everyone who hadn't already been sufficiently shocked by the smack. "I can't believe I stuck with you through all this time! I stayed with you, even with your constant, juvenile, lunatic hatred against Trent. I didn't say anything when he saved my life and you did nothing! I forgave you when you broke Trent's guitar! But now? You threatened him with a knife, Duncan! There is no coming back from that!" Duncan stopped trying to get loose as Gwen spoke. "And I can't stay with you anymore. It's over, Duncan." Gwen grabbed Trent's arm and ran off.

After a few moments, Duncan's breath levelled as he came out of his rage. He then turned his head to see Courtney, Bridgette, Katie and Eva, who had arrived just in time to see everything go down.

"Well, this is gonna be interesting…" Chef deadpanned from behind Duncan.

"This is gonna be interesting!" Chris chuckled as the campers sat down in front of the campfire. "A lot of stuff happened today, and I'm sure that will show in the results. Heh…" Cue cackle.

"Anyway, is Gwen still coming or is she just going to sulk in her room?" Chris asked. Trent raised his hand. "Yeah, she wasn't comfortable with being here yet- Ow!" He shot a look at Katie, who had nudged him in the ribs. "You have to stop talking to Gwen!", she whispered.

"…Right. Well, she won the challenge anyway, so I guess there's no ruined surprise in telling you she's safe." Chris ate her marshmallow himself.

Chris cleared his throat to continue, then paused and threw his cards into the fire.

"Eh, who am I kidding? Duncan, you are of course voted off. Dock of Shame is thataway, and please don't come back."

[I know Heather told me to vote for Noah, but I'm sure she won't find out anyway… I have to vote for Duncan! He crossed the line and back today.] - Bridgette

[Boy, am I glad I got out of that relationship before it got to the knives.] - Courtney (so, Duncan right?)

[You see what happened? Trent ruined everything! I've lost Gwen, and he's so smug about it, I'm sure!] - Duncan

[Eh, can't blame him. It's not like I've never snapped on this island before. I vote for Courtney, we still need her out of the way.] - Eva

[VOTE MISSING] - Gwen (don't worry, she didn't just say that, she just wasn't there)

[Well, this just got to a whole new level of homicidal. …Still, I'd rather get Noah out.] - Heather

[Oh my god, I so vote for Duncan. I can't believe he threatened my Trent!] - Katie

[And suddenly, being threatened to get a botched lip piercing doesn't sound so bad anymore. I'll vote for Duncan.] - Noah

[I feel sorry for him at this point. He's obviously lost it so bad, and he'll have to go back to prison now, I assume. …That doesn't mean I'm not voting on him so much.] - Trent

"Please don't come back… Like anyone wants you there…" Duncan murmured under his breath and he walked onto the Dock of Shame.

He had really messed up. He had never been stuck with Trent for that long, and he finally just snapped. And it cost him. It cost him Gwen, it cost him two million, and it cost him his knife.

"Forgetting something?" Chris said. Duncan didn't turn around. Whatever the hell Chris had in store for him next, he didn't wanna know about it. "Oh, you don't want your knife back?" Well, that changed things. Duncan spun around, facing Chris, who was indeed standing there with Duncan's knife in his hand. "Can I have it back?" Duncan asked hopefully. "Yup!" Chris waved the knife in front of Duncan's face. When Duncan reached out to get it, however, Chris threw it behind his back, where Chef caught it. "Nah. Just kidding. Only a total idiot would give a madman his weapon back. Adios, man! Don't let the dock hit you on the way out!" Duncan stuck his middle finger up at Chris as he stepped onto the boat.

"Well, that wraps this episode up! We have to start getting more careful here. Think of the lawsuits coming from Trent's dad if he had died! Good thing for me that that didn't happen. But while the question about how insane people could get on this show is sufficiently answered, more questions arise: What'll happen to Gwen now? Will she get back together with Trent? Or will Trent and Katie stay together? Man, I don't know how he can stand being in the same room as her… Oh, and will Bridgette find out about Heather lying? Find out next time- that is, if we don't get cancelled- next time on Total. Drama. TOURNAMENT!"

"I hate this show, man. I can't believe everyone keeps coming back to this hellhole every single season. Everything falls apart on that island. In hindsight, I just wish I got out before that happened to me."

"I just couldn't deal anymore, you know? I had to look at his stupid face and hear his stupid voice every. Single. DAY! And when he said all that bullshit about morals, I just lost it. Seeing red, you know? I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been stuck with him for so incredibly long. So it really wasn't my fault, right?"

"Hey, why are we going past the Playa? Ah, you're not taking me to prison, are you? Damn it!"

I've been playing Portal. Can you tell?

So yeah, this might have been my longest chapter yet, but I'm not sure that was a good thing. Too slow during most of the chapter, and then all of a sudden the end is all rushed.

Also, I'm not sure whether I went too far with the whole knife thing. I think I just turned Duncan from a no-bullshit punk into a homicidal maniac, and that can't be good character development.

I guess you'll just have to tell me what you think! Leave reviews. Many. Many, many reviews. Now.
