Mysamcedesmadness Tumblr will have FCs for the original characters and aesthetics under the tag S.T.A.R.S. Aesthetics, if that interests you.

Danica's Parents FC's are Cassi Davis and Blaire Underwood. Her deceased brother's FC is Kofi Siriboe. I never gave those characters names in this story, but hopefully, I will by the time I complete their FC/aesthetics post.

The Pentalphas will have names, both the last Pentalpha and the one to come.

It might've been nice of me to give you the names again! ?ᅡᅠ

At LEAST the heavy players.

Mercedes: Danica

Sam: Eosphorus

Shane: Shihab

Aphasia: Nthanda

Jesse: Auriga

Joe: Cygnus

Sugar: Aster

Quinn: Hester

Lauren: Heracles

Rory: Hydrus

And introducing Jane as Sadal Suud, the new Oracle.

Previously on S.T.A.R.S…

Danica and Nthanda returned to their Earth haven, unsure exactly of how the unborn baby got them to their home planet and back. Soon after an unearthly visit from Cassiopeia, all of the starchildren found themselves back on their planet and many humans were also brought back with them. They are enemies of Danica's mother and former betrothed, who is now the king of Danica's kingdom and in a fight against our starchildren returned home!

What. Will. This. Battle. Reveal?

In the Twinkling of an Eye

Eosphorus smirked at Shihab and Shihab smirked right back. "You haven't been here in a while, little prince. We don't even know that you know how to weild your powers any longer."

"I definitely do," Eosphorus promised. "I take it that you honed a few skills, since becoming King? How did you manage to swing that appointment?"

"I caught the traitor who killed the king," he said. "Thought that she was a friend, but alas, she betrayed me."

"I don't even know the whole story and I know you're lying. You tried to kill us and you probably killed the king. What are you, the reincarnation of Capricornus? Lemme tell you one thing. Thuraya doesn't die by your hands the way that Cassiopeia did at his!" Having made himself angry and strong with it, Eosphorus charged forward with a blinding light and blasted Shihab across the courtyard.

The townsfolk rushed out of the area, many seeking shelter closeby to watch, but most just getting away. Shihab recovered quickly and stomped towards Eosphorus, shaking the ground and cracking it open, as he did.


Carmen, in her new garments tried to wrap the baby up and take her when the fight broke out, but before she could, Danica was there. "DANICA!" She cheered and met her with hugs.

"Carmen. Thank you so much for rescuing her." She handed the baby off to her mother and Danica cradled her to herself. "Any luck finding the others?"

Sadal said, "They are on their way. The Queen calls them to her."

Danica looked at her and looked her up and down, "Who is this?"

"Some kind of psychic or something," Carmen said.

"You must be Oracle's replacement."

"I am Sadal Suud. I serve the True Queen."

Her hair was I got here. The baby touched her and grayed it," Carmen said.

"The True Queen knows alchemy."

"Graying hair is alchemy?" Carmen asked,but looked closely. "Girl… that's silver. This baby turned this woman's hair silver! What is happening?"

"My baby isn't mine. She just chose me to come through life to be…" Danica said. "Thuraya is the True Queen. The Forgotten Queen… the one who was once known as the mother to us all. There has always been a Cassiopeia, they used to say before she was forgotten. She's back to make us remember. She's back to take back her rightful crown."

"Oh, Blessed Mother, no," Sadal said. "She is back to restore the will of the Universe. She will save the worthy, punish the wicked and recreate the wonder that was lost. Her reincarnation isn't merely to reign, but the right the wrongs and to smite the wrongdoers."

As she said these things, Heracles and Hester approached with Orionus, Aster and Hydrus. Nthanda rushed to hug Heracles and their babies pressed their foreheads together, as they did. Heracles held her friend's gloved hands and said, "I was so afraid that they'd caught you!" She lifted her into the sky and spun her around, happily.

Rachel looked at Hester, who seemed… not great. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"This baby is coming," Hester said.

"Right… right now?" Rachel asked. Between she and Carmen, they could deliver it, but what horrible timing!" Luckily, Aster was there to hide them.

Thuraya was watching her father fight while the others were dealing with the impending labor Hester was experiencing. Danica put her down into the basket for a moment and rushed over to Nthanda, who… seemed to be about to go into labor, as well.

Hydrus separated himself and said, "If someone will give me instructions, I can help." There was a lot of commotion and Nthanda squeezed Heracles hands with her might, grateful that she was too strong for that to hurt her.

Both of the babies were healthy and both were now here. Their fathers, proudly looking upon them and comforting their mothers. It wasn't how labor usually was here. This was more human than before. But, they were all at peace for a moment. "She will be called, Columbae, the dove. Because, she gives her mother peace," Heater said and kissed her daughter.

Nthanda looked to Cynus and said, "I haven't thought of a name for him. Perhaps we'll call him by your name, too?"

Cygnus shook his head and touched their son's cheek. "His name is Circini, the compass. Because he brought his people where they belong."

Danica touched her heart as she gazed upon them and reached for Thuraya, to introduce them. But, she wasn't there! "Where is Thuraya?" She wondered, alarmed.

"Working," Sadal said.


While Eosphorus and Shihab fought, the ground cracked open more and more until they both literally fell into the gap. Danica rushed out of the safety of Aster's shield to rush to him. Aster was about to rush after her, but now Rachel was groaning in pain and squatting. "I guess it's my turn now!"

"Yours is last," Sadal said.

Heracles sighed and said, "Great, so I'm about to go into labor?" But instead of answering, Sadal quickly went beneath her and caught the baby, that simply slid right out of the titan's body. "It's done? Sweet."

Sadal said, "She is a girl. Just as you asked the Universe for. One of the most important girls ever to exist. You should hold her."

Heracles sighed and accepted the baby girl from the Oracle. She did look like her. She was the size of a small child, instead of a baby. She touched her mother's face and something happened to her. "What did you do?" She wondered. "I'm missing something. You mess with memories.."

"She doesn't. She messed with the world that you knew."


Rachel groaned and attention turned to her again. Auriga had moved from greeting Circini to checking on his own baby. It took a bit longer to help him into the world, but once they did, a bright light beamed from the distance and they all turned to see a figure, leap into the crack in the ground and the ground closed up afterwards. "What the heck was that?" Auriga wondered.

Aster said, "Where is the Princess?" They all looked around as citizens went to where the crack had been. There was no sign of the crack. No sign of Shihab and Eosphorus fighting. No sign of Danica. "And where IS the baby?" No sign of Thuraya.


Danica screamed on the way down and when she crashed, broke open even more ground. Where was she? Where was Eosphorus and Shihab? She went, trying to find them but felt like someone else was there. "Hello?" She heard whispers. She looked around and said, "I am Danica of the Morning Star Kingdom. I am searching for Eosphorus, of the Evening Star Kingdom…"

"Danica? So, you're dead, as well," she heard her father's voice ask. She looked around and gasped. "I knew that your mother would do this thing to you."

"What? No… I fell down here from the sidelines of a fight. What IS this place?"

"When we die, without a well in our world, this is the place where we wind up. Those who it happened to before the orb was safe. Those after it was stolen. This is the first time that someone has come who isn't dead. Even Cassiopeia visited us in her death."

"What do you mean?" She wondered.

"She was a baby when she died. She came here and she was so sad to see that this was done. She promised that whenever she escaped, she would return to make sure no Innocents were left in this place. Or, we just dared to hope. The loneliness makes it unbearable. Maybe we all imagined it."

"You said it's lonely, but you're speaking in plural. Is there someone else here with you, or not?" She looked around and saw nobody.

"We can't speak to each other. We can't hear each other or see each other at the same time. But, we're all here. It's like we're in the same space, but different planes or something. Like, we're in our own personal hells, right next to each other."

"Hell…" She repeated, then heard Eosphorus groan. "Eosphorus!" She called and rushed in that direction. She didn't mean to just leave her father behind, but hearing her husband's outcry was more important. "Eosphorus?" She called as she came upon the fight. Eosphorus was on the ground, limp and writhing. Shihab stood over him, a flaming sword in hand. He raised it over his head and whenever he was going to strike, Danica rushed forward, threw herself in front of the blade and received the full thrust of it. Eosphorus screamed, "NOOOOOOO!" and Danica held herself, looking down where she should have a wound, but instead had a sword, phasing through her and the flame dying out.

Shihab looked at it in horror and Danica whispered, "Quinn's baby. Quinn's baby's power is now in the universe again, and I have it…"

"What? Whose power?" Shihab wondered.

Danica advanced on him and cupped his face, "You will never use the energy that the universe granted you to harm anyone else." Energy was pulled right from his body and into her fingertips. He noticed his power was fading. He realized that she was draining him of his ability, but he couldn't stop her. He couldn't even move. "How? How are you doing this to me?" He wondered.

"It's the will of the universe," she told him.

His body fell to the ground when she finished. He was on his hands and knees and wondered, "Why do I feel this way? What have you done to me?"

"I've taken everything from you that made you one of us. You are… human."

"That's impossible! You can't just CHANGE who I am!"

"I didn't. I just took what you misused away from you. You're judged, Shihab. I sentence you to stay in this lonely place, with none of your powers. Perhaps some day, the universe will see fit to free you."


Danica opened her mouth to speak, but when she did, Thuraya's singing voice came from her, her body rose from the sands, into the sky, the brightest light shone, one that none of them could even look upon. It shone so brightly that they could see it, there on Earth.

Humans looked into the sky to see a giant, lit, humanoid figure towering over the Earth.

Danica floated and The Pentalpha babies floated as well, but not as high. They made a five point formation and their parents simply watched.

Columbae summoned her lorgnettes and when she held them to her eyes, Danica spoke and said, "Cassiopeia has seen the good and the evil, on Earth, as it is in heaven. Her mind has been plagued with the problems of man and the fault in our stars. And Columbae, daughter of Orionus, daughter of Hester, daughter of the stars, and daughter of Earth will be there to see to it that our minds can rest, as she will never allow one to abuse their power again, in this place. Those who have done so on Earth will be punished and put in the place made for them."

"Whoa…" Hester said, in a whisper as she watched her daughter grow, fully into the form of a young woman, in a dazzling gown, with a crown, holding her lorgnettes to her eyes and looking over the universe with them.

Next, the gloves were summoned to Circini and whenever he touched them, the voice from Danica said, "Cassiopeia has touched the soil of Earth and the dust of the stars. She has felt the joy and the pain on Heaven and on Earth, of all of the people and the stars who make up the population. And Circini, son of Cynus, son of NThanda, son of Heaven and son of Earth will be there to set our hearts at ease, as he will touch everyone in the way which they deserve and judge justly." Circini too transformed into an adult form, and put the gloves onto his hands. He looked at them, waving his hands forward and back to see the fit, then smiled at his parents and lifted his hands in the air, as though reaching to touch something, to feel something.

Heracles was interested to see where this was going. Whenever the Pentalpha blade found its way to her floating baby's hands, it alarmed her for a moment, but the baby seemed aware enough to take it properly by the handle and when she did, she too, transformed with a monologue from Danica's body. "Cassiopeia has heard the cries of her people and loved ones. She has heard even the cries of nature itself, hearing what the dominant creatures have done to their worlds with war and violence. And Alcyone, the Queen who wards off evil, daughter of Heracles, daughter of Earth, daughter of the stars will be here to listen and to rebuild the environment squandered and plundered." Alcyone lifted her blade over her head and it glowed brightly, and the light went out forth from it as winds blew and storms brewed on the Earth below.

" Cassiopeia has tasted life and tasted death and she is forever victorious over both. Her wisdom will guide us to make certain that the universe is fixed. That life and death touches accordingly. That the rise and fall of each being and era will take place as it should. And Thuraya, daughter of Eosphorus, daughter of Danica, the Supreme Queen, reincarnated, and the first revival of the Forgotten Queen, whose name Cassiopeia will never again be forgotten, will be here." Thuraya grew and she was the Queen who Danica had always seen in her visions. She was Cassiopeia, but called by a different name now. She summoned the orb and held it with her fingertips as she looked at the last baby.

The four fully grown Penthalpha royals shifted to the right, one point, which put Auriga and Rachel's son at the tip of the point. Thuraya lifted the Orb above her head and when she did, her crown was placed on the baby's and Danica reported, "The smell of the blood spilled and the energy yanked from the bodies and forms of innocents and nobles has made Cassiopeia sick. She physically could not stand what the world has become, this one and the other. She passes her crown to a new Supreme ruler, who shall some day do it again, and someday his successor will do the same. There will not always be a Cassiopeia, to rule in the Pentalpha, but there will always be a Pentalpha here to keep things fair and just. And Rasalas, the head of the lion, descendant of Cassiopeia, descendant of Andromeda, son of Auriga, son of Rachel, who shall now be called Menkalinan, for she is the shoulder of him of the reins, the Charioteer, son of the stars, and of the Earth, son of starchild and of human, and he who led us all home; he will be there."

Rasalas took up his adult form and looked across to Columbae, who he had known since they were in their mother's wombs. Alcyone and Circini looked at each other, as well. Thuraya let go of the orb and it floated in the center of the Pentalpha and exploded, sending out a shockwave of light and energy through the entire universe.


"Judgement day!" Someone called out. First, it was the Rapture, so many humans disappeared, and now, a Christlike figure was hovering in the sky. Many who looked at it, including Cassandra July went blind and died almost instantly. They couldn't hear Danica's voice, only natural disasters.

Whenever the shockwave hit their world, it was burning. People were dying, bodies were in pain and torment. The entire planet looked to be suffering and the Pentalpha watched, sadly. "There were no more good ones there," Alcyone told Circini. "You made sure that all of them were brought here with us. You spent months feeling around for them so that when the portal opened, they would be here, where they belonged."

"Though none of them are good, it seems wrong to do this to them…" He said, staring sadly through the portal that they used to look onto Earth.

Columbae said, "Stars die so that men can live. Men die and they return to the stars. It is a cycle and a process that we were created by the universe to fix. Those who fell to Earth began the destruction needed in order for it to someday be rebuilt, when it is time. But, for now, the rebuilding to be done, is right here." She looked over at Rasalas, who was speaking softly with Thuraya, his beloved cousin, and the two of them joined their friends.

Thuraya clasped her hands together and then released them. Whenever she did, the black stardust became gold. Circini removed his gloves and pushed his fingers into the gold stardust. Bodies rose from it, eyes opening, including Eosphorus and Danica, and others that had died unjustly and unnaturally.

Likewise, Danica's mother, the Queen, who was now in shackles, in the courtyard stood, awaiting trial and watching in horror what was happening in front of her. She saw legions of dead soldiers being marched, in chains to the Pentalpha. She saw all of those weird humans who were brought here, with Danica and her friends, looking at all of this. She saw Capricornus himself! He had been pulled from his death and marched in front of the Pentalpha that he had killed! The Pentalpha stood around him, and looked down at him. He looked up at Alcyone, but he didn't see her, he saw Titan. He looked at Circini, but he didn't see him. He saw Antares. "What is happening?" He wondered.

"You have been judged," he heard Columbae say, though he thought her to be Sheratan. When he looked at Thuraya and saw Cassiopeia he cried and pleaded, "Cassiopeia, forgive me! I didn't know what I was doing. I became consumed by my hunger for power and my thirst to rule. Have mercy upon me."

"The Pentalpha is just," she said. "You have been judged."

"You have been judged," the others said. He looked at Rasalas, only to see Andromeda, his daughter's face and he sobbed, remembering what he had done to her, remembering what he had done to them all, because now, he could see everything that they saw, feel everything that they felt, and all of his senses and his entire being began to have to experience all of the wrongs that he had done to others.

The ground opened and swallowed him up and his body fell right next to a grieving Shihab, but they couldn't see each other. They didn't even know that the other one was there. They didn't see Cassandra July nearby. She didn't know that her mother, Sue Sylvester was in torment next to her. All that they would know for a very long time would be what those who they had hurt felt whenever they had hurt them.


The Queendoms of Harmony were reinstated and the Pentalpha ruled once again. All those kingdoms conquered in the wars of the Wicked King were now ruled by their emancipated heirs. Danica's father was back on his throne, alone, as the Queen had been swallowed up by the ground, while he was a faithful follower of the Universe. Danica went to the Kingdom of the Evening Star with Eosphorus, where they would head the Council of Kings and Queens of the Universe, a court of royalty that would report directly to the Pentalpha, and be in agreement to rule fairly without the need of war games. On it were all of the parents of Pentalpha rulers, and several rulers who had never been to Earth, as well.

Carmen, who was now being called Asmidiske ("little shield," thought Sadal Suud would always call her "Whoopi" now) was the chief educator of royal children, head of the orphanage for the babies and children who were brought from Earth to not be punished with it, and the counselor for assimilating Earth to Star Children (adults who had been brought back to this world with the starchildren, such as herself).

Auriga took two wives in Harmony and Rachel, who in turn were allowed to have other husbands or wives, if they ever wanted. Menkalinan (Rachel) often was visiting their son in his kingdom, so their marriage was mostly long distance (for her title) anyway. Meanwhile, Auriga gave Harmony sons, because they simply wanted to raise some in this wonderful world of theirs.

Orionus and Hester's kingdom was formerly Sheratan's and still would be heavily focused on war preparation, even though they were living in peaceful times. Columbae came home to see them a lot. She could always simply look through her lorgnettes to see them, but holding her mother and kissing her father were the things which gave her the peace that she needed to rule in the Pentalpha, as she had to. Especially when someone had been judged and she had to drain them of their powers. That was sobering for her.

Heracles tried to teach Alycone how to use her blade, but the only thing that girl liked to do with the blade was stab it into the ground and improve the environment and add to the world. "You're gonna rebuild the heavens and the earth with this thing. Our ancestor used to stick it straight through a man's heart to make him better."

"That just kills them."

"Not just. It kills them and sends their energy into a better place. They become a part of the universe that does it some good, instead of whatever bad that they've done. You'll have to be the person to do that, someday."

"No thank you, Circini can handle that part of things."

Heracles smiled and asked, "Sooo… How is that going?"

Alcyone blushed and she said, "Mom!"

"It's just.., I didn't really get to raise you. I feel like I have to Mommy at some point."

"You are raising me now. I may look full grown, but I haven't a clue what I'm really doing here. But… Circini is great. He's kind and he always knows how I'm feeling and what to do for me. King Cygnus and Queen Nthanda are lucky to have such a good and powerful son."

"She was my best friend on Earth, did you know that? I can never tell how much you kids were aware of as babies."

"You mean a few days ago?" Alcyone teased. "We knew as much as the orb did. It's kinda like if everyone in the world put their thoughts and feelings into your mind the moment you became conscious. You can't really tell what it is that you're working with, but it's all there, and the things that you were created to do just come naturally…" She stabbed the sword into the ground and her mother watched as she made brilliant flowers grow everywhere, white, yellow, gold, glittering, sparkling flowers.


Eosphorus spent a lot of time in the throne room, letting Thuraya help him to organize things. They had their star molded people to move around, whether it was the heavens, Earth, or the pit. Seeing their energy, and placing them accordingly was something that only a Cassiopeia was capable of mastering, but she could probably teach someone that she had deep ties to. "Someone needs to be able to do this. We can't let it get out of hand again. The wicked being successful. The good suffering for the bad. Those are concepts that nature never intended. Being flawed, we won't always be able to catch it, but we at least must have some control over it at all times."

Danica and he went on to have several more children, who they were actually able to raise. The baby that Asmidiske once took with Thuraya grew up to become an excellent power sense, like Alpheratz had been and believed to be the being that took her place when she died. See, having seen Earth and been returned to the skies, it became easier to notice the patterns of the universe. How whenever someone died in one spot, someone else was born in another. How whenever something went extinct, another something came into existence. Balance was always the universe's plan and with the treaty between the kingdoms and the union between Eosphorus and Danica, the heavens seemed to only know peace for centuries.


Danica awoke to the sound of beautiful singing and knew that meant that Thuraya was near. She went to the sound of her voice, and whenever she found her in the throne room, which still paid tribute to the fallen Pentalpha, she looked at her, solemnly. "Thuraya, what's wrong, my Love?"

She turned to her mother and smiled, "Wrong? Nothing is wrong. Everything is right in the world, which means that my purpose has ended." She stroked her fingers across the orb and said, "Mine will be the first batch of energy to return to the Earth, as was meant, instead of this crude lantern. It will be a beautiful journey and I can hardly wait."

"This makes me so sad! Won't you create another Cassiopeia, first?"

"There's no need for that, Danica Thaqib. You are the heir who brought back justice and peace, as foretold, and now, for many generations to come, you and Eosphorus will finally have peace and be able to openly love each other in it."

"Will you know us? Will your spirit remember us?"

"I think that I will become a seedling, implant myself in the ground and become the first tree that begins to grow in the new Earth. That seems a befitting thing for me, don't you think, Mother?"

Danica nodded her head and said, "That's so beautiful. Of course, it fits you." Thuraya sat on the throne, and her body became black stardust, then blew away as gold and rained down on the Earth below. The seedling that she became sprouted, it took roots, it became called the "Tree of Life" and unknown to her, but of course, known to the universe, one day a woman plucked a fruit from her branches, and she bit it and gave some to her husband who was with her…

Danica shook her head and and folded her arms as Eosphorus paced, "We have to do something about that!" he said. "They were specifically told not to touch that tree! They are literally pulling off a piece of her for their own selfish purposes! We gave them EVERY TREE! We gave them every tree and told them NOT to touch that ONE! Humans never learn!" He fussed.

"Eosphorus, calm down, please. What would you have happen to them?"

"Send Crux to pay them a visit," Eosphorus said.

"You can't be serious," she told him, laughing. "We're going to have Circini open a portal so that Crux can go touch two of our newest humans in this reborn world, just because they touched the tree that we told them not to touch? How will that even help anything?"

"I'll feel better!" He said and summoned Crux to go to Earth and judge that couple for violating his daughter, in her tree form.

Danica shook her head and complained, "You know, we say that humans never change, but you don't seem like you've had much growth yourself, Mister. How was that not an abuse of power?"

"If it was, let the Universe fix it."

Danica's Voice Over: There has always been a correlation between stars and humans. There's a reason that astrology has been spoken about for so long among the peoples of Earth and why even wise men have followed a star to find their Savior. Whenever you look up into the skies and you retell the stories of the constellations, or whenever you log in to your favorite horoscope site and read what there is to see about your sign, you are in essence admitting that you know we have a relationship, or you at least hope that we do.

As time goes on and life continues, our connection will never be severed. We might never even really learn anything new, but this much will always be true - the possibilities of this world are more than we can imagine. The good and the evil inside of us all can make moves that the Universe will have to deal with and everything, every action, every decision, and every step that we take… something happens. We are all part of this universe and we all have our roles and parts to play.

Mine comes to an end and as I hold hands with my lover and prepare to rain to this world and become another portion of it, to play another part in it. I'm excited for what lies ahead. I'm grateful for my part in this world and in the next…

Danica and Eosphorus joined hands and became as one, their bodies now stardust and the sprinkles falling to the earth, showering over a young virgin.

Hester sniffled as she watched and said, "Sheliak, visit her and let her know that she has nothing to be afraid of."

"Who shall I tell her has done this to her?" He wondered.

"Whatever or whoever she acknowledges as God," Hester said.

He nodded his head and Circini opened the portal for him to visit this "Mary" whose womb had just been blessed. And the Universe continues to fix whatever it must.