WARNING! This story is rated M, or NC-17, for strong language, some offensive themes, and graphic sexual content. if you'd rather not read that sort of thing, or are not a legal adult in your country,PLEASE DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. thank you.

DISCLAIMER: The characters mentioned in this piece of writing are fictional and belong to Marvel Studios. I do not own any of these characters, and am in no way affiliated with The Avengers or Marvel. No money is being made of off this fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.

SPOILER WARNING: This fanfic contains spoilers for The Avengers (2012).

SUMMARY: "To your stations," Loki ordered calmly, and the Avengers nodded and obeyed. The God of Mischief conjured the glowing blue scepter in his hands as he stepped forward.
This is a story not only about what it would be like if Loki won the war, but how he might use his newfound power. He grows more evil and power-hungry, and more comfortable with his greed and his taste for manipulating others. This is a story of how the God of Mischief, the would-be Asgardian king, gradually becomes the horrible tyrant he's always wanted to be. What would Loki do, once he achieved everything he had always thought he wanted?

PAIRINGS: Loki/Thor, Tony/Bruce, Clint/Natasha

CONTENT WARNINGS*: M/M, M/F, Anal, Oral, Angst, Non-con, Hypnotism/Mind-Control, Violence, Humiliation, Bondage, Exhibitionism

* Most warnings apply to later parts of the story (part 8 and after). Also, chapters are usually short, but there are many of them.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just to warn you, this fic is dark, angsty, violent, and contains offensive themes such as mass murder, brainwashing, slavery, and non-consensual sex. Though it does have some lighter moments, it's still mostly gloomy and apocalyptic.

I usually fail at creating actual storylines, so I just write one-shots and PWP. But for this story, I tried to develop a decent plot. I say decent, not great, so don't expect a masterpiece. I just couldn't go PWP with this one, because in my imagination, I don't think Loki would know exactly how to be a sexual predator right off the bat. I don't think he cared about discovering his sexuality during his life on Asgard. I'm running with the idea that he was still sexually inexperienced at the time he perceived Thor and Odin's betrayal and let himself fall into the abyss.

Be sure to leave me your love-or-hate reviews! :)

and once again, PLEASE do NOT read this if you are not yet a legal adult in your country, or do not wish to read a story containing any of the themes described above. Thanks~

Loki Unmakes
By RulerofTravels


He was so easy to get to.

Thor had always been naïve and gullible, and Loki had no more difficulty fooling him this time around. It was disappointing, really.

All it took was a slight lowering of Loki's guard, a little flash of empathy, and one deft, deceiving movement… And Thor had become his.

"It's too late… too late to stop it," Loki breathed, his voice weary from fighting and feeling. He was weary—that wasn't an act, but his words were deceptive as ever.

He looked past Thor's shoulder, out over New York City from the balcony of Stark Tower, and saw the streets slowly filling with chaos. More Chitauri spilled down from the portal, being defeated more slowly as Thor was currently occupied. Loki's heart swelled at the beauty of the sight. His mind reeled with all the possibilities for the future of his reign, if only he could win it. He'd wanted this for so long, and now he just needed to push a bit more. The blackest thoughts spiraled through his head and tumbled out of his teary eyes as he glanced back at his brother.

Thor looked so vulnerable.

Loki didn't really know how he moved fast enough. He wondered if it was Thor's hesitation or his own, that finally turned the tide.

His scepter had been knocked from his hands previously and lay several feet away, and he stood prone, seemingly defenseless. Thor was too busy watching his eyes to notice the dagger held at Loki's hip. The moment he stabbed Thor and the god stumbled backward in shock, Loki switched places with a projection behind Thor, and picked up his scepter.

Thor didn't recognize the illusion until the real Loki grabbed him in a choke hold from behind, and brought the curved blade of his scepter up against Thor's chest.

Loki felt the scepter's power channel up through his arms, and for a moment he could feel Thor's heartbeat as the power seemed to connect their bodies. The God of Mischief gasped in happy surprise as Thor began to struggle, then stilled in his hold. Loki released him and stepped around to watch his would-be-brother's eyes in the final moments of the change. Loki saw his own disbelief mirrored in those eyes, along with a sweet wash of pain. It was a fitting betrayal.

"Sentiment… Again, it has cost you." Loki whispered, his smile broadening as he watched Thor's eyes widen in realization and fear, the last of him slipping away... Then the influence overtook him and his stormy gaze shifted to a sinister, icy blue.

Mjolnir fell from Thor's fist with a loud clunk, and the God of Thunder's face and posture assumed a blank, open manner. He stood up straight and his arms hung loosely at his sides, his new eyes staring straight ahead.

Thor's face was the most serene Loki had ever seen it. He still looked regal, but now his brow was relaxed, his expression was soft and empty… As if he could stand ready forever, like a statue atop a gravestone.

Loki lowered the scepter slowly and stood still for a few moments, barely hiding his shock.

That was much too easy... Maybe it wouldn't last? The power felt like it had taken a strong hold, but had he really turned the God of Thunder to his side? He stood a few paces in front of Thor, and stared at his serene face for several long seconds, waiting for a change, waiting for Thor to snap out of it… but he never did.

"…Thor?" Loki questioned softly, still keeping his distance, scepter at the ready.

Thor's new eyes slid to his, his head turning slightly. "Loki."

Loki blinked. "Not 'brother'?"

Thor's brow furrowed the slightest bit. "Would you prefer 'brother'?"

Loki suppressed a shiver as he realized what he had just done. Even Thor's voice had taken on a calm, cool tone. He'd never heard his 'brother' sound like that. Between them it had always been only worrying, arguing, pleading, or blaming.

But now… Loki realized that this was more than just his ticket to winning the war. This was the beginning of a new era.

"I would prefer 'Master'," he answered, and indulged in a grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"As you wish, Master."