Hello there everyone! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the continued support of this story and me. I have loved receiving all of your well-wishes through comments and PMs; they have meant the world to me. This chapter should not have taken so long to get out to you, unfortunately life just seemed to get in the way as it tends to and before I knew it months had gone by. I promise I'll try to get better with this. Chapter 10 will definitely be coming in the near future as it is already in the works so I hope you all still enjoy this (slightly uneventful) chapter in the meantime. I look forward to hearing from all of you again and I will be trying to respond to as many comments as I possibly can. Also I've been thinking of starting to publish on WordPress in addition to posting here so you can let me know your thoughts on that as well. Thank you all so much, once again!
It was almost another full hour before Godric and Sookie finally left their hotel room, and as they walked down the hall toward Eric's room they were just in time to see a short curvaceous blonde leaving his room, a slightly dazed expression on her face. The girl never looked their way, instead turning the other direction and walking down the hall, going around the corner toward the elevators and out of their sight.
"I was beginning to think you'd decided on a night in," Eric said, drawing Sookie's attention away from the girl and onto him; Godric had already turned his focus toward his child.
"You know, ya'll shouldn't just resort to glamouring humans every time the mood strikes you," Sookie said irately.
"Oh I think she'd rather forget the sub-par performance she just gave me. Between her tainted flavor and her complete and utter inability to perform a proper blow job I don't even understand why the hotel has her on staff at all. Erasing the experience from her memory was just me doing her a favor. Although you're probably right; she was hardly worth the effort I expended on her."
"You're a pig, Eric," Sookie said, completely disgusted, just as Godric growled his child's name in warning.
Eric just smirked. "Oh, don't be that way Miss Stackhouse, since I can't have what I really want I have to entertain myself somehow."
"That is enough, Eric," Godric said, no trace of humor in his voice.
Eric's amused expression never fell from his face, although he nodded in assent to Godric. "Just so you know, Miss Stackhouse, the girl wasn't unwilling. I would never force myself on a woman. Despite being lack-luster in every way, the girl still wanted it." He paused a moment, seemingly ready to move on before the perpetually mischievous little boy expression crossed his face. "And believe me when I say, she left very satisfied…even if she doesn't fully remember it."
Sookie made a sound of distaste before turning to Godric. "Can we just go talk to Bill and get this over with?"
"Yes, my sweet girl, I would like to 'get this over with' as well. Come," Godric said, directing his command to Eric. Sookie's arm was already wrapped around his waist and she moved forward with him as they made their way to the elevators.
They were silent as the elevator took them down to the basement. Just as a soft ding sounded that they had reached their destination, Godric reached over to the panel of buttons and pressed the 'hold' button, keeping the doors from opening.
"I want you to understand what is going to happen, Sookie. When we enter, I ask that you defer to me, no matter how Mr. Compton attempts to garner a response from you. If I cannot trust you to do as I say…"
"You can! You can, Godric."
"Good girl," Godric said, his lopsided smile flashing across his face for just a moment before disappearing once more. "Alright. Let's go in."
Sookie gasped as the door opened to reveal the sight inside. Someone had obviously already been in to visit Compton this evening as he was no longer confined to the silver-lined coffin he was housed in for the evening. Rather, he was now chained in silver to the wall. Sookie leaned into Godric's side and his arm immediately wrapped around her waist, pulling her in more closely.
"I thought you said he wasn't gonna be hurt," Sookie whispered, slightly panicked into Godric's ear.
"He wasn't," Eric answered, smirk firmly in place. "Compared to what he deserves, Compton was treated like a prince."
"Are you certain you want to come in, Sookie?" Godric asked, speaking quietly into her hair and soothing his hand up and down her side.
Although it took her a moment to respond, Sookie's voice was resolved when she answered. "Yes, Godric. I'm sure."
Godric tightened his grip around her briefly, pulling her closer in silent reassurance. "Stay beside Eric," Godric said before walking further into the cell-like room. "Good evening, Mr. Compton, "Godric said, his voice ever quiet and reserved, disguising the true disgust he felt for the creature in front of him.
"Sookie," Compton called out, his voice seemingly weak and laced with pain. "Do you see now the monsters that you have run to? Come here to me sweetheart, come here to me and all will be forgiven."
Godric glanced back over his shoulder. He could hear the increase in Sookie's heartbeat and could smell the anxiety coming off of her in waves, but he wanted to see if she was able to keep her outward reactions in check.
Sookie was still standing beside Eric, only a few steps inside the room. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she remained silent, and when her eyes met Godric's, he quirked a flicker of a smile at her, dispersing some of the tension that had been quickly building.
"Go ahead, Sookie," Godric said, turning back to observe the chained vampire in front of him once more, "you may answer Mr. Compton however you see fit. Thank you for waiting for permission, sweet girl."
Sookie inhaled deeply through her nose, releasing it heavily before saying a word. "To be perfectly honest, Godric, I don't think I have anything I'd like to say at the moment. I've heard all I need to from his lyin' mouth and I've already said right to his face that I'm yours, not his. Never his."
"There now, that matter has been settled. Yet again. Mr. Compton, the purpose of tonight's visit with you is to determine whether you have any other information that might be of use to us. Thanks to my child, Sookie has been made aware of your duplicity. We know you are working for the Queen of Louisiana. What I would like to know is why she told you she wanted Sookie? What was Sophie-Anne's goal in procuring her specifically?"
When Compton spoke it was as if he had not heard a word that Godric said. "Sweetheart, please, you need to forget this foolishness now. You are allowing these monsters to play you. If you refuse to listen to reason it is going to be too late. I know this is all very difficult for you to understand, and God only knows how many lies they have told you, what manner of depravity they have coerced you into participating – "
"Depravity?" Sookie said loudly, cutting Bill off mid-tirade. She was visibly shaking from the strain of staying in place and Eric reached out to her, placing a hand lightly on her bicep just as a reminder of his presence by her side.
"Sookie," Godric said quietly, his eyes still trained on the vampire in front of him, "please remember yourself. The vile filth that is spilling from his mouth means nothing. He is," Godric paused, as if considering Compton for a moment before continuing, "insignificant. I only want to know what the Queen knows, if anything, although I am beginning to believe this to be a futile effort. Vapid and shallow as Sophie-Anne might be, even she would not be naïve enough to trust Compton with information of any import."
"I know more than you think, Godric," Compton said, a slimy smile reshaping his face into something cruel and unrecognizable to Sookie. "I know many things about the…estimable Miss Stackhouse and her family, things I'm sure she hasn't shared with you, her wise, caring Master that she seemingly trusts so much…things she doesn't even know about herself."
Godric could smell Sookie's anxiety spike yet again and turned away from Compton, walking back to where Sookie and Eric stood. "Sookie?" Godric said inquiringly. He reached out and cupped the side of her neck, stroking his thumb gently along her jawline and Sookie tilted her head to the side, nuzzling her cheek lightly in response. "You do not have to stay here if you are uncomfortable, sweet girl. We can return to our room; I'll call Isabel and have her sit with you while Eric and I come back down…"
"No," Sookie said softly, "I would rather be here with you. But what he said…I haven't tried to keep things from you, not intentionally. It's just that we've had such little time to talk really, and some things – "
"You do not owe me an explanation, little one," Godric said. "Our relationship is brand new. However much I do not yet know about you, I have been walking this earth for two millennia; I am quite sure there is much more you do not know about me as well."
Eric bent down to whisper in Sookie's ear, trying to lighten the mood. "Like he had a centuries long dreadlock phase…not a pretty picture."
"Eric," Godric admonished lightly, although his comment seemed to have served its purpose as an amused glint became visible in Sookie's eyes.
"Dreadlocks?" she asked, leaning forward to press her forehead against Godric's. "Really? I can't even imagine…"
"And you don't want to," Eric said, laughing to himself a little. "I mean, the smell alone – "
"Enough!" An irate Compton growled from behind them breaking up the silly conversation and darkening the atmosphere once again. "I demand to be released! You have no grounds to hold me here and I have matters to which I must attend. I refuse to be kept here in silver for no discernable reason!"
Godric was across the room in an instant; his hand, which had, just a second ago, been so reassuring and tender against Sookie's neck, was now wrapped tightly around Compton's, the grip harsh and unyielding, though he was careful not to crush the windpipe; he still wanted the vampire to be able to speak.
"Mr. Compton," Godric said. "I am feeling an odd sense of déjà vu. Just last night you were warned to watch your tongue. Last night you were told by both Sookie as well as myself that she is mine, and yet you see fit to question her status as my bonded again. Let me be honest with you, Mr. Compton. I will do you that courtesy though you have yet to extend the same to me. At this moment, I want nothing more than to end your existence. From the moment we entered this room you have done nothing but attempt to torment and shame my bonded and that is completely unacceptable to me. I will only ask you one more time before I begin to use different tactics to get the answers I desire: what does Sophie-Anne know? Why did she want you to procure Sookie? Was is it her blood she was after?"
Godric loosened the hold he had on Compton and allowed the chained vampire a few moments to collect himself before he demanded again, "well?"
"Have you tasted her?" Compton asked.
Godric inclined his head slightly in affirmation.
"You already have your answer then."
Godric's face revealed nothing, even as he asked for clarification. "So Sophie-Anne desired to have Sookie because of her blood? Why did she want Sookie specifically?"
The grimace that Compton wore morphed into a sinister smile. "The Queen has heard the rumor that the blood of her kind is exceptionally sweet," he said, his eye flickering quickly to Sookie and back in indication. "And also that it may have the ability to bestow other desirable gifts onto the drinker."
"Sophie-Anne wants the sun," Godric said mostly to himself.
"How would Sookie's blood help the Queen Bitch day-walk?" Eric asked, his voice drawing Godric from his thoughts. "What does he mean by 'her kind?'"
"Fairy," Godric said, almost in disbelief, his eyes meeting Sookie's confused and worried gaze. "Sookie, you are part fairy."