A/N: Hey guysss~~ I really kinda suck at beginnings so if you didnt really like the beginning of the chapter please tell me ways to improve it! I hope you all liked the last chapter I kinda got well... I kinda didnt honestly know how to end it properly. OH i say some mean things in here aswell... Im not in anyway trying to offend people so please forgive me if I hurt/offend anyone!

AF:I don't own Ouran but I really wish I owned the twins and Haruhi~~
HPF: *appears out of no where* But we do own Misaki Garu Lina Mina and more importantly Kiki
AF: *Insert sweat drop here* Where did you come from?
HPF: I shall never tell~ *wink* *wink*
AF: e_e

Chapter 4

Oh god I can't believe that they didn't know in the first place I mean seriously, they caught me about 200 times walking into the Ladies restroom for crying out loud! Just goes to show you how stupid Gingers are... I mean yeah they aren't stupid when it comes to Class work and grades and stuff but when it comes to how slow they are... I thought Blondes were slower than that! And this is coming from a blonde herself! Well, Now everyone in the club knows and I am free to do as I wish (by that i mean doing girly things if I wanted to).

I woke up the next morning, Thank god it was a Saturday! If I had to deal with the twins toying with me one more time... I would have completely lost it... Me not wanting to get up called for a maid to bring me breakfast. But instead of a maid bringing it to me, you wont believe the next part. It was those idiot twins that came up into my bed room with me only in a night gown. Normally I would have really not cared seeings how I have my brother always there with me so nothing happens but... Garu being the retard that he is went to go get things from the store when he could have easily got a maid or bulter or some one that works for our family to go do it!

Since I forgot to put my contacts in I grabbed my black white and gray glasses (by that I mean the rims) and narrowed my eyes at them as I got up slowly.

"What the hell guys! Why are you in my room! And where are all the maids?" I asked clearly pissed off considering it was like 6 in the morning. "Your brother invited us over and all the maids were busy so we wanted to bring it up to ya." they simply said in unison.

"Well I dont give a rats ass what you 'Wanted' to do! get out of my room!" I yelled as I got up and out from my bed before slipping on one of my silky Panties and face planting into the ground.

Now usually I would just shake it off and be done with it, but my night gown... well... It kinda moved up and now my Strawberry panties were showing. noticing this I blushed and sat back up and pulled my night gown down. Before looking up at the Blushing Hikaru. Kaoru on the other hand covered his eyes. Before they could even open their mouths to try to speak I ran out of the room and went into Garu's room to hide in his closet. Yes I know twins usually share rooms.. well Im a girl and he is a guy it kinda wouldn't work out at all.

I hid in his closet till I saw Garu open the door with his 'I-know-what-happened-and-it-was-funny' look on his face. The twins were behind him in the door way. When I saw them I puffed out my cheeks and stuck my tongue out at them.

"Come on sis you have to come out of there sooner or later!" Garu said as if he was trying to make me get out of his room. "No! I'm not coming out and thats final!" I said acting stubborn as ever.

"But Misa-chan-" Garu started to say before I cut him off "Don't Call me Misa-chan you know how I hate that nickname!" I yelled before getting out and hitting him upside the head with a hard cover book. "Haha~" he started to say as he whined in pain a little "I got you to come out!" Garu gave me a Smirk and laughed slightly.

Later on in the day I just gave up and ignored them as usual. I wore a boy's shirt and pants as I sat in my green house reading a manga book. (did I mention this place is well hidden?) I sat there and read until I heard someone call my name... It kinda sonuded like Hikaru but it was only one person so it couldnt have been him he is always with Kaoru.

I got out without anyone seeing me and called back after I climbed a tree and sat on the branch. "What? Did Someone call me?"

A figure came out of the woods, it was Hikaru but without Kaoru. I jumped down from the branch almost twisting my ankles. Normally I would ignore him but he seemed to have a serious look on his face. "Well? What do you wa-" I was cut off when he... wait for it... when he kisses me! Like hell if I give in so easily! I pushed him away and pressed my two fingers up against my lips blushing.

"W-What the hell was that for!?" I yelled blushing like crazy. "S-sorry.. I don't know what came over me." Hikaru said shyly.

Not only was I pissed that he stole my first kiss but what made me more mad is that I sorta liked it! It was one thing if it was like one of those guys from the manga books but... It was Hikaru for god sakes! The elder twin of Kaoru aanndd the one that is the most devilish!

I slowly stepped toward him involuntarily and put my hand on his arm gently 'What the hell am I doing?!' I thought as I Sub Consciously tried to cheer him up which ended up him kissing me again. When we finished what seemed like what would last forever kiss we walked back to my house holding hands.

Garu's POV:

I heard Misaki yell... 'hmmm... wonder what happened.' I thought before finishing out loud "eh, Whatever it was doesnt consern me" Kaoru looked at me with a 'what-the-hell-did-you-mean' Face "hmm?" he said.

I chuckled slightly "Don't worry bout me but I'm going to beat you!" Might seem a bit late to tell but we were playing a video game in the living room and I was winning "Hey! No fair! you distracted me!" He said before trying his hardest to beat me... heheh Yeah right!

Normal POV:

Just Before Misaki and Hikaru walked through the door Misaki let go of his hand and put them in her pockets and walked in and up to her room without a word with Hikaru trailing not too far behind. Garu looked over at them and Chuckled a bit 'something must of happened between them.. maybe now misa-chan will leave me alone and bug him now'

Misaki doesn't seem the type but when they reached her room she grabbed a step stool.. well she was shorter then him. She kissed him passionately and him kissing back. The one thing no parents want their baby girl doing in a room with a boy... Having a makeout session. Misaki being one without a boyfriend all her life wasn't sure she was kissing him right, And thats how her Weekend ended.

How was it? heh to be honest im thinking bout changing the rating of this story just for the heck of it *Insert devilish smile here*


Hikaru: *blush*