(Blossom POV)

I sat on the leather lounge chair in my closet, carefully debating what to wear to Princess's Party. I didn't want to be too dressed up but not too casual either. And then there's Butch. What would he think? I stress over him too much. I slipped on my white lace dress from Urban Outfitters. It was loose on the bottom with multiple layers and exposed my back, slightly hanging outward. I put on my black, open toe wedges and silver ankle bracelet. Then I did cat eye makeup with my black eyeliner. I felt like a raccoon. I came downstairs to see Buttercup playing her Super Smash Brothers Melee Game already dressed. She had a white blouse with a green argyle pullover from Ace with black skinny jeans and high-heeled combat boots. I sat next to her on the couch and opened my History book.

"You know, you could give that shit a rest." She was still staring blankly at the video game.

"I know. You could give your childish video game a rest." I retorted.

"Touché. I don't know. You need to have more fun sometimes. And don't give me that 'Fun is for the uneducated' crap. Maybe Butch can help you loosen up." She was smiling. Not just smiling, Buttercup always smiled like that when she knew something I didn't.

"What is THAT supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing. Don't get so hard up. By the way, where the fuck is Bubbles?"

"Language. And I assume she's still upstairs."

Ring Ring. The Boys are actually on time. Surprise, surprise. At the ring of the doorbell, Bubbles came running down the stairs in her inappropriately tight, short turquoise sequined dress. She frantically said "But, I'm NOT READY. Why are they on time!"

"I'll say you aren't ready. Go upstairs and change out of that dress. You'll freeze. It's snowing outside. Speaking of which, I'll go get my jacket."

"Jeez, Blossom, you aren't my mom. You should at least open the door for them."

I sighed. I have no control over my sisters anymore. I walked slowly towards the door, dredging every step I got closer. As I open the front door, Brick pushes past me. Jerk.

"Any longer and we'd freeze to death, Pinkie. I mean we have superpowers and everything but we're not invincible." Smug, little know-it-all.

I turned around towards him with Boomer and Butch still outside, stating, "I thought I told you not to call me that."

"You did. Doesn't mean I'd listen." He sat next to Buttercup and picked up the Player 2 controller. I walked to the family closet and pulled out my Black Knit Cardigan, I wouldn't need much because my ice power practically made me immune to cold weather.

(Butch POV)

It was FREEZING. I had on my thick leather jacket and long sleeved green shirt with a black denim vest over it. Not to mention the warmest pair of jeans I have and my army boots. Brick wanted to blast the door down, but Boomer stopped him. After ten minutes of waiting at the door Blossom opened it. Damn she looked beautiful. She turned around to say something and showed her bare back to Boomer and me outside of the house. She had a cute little beauty mark on her lower back. God it was sexy. Why'd she have to put on that sweater? She had parted all her long wavy hair to one side of her head so I got to see a star shaped birthmark on the side of her neck. I followed Boomer inside after her. He went to the kitchen behind Bubbles. I swear they're going out behind our back. I know it.

I sat next to Blossom on the stairs watching her read her book. She was perfect, practically glowing. I think she might have just blushed when I rubbed my arm against hers asking, "So, what are we waiting for?"

"Oh, um, Bubbles is still getting ready."

"In the Kitchen?"

"I guess so. We have a mirror in there so I guess it somewhat makes sense."

"Right, " pause, "Aren't you going to be cold? I mean all you have on is that sweater."

"I have ice breath, remember?" She giggled. Love that sound. I know we're just friends right now but I have to change that.

Bubbles came out of the kitchen first, then Boomer. We made our way to the car. Buttercup and Brick sat in the front (Brick driving obviously, I swear Buttercup can't drive for shit). Bubbles sat next to Blossom on her right with Boomer to her left. And I sat near the window on Blossom's right. The car was somewhat cramped, but the ride was fairly short. We could have flown, but Blossom objected saying that she and Bubbles have dresses and that's "inappropriate". She did it when she was five, why not now?

(Buttercup POV)

God, WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS? I don't even like parties. I hate people. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly no social outcast. For some weird reason, people tend to get along with me, even though I sure as hell don't like them. Freaks. We walked into Princess's giant ass mansion. Brick walked in with Bubbles first, then Blossom, Butch, me, and Boomer (in that order). The party was already started, if you could even call it that. People socializing. Disgusting. Brick left somewhere with Bubbles. Boomer disappeared like Butch. Blossom went. I got stuck alone. I sat at the bar and grabbed a drink until, Brick popped up. He looked furious.

Bubbles must have blown him off for some other idiot. We talked about a bunch of crap and drank a bit. (don't judge, it's a party, and I'm practically legal)

"Do you wanna dance?" He spoke really fast.

"No, are you fucking kidding me? Do I look like I want to dance?"

"No, but you look like you need it."

"Look who's talking. Besides my answer is still: No. Fucking. Way. Boy."

"Come on, cut me some slack. I didn't get my chance with Bubbles."

"Can't say I feel bad for you."

"Shut up and give me my dance. I'll let you keep the x-men comics I let you borrow."

"Deal." I'll do anything for Marvel Comics. He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor.

"Hey, who's the gentleman?"

"Haha, very funny Buttercup." Ah, just my luck. The second Brick and I started dancing to the weird pop song; they played slow dance music. So not fair. I'm no Bubbles in dancing, but I'm decent. Brick wasn't the worst either, as hard as that is to say.

"So, you're going to let me slow dance with you?" He laughed while I laid my head on his chest.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Shut up, you wanted a dance I'm giving it to you. This is just cause I want those comics. Got it?"

"Yes mam. Stop being such a Blossom."

"That's messed up, my friend." He was my friend, a great friend. One who doesn't bitch about dresses, who isn't uptight about school, who doesn't just see me as a tough tomboy. He's Brick.

(Brick POV)

To be honest, if it weren't for Buttercup, I'd just leave. I asked her to dance so I wouldn't look stupid in front of Bubbles. Don't want her thinking I'm a wimp.

"Hey BC. Who have you liked?"

"What's with random awkward question?"

"Just asking. Wanted to know if you know what it's like to be turned down." She stopped dancing and looked up at me.

"Can we not do this?"

"Why not? Sorry did I hit a soft spot? It's okay to talk about this st-"

"Well maybe I don't want to!" She got pissed and stormed off to a bedroom. I ran after her, didn't want a stupid question like that to make us enemies again. Especially after what Mojo told me.

"Buttercup, come on. Don't be like your sister."

"You want to talk about me?"

"Yes. It's not going to kill you. You listen to my whining all the time."

"Don't remind me."
"Please." I honestly don't know why I wanted to know the answer. Maybe cause I wanted to know I wasn't the only one that felt like this.

"I've only liked one guy in my life."

"Butch?" I asked with horror.

"Fuck no. He's cool and all now, but I don't like him like that. It'd be like overly loving myself. Hell no."

"So who?"

"Mitch. Mitch Mitchellson. He was my best friend, ever since we were little. I started to like him in third grade. Then in eighth grade I told him I liked him. He liked me back. But then Bubbles got jealous that I was going to be the first of us to have a boyfriend, so she flirted with him. She knew we liked each other. First thing she did was kiss him. Before they even went out."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she was like that."

"I forgave her for it a long time ago. I just feel like it wasn't fair because she broke his heart."

" Guess I know how he felt." I wrapped my arm around her.

(Butch POV)

The party was like one of those things out of a movie. Project X kind of stuff. I saw Brick take Buttercup out to dance. If he could get that bitch to dance, I could get Blossom to dance. Buttercup teases me all the time about not making a move on Blossom since the kiss I gave her in the park. I'll show her a move. I made my way to the balcony where Blossom was. She was staring out at the Townsville skyline. I walked up next to her and leaned on the ledge.

"What are you doing out here, you'll freeze." She looked slightly embarrassed.

"Calm down, just wanted to have a smoke." I said as I offered her one. Like she'd take it.

"No thanks. You shouldn't do that, you could die from it." Typical.

"I'll die anyway, does it really matter if I'm gone sooner or later?"

"It matters to me." She mumbled under her breath as she turned away from me.

"What was that? I hope I caught that right, cause I think Blossom Powerpuff just said she cares about a lowlife criminal like me." I laughed.

"Oh, shut up. What about your brothers? Don't you think they care? Or your new best friend, Buttercup, for that matter?"

"My brothers could give two shits about me. Never mind that. How did you know Buttercup was my friend?"

"Well, we may get on each other's nerves, but she's my sister. We tell each other everything."

"Mm, Everything?" I winked. I teased her by sounding like one of those meat sacks that follow her around like little dogs.

"You pervert!" She hit the back of my head and leaned on my chest as she tried to grab away the cigarette from my hand. She was so fucking cute. This isn't healthy for someone like me to have a crush on someone as good as her.

(Bubbles POV)

After I turned down Brick's dance, I took a little walk to Princess's back yard. If you could call it that. It was huge! OMG she had like two pools (Blossom would just loveee that) four water slides, a tennis court, and a LOT of space. Not to mention the giant water fountain with a statue of her in the middle. That's just tacky though. I was trying to scout out a spot for Boomie and me to hang out in secret. Then he texts me:

Babe, go 2 the very back of her yard. No 1 here, ttyl.

Kk. On my way.

It was really dark, so I had to use my night vision. I saw Boomer leaning on a tree. The party was so far away that you could barely see the lights anymore.

"Finally alone." I kiss him. He grabs my hand.

"So you don't want to go party? You'd rather be with me?"

"Of course I want to be with you. Don't get me wrong that party is totally ragein'. But I want to be with that sweet sensitive guy who's hidden underneath that 'Ruff boy' of you." I smile at him.

"Okay then. Since we have time, let's go for a walk." He's so hot. And I know he was like a jerk at first but hey, people deserve a second chance. I trust him.

(Boomer POV)

Bubbles looked beautiful. We've been going out for a week now. I'm really glad Dad is okay with this. Bubbles is just amazing. We're different with each other. I feel like a better person when I'm around her and she's well, more committed. I walked through the light snow with her.

"You aren't cold?"

"No I'm fine. I've worn lighter clothes in the kind of weather." She giggled.

"So what were you doing at the party before you came to me?"

"Oh, Brick asked me to dance. I said no. Your brother's kind of pushy." That asshole. I swear he likes her, or just wants to screw her. He's got another thing coming if he lays a hand on my girl.

"But like, I really wished I got to dance with you. Too bad we can't let anyone else know."

"Who said we can't? Here." I took out my phone and put on "Rumor Has It" by Adele. I know she likes that song. She smiled as I spun her around. She wrapped her hand around me. You could definitely tell she took dance classes. I lifted her up and she slid back down to my chest just as the song was ending. I kissed on the lips again and pressed her closer to me. Damn she's a great kisser.

(Blossom POV)

I didn't really want to take away the cigarette from him. I never thought I'd say this (seeing as it goes against my morals) but, Butch looked so seductive smoking. I feel retched for even thinking that way, let alone about him. He was just… extraordinarily handsome. It even tempted me to smoke it with him. Fortunately, I'm too sensible for that. I snatched the cigarette and froze it with my ice breath.

"Try smoking that." I smiled as I realized that I was touching his chest and three inches from his face. I quickly backed away and stood by the railing of the ledge. I hope I wasn't blushing. He was laughing at me.

"Let's go dance." He was a gentleman, well as much as he could be a gentleman.

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm serious. Come on, it'll be fun." He grabbed me gently by the hand and led me through the crowd. We danced at the side of the "dance floor" to Lights by Ellie Goulding. He was a great dancer. I felt like a loser, having no coordination whatsoever.

(Butch POV)

Blossom was a sexy dancer. She kept blushing saying some bullshit that she's bad at dancing. Idiot. Every time her hair whipped near me, it drove me mad. She was so gorgeous. When the song ended her hands were around my neck and her face redder than Brick's stupid hat. She must have gotten tired because she was breathing really heavily. I could feel her heart beating rapidly against my chest. God, why did she have to be a Powerpuff?

"Awfully red there Blossy." I laughed.

"Oh shut it. It's just really warm here."

"I get it. You're cold blooded." I joked. She laughed at me as she took my hands off her hips.

"What about you? You're brighter than Rudolph's nose!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"You better put that away, before I take advantage of it." She stopped and smiled.

She hit me on the arm, "Let's get something to eat. I heard they have those little spring rolls Buttercup tells me you like so much."

"Mmm, food. Alright let's go Ms. Giggles" and with that and a hit across the arm, we were out the door. We walked down the hallway only to see a long line to the kitchen for food. She leaned on the wall as we waited.

"So, does your sister blab everything to you?" I asked her when standing across from her in the cramped hallway.

"No, not exactly. She was keeping something from me today. I have an idea of what it was about." She laughed.

"Oh, did she now?" I said sarcastically. I was actually surprised. Then a blundering, drunk shithead fell over and pushed me into Blossom. I caught myself by putting my arms on the wall.

(Blossom POV)

One second Butch and I were talking; the next he's standing inches away from my face. It seemed like he lost his balance. I looked up at him and remembered the day at the park.

"Hey asshole, watch where you're going." I peak from behind Butch to see an intoxicated Senior Student.

"Fuck off, shithead." Butch turns to look at me. I think he expected me to tell him to go away, because he started to back away. Something came over me, an impulse telling me to grab him by his collar and pull him closer. But, we're only friends. And we can't be more than that.

(Butch POV)

I felt like such an idiot. Why didn't I fucking kiss her? I had the chance. Multiple people were staring at us, mostly guys. I read their minds and I didn't like how they thought Blossom was "on the market".

"I'm sorry." she sighed.

"No. It was my fault. I'm the one who fell. "

"Blossom?" I hear from an unfamiliar voice. Blossom seemed a bit on edge. She straightened her posture and peered at the strange green skinned man across from us.

"Ace. What are you doing here?" She returned to her bossy tone of voice.

"Crashing a house party I guess. Never knew you were such a naughty, little girl." He got the wrong idea about me and Bloss. I could see her turn her face away from shame. She didn't even do anything.

"Can't say I'm shocked. You are very hot."

"Hey, fuck off. It's not what you think. Why don't you terrorize some other girl you green skinned shit." I'm not going to let that jerk talk to her like that.

"Hey, hey, cool it. Defensive aren't cha? Must be one of those Rowdyruff Boys. Only wanted to complement her. She's certainly," he sucked his teeth, "grown up. Besides, I have my own girl to hit up. You wouldn't happen to know where she is?"

"No." I answered for Blossom since she was just standing there, silent. He looked at her, scanning her body from head to toe. The little scum. Ace walked past us and I could see Blossom shiver. I just noticed she was holding my hand the whole time when she tightened her grip. Suddenly she turned around and said:

"You know, Ace. You talk a big game but just remember that I beat your ass with my sisters when I was five. So, if I ever find out that you hurt Buttercup, I'll hit you so hard, it'll castrate you. Don't forget that." Damn, she'd give me chills. Ace never turned around. He stood there for a good minute, then moved forward again.

"Shit, Bloss. Since when do you curse?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. Come on. Let's get the others and go home before Ace gets to Buttercup or the Professor will have a hissy fit." She laughed.

"Aw, but this was just getting fun." I groaned.

(Buttercup POV)

After dancing with Brick, we went to get some shots. He sat with me at the bar, which was completely packed.

"So here's to your failure with my sister." I smiled.

"Oh shut up. At least I got to dance with the cool Powerpuff."

"Me? Cool. Ha! You're funny. Hilarious in fact."

"What? It's true. Besides I can tell you handle your liquor better."

"Damn right I do." Then he challenged me to a drinking contest. For the first few shots the both of us were totally fine. Then after the 10th or 11th shot Brick started to get a little red. I knew what would happen. By shot 19, he gave up. I finished all 20 with a light buzz. He was almost knocked out!

"Come on. You smell like shit." I laughed. He smirked at me while I put my arm around him and carried him up to one of Princess's guest rooms. When I laid him down the bed he grabbed me by pullover and hugged me. Brick wouldn't let go. And what's worse, I didn't want him to.

"You're my best friend. You know that, Buttercup? I don't trust anyone the way I trust you. Not even my family."

"Yeah. I trust you too, Brick." I smiled. Suddenly, I hear the door bust open.

(Brick POV)

I really like Buttercup. Not that I have the hots for her. I just like her. I meant it when I said she's my best friend. I was drunk, but not enough to say something I didn't mean. Then I heard the door bust open. It was some weird green guy. He was old. Not old but definitely older than us.

"The Fuck, Buttercup? You want to cheat on me? Little Bitch." He yelled at her. Where did that come from?

"What the hell are you talking about? I was just helping a friend!" She replies.

"Oh that's not what I saw. Laying on top of this sack of shit!" He grabbed her by the hair.

"Hey, shut the fuck up asshole! She didn't do anything!" I tackled him. We shot a few blows at each other. I didn't feel like using my power punches. Then he pulled out a small knife and cut the bottom of my shirt. I grabbed the knife from him and laughed as I bent it so he couldn't use it anymore.

"Fine. Whatever. I don't need the little bitch. I had someone else the whole time. But you'll both regret this." He walked out. I felt smug in winning with the punk but I could see Buttercup wasn't happy. I walked over and sat on the bed next to her.

"I thought you said you only liked Mitch."

"I did. It's just Ace had this power over me. Like I belonged to him."

"You don't deserve a guy who thinks you belong to him. You deserve a guy who thinks you belong with him." I put my arm around her. She turned in towards me and cried on my shoulder. Then Pinkie and my brother came in.