Hey! This is my collection of Spitfire oneshots! Hope you enjoy, as always. Reviews are appreciated :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice.


I can't believe I let Wally talk me into this. I start humming a random tune and walk over to my bathroom counter. I open my far right drawer, and shudder. I try to avoid this drawer at all costs. I take out the foundation, eyeshadow, blush, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and gloss. Okay, I remember how to do this, right? I take the small wedge shaped sponge, dab it in the foundation and wipe it on my face. I pick up a small paintbrush (because I prefer that over the little triangle brushes) and swipe it in the dark green and glide it over both eyelids. I add a layer of sparkles to it. Then, I apply a coat of grey shimmer with a hint of black around the edges to the area above the lids.

"Good job, you actually didn't screw up!" I said to myself. I took the liquid eyeliner and sighed. It actually went pretty well, much to my surprise. I applied the rest of my makeup and smiled.

"Thank for teaching me good, Jade." I whispered sadly.

Onto my hair! Wow… this should be an adventure. Sometimes I hated having long hair. I heated up the curling iron while I put in a half ponytail. I then curled all of my hair, deciding to leave the ponytail in. I reach under my sink and find a small velvet box. I open it, and it contains a rectangular clip with peridot and diamonds in little dots on it. I clip it over the ponytail holder so it looks like it's holding it up, not the holder. I pick up my phone to check the time, it reads 4:30. Wally would be here in 15 minutes. I push the door to my closet open and take out my dress. It's knee- length with one diagonal strap on my right side. It was a green silk with a see-through polyester overlay that was light silver with sparkles and silver sash tied like a belt. I spritzed a little bit of perfume on my neck and wrists, made sure I was wearing deodorant, grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs. Of course, mom was waiting for me with my heels. Three inches of green and silver death. I groaned ever so quietly. My mom handed them to me, tears in her eyes. The doorbell rang, and I opened it. There stood Wally, the sexiest man alive, staring a ME. Why me?

"Hey Baby, you look stunning!"

"Thanks babe, you look pretty fantastic yourself." I replied with a slight smile and he gave me a peck on the lips before placing the corsage on my wrist, while I placed the boutonniere in its place. My mom took a few pictures and then Wally took my arm and led me outside to find a black limo.

"Wally! You did this, for me?" I asked.

"I would do anything for you." He replied simply and opened the door for me. When we got to the dance, it was very crowded, to be assumed; but Wally had reserved a table for us. We ate our dinner and talked for a little while.

"Care to dance, my lady?" Wally asked in a British accent and I giggled and nodded yes. We danced and danced until they stopped the music to announce prom king and queen.

"And this year's prom king and Queen are: Wally West and Artemis Crock!" I gasped. We won king and queen? Next thing I know, I'm onstage getting a crown placed on my head and a kiss from Wally. He then lead me out to the dance floor for our dance together as king and queen. I wrapped my harms around his neck, and he gingerly wrapped his around my waist, telling every man that I was HIS. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." He told me. The first I love you. I mentally screamed with happiness.

"I love you too." I replied, very chalantly and gave him a long, passionate kiss. It was the best night of my life…


Artemis set down her pen, texted Wally good night, shut off her phone and fell asleep, her dreams filled with a certain redhead.

Okay, I've had some questions about this story, but I want to clear this up: That was supposed to be a journal entry. Also, I know it's a little more mushy than normal Spitfire, but I wanted to start the story on a more mushy level. Thanks :) also, if you actually read the AN's you will get a virtual hug from Wally.